. . , .
- - - -
= - -
Stubborn Coughs and Colds . r
1 , '
Obstinate racking coughs that settle on the lungs and may develop into Pneumonia over night are quickly cured by
Y' ,
! i
It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages , stops the cough , heals and strengthcms the lungs. FOLEY'S !
HONEY AND TAR contains no opiates or other harmful drugs , and is safest for children and delicate people. I !
Remember the name-FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR-and insist upon having the genuine , as no other remedy . l
is so safe or as certain in results.
Given Up to Die With Croup.
Mrs. P. I. Cordier , or Mannington , Ky. , writes : liMy three-year
old girl had n severe case or croup ; the doctor said she could not live
and 1 gave her up to die. I went to the store and got a bottle or
li'olcy' H ITo"oy awl Tar. The first dose gave quick relief and
saved her life. "
I Three si1cs-25c , SOc , $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times ns much ns the small size and the
$1.00 bottle nlmOflt six times ns much. Refuse Substitutes. , i
I '
DR. iVlcri LLi .I\J , P'ropu.ietcr C ty Pt 1a.rrr HCY. '
u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - , . . . -
- -
- - , - . - . - - -
Twice Told Tales
- - - - - - - -
\V. F. Vcach C'ol1cctcd toll for
thc oM Hural 'l\'lepllonc 1\s5n.
the latter part of last week and
the property was turned over to
t 1' ells City Telephonc pcople.
It is LllHlerstood the latter will
consolidate its central stations at
this point and make other il11pro-
yenlcnts.Tcrlon'CIcttc. .
Harris R Peck arrived from
Falls City 1\londay with their
power sit' and sa\\ ' cll up a1 out
75 cords of wood for ' 1 j1 L. lIan.
- - Vel don Vedette.
11rs.cttic Wills Stamho of
Falls City visited l\fr , S. 11. 1 !
Ovcrman and i\lrs S. L. Knox
SUI1 lay' . --Stclla
Saturday and 5uuday.Stella
Pr ss. ,
Miss 1\Iyrtie Bowers of F.IlIs
City was in this locality visiting
her sister Mrs. Fred Hcincman ,
and other relatives and friends
Sunday.-Vcrdon Venlettc.
Misses Edna Wentworth and
Ethel Cadc were up frol11 Fails
City Saturday afternoon giving
an hibition of the mcritsof the
Ryan Co.'s pianos-Da
The passage of the biennia
election law will give thc people
of thc first district a better opportunity -
portunity to select a congrcssman.
There will bc no other election to
attract attention from thc congressional -
grcssional candida tcs.- II UI11-
boldt nterprisc.
AN ItAS'l'IW AN'I'IlH\I. : :
Quartette-AI hail , all hail ,
'tis Easter morn.
' ' ' '
1'cnor-1'is Easter morn.
. . . . , Basso-"l'is Easter morn.
Soprano-l sec , I sec a stunning -
" " lug hat.
Alto and .tenor-She : : sees , she .
t : : . . sees , a stunning hat. '
" " .
, , '
- - . ' - - - - - - - - - - -
so-\\"hat'-o : that ? ' \ hat's
that ? A stunning : hat ? - I
Soprano-C , 0 , and there's an-
It's just ; a perfect dream yon
kn 0 w. .
BcdecJ\cll with violets and bins
bo \ \ ' .
It cost her fifty at the least.
She had it shipped front way I
back cast.
Quartette-Shc ( itshipped from
war hack cast.
Alto-Great Scott , g'1'eaLScutt
just j look at tha t.
Who has the nerve to wear that
hat ? !
It's Mrs Smith. \Vcll I clcclarl'
Who'1J ever think shc'd dye her
h air ?
800r:1I1ODye her hair , her
hair , her hair.
'l'cnorDyc her hair , her hair ,
her hair.
IJasso- Dee her hair , her hair
her hair ; her hair.
( Junrtcltc-H-c-r. h-a-i-r.-
GHADI ; to m CU'l' DOW : . .
' '
Thc surveyors say that if no
other part of thc line is touched
that thc heavy grade between
Baker and Padonia will bc cut
down on Missouri Pacific Extensive -
sh'e track ifnproyeuuents i between
Atchison and Omaha arc contcm-
plated by thc Missouri Pncitic.
C. A. Chandler , civil engineer ,
and his assistant , Jack Aikcn , are
up north of Auburn running
levels , and engineer Lucy , from
Osawntomic , with four men , is
working south from IIiawathn.
