The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 21, 1905, Image 1
f/ I . 'G V r y - lv r 1 / " 5 ; ' \ ; . I S t w f s 1 Y f . , " ' , . L . , " . ' _ . , ! . " ' " : ; : . " \ , or' . . . . . ' . : 'i\ ' . . , . , " " , " .t' , . , J / ht jaIls < ! tit ! ribnn Vol. II. No. 16 FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , APRIL :2 : I , 1905. Whole No :68 : . . SUIcide at Shubert Gee. Quiggle Tries to bill Wife then Shoots Him.s'elf. Last Monday : morning the village of Shubert in the northern - ern part of this county , was en- acted a tragedy which resulted in thc death of George N Quiggle and the wounding of his wife to the extent that she may bc a cripple for life. A reporter for The Tribune hastened to the scene of the tragedy and from those in a position to know , obtained - taincd the following facts. Gpo. Quiggle having been .on a pro- tracted spree for several days , had become so abusive to his wife and children , that they had tem- porarily left home , as they had done so oft before , and had rented another house in which they expected - pected to make their home until such time when husband and father having settled down from " his spree it would be tolerable for them to return to their home. Everybody who knew George wiggle knew that the demon of strong drink had so firmly fast- encd his fangs upon him that he was no longer any good to him- self , family or the community in which he lived , but no one believed - lieved him to be a dangerous man and while he had threatened his wife and everybody else whom , lie expected to be unfriendly , no person ever for a moment thought that hc would put his threats into cxecution. Hencc , while he had been making frantic efforts for several day to procure a revolver - \'olver , no serious attention was paid to it cither by his wife or by the community as it was thc same old story which had been oft repeated - peatcd by him. On Monday morn- ing , however , having previously armed himself , he began to drink heavily in order to nerve himself up to that pitch where only the devil seems to have complete con- trol \11d nol a vestagc of the human remains , and in which con- dition only could this tragedy have been cnacted. . Thus prepared George Quiggle , . # started on his mission of lI1urdcr. It was about ten o'clock in thc forenoon when hc arrived at the temporary home of his wife. He found her engaged in hanging out clothes and at once attacked her in'a death struggle ; thro Wing her violently to the ground he 3 threw himself on her body and at this close range began to shoot at her head and chest , but strange to say that though he was astride her person and aim- ing directly at her chest and fired eight shots , not one entered her body. Mrs. Quiggle being a strong woman and making a desperate - pcrate fight , received cli : thc shots in her hands and arms ex- cept one which struck her on the upper part of the forehead mak- ing an ugly scalp wound is the only way that her escape from death can be accounted for. Believing - lieving that he had killed his wife Qui gle left her for dead went to his own room reloaded his gun turned it on himself and at 12:30 : p. m. about one hour and thirty minutes after the first shot was fired he died. Corner Reneker reacHed Shubert about three o'clock empanneled a jury composed of Gee Lewis J. N. Colglazier . M. Shubert Ed Graham , H. E. Williams and a gentleman from Falls City who after viewing the remains and hearing the testimony of witnesses - es decided that deccasecl came to his death from a gun shot wound inflicted by his own hand. The funeral took place Tues- day afternoon from his late home under the management of Under- taker Lord and the body was buried in Prairie Union cemetery. Irs. Quiggle is not seriously hurt and will be all right again in a few days. Barring strong drink George Quiggll : was not a bad man at heart , and had he abstained , might have been a useful clti7.en. His \dfe is i a hard-working' wo- m:1n and has the sympathy and good wishes of all. Special Election. , Governor Mickey has issued his proclaimtion balling a special election to fill the vacancy created - ed by the resignation of Hon. E. J. Burkett. The election will be held Tuesday. July 18. The congressional - gressional commttec will meet in Lincoln the first of next week to call the com'en lion. Nearly every county has a candidate and one of them has half a dozen. Altogethes it will be a merry fignit t ; . . . " . , . . . ' " ' F . . Something Doing. In another portion of this paper will be found a quotation from the Hiawatha \Vorld regarding - garding Missouri Pacific changes. The cut ofT and grade eliminat- ing line spokcn of , is the sugges- tion made by E. H. 'l'owle to Rus51e of the Pacific. The change contemplated , is to run the road up the ravine west of town and build the depot down in the pas- ture of Anderson Miller. r-.rr. : Russle , in company with Mr. Towle , personally inspected the proposed route and expressed himself personally and by letter in favor ot the proposed change. If this is done it will give more yard room and place the depot much nearer town. Overflow Case. A case was filed in the district court last week which will be of considerable interest to those who own bottom lands. David Brinegar , living l south of Salem , has brought an action seeking to enjoin John Copass , a neighbor , from building a dyke across his land to keep the flood waters of the Nemaha from flowing across his farm. The case will settle the dIsputed question as to whether or not an owner of bot- tom land has the legal right to protect himself by embankments will flow } the water back on his land. The case will probably be heard in May. The Miles Case Again. The supreme court in acting on the motion of Joseph Miles for a re-hearing in the celebrated Miles will case , has ordered an oral argument - gument at the next sitting to be limited to two lawyers on a side. This will make the fourth time this case has been argued to the court. At the Ranth. On Friday evening of last week burglars entered the ware house connected with the general merchandise - chandise store at Margrave's ancll and stole abut one hun- dred dollars worth of provisions. The gUIlty parties have not been located as yet. Old Foundry Gone. Wednesday afternoon the old foundry building or cider mill , situated in the south west- ern portion of this city , caught fire and burned to the ground. The wind blowing from the south carried sparks to the Pom- eroy residence across the street . . but by the ready help of a score , of men , they made no headwa ) ' . \f The telephone poles were also disfigured.'rhe loss to Mr'raylor owner of the building amou mete . to about $2,000 , with no insur- I ance whatC\'cr. \ I A Change in the ribune. ' 1 After this issue i The Tribune \1 will use no more plate ma Her. rtl I The ready print hous has held , ' ) 11S up as long as we will permit. . .J U The matter furnished has been constantly deteriorating in value , I and interest : , consequently we have cancelled the contract and will hereafter run only home m matter. The size of the paper will be a little smaller , but what it loses in quantity it will make up in quality and convenience. Died. . On Saturday morning , April \ 15th , occurred the death of Frank i I { . Sears. 't ' ime deceased was the youngest surviving son of Vol. R. Scars and was a young man of twenty years. \Vithout a mo- ments warning from that sudden affliction , heart disease , he was called into that great beyond. No last message to give consolation - tion to the loved oner\ left behind him } , on that dim journey trav- cued by him in the horizon of manhood. Ling in this city during his entire life he never had harsh or unkind feelings toward an ) ' . Funeral services conducted by Rev. Griffin were he'l from the family residence Sunday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock interment being in the Steele cemetery. Their man ) ' friends extend sin- cerest condolence to the grief stricken father and brother. . . Card of Thanks. \Ve desire to thank the many friends for their sympathy and kindness in our sorrow. Voi R. SUARS and son. Thomas Sare and family of Mound City visited with friends in this city a few days during the weck. They left Tuesday for Paonia Colorado where they wiI spend the summer. J. L. Dalby and wife of Sh u- bert accompanied their daughter Mrs. Agnes Tipton to this city Wednesday on her way to her home in Albany Mo. : r.largueriteVicks was on the sick list the fore part of the week Bruno Smith came down from Lincoln on Tucsday.