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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1905)
RIOT AT WARSAW I I - - I FOUR PERSONS KILLED AND FORTY WOUNDED - SEVERAL OF LATTER WILL OlE Crowd Carrying Red Flags Attack Patrol . trol of Troops and Pollce.-Proclam. atlon Dlntrlb'Jted Warning People . .Away from Public Buildings . WI\HSAW-A serious ( 'olln'l ! oc ( rmll lit 7\0 : \ 0'101 SllIlIlay ctnhmg III Dzllm I stl'eel , where II .11.'wlsh so dllllAI seta ) 1010WII liS the BlIIlIl hall organized IL demonsts 1'1I11011 , ' { 'roo ps whleh canto to disperse the gathering fired into the crowd , killing four PCI" Ions allll woullellllg forty olhers. Other disturllllllc05 ( arc reported 10 rove occurred 'Iio { street huh 1101.11 pin ll'Olloel thl'ollghollt the Iuy. ( COllllltlollH hel'O arc can sing much easiness and norVOIISllflSH Hnlld 1II'IIIIcII 1)roclnnut- lIolls have lIecll fOlllld III the streets , wal'lIll1g the Public ) against wnlllnJ near Public hlllllllllgR and outer places , tiS h01ll1'11I ) would ( he thrown III these qual'lel's , Several IUU'ollts i whose cuil ell'oll are altPlllllnJ ( ; school III defiance of he I school iii 1 11'11\0 have been tvain cd hy letter 10 wlthelmw ( their chil- Oren ( ! , as the school hlllllllngl' will ho hlowlI liP , Hl'prcsenlall\'os of the pal'ly ] of violence ( It. Is nol quite clear whether the ' revolutionaries ' . they nre \ ( 01' no- CIIlIlHtS ) nre visiting ! private Ilel'liOIlS stud lovylng contributions for "amlll\l' \ r'illion. " They Produce ( lists of 1H1I1WS with tltc a mOil II Is to 110 ( 'olloC'loel ( from . cacti I1l1el request the contl'lhlltor to sign Ii ii. unmc 0)IIHH11Io ) theRe aSSN"R- Incntll , which range from \ $2fiO to $3.50. : When Governor \laxhnovlt'h arrived here ten days ago to aSSlllllO his duties he ordered that the Cossack ilotacli- 11I0nl awaltlll him al the tatlon 110 retired , sarlng lie did not wanl an escort - cert Dl'lvlng through the Oily today \ : , however ho I governor general's \ \ Carriage - rlngo was surrounded hr twenty Coso swl\S Thu editors of the Polish iiett spa- 1101'S were summoned to the castle yes- 10\lu ' , 110\I'nol' General \ ' \ ( \ ( Genel'llllnxlmo'ltch , received each of them separately In , the I most friendly manner and talked with them on various Hlllljccts , espec- lally' on the question oC the censorship hlll , lie 1I'ltlll thPIII to COIIIO 10 hllll In case of any lIfI1clI1ty. ( . The trouble III Dzilui street began when , l1ull'I' : ho 1 pretext of hohllll a memorial meeting for a into 'Jewish socialist ] caller . a crowd of more than ,000 , mostly Jews , currying ! ! red hags : marched Into 1 > 1.111ntl''ct : and was' mot by a IIIlxeel police and military patrol of twenty mOl1 Tic police cle- chard : \ ) the socialists tired revolvers at " .1m 011I , the leaders IIH'ltlllg the moll 10 attack the Patrol which thereupon \ fired several volleys into 'the crowe1. Four IIIcn were killed UlIII forty were wOI lulol ! . TO STUDY DEEP WATERWAYS . President Appoints Commissioners to Meet the Ci1nartl.1I1s. . WASIlIl'iG'I'ON-Tho preSident has selected the AmerIcan members of Iho joint Intol'lllltlonal commission 10 tutly the effect on ho I navigation of ho Great lakes of ( lie citattges ! oC level xJ19cted to result from h\ I execution "f the deep waterway projcC't. They are OuO\'so \ Clinton. II lawyer , of New , V ark : General 0 'II. ] I Erl1st , cOl'ls'of [ engineers ! ! , United States and Prof 11\II1)1' \ ( H. William , professor of hy- :1ru\ll1e : engineering :11. : ClJrne ) ) , The Canadian commiHslr'lwl's are : 3. P. \Inyhl. ! of Toronto : , W Niumg . DomInion ! \stl'OnUI1HW \ of OUilwa , and Louts hCO'5tO , civil engineer ! of Ottawa , with rhomas Cole its SCcl'ctnl'Y 'fho American commissioners have llOen instructed \ \ In arrange ; II meeting 1111\O.r.g thomSt'lves for organization t1UIhon \ 10 ( rrrt9uond \ wllh the ' Canadians 10 . select 1\ time and place -ll'OlIahl ' TOl'onlo-fol' the --Ip ! - joint 'I ' meeting to begin the , \\01'1 ' . , , . . , i A- > - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . MAGOON TO BE GOVERNOR. Lincoln Man Selected ac Canal Zone Executive. , W.