The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 21, 1905, Image 14
- - . - - - - - . _ _ _ - - s - - " - - - - - - - Easter Suggestions . - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - ! - .7hE " "P rees ' SHOEFORR NEN - . . I _ _ _ . - - - n . . - - - ' - + I Easter I a Shoes y , - - - - New Styles Direct from the Factory I Your highest expectation ill a Shoe is realized when you wear "QUEEN QUALITY" Shoes. This season's styles : and designs are far superior to any yet manufactured by . . the makers of this Popular Shoe. AI ! tIle latest ideas in ! Footwear are incorporated into these Sloes , and , from Iny I' Fresh Stock you will have no difficulty in selecting your ; favorite. You are especially invited to see these. . - o r + L CH i IC SHAPE Bright Kid Lace Boot. . . . . Colonial Hcel $3.00 1 _ . 'vI'r ' ' . . d' r r .44i. ; - ; - ; ; ; lint l'lynn let drive a ollllllc ! , to tint wou ' Ierlllelit ! of all. wo1I'1 AIIII lIIakl' , the lIIul"h .h''lIis.'II , tom the cover lilT the hall : ! AIIII whell the dust ! lead lifted ! and they saw what lent : IIccun'lI , 'l ' it'er was Jllhll , safe ! at second and Flynn a . hugging thlnl ' 1'111'11 frulll live thousand \ throats and IlllIre there rose a lusty yell : It rlllllbll'll through the valley it rattled 111 the dell : It kllllckcll iii 'on the 1II0ulltalll and rccllllcll upon the lIat- For Casey IIIIIht Casey was all \\IIC. IlIlI'tll the bat. 'I'hcn was case III Caol'y's ! mallllcr as hc stepped jute his place : 'I'hcrlJ was pride III Cascy's bearing allli a smile Oil Case"s facc And when , n'opolulhllC ! to the cheers he IIl1'htIIlIffcl \ ! his hat- XII Mralller III the crowd could doubt t'wa" Casey at the bat Tat thousand eyes were Oil him a" he rubbed his hallls ! with dirt : a thousand tlllllUCS applauded whom hu wiped them 1111 his shirt. 'I'hell. while the wrlthlllil pitcher ground the ball into his hip . Ucfiallcu gleamed III Casey's eye . a ' sneer curled CO\SC"S III' And now the leather ; covered sphere cane hurling through the air . And Casey stool awatchllll : It III haughty grandeur there . ' Close ! by the stllnb' batsman the bail UII- hl'l'dl'd sped : . Just = It = Shape Pat. Kid Lace Boot with Tip ; Dull Top Straight Heel. $3.00 I. e" . . : , ' -.J . ' . , . ' I I I SAMUEL I WAHL I - - ' " 1 : EXCLUSIVE . _ - AGENT . - . - - - - . . _ . . . - - - - - - - - .J"rt.ft. - - - - - - - - , l Those who have heard DcVolf I Hopper recite thc following I poem will find especial pleasure in now reading . However , it I is worth any onc's whitc. "CASl A'r 'I'Hl IIA'I" " I ( A ballad of the Republic sung III the year ICV ) 'rho ollllOllk wasll't brllliallt for the 1\11111- -IUu nine that day : I The score stood to : : with but one 111- ullllr more to ilia ) ' , Mud \ then when Cooney Bled al first and harrows did the Rallll' . - A sickly \ silence fell upon the patrons of the 1I'l.Il1e. A straggling few got UI' to IlII III deep despair " spalr the rest " Clung tll that hope that springs eternal III the human l.rl'ast : 'Pit'y , thllJllrht If only Casey cOIIIII but get a whack at th\t- 'J'heY'11 put UtI cyan money with t Cascyat the bat IIl1l Flynn \ preceded Casey as did also Jimmy 1IIalc. And the former was a lulu and the latter was cake : SO upon that "trl : kell multitude II'rlm mc\- \ \uchob' liat. . For there scared bill little chance IIf Ca"cy's " ' - . . Ileltlll to the II\t. ' . t . I - - 'rhat alll't my styll'"sahl Cal'Y. "Strllw tine " the untpiresaid. From th\1 benches black with people there went 1IJ1 a IIIl1lT1u'l I rllar. Like the Ik'atllllC of the Rtorlll waves etta a stern and ! distant shore . "Kill hllll : Kill tho' 1II11I'In ! " Iohllllted sonic one cot the Htalll : And It. . ' Ilkh'y thl'11 have killed ! hllll hat ! not Casey raised his hallli. With a smile IIf Christian charity great Ca""s visage showli. lie stilled the raising ll1l11ult : lie bate ! the game 11'0 011 : lie slllllalct ! to the pilcier and ! once more tile s.hemhl ( new : lint Casey ! tHlll ignored it . and the ulllpire " ioalll"StrlklJ two " "I'rallll 1" ! cried the maddened ! ! thousands ! and ! the echo aIlSWeSI't ! "I"ru\lt" ! Hut one scornful look frolll Casey . and ! the audience was awed. ! 'I'hl' ) ' saw his face grow stern and ! cold they saw his muscles strait Aulthl' \ ) ' knew that Casey wOIl\olll.t let that ball 11'0 by all'aill. Time s:1l'er : Is gone frolll Casey's lip his teeth are clinched ! III hate : lie l1'ulllls with cruel violence his bat UIHI , the 1latl' Anti now the pitcher holts ! theIall. . amid now hu lets It 11'0' And now the air Is shattered by the force of Casey's blow. Oh ! sOlllewheru III this favored land the SIIII Is shining bright : The hand Is playing somewhere . and , e. . . < ' " - - - - - - - - - - - sOlllewherH hearts art' IIl1'ht. AIIII sonic ! trhere men am iauglnhtg and sOlllewhl're children Shllllt : Hilt there Is 1111 joy ill I'dudvihie-ntightty \ I Cao\1) ! has struck IIlIt. Eat Sowlcs Candy. Frank \V1ic is now in Auburn. \Y. S Le.yda was in Stella dur- ing ' the week. Remember the City Pharmacy for Wall paper. Mrs. Hcacock visited in Kansas City this wcek. . \V. \Vytic registered at thc r- : Union House Monday Mrs. Jesse Law of Table Rock visiting friends in this city. Dr. Scott was an M 'P. passen- gcr tor I-4ea\'cnworth on Monday Mrs. F. Martin and daugh- tcr Helen were Hiawatha visitors Saturday ( r " " " ' _ . . . . , . ' . , \ J'b : . ; I.4.t L : .ili1IlI1iIf , .lll.iI"-.L . . . , . - "