. ,
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Published Every Friday , at
, I Dr
ntercd as sccon -clas matter , Janll-
ary 12. 1904at the post olliceat Falls
City Neb. , under the Act of Congress
of March 3 , 1879.
. . _
- - - - -
, Telephone No. 226.
It is a sad tiling , this losing
, _ . . _ - out .in Hfc.
Out of all thc years since time
began , out of all thc years that
j are to come , this is your only
chance on this old gray carth. If
. . . , . _ . -
. . . . . you have lost you cannot retrace
I . your steps and try again. You
arc down and out. Your one
, < < chance is gone forever and for-
J c\'er
' 'I : ever.There arc med grown old who
arc sour and crabid because of
II I their own failure. Their ac-
I quaintances cannot suit them
I unless they also fail. To such
1/ / mien , success in another is thc
. cardinal sin.
; It is pitiable
j . 'T ' Imere arc men whose existence
has been centered on some ambi-
i ti0l1 , and because of their own
mistakes , thc ambition has failed
of accomplishmcn
'rhcrc arc men whose whole
ItC. l
i ; : lives have been spent in the
I search for office Men who ha\'e
bartered every political principle ,
, and violated every precept of
" party creed for the sake of
political prefcrmcnt. Men who
: . . . . have belonged at one time or an-
other to every political party that
I . has had an existence , and have
been of course , a candidatc for
j . . , . . . office in every party to which
they have bclonged.
I The end of such an individual
may be foretold from thc bcgin-
ning. No party can or docs trust
him. No party organization will
I , _ own him. Hc is a political Ish-
I maclitc.
Ii' C . . , - It must he rather rough on a
. : man to be denied membership in
: ( , a political organization. If it
were a church Ua. . lodge it would
bc easier to cndurc. Not many
men have faced such a proposition -
_ tion as that.
:1 : But there arc men who arc so
situated , and they arc sour and
pessimistic poor fellows. Sonic
of them are too old to try again ,
1 so they try to drag the other fellow -
, . . . low down , and thus make their
f . . . . ° .
rJ. own failure less conspicuous.
, I Sad , isn't it ? _ . . .
I . .
: , _ . , . " In a ride cf fourteen miles last
, , Sunday , I saw but one farm that
; " ; - ' had no alfalfa field. This won-
. " dcrful plant is springing into
tea' universal fa\'or. and it is entitled
, , '
to all thc attention given it.
Nothing that the farmer raises is
t superior as a fccd. It is as good
i \ . as a mcdicinc. One of thc lecturers -
, turcrs at the late institute said
1 I
. .
that it contained every ingredient
and was far superior to the bcst
stock food. It is wonderfully
prolific and will restore the nitro-
gen in thc land nctrly : as well as
clover. A farmer told mc Sun- .
day that he cut his alfalfa four
times last year. That he sold
the third cutting for enough : to
net him five dollars an acre for
his land , and with the hay from
the other three cuttings hc win-
tcrcd all of his stock. I saw thc
stock and it was as fat as though
it had been fed grain all wintcr.
If you have no alfalfa on your
farm , by all means sow sonic
about August or Septcmber.
Easter with its holy signifi-
cancc is soon to be celebratc }
Some will go to church , some will
blossom out in new finery and all
of us will eat cggs. There may
be other days of christian celebration -
bration that arc more enjoyable ,
but none so wonderful. This I
mighty mystery called life is
springing up around and about us. I
Another summer is cOll1in _ ! ! ' when
thc old earth will grant its great
harvest to feed and perpetuate
thc sons of men Spring's resurrection -
rection is taken by us as a mere
matter of course , without a
thought of what it means , or of
thc wonderful force which makes
it all possible "Oh Lord , what
is i man that Thou art mindful of
him. "
- = -
So far as the telephone . situation -
tion is ' ' ' '
concerned The Tribune
docs not feel it ncccssary to run
down every ugly rumor. It stated
week before last that no deal was
made between this paper and thc
local company. \Vc now reaffirm
that statemcnt. No truthful man
will say there was. So far as thc
News and The { Tribune is con-
ccrncd wc will say that wc have
never tried nor wished to injure
the business of that papcr. The
statement of thc News that wc
had is gratuitous and untruc.