\SIIIXGTON-.Jllelge Charles g lnJool1 of Lincoln , Neh. , who Is the law 011\1' \ oC the bureau of Insular affair , war (1'IHlrtJl1cnt will ho the now governor anti minister of the Pannma canal zone , n.s was announced several clays ago lie will have the combined executive \ and ellllloJl1allc cllltlOS us a roslllt of the reorganization oC the is- thmlan canal commission , now holng n\lule b ' the ' stud ' \ by president Secretary 'i'1 f t. Judge Magoon liaR done important wo11\ for the government connection with the legal administration In the Philippines. lie ht qualified In every . wal to undertake time organization oC the canal Ono govornmont. Plans for the rcol' anlzat Ion of the commission sure rapidly being perfected - ed lIy the president and Scerelllr Taft. Announcement of the retirement oC the present members of the commission IIIlsslon IIlIcI the aploilltment ( of their successors Is expected to ho made within the next clay or two Although the president has been nd- vised that butler the 11Iw ' there IIIUSt he seven commissioners , it Is IIos91hle that ho null ) not name all of them at once . ludgo \ Charles R Morgan will hI" designated to act a8 the governor oC the cunul zone , In place oC General Davis. lIe will also assume the duties 'as UnIto11 States minister plenlJOten- ) tinry t 10 Panama , now being performed hy I lon , John Barrott. WILL OF MRS. JANE STANFORD - After Bequests of $4,125,000 , Balance Goes to University. SAN lOSE : . Cal. = file will \ and < < co- eliI'll of \lrs lane Stanford were proven IInd udmltteel 10 probate Friday . day nlld letters of administration were Issueel ( to Charles G. Lathrop , 'I'lmothy lIopllnl1 , Joseph D Grant , Whitelaw Helel and 'I'homas n , CroUI' OI'S , as executors without 1I0nds 'rhe estate was represented hy Attorneys S. F , Lloh and AlountfordVbson. . All of the above mentioned , and also Charles K , 1.0\011. Robert G hooker and T. F. Dl'Ilpor'ero examined hy the court. They testified that at the date of the will \ Mrs. Stanford was In full possession of her mental powers and physically strong 'I'ho ( will \ was executed luly 2S , UOa , and signed In thq III'C8'cnco of 1.0\011. Wilson allll Draper , In time library of : \II's. Stanfol'll's San Francisco home The olllell was written hlrs , Stan- ford herself In August , 1J04 ! , under the direction of S. F. LlolI By the terms of the w1l\ \ $2,000,000 are left In trust to Arlel Lathrop and 11081'0I111anis of D , S. Lathrop , her Brother , : ,000,000 In trust to her nieces , Jennie 1. , I awton and Amy L. Ilunson land he I children of Chrl tine II Gunning ; ; $1.000.000 to Charles G. Lathroi > : $ $125,000 10 various \ charitable - able Inslllulions. . HAS NO PROOF OF MARRIAGE Suit Brought In Paris by American Actress Dismlstoed. PALIIS The civil tribunal oC time Sine formally announced : \ Its decision In the case oC Carrie Swain , the AmerIcan actress against Frank Gardner - ner , the American sportsman , In which the actress claimed ! 10 bo 1\11' Gard' nOl"s wlfo The decision was on a line with the recent announcement oC the conclusions made by the attorney gem era ! . The court rejects the plaintiff's claims and says lie ( correspondence between the Parties shows that no ma rrlage oxlsted The defondant's ob ligation therefore was only moral ! . The decIsion also rejects the defend lnt's counter claim for damages on the ground lint ( he had not established - ell the Illalntlff's hall faith , iU.OC MTNCTON , 111.