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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1905)
. . r . tt , 6 1D TI'1 ' : > ' . 'fl' ? i 'f tK I j' A 'L , .ij . ) 1/9 PLEASANT : I ' ' P:1 : 1 'l ( t ' ; Mr , VB , , I t7 n lt , ' . , EJJ.1 h1 IW lJ\.Y.llf\J TNL IIFXT frnn ' . : 'NG t rrEL nnlGHr MID tJC'/ AND MY ( MPl.tXIOII IS nETTLI1. ; M.I" . . , , , . M' t It arts ' rnnll' nn the ttnulnrh , lI.r and . kldnr7N and IYn pinunnt ' 'Iotl" . . 1'1,1. drink ' It u1.dn frntn , hrI'1 , .11'\ l 1. . Ju'1 , I far lit" AM oaell7 AI to. It 1..11..1 : ' 1.11111' , , 'I'I'u" IIr I"ANE'S F ! . MILY MEDICINE All dntI.gI ' $ . or , I r tnall \ , et N. and GOetN . UI1It In .10' 1,1111" ' " I 1111I1' ' . , . . , . , / / " .11.11"11111 nlJlrrN Iltn It. . , , , .1 IN 1111.11 Qnt. In ' "f'lrr I" hll hnslllly tlliala IM"'r Addrn.N ' , , O. Ir. " \ odwnrtl . let IG.7 , N. Y. Alabastine .n. . . . . ; I ' Your : Walls , : I Just ask the doctor If thcro In't : danger of { disease In your walls. I Don't take our word for { it-ask him. e I Make him tell ) 'ou. I I There is enl ) ' ono perfectly sani- I tary and hygienic : wall co\'crinA. I a That is AlrJ nstlno--mado from { o I Alahaster IOck-tlwlI colored with p mlnoral colorinl : ! ! I U AI.AIIASTINIt is cleanly . becnnsc it a I is made from pure roclc- Alabaster II I rock and pure water. It is not stuck I p 011 with lour paste nor smelly rluc. : U Men your walls need covering . I you don't need to wash ALA1IA5T1Nlt . elf Just t'Ii another coat for { A1.AI a IIAHTINlt is antiseptic ! as well n5 U I beautiful , 'l'ho 1I105t beautiful decorI at ions mc possible with Alabastino. U i All ) ' .II"'uml"r or I'ulilier ' cnn put It 1111. I " ' " 11"11111&1,111 & , tL yonraol ( . 11IItllll AlII' . . i 1'lIIlIno ' 111'1111 Ih'II\l'fl',1 , 111 the IIrhllrlHI I I 1I'\nllI \ , It III ) 'ullr Only "ft'lollllrIl I I "ItUIIlO"II-IIIIIIllIlIlIr wurlhh'o , kola- . IIIllIrH Wrllt , fllr beautiful 11111 l'1U.1 I 1111,1 rrno .III-IIll'ellllllo. I I If , ntr . icrtlcr ntn'I rnlilrrrr , urn , / 1.u him I I nrnctrr/trcrollacIArlowlhrtYAlebufrnc I " .I/I/t "V " 1Ir'I/I"III'II" " " I I ALAUA5TINE COMPANY E , lrnlll A'IJ" , Clruilit Rapids , llch. : I . . ! ; II III Now York Ollleo.l Wlllor ! Bl. . . t.wa av. , oae Nij iH N YiH mAsT I WES T . .d 3rws ? 'Vov 'W1f:1a : ! riND J < , . .f 'tJ\1Ell W , t ' ' . : PUx Jli & TtNthJ E ? ' ' ' Yiit. ! ; i'JRQQr i © ihtfti ChQYXI & i " R'a'r ( Ctl'R' . Tk llT\.ltr tJ : " akdlui tvorkmcn m'x1 " ' , slay ' ' ' w1. vrrrs rtpenencelwvemedc 1 j TOW Err.5 jliktr Cwt MJ tbb Ih fo.WJ\hc wet W . over 1"hry lire tnn to ink i \-k : or ycllow"I' ) "II JI..h of wetwcvk ' TOi1mS ' . 