The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 21, 1905, Image 13

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    , . , I
- '
. It
The Burlington and Northern Pacific
Roads Will Run Train to Pacific
Coast In Interest of Good
Arrangements have been completed
. . .
. , between the National Good Roads
' , Association and the officials of the
i : I' ? : Burlington and Northern Pacific
, . - roads , to install a Good Roads Special
1 over these systems , to leave Chicago
: . . . ; . ' Wednesday , May 3. Its ! to bo known
us the Burlington tC Northern Pacific
Lewis & Clark Good Roads Special ,
and will cover an itinerary of 45 to 50
; oC the principal and most progressive
i > ' cities of the s 'stems ,
. . I The object of this Itinerary Is for
the agitation , education and organization -
tion of communities for permanent
Improvement of primary roads , and to
r . . . . . _ _
' ( , aid cities In questions of street pav-
* t , .1. lag , etc Government experts and
i men of national reputation will go on
r } , . this Special , and participate In the
con\'entl011s The entire arrangements -
, ments , ' so far as the Burlington s 's-
. .i. _ . ' : : _ . tem Is concerned , have been passed
" ' . „ ' $ ' , . over to the charge of W II , Manss ,
. ' " , . :
' Industrial Commlsslonor After com-
plel.nthe \ / Itinerary of Burlington
cities the Special will continue from
Billings to the Pacific Coast , over the
Northern Pacific , and will hold a finlll
convention the last oC June , to be
" known as the Pacific Coast National
_ , Good Roads Convention. The full
, ' , co"lpn'ont of the Special Is provided
for hy the Burlington IIIHl Northern
, Pacific roads , whose object Is to aid
, the cities on their syr\tellls in } the improvement -
provement of public roads The first
_ , stops will he iu 80\'n 01' eight Ilrln ,
1 . clpal clUe of Illinois , then a number
' - " , . ' " , of cities 1 : 111 Missouri also In Iowa Net -
' . " . ' , ' t ' - ' . Wyominglontana , Washington -
, i. ; , ; , . ton and Or ( ' nn.
, .
. Y'
Abbreviation Called For.
' .
) "What does 'P G. stand for ? " asked
. . . . . .
' , ' " - Mr. Justice Lawrence at the Ang-
lese ' Assizes the other day , referring
. . . to Llanfalr p G. "It Is the shortened
" r
; , . . ' name for village , " replied 1\11' J.
, '
. BI' ' Roberts 1\1. p" who '
Bryn , " , wisely ignored -
nored a request that he should give
the judge the full name The full
' ; " , ' , name of the village Is Llanfalrpwll-
gwyngyllgogerychwy-rndrohwllandysili- :
ogogogoch-Llvel'lJOol ( Eng ) 'Iler- : :
cur ' ,
. ' . . '
The Chicago , Milwaukee \ & St. Palll
Railway has decided upon an extension -
sion of Its line from Chamberlain
. west through Lyman County , opening
. . ' 1 ' up a region oC cheap lands , rich In
. . , , : , agricultural resources , ntlll In which
. , .
there Is already much deeded land ] ,
- . & also a large acreage that may be had
under the homestead law Lyman
. County Is In the southern part of
South Dakota , adjoining the Rosebud
, . - Indian Reservation on the uorth
The soil of L'man County Is one of
- the richest in the state It has produced -
uced corn of an excellent quality ! } ,
having taken first prize at the Mitchell -
ell Corn Palace during several of the
. past exhibits , It Is well adapted to
. , a' ; the growth of wheat , oats , barley ! ,
spelt7. . and other small grains. Land
Is selling now at the rate of from $5
to $12 an acre , and as soon as the
- ) " 'f' railway extension Is made It Is safe
, )1 1 I to say that such lands will \ Increase In
value from 100 to 200 per cent
All that LJ'mm : County has lacked
. . . heretofore bas been ahlllty to get
rroducts across the Missouri river to
- markets , The extension of the Chi-
cage , Milwaukee \ E St. Paul Hallway
, . ' , will solve that problem and will make
_ . - = - It one of the richest sections In the
, , . ' . ,
- . The skin of the men and women
, ' - pC some nations Is much thicker than
that of others , particularly ! in hot
c untrlos , The Central African negro
hits a skin about half as thick again
. . n' , , . . " ' . . . . " " , , , . . , , rph. " "r n . , . ,
' "
, , .
