The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 14, 1905, Image 9

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Y \
Published Every Friday at
Entered as second-class matter , Janu-
ary 12 , 1904at the post olliceat l.'alls
City , Neb. , under the Act of Congress
of March 3 , 1879.
- - - - - - -
Telephone No. 22 ( , .
rl'hc Hiawatha World speaks in
highest terns of our library , and
' . . , ' - - - its visit it
; 1--- urges people to whcn
in Falls City.rl'hc citizens of
this city cannot appreciate this
splendid institution too greatly ,
- . . . nor over estimate thc great service -
. . . - . " vice Mrs. Woods has been to our
- \ommunity : making thc gift.
* * *
Do you realize that during the
month of March sixty-onc Falls
City youngsters were either reading -
ing or having read to them stan-
dard historical works ; forty-fivc
were at work on biographies and
I one hundred and six were studying -
ing volumes on scie..ce. In addition -
clition to this , five hundred and
eighty volumes of well selected
juvenile fiction were taken from
thc library. Can you estimate
'w _ what this culture wm mean to
h r- , the coming generation ?
* * * I
J. " Go to the library sonic evening
, , , ' and sec thc childless about thc
. reading tables ; some of them
with St. Nicholas , some with thc
American Boy , some with books
but all busy in the cultivation of
a taste for good reading. Read-
ing mal cth more than a full man ;
it makes for thc appreciation of
thc best thought of great men ,
without which one nisses so much
'r" ' ' , ' "
r.- , -.q of lIfc.
- :1
But thc library is More than
. \ the instructor of our children.
. "
' . ; . . This is demonstrated by thc fact
. . . . . . . that during March tWlJ thousand
. ' hundred and four
. : , seven seventy
" ; ' , . people visited it , some to take
' _
' 't
, : books otherwise inacccssible , . .to
: . , ' : . . their homes , and some to spend
. : the hour among , the many periodicals -
. . ' . , . . ' "
" lcals upon the taules. Every C\-
cuing without 1all you wIll find
two min sitting at thc same table >
r ; " ' ; ! = ' reading the daily pauers. Every
i . evening in the same place SIt two I
men grown gray in lifc's labors ,
, i going over the , world's affairs as
I. i 'rcvcaled in thc press dispatches.
! , They sit very quietly until thc
, , ; closing hour comes and then , returning -
" - turning thc papers to thc files
j : \ . they , go out into thc night , to red -
I. { . : ' \ \ turn quite punctual on the open-
! f ; ' " . ' ing of thc next cvcning' I have
i ; " " - sometimes thought that Miss
, . Morton must look for them and
anticipate their coming , and that
she would miss them were they
. not in their accustom placcs.
'l'hat'thcy have grown to bc a
part of thc evenings at thc library -
' ry , just as the books , the papers
and thc quiet , restful hum of
childish lip ! syllabling out their
first lcsson I have sometimes
thought that one must rest very
quietly , who had left thc world so
much better and happicr. I have
sometimes thought that our peo-
pIc do not sufficiently appreciate
our library and thc mcmory of
Mrs. "Toods.
No member of thc last 1 egisla-
turc was more rigid in his ideas
of duty , or more zealous in thc in
terest of t hc people than \V. H.
Hogrcfe. Hc was found 011 thc
right side of every proposition.
Hc worked and voted for thc
drainage law. He was always
on thc side of progressive road
lcgislation. IIc'ote(1 for thc
biennial election bill. Hc favored -
orcd thc anti-trust mcasurc. Hc
voted for thc anti-pas : bill , and
thc commodity freight rate bill.-
In all of his official conduct hc
made performance square with
promis and measured up to the
requirements of his office , just as
his fri nds were assured he
would do.
President Roosevelt has been
through the south and has yet to
. find thc enemies country.
- -
There arc several Falls City
young m ; n who have been taking
the ' rest cure all of their livcs.
. .
Have you ever clone the right
thing at thc right time without
being toIcI ? If you have , there is
hope for you.
The Verdon cdcttc has locat-
cd thc division at Vcrdon. The
matter being settled , lct's clean
up thc aIle. ys.
Iiawatha has song and lance
specialties with Dr. Jekyll and
Mr. Hyde. They would cut out
Hamlet's soliloquy and put in a
monologue specialty over thcre.