1l'2'w"'tr.t ' ( & : the3IGNOF ! \ Tilt : f r 1JFI I : ) a us .Yte.j ; . to Qrvesu } ! O'if is I ' ' ) . .II\\\ . All rc\\bc ! ddm ) (11hCIl \ J.ll'OTf AJ,10W" Co. . TCII.lrn..U,1A ! , . LU . OTi . . ! t 1TJvtR CAU : CIA'C ' : 0 U1mNa1 . . . . TLwA1u : ' TO. CAt/ / . aasaoa , ; er EXCURSIONS TO Tit E Free Grant Lands OF Western Canada. n\lrlll \ ; 11.r111 m < 111111" lHtlH h anti April. tllfl'O t ill \ 110 ll\\'II\"luIIS ; Oil the \'lIrlulls lillI'S of rutt way to mho l'nuullinn'est. . of thoncaads IIf III'rl" or tllo host \\'III'lIt 111\11 01'1171111- : 1.111111 UII the CUllthll'lIt fret'to the..ottlor. \l1jullIllIl : lands mar Ill' purchased frolll 1'1111. Way and 11\11111'011I11111111'1\111 reasonable Jlrll'l' Per information \ tll rout ( " . cost or Irlln"por' Intlllll etc , 1I1'lIly ' 10 lIlll'rlllll'lIIll'lIl IIf 111\1111 grnttou . Uttawut ( 'IIIIIIIIn.llr hI II ort rvt ( ' 1111. II 111111 lovrnutn'nt ) I \111-\\ \ ' . 1I.'lIIwlt . , but Now York klto Uulhhllt : , U11I1111 , Nebraska . D [ Z . IV1cGRE'V 1 F'or at : ; . cars bah 111'\11" n 1.trlIy or Hlst'\ ! s nt" MisN . J.I.hl' - " ' . 11 y.'Rr,11I Um'hll , Ills HIlIlIO' Y : ' 1'r . . nIincul . h\ \'rm.\l'IIUy , , \11.\ \ Iholtlll.llh : H : , 11\\1\ \ " 1'1. . + , t ynvr ttut , and mono ; In detct tl , . tar vuur ( a o' . and wrtt , + for Frrt , elk uutter nNoflraaunt nt.Mtst- > * r tau twat un ' .1 t'a , : u kn o. sox ' ! ,1 a. . OMice ° IS Satoh itch Strout , : . iaa bn " ' u-t-ka WINl.L CURV\TUf ! Cm he Cured : rJ , ALSO OThtR ocronutrtca. . . , I \\'rho l' . call Dr oll'iru for free IIIbm1o' . . . . ' . ' \ ion Jill : 'h..t I\'blllllonials , Irom prom' , \1' " 'Jlt St , Itt'eulea and pI1) icians. COli' \.1. . I ZI " ' Hitt v. tit I'Dlnlh'loclor.obrnc ( .or 1"A' Z Inpitenccc : tired , Treated UCt"ululll , , : \\lI1'Ph9I1CI1 \ \ ! 51. ' ' . - -t- v : " rSI- years' cSj\NltlnclI. I he ulotnqist GIIAlIIiG $ & Ort oPf lcllSt. ( : tlj.llS31. 1NcoN.oNarto CAa..L.e.ooooo . 10 TO a 1 ARIIhPTON ' ' . K" OMAHA , NUl , , . ORIGIN OF IMAGIbS UNKNOWN. Mysterlous Stone Figure3 a Puzzle to Scicnasts. in the National 't11 rewn atVnsh . Ingtoti , Ht1IH(1s an euorruotts stone 1nl nq ( ' fl'elll Easter islnnd , in the southern - ern l'acilie ( Cetln. 'Phis tSlatld is 1,000 stiles distant. froth tiny other hlittthitcd spot. ' ] 'here Iu'C over GOO of tIt' o inutges on'this islnnQ , and form eriy they Ltoo(1 in groups of six 1111(1 iwelve platforms of hewn stone ; hat In the later yeti's they were thrown down during time civil \vti be. , k q % + : ' . iM I ; l' ; , - f 1 i , iCs , + C-s . : . - - - V f l V , lween the lIatlves. Most ; of these colmmal ligures ace to be found al the eastern end of the Islanll. Tlliy are hewn eat uf the volcanic tllfa of an 'xtlnct crater and tl'ansllortcll over Its sides for three or four miles The island Is almost treeless and the \'OlldpI' Is how the savages cOllld remove olUcctH so fragile . and \velglt lug / frolll three to thirty Ions over ground iO rugged to their destination. 