: grit If ! thickest over the heal 'lnl1
. ' , . : . , . hack-ovldentl to form n protection
, from tile sttn.
, Aspiration IH'QVQA Itself bY perspire
\ .
" ' " ' .
O- '
. " _ - . _ ' " , "f ; } < . ' . . 0 . ' . d.11 Aj . S . . . . . . . . . . "JJ'J : : . . . .J. . . & : . < . . : : j.iJ , ; ; "L .
Mrs S. W. Marine of Colorado Springs )
Began to Fear the Worst-Doan's
Kidney Pills Saved Her
Mrs Sarah Marine , of .128 St. Drain
street , Colorado Springs , Cole , President -
dent of the Glen Eyrie Club , writes :
"I suffered for
three years with
severe bacl
ncho. Time doc-
tors told mo my
kidneys were affected .
' \ Cocted and IIt'O-
- ' I I scribed mod I I- i
,1' , . . duel ! for mime , but
, . ' ' 1 found that It
- ; \ 1 was only waste
. : of t I m 0 and
1 money to take
them , and began'
to tear that 1
would never get
well. A friend
advised mo to try Doan'3 Kidney Pills ,
Within a week' after 1 began using
thorn I was so : : ; much better that I de-
cided to keep ) up time treatment , and
when I had used 11 little over two
boxes I was entirely well I have now
enjoyed the best oC health for more
than four months , and words can but
poorly express my gratitude. "
For sale bJ' nil lIealers. Price 50
cents. Fouter.1\lllhul'll Co" , Buffalo , N.Y.
' -
Find Skeleton of Murderer
While excavating n trench for
drainage In n road at Iastbourno ; ,
England I < , workmen came upon a cot'-
fin contallla skeleton , the skull of
which was separated from the other
hones and lying l between the shoul-
den 1l proved ( to bo the skeleton of
n wife murderer , who , vas executed
2,10 years ago The wife's body lies I
In an adjacent church : yard.
Human Hair Industry.
The human hair Industry Ig n very
active one In France , the departments
most frequently visited by the hair
merchants being those oC Correze ,
Crense , Allier , ( flier " Dordogne and
Haute VIenne The average price
given for a full , long head of hair Is
from 2 shillings to 25 shillings for
the very best quallly and color.
A Street. Scene.
The teamster was not heating his
horses \ , hut he was using pretty vig-
orous language. "This cruelty to animals .
mals , " declared the woman with three
birds on her hat , "Is dreadfmil . " And
she vented her Indignation hy giving
a street urchin that jostled her a
crack that sent him on his way whim-
perlng-Houston Post.
In the Spring.
Lowndes , 1\10" , April 10th-1\1rs H
C. Ikarty of this place , saJ's- :
"For ; years 1 was In very bad health
Every spring 1 would get so low that
1 was unable to do my own worle I
seemed to bo worse In the spring than
any other time oC the year. 1 was
very weak and miserable and had
much pain In mJ' back and head 1
saw Dodd's Kidney Pills advertised
last spring and began treatment or
them and they have certainly done me
more good than anything 1 have ever
"I was nIl rIght lust spring and felt
better than 1 have for over ten years
I am fifty years oC age and am stronger -
er than 1 have been for many
years and I give Dodd's Kidney Pills
credit for the wonderful Improve-
ni en t. "
The statement or 1\Irs IIarty Is only
one of a great many where Dodd's
Kidney Pills have proven themselves
to be the very best spring medicine.
' ' ' tonic and
They are unsurpassed as a
are the only medicIne used In thousands .
sands or families.
It Is ever so much easier to be nice
to people far below you In social star
tlon than to those just on the next
lower step of the laddei"
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win. TillIS la why Defiance \ Starch
Ie taking the place } ot all ethers ,
_ _ _ : . . . , " "Jo. . . . . . . .J : . : ; , ; . , . , < gia4. , _ , : - , " , ' .
- - - . -
- -
Bodies In Cemetery Grouped Accord
Ing to Religious AtfillatlonG.
An ancient custom HUll ll'evallln
In lItuny old burial groundswas ! described .
scribed recently hy ) Hlchlllond gen'
tleman who halt huon interested In
tracing family rocol'dH.