-111' . 8. C. 110' well , for fifteen years ; president of the Illinois \ State Normal school , died ; suddenly 'ldar. lie was jj years old - - - ADVANCE BEGINS JAPANESE MAIN ARMY MOVING FORWARD. - SEARCH FOR THE RUSSIANS - Activity of Oyama's Troops on the West Near the Mongolian Frontier -Large Scouting Parties Thrown Out for Investigation. ST. P8TERSBURG-The news from the front Indicates that Field Marshal Oyama has begun a genuine advance oC his main army with wings far oxten ed. Iicavy reconnaissances are being made against the Russian center , with the object oC developing the Russian position. It Is officially nnnounced that General . oral Karl\OvItch has been appolnte General Llnevltch's chief oC staff In place of General Sal\1mroff , who has been transferred to the Alexander committee for the care oC time wOI1lHI cd. General Stalmlberg has also been appointed a member of the same com- mlttoo. A dispatch from General J.lnovilch , dated \larch 30 , says : There Is no change In the shim- . tlon ( , 'rho enemy Is c llsplaylng activ- Ity east oC the raIll'oad "Hoavy snow foil during the night. " A telegram from Gllnshu Pass says General Llnovltch has forbidden the inhabitants of Harhln , with the exception . copUon of the women and children , to leave that place without special permits , fearing that the town may be denuded oC worlnnon GUNSnU PASS-Roconnalssnncos disclose especial activity On the part of the Japanese on the west near the Mongolian ; frontlcr It Is reported that an antl.forelgn propaganda Is conducted among time Chinese , who are stirred up to a renewal of the Boxer dlsturhances. 'rho IIlIIJI Yuan min societies oC 1\Iulden and Kirin : and time 'rsal LI society , which Is strong In Tsltslharl and northern ; Manchuria are said 10 ho working to spread this agitation among the \Ian. ; 1.11111'Ian IJOlllllaUon and Japanese suc- cess Is doing much to augment the movomont. Many Chinese bandit chloftlans are leaders In' numerous secret societies oxtenlllng throughout China and their Influence may have a Powerful effect on the attitude 01' the Chinese government and popula- tion ADMIRAL DARKER RETIRES. Admiral ! Evan Now CommiJtd3 the North Atlantic Fleet. WASHINGTON-After long and ilis- thlguhhed ; service , Rear Admiral A S. Barker , commander - in-chief of the North Atlantic fleet , hauled down his flag on the Kearsarge and was placed on the retired list oC the na vr , In the war wIth Spain Admiral Barker was one of time most prominent members of the strategy board Ho was later In command oC the navy yard , Now York . and front Ihen ! , in April 1J03 ! , was appointed ) ) to the m. promo command of the North Atlantic . , tic fioot. Admiral Barker will make his home In 'ashlngton He Is n native . tlvo oC Massachusetts , whence ho was appointed 10 the naval academy Rear Admiral Evans succeeds Ad. mlral Barker In command of lie ( fleet , and has selected the Maine for his flngshlp. Gilbert Gets Judgment. ST LOUIS , "Io.-A judgment was rendered on Friday In the United States circuit court for $ I ,450 against the ( Louisiana Purchase Exposition company In favor of Cass Gilbert , n Ne'\V York ar'hltoct. ' ' \ \ ( 1\11' Gilbert sued for $ :1 : ] ,000 , alleging that the Slim was duo him for drawing plans for cer- lain ( world's fair bnlllllngs WIllIam II , 'T'lrompson { . treasurer of I ho ex- position company , and other high world's fair oflictals stated that the J werdicttwill \ not be npllcalcd ' t t f - - - - - A CLASH OF ARMS. - - - Another Duel Between the Armies Looked For. ' ST TgHSllUHG-Anothor duel between the opposing armies In Manchuria - 'hurla may be on the program for the coming wool" The Russians , according to time Associated Press' Harbin correspondent - respondent , are now strongly fortifying . Ing thor ' ! positions nt Slllnghal ) against . . which Japanese are reported to be gathering In force. 