'I'hel'o arc now ,100 people ) living on Faster ) ; 1611111(1 nIl 0 : pure 1'01)'no shut stock 'rhoy hIlOnotiilug / of lime erection of these images and 1IE \ quite evident that they arc descend ants ! of later Immlgrl1nts. 'I'hls m'stcrlous IlIIago was IIro- Cured with n1l111) othLrs of cthnologl- cal ' cll1l.ltl ' , visit c interest during a twoh'oday'Islt to the Island by thL United States ship ' Inhlclln , lIudol' command of B. ' 1' . Day , 411. SN. _ , III the year lSSG Highest ] of E3rldges. The highest bridge In the world beyond , YOIIII any question } will he the steel SII'lIl'1l11'l' now planned ) for the t Zambesi 1 halls Afl'lra 1will \ h ( ' somewhat t ' " . ' - . . . . " . . , . . . . , M , . to a',1 , N xy.t.frt a.'S + " oc.-wMraw Mwrrw. . , . . ti . t ! ' -t , . . -ai' 1 l ' 1. t1. 1)I.4t. , . , - . ka. + i z p a ' xl S a rut S ? fi ' . a.Y .iS : tji tilia' similar to the bridge ! at Niagara Falls , and will span the gnat rapids much as does the structure In Ame-rlca. The Atrtean bridge however , will not olllr he much longer hut much high er than that at Nlngara.-Now York I1cmld. - - - - - Paupers Kept In Luxury. It cost the town cf Ware , Mass $10,000 to support } nine paupers last year . and ecouomlcnl citizens are suggesting sesUng that thc ) ' \Ie boarded at 8 flrst . class hotel , . . . . . I . . - . PE.RU.NA M S : STANDARD I , . . . . I 1 ! _ . , - , , \ . ' ! . . . .r- : < I 'lV/ . - , . . . . . - .i sANwa _ ji ' } tj ' 1 , , t 1 11'31 ( ' ' , k ( .O Vw : M ' . . . Q .N' as. t. UNCLE SAM-"A h iglu Standard is Required of Any Catarrh Remedy That tires Been Endorsed by so 1 . . Many Trustworthy and Prominent People. " ' . - - - ' - - . ' , ' Tbere are .Ma1y Imitations of Baker's Cocoa . and Baker's Chocolate ' ' ' ' ti . Don't be 2n ; sled by them ! ' t , ; Our trade-mark is on every - , t , package of genuine goods. i ' , Under the decisions of several 1 1 United States Courts It 1 , no I h \ other chocolate or cocoa than Waltcr Baker Co.'s is . , en-- ts I ' titled to be sold as "Baker's . , LookfottlhTradc Matk Cocoa"or"Baker's Chocolate" Cur handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. . . vValter Baker B Co. Lt d. ' Est.1bfisnc780 Dorchester , Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America .1 . _ _ _ . . . . , _ , -c"k'c ! " " " - - - - : Hany who fornmly smoked 10 CI ars nclrslraia \ \ I LEWS.SINGlE ! iN ER I 6T:1AIG : 1f'5CZGAR . I Hour Jrobb"r or dIrect lroct 1'r.ulorrl reorlD , IlL ' : I - - - - - - - , , . . LUALS ei"th1 Alt i Wt' ' , .MLS , nett t'anch Syrup , 'raotca toot. Otte It , cola oy are , pitta. .t. , j . , . . . . . . . , - '