"When my wife and I'ere I In Y- , "
he said , "wo hud occasion to visit the
graveyards : of ho I quulnt little tuwn ,
many of Illy wlfo'H Iloopin holng buried
In the nolghhOl'hood. It stl'ucl mo U8
queCl' , find lug 81mllur names In mill
three graveyards. Scat croll here amid
there , they wore , hut always allicc.
"I l\Izzled over It for a long time ,
and finally asked the sexton lIe wits
an old , old mun ( , und rememhored
a\vty ( hack to the heginnlngs of things
'I can tell you , ' he said , wagging his
gray head sololllnl ' . .It was custom
ary In old times to divide the falllillos
according to their religious hollefs If i
a husband and wife were Metholl1st
and lllLJ1Ust In life , after death the
husband's grave was placed near SOIllO
Methodist brother , while time wle's
body went hunting her Baptist sisters
In that way the families were scattered ,
tered hither and you , and time same
name occurred , perhaps , five or six
times In one graveyard. ' " -1..owlstoll
- - - - - -
Old Roman Kiln In England.
A discovery of great Interest t o ]
antiquaries has been made ( at Worees
tel' It consists oC a Roman kihm 1 IrJ i
a perfect state of 11I'esorvatlon. It 1 l
Is constructed ommth ely of thl'eoqllar. .
tel' Inch tiles and cemen t , and exhlh )
Its no sign oC having been used 11 I
Is just witlmin- ° the city wall , whirl :
dates back to the time of the Com
lIIonwcalth ; hut the front of th (
house In which the discovery wal
made appears to he built upon a wal
Roman characters , constructed 0
two and threequarter Inch tiles all
two I\.nd a half Inch bricks laid alter
natel ' . Pieces of plastic fresco 1m1
also been found in the ccllllrs-Loll
don EnglneCl'
Savage TOYG.
Among the most backward 1 and sax'
age tribes great attention Is often )11111' )
7 'r
44 c ; : - - ry .
t . z A't tS
. 5
to the children 'rho toys and play- )
things used ( 1Iy savages In all parts of
the world are often surprisingly ) well
made ' The acconmpanying photograph
shows a couple of neg'o children at
play with their picturesque playthings
and lets. ) The lllcture was taken In
Central Africa.
Crow Shows Intelligence.
It Is surprising to see the amount
nf IntolllJence : that can bo slmown hr
It crow , hut a tame bird owned hy
Sher1lrool Howard of Bathe , Me" , ex-
nlblts It to a large legree
Each morning the bird flies to Its
mastcr'fI bedroom window and utters
alu ; ill cries to awaken him , hut will
newer go toward the window again
during ( the day Whenever hungry ho
flies to the leltchen and keeps 1111 a continual .
tlnual uawklng until fed. lie refuses -
fuses to fly war , and so far ali known
has never been more than a quarter of
a mile from his adopted hOl11e.
A few nights ago several other
rows from neighboring fields did their
utmost to set him to fly away with
them , but , preferring the house ot him
young master , Mr Crow refulod to
stir ,
. .
, ' - .
Esai. ' .J,1 . " oM
- -
- -
} ' ( ) I' 'VW ( ) Yt'tis I'I'IIII " 'I' " Ie III I 111'1-\ 11111.1'11
IhltIIII.1t ! "nil 'l'l'lmt III ( ) lwIJI 1I1"l'nIU ! .
, 'l''unllllollt 'I'hnt SIHCI'IHlocl. :
All sufTerci's ! fromvortktless . or (1iHor-
(1l"t'of / the dlgusti I'ganH will read
with 1i\'ol' ; ! interest lie ] story of the coum-
) ) recovery of IlI'S. N ett1io DIII'\'o\lX \
from chronic 11 'slllJIIsia which was
thought to ho ilw\l\'l\hlo. \
4' 1'0 ho milling for nine 'I m'Iii / not 1' .
very \ } ! Icn'illnt ; expnriol1co , " said 1\tI'H.