Thc purpose of thc work is to
make estimates on thc cost of reducing -
clueing thc gradcs. 1\1. L. Byers ,
Missouri Pacific engineer of f
, maintenance of way , was interviewed -
viewed nt Lincoln on thc follow-
- - -
, - I
Editor Cured of Lung Troublo.
W. L. Strnub , Editor or St. Petersburg ( Fla. ) Times , writes : '
"When coming across the bay from Port Tampa I got wet and caught a I
cold that affected my throat and lungs. I neglected it , thinking I would
soon recover , but I kept getting worse , until I bought a bottle or Folcy's . . , -
Money and Tar , and it cured me completely. "
ingrutnnr .aIHI had \iO \ information
to i1l1pl : : t olccrning" ; any of them :
'i'hat the Missouri Pacific \ \ ill
rebuild its Platte aver ; bridges : ;
that it will rebuild its station
in itiebri(5ka ; that it will finish
placing heavy steel on thc
CiJ1''bl\l ' lines ; that bl icJg'l's and
culvert permanent ! work ! once
trtedill : fill shc'dj ; that a big :
cutoff and grade : eliminating' line
near Falls City will be built ; that
the Missouri Pacilic railroad will
spend two or three millions on
thc line north of Atchison ill the
next two yea , II'-I1iI\\ at haVorid. .
S0l11et1ingVrong. ! .
Not long since there was an
exanl1nation among the appli.
cants for rural ; route. Among
them was Captian Grindstcad
who recic\'cd a mark of C)3. Not
' .vithstanding this hc was not appointed -
pointed , The la \ \ ' is very plain
that old soldiers arc to receive
the preference on such appoint-
ments , and if they rcceive a marl .
of 65 shall ! UC appointcd. There :
arc very few men whose war records -
cords equal that of Capt. Gri.nd- :
stead , al\d the 'l'irbunc hopes
thc mistake incident to thc ' failure -
urc to give him this appointmcnt
will bc speedily rcmcdicd
Club Shoot.
The club shoot for thc Peters
cup was held Friday afternoon of
last wcck. Several prciminary :
shoots were held in which I-Iim-
mclrcich , Holt , Davis , Frederick
ann Oswald exccllcd. The shoot
for the cup will bc held each week
and is open to all members of
thc club. The score at the shoot
was as follows : Norris 23 , 05-
wahl 21 , Frederick 19 , Kellar 18 ,
Reavis 18 , Das 1i , Himmclrich
15 and Bolt 10. The cup therc-
- - - ,
. . . . . .
lore " lrneto Jake I i outs un : .1 , :
next ' , \ 'l'l'k.'la'l1 the I bus , ! u ill iu : ' :
their utmost tJ will it bad .lak. ' , ,
Norris' score cd' 23 lInt of 25 I" 'i
cqtwl to the a\'C't'ag" ( mach l.y
Yeach and Clayton ( in their late . '
mOl tch.
' 1' h l' ffitiliar ; : I i face eef Dell it'iiie4 ' j , .
was Seen 011 Old' Street Fridh : ) ' , "
and Saturday 1)1 last WCt'k. lien
says they are all singing } he _
same song in Ia\\ " son'I' : : oLod-
lI1ohow dry I am. " ,
A nUl11b rot Ru/ ! ; prouli.lcat ! :
citi'ens were ' before the board or
supervisors 1'hnrsdar of last
week asking : for the tlw\'il1g' of a
briclge ' . Al11onl .r themve noted
Ceorg-e ( Kirk , 1) . Vall Valk ll- t
burg , Jas. IIasford and Mr. gcIg-c-
comb. 1'he Loard ( h.cJinccI to remove - "
move thc bridge 011 the grounds :
of expense
I Clarence Smith returned Friday
from California where 1H. has
spent the wintcr. Hc says \ViIl. . . . c
Wherry and family arc well
plcased with their ncw home and
that l\Ir. \Vhcrry is doing wcll.
Allan D. May cam down front
Humboldt Saturday alld spent
Sunday with relatives this Ctty.
- . . . .
" "
Hc was accompanicd home by his
wife and baby who spent thc past r
week with relatives hcre.
Myra Shranger late of Hum-
boldt desires her Tribune changed -
cd to 1\Irs.H. B. Shellcnbacr and
that it be sent to Sty : : mford , Ncb. : i' "
1'his wc will do and with the - -
paper wc send our heartiest congratulations - _
gTatulations and best wishes for j
herself and husoand.
John D. Griffith of Verdon was b
transacting business ! in Falls City
on Friday of last week. r
' " , - , : . . . . . : -