Lest we forget : Forty years
ago last Sunday occurred an incident -
cident at Appamattox court house
that has resulted in the greatest
and most liberal government among -
mong mcn.
The Journal and News have
each declared for 'V. S : eyda for
congress. rrhis is jiS it should
be , for brethren should always
dwell together in unity. But ,
what ticket } is he to run 011 ?
Ollions arc ripe. One of our lo-
cal school itiarms who can not cat
them , said , si nee thc open ' season
for onions , she is compelled to
hang her head out thc window
every few minutes to keep from
smothcring. .
Have you ever done anything
but liyc-just live ? You can't
help living you know. The Almighty -
mighty made life an involuntary
function Hc wants to give you
time and opportunity to do som -
thing clse. have you done it ?
An old family tabby cat walked
out of the barn thc other morning
For tile Ellcouragetnellt
Of those who appear to think that because
their intome or wages are small , they can not
save any money , the following instance may
serve to give all such new hopes and aspira- '
tions. ,
write knows a girl who came here ,
I Thea I
a few years ago to work in one of
the homes of this city. She was truly trust-
worthy-held in high esteem-dressed well ,
but not extravagantly and made her associates
among the best of young pcople. . '
She got married , and with her E
I When
husband moved on a farm , she
had nearly $ 2oo.oo saved up and on deposit
in the i
Palls City State Bank
this all-she herself I
and was not - provided
with a very liberal supply of bedding , linens
and many other needful articles for their new
home. Why not follow her example ? This
bank stands ready at all times to help you
save your money , and accepts deposits from
$ I. 00 and upwards.
. _ _ . I
- - - 'l :
- - -
Have You Seen
the New Things 1 C )
In Moulding to go with the Wall Paper ? If not f
go to the .
White Wall Paper Store
and see the new things for Spring Decorating.
Everything in the Latest Things.
W HIT E. ' S i i
Wall Paper & Paint Store
- - -
thc proud mother of threcsightlcss
kittens. Two neighbor girls immc-
diatcly locked their old tom cat in
thc same shcd. No results have
followed though three da's have
passed , but thc little girls arc
still hopeful.
About Rheul11a.tism.
There arc tcw diseases that inflict -
flict iisoretorture than rhumatism
and there is probably no disease
for which such a varied and useless -
less lot of remedies have been
suggcsted. 1'0 say that it can
bc cured is , therefore , a bold
statement to make , but Chambcr-
lain's Pain Balm , which enjoys
an extensive sale has met with
great success in thc treatment of
this disease. One application of
Pain will relieve thc pain , and I
hundreds of sufferers have tcsti- ;
lied to pcrmancnt cures by its Ii
use. Why suffers when Pain ,
Balm affords such quick relief ;
and costs but a trifle ? For sale by I
Kcrrs DrugStore ,
In Justice Court Before J. L. Cleaver. !
Hosenlhal.Hloall Mllllncr CO' I'
( A Corporation ) '
VII. !
Barnell MIlliner Co" , CUlIIJlO' } ;
I'll of J. \V. Banlllt and - j
Ilarnett his wife.
'l'hu defendants will lake notice dial au order
of attachllH'lIl and lcarlllllhmenl issued In thll
above ea Ulie , and moneys credits and other
property belonging to you or each of puu In tim
hands IIf , or under the control of II. R. Miner
and C ; . II. 1.'all..tead wall attached hy garnishment .
nJent garnishees notified to appear In lilY I
office on April , 1'X15 , and answer concerning
the HalllC 1'hat bald garnishees appeared and
disclosed crcdllll duo J. W. Barnett trolll the III :
and the officer having returned ( lie IIUlllnJOIIR
herein not served on you and It aJlJlCarhl1C by
lie affidavit that you are holh IItllI-re"hlellts If
NIhrallka. It III now on the 3rd day April
1'XI5 ordered that this cause 00 contInued for
40 days that service may 00 got on you bIub. .
llcallon In a news/Japer. Yon are ordered to
appear In lilY office on May 15th , 1905 , at 10.
o'clock a. m. Jolt L. CLUAVHH
14.4 Justice of the Peace