'rhe story oC the Ilusslan retirement from Slpillglal ! lo Chaoumll1od was incorrect , due to a telegraphic error In the confusion of similar Chinese names Chaoumiaod7.I with Shuamuynotst , couth of Siping- hal , whence the Russian advance force retired 10 the fortified line at SiPing hal. The Japanese followed to some extent but a border of twenty miles oC debatable ground still remains between - _ tweon the two armies , over which the " .y. ; - ' Japanese probably will not advance ' until they are ready to att.1cl Equally important news Is that a column of , apaneso Is moving against Kirin , perhaps with time intention of turning the position eastward and ' ' . . . 'r' . . . striking at the Vladivostok fine of communication with the double purr pose of Isolating the fortress and separating $ amUng General Llnevltch's army from a valuable base of slIpplles , time UssIIl'i disll'icl. Negotiations have been In progress ' ; between Paris and St. Petorsburr Even diplomats or the highest rank have failed to obtain , from M Dc1- casso , the French foreign minister the results oC these negotiations , but I it cnn be announced on the same authority . lhorlty that Count Lams ol'ff , time Russian minister of foreign , affairs , , . has within a wool ; : admitted that ho ' had a general way outlined to M Del- casso the general terms along which Hussa ) ! mIght consent to consider , peace. . . . , _ . Advices from ! Europe tell of the fear 11 prevalent : there In certain quarters that the activities of Lamselol'fr and Dclcasse are directed toward 1111 international - lel'l1allonal conference to he held In ' sonic \ neutral European capital such n3 Stockholm , where peace negotiations ! - 1.I0ns might be eOllllucled , It is saId that this move has been In a measure blocked by the refusal oC Japan to give any indication as to the peace terms she would accept until positive' Iy assuryd In the name : or the czar him . self that Russia Is prepared 10 nego- . Uate in good faith for pea'e Not only docs , lapan Insist upon this ' asaur- : anee , hut she prefers to negotiate dl. ! . rectly with St. Potel'sum'g - ' . . . \ . " . . . . . . With the United ! ! States , Germany - " ' and Japan opposed to an Internal ion al conference to end the war the belief - lief Is strong Wahlngton : that successful . 'essful peace negotiations wlll date from the dar St. Petersburg communicates . catos with 1'0\10 : direct : The \Vasit- ington government Is alertly watching for the opportunity to assist Russia . , 4 ! \ and Japan In getting into diplomatic communication , ,1 IGNITES . A MASS OF POWDER - - - Explosion In Omaha Saloon hills and r ; Injurcz. Ol\IAIJA-Whlle taking a flashlIght < Ilhotograilh In n sulocll Albert Butler , IN . ' was instantly killed amid , WIlliam Coffee . " ' -r ; " , fee W. J. Mtirray : rind \1. ; Levy were 1 seriously injured hr an explosion of powder used ! hy the ( photographer Bllt- 'IeI' had -SCt his grip co : taming a large " i supply ) of power ) near the trIpod and I when he ] touched off time powdol' In the ! flash pnn the light In some manner . . . , spread to the grip I find the exploioll1) ! ! followed The force of the explosion ( Irow ( Butler ! and his companions ! against a wall , time rO\1nOr' \ : breast bo- I ing torn awar. The Injurc : mOil will Ii 1'0COVOI' I , ; - - Franck McCord Is Dead. . ST. .10Sroprr , lo-.I"I'll1cl \c. ; Cord , son of the 'late James 1\leC'ord , diet ( In Afohcvlllo : K C. ; F'hhl'hllo he hall heen slTol'ln \ with tuherclllo- His for some ! time , his death : tests un I oxuected .