If there were as much hard
work clone for and in thc churches
as there is in destroying some one
cls ( 's reputation this would bc a
better 'odd The above quota-
tion is taken from thc Falls City
Journal. In reproducing it .vc
feel that the humor of thc situa-
tion is sufficiently apparent to
permit us to refrain from com-
m cn 1.
In order that everybody may
understand our position , we say ,
what it should not bc necessary
to say , that the city campaign
closed on Tuesday evening , April
4th. Mr. Leyda is our mayor and
wc are with him on every propo-
sition looking to thc improvc-
rent of Falls City.
If you want to see prosperity
just look at thc farm houses and
barns on thc road to Salem , beginning -
ginning with Will Holt's and
ending with George Coon's.
' 1 , ? . 1
' . .
1 J
\i 'EAST Ell ,
On Easter Sunday you should look as fresh in
your attire as the Easter Lilies that will bc blooming
all around you. You can't look it , however , unless
your Shoes are right. \Ve invite every Man , Woman
and Child to come to see our large and attractive
lines of
Handsome Easter Footwear
Many of our styles aloe exclusive with us. vVe've
just the Shoes a well dressed man will want to 'go with
his new Suitor an elegantly dressed Woman will
want for her Easter Gown.
No patron of ours ever pays too much for the
Footwear they buy here.
The Shoe Man
_ _
A good looking young bachelor
was being reprimanded by n
young lady of a neighboring town
upon his single blcsscdnesR. He
told her that hc would marry any
member of her cl ub that they
should decide upon by ballot. A
vote of thc girls was taken and
each member gotonc vote. Every .
girl voted for herself and the
club disbanded to prevent a disturbance -
turbancc of the peacc.
Read thc ads 111 this is3ue ! The
merchant who wants your trade
and offers induccmcnts to get it ,
is the advertising mcrchant.
A murderer who was to be
hanged in Missouri this week , requested -
quested Go\'cn Or Folk to grant
him a stay of execution until thc
Japanese and Russian fleets had
met and fought it out.
The News mean is boasting of
his prowess as a chicken man and
delivers himself of a little shot
with a double purpose at us.
Just wait , it's easy to hatch the
chicls-but just wait. \Ve have
been through it.
Auburn is an active applicant
for the republican congressional
convention soon to be hcld. If
Falls City cannot secure it , wc
would be glad to see Auburn suc-
cccd. Anywhere except Lincoln.
Last week was the busiest and
most profitable week in The 'l ri-
bune's carcC'r.
\Ve are anxiously .1 waiting thc
outcome of the annual race among
our Salcm friends to produce the
earliest pota toes.
The editor of the Hiawatha
\V orld says that Falls City has
ten saloons. This is a mistake ,
but Falls City has tlat : stuff that
seldom fails to make thc Hiawatha -
watha man see doublc.
President ooserc1t has hunt-
cd the wolves of Oklahoma and
is now chasing the bears of CoIo-
rada. He has run foot races
with the cowboys and generally
laid aside thc duties and dignity
of his great positon. . W.e do not
begrudge thc President his vaca-
tion nor his "bully good timc ,
but just the same source of his
antics don't look in good taste in
President of thc United Statcs
alis Good of Ncmaha county
is a candidate for state treasurcr.
Mr. Good is out a little early , but
as a candidate hc would live up to
his name nIl rig-ht.
\Vhcn ever } ' other scheme to
bolster ] up a dwindling circula-
tion fails try taking a fake cen-
Pawnee City voted down a
proposition to accept a Carnegie
Chamberla an's Cough Remedy th
Best a.nd Moat Popular.
"Mothcrs buy it for croupy I
children , railroad men buy it for
severe coughs and elderly ) people
buy it for la grippe" , say Moore
Bros. , Eldon , Iowa.Ve Hell
more of Chambcrlain's Cough Remedy -
mcdy than any other kind. It
seems to have takers thc lead over
several other good hrand. " There
is no question but this mcdicne is
the best that can be procured for
coughs and colds , whether .it be
a child or an adult that is afflicted -
cd It always cures and cures
quickly. Sold by-Kcrrs Drug
For Sale.
A house of eight rooms , four
lots , a good cyclone cave , stable
for 4 horses , a good well and a
summer kitchcn. Some fruit
trccs. Situated emi Block O.Be-
twccn 9th and 10th McLanc St.
For particulars inquire at City
Hotcl. A Bargain. 14-4t.