} ) I\rvoux , when IlHltHl for Homo account
of her ilhless. II For two years I was
critically ill amid could 1)01. ntlOlll1 to I\IY
housoholll1ntil'H ! , maul fit ono ti limo I WIlA
soveitlc tumid umkserutblu that I could not
ovun wall My trouhluw'as t ch1'oll lys-
pepsin. I lOcl\lIIo oxirolllolj' thin amid
hl\ll\ ( sallow COlllllloxioll. I hall 110 nl- u
petite IUIII could not take any food with-
otmt sutl'eriiig Jl'CnL , ( iHt\\SII. \ . " i
II Did hl\vu h 'Hicil\ll ? "
yuu \ 1\ plmYSieinn 1
"Yes , I took lIIelllcillo from dozen
liIToroll looters , hu t without goLtillg
any benefit wlmtuvo1' "
How dill you get on the rack t of 1\
cure ? "
'A hook about \Vi1llntlls'Pink Pills
WI\S throwll ill our doorway ono I1ILY.
1\y husband picltell it ill ) 1LI11 ! read it
throllgh cllrofuIly. JIevay so impressed ) ( i
hy the HtntctllOJltfiOf those who matt ] 1Ieon
c\II'oll ( hy that rOlllcdy that ho illlllo-
I1lntuly bought bhreo hOXCR of the pills
mud illHiHtcll on IIY tnldllg tholll. "
" 1)id limo ' ' 0I1I\L ? "
( they help you \ OIlCO i
II 1 hegllll t.o fuel IIl'Hc1' the second duty
m after 1 HtnrtCIl to use time frills mud hy the
auto 1111\11 tl\lwn thin three t hoxH I way
entirely woIl. WiIllntllH' Pill1c Pills
s cnn cure oven when doctors fail , amid
1 they cure thoroughly , for n long ] time
f huts passed since my restoration to hClllth
I told I know it is complete mud lasting. "
'rho snrost WilY 10 I\Il\lro sound lIgIJ/- /
e tion is to give strength (0 ( time organs con-
corlloll. Dr. Wi1liIlIllH' Pink Pills give
uow ; vigor / to time . hloll. ) No other rcm-
OIly yields such radical r1lmltH !
Ml's. ] )1\1'\'oux lives lit No .HJ7 Sixth
street , Detroit , MidI. Dr. \Vil1ilU\ls'
Pink Pills are sold by all druggists in
' ' ' t of the woJ'l(1. ] ) ' ,
every ll\l't ( 'Hpolltics
should send ! to the Dr. \Vi1lintlls Medicine -
icine Cotllpmy : , Scholll'clnllV. N. Y. , for
1\ now hooltll't ( entitled 'VIllLt to Eat
and how to Eat. "
Value of DIGcrlmlnatlon.
The most successful store In time
world might have to close Its doors
III legs than two years If all Its em-
ployes and olliclals \\'el'o , 1'0placol1 ,
and each one wrongly placed , Would
you try to drive nails with a diamond
sClIl'fplll'-Earl : . Pmtt.
Plllo's Cure cannot lIu too 1III:1I1y spoken or asa
n cough curc.-J. , O'HllmN , 32' . 'l'hlrdvc. .
: " . , D1lrtncapollmm , Mlnn" , Jun IJ , 1000
Faith III God will at least show fall'-
: \11'11. ' , llIlhl\ " ' " PlIIOU.II : Ayrnp.
For children teething , "lIena the gum , rlluccs ! td
! lunWll'JIl.III1I1Y ! 1'tlu , cure WID'j CQlu ! , 25tJ It I/lttle
No amount or proficiency / In the
quotation of scripture can atone for
deficiency III the practice of It.
More Flexible and Lasting ,
won't shale out 01' blow out : hy using
ennnec ) Starch your obtain helter re-
suitt than possible with any other
brand and olle-Ulln more for same
mone ) ' . "
The devil usually aplllaudH time mall
who roars at him III prayer meoUn ! ; .
VI' nru'llt , Hnlllleth"IIJ-/lVllrlo : ! n"rnrllv , the
Oro'd "ltl" . . ) l.n.1 . itrr ( ' uru , \\01'101 ' F'"u. . wino PI' .
Kt ! IUI "tJ , ' . buns , ltonl"ut Sir T ' . for tr" rawpif butt ! . .
The hypocrlto Is the only one who
Is deceived by his antics
vM0 : paid monthly . will buy a t300 shara
r 14 2-5 acres of IS"iOOO ! aero plantation. e
arantccd , Every con ltlon 8afc- ! larded.
'l'lIts wanted Best pay : and terrItory. E.
rc,210 Odd Fellows' inll "St.LoulsMo. '
The devil snores rIght through peal
t"r peal of stolen ) thunder