The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 14, 1905, Image 5

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Local and Personal.
- - -
Goldfield richest place on earth.
l ' HSa1m thc Shoe Killg' was ill
our city 1'hurslay. '
' 3 . "j John Parlier is visiting with
Grand Islalld friellds.
Lard , ham and Bacon at very
low prices.Coupe & : 'I'ltornton.
\Irs. lIaUield or li'air\'iew , Kas
visiting with her mother \Irs.
, Sender in this ctty.
' .
l - George Miller of Beaver City
i visited with friends in this city
\ . , the fore part of the week.
\Vhen in need uf a juicy steak
or a prime roast beef , teiepl1I1e
74.-Coupe & : 1'lmornton. ,
' :
. : . ' 'l'alc notice uf the excellent fit
\ . - : ' of the suits purchased at h'V. .
Clc\'eland's for comparison.
Linn llimmelrcich and George
Dcitsch bagged t wen t-111ree Jack
snipes , in Denschoters meadow on
Mrs. Seymour who has been
visiting with her daug-ht r .lrs.
} 'I. Giannini returned Tuesday to
her home in Fairfax' Mis o..tri.
- Bishop " Williams left Tuesday
e'cningfor Auburn , where he
confirmed a class of fuur. Ne\
Smith accompanied . him to that
, "
L 1\IS G : S. Albright received a
telephone call Wednesday stating
that her cousin , Mrs. Frank Todd
of HUl11boldt died on Tuesday C\-
r . cuing alter ! a long illncss.
Thcre will be the admissioll of
lnetubers and the administration
of thc two sacrements of baptism
and the Lords supper in connection -
tioll with the services at the Pres-
byterian church nest Sunday
11lornillg- Services at 11 a. 111.
r alld S p m. C. E. at 7 p. m. All
arc cordially ilH'ited.-S.\V. , -
' Hu , pastor.
Not as a jolly , but merely testate
state a fact , wc' want to say that
\V. A , Greellwald of thc State
bank is one of the best ad writers
in this section of the country.
'l'hc state bank ads , as they have
appeared ! in this paper have sev-
t ral times been the subject of I
favorable comment among OJI1'
cchang-ts. ;
I At the \1. : : E church on Sunday
, & ' April 16l.03 ; ilt 6:35 : a. 111. prayer
' 1'\'ices ; 9:45 : a. 111. bible school ;
10:45 : a. in. sermon sU Jj ct"Christ
and his church. 3 p. 111. Junior
, _ League ; 7 p , m. Epwort h league ;
. g p. m. sermon subject "Japan
" , and her future clig-iol1s1y. " All
, , f arc in..itedV. ' 1' . Clinc. pstor.
< , '
, : ; : . . : . On Tuesday afternoon the Art
" ' and Music club meet with 1\lrs.
. Jo1.n Oswald. l\IusicianMcDow-
ell was the subject under discus-
sion. The instrumental solo by
Clara Boose was ones of the enjoyable -
' ; , , joyable features while the paper
byIrs. . Charles Hoffman was
' most interesting- Time club will
_ discuss the Passion play at the
\ home of Mrs.V.Wilson un 'f ues-
" < lay afternoon April 1 25th.
. , -
iI. \
. .
- - - -
Haqe you seen the new line of
Hirsh \Vickwire Clothing at li'
' \ ' . Cle\'cland's.
\\'m. Huctler anCi Martin ; Nolte
were visitors at John Pappcnhag--
gcn , Monday aftcrnoon.
Ad : : Spouse was a guest at
Hcv. Stouder's , Sunday.
Mrs. J. W. Ma ust of Straus11e
was shopping in halls I City , Sat-
urda y.
Etnnla Scholl spent a few lIars
cf the past week with her sister
\Irs. 1\1. A. Ding'aman.
No , aim Peck and two sons make
a new road float ' : Monda so now
look out for good roads in this
riciiiity. i
1\11' Hardtrine of Columbiana ,
Ohio is \ 'isitingwith his cousin
1\lrs. David Yoder :
Fred Chesely and wife of Falls
City were guests at O. A. Burk's
1\11' and 1\lrs. Sol Marts of
Falls City were visitors at their
daugh tcr's Mrs. N. B. Duan worth
last 'l'hursday.
Adolph Brackhahn and wife
visited with her parents ! Philip
13lau's Sunday ,
1\11'5. Omara . returned . home
from Hula Monday where she
has been visiting rc1ati\'cs.
John PapPcl1haggcl1 was on thc
sick list first of the week.
Jennie Jurk was on the sick
list the first of the wcck.
S. 11. Knisely amid fa mi.1y were
visitors at Eph Peck' : : ; Sunc1 lY.
Hobt 'l'hombul'g' spent Sunday
with his parents. .
John Yocam of F'al1sCity spent
'l'hursday night with his daug-h-
'lrs. B. ii' , Morgan spent sev-
eral clays the past wed with her
soil Edward al1d wife.
1\1rs. A. Kcllar and daughter
spent Friday with Irs. Chas .
Harlccn borff.
Dallas Yoder aid cousin 1\1'
Hardtrine were \'is ititlg- relatives
in Shubcrt and Vcrdon Friday
and Saturday. ,
\Vm. lIncttncrs parents visited
with him Sunday.
Edith Peck was a guest of
Daisy Peck Sunday.
Ivan Kellar entertained his
friend Harvey Peck Sunday.
A number of young pcople' of
this vicinity spent Saturday evening -
ning at M. A. Bing-aman's.
\lrs. M. [ P. Swceney of Sioux
City Iowa spent a few clays with
her sister Mrs. I1. il1organ.
John Lichty was visitor at
his son Frank one day last weck.
Charlie Cady finished slUc1dng' :
his corn 'l'uesda
Geo. \V. Peck and wife were
visiting in . 1ot'ri11last week.
Eph Peck and wife were visitors .
ors at J. \ \ ' . Dodds , Sunday C\'C-
. . .
- " ' - - - . . . .
The Only Exclusive l Feed Store in thc City. ( f )
AI oll\lI.lh' an kind 1 or Coal allll WOOlI : can 1111 onh'rM min short IInlk l'lwlty ere
o 1'Iunr nlllllll \.1. ) lirutuul : Shorts : tratll. ( : 11\11',1 slay \ 1\11,1 , straw ; Hnde Hall ) >
7Sc inv 1'\\1. . "hll' ) 1:1"11I11111 : Hod Sail 4nc pt' r I'WI.ltchhmll ; Hall $ I.ill 1'1'1' lIa''I'I'I. I
Q 11'1\1111. ) sac lcs ( Ac : CrllOh".1 Sin' iis for 'hll'1'IIH $ I.25 : ! IWI" cwl. . 11'11111111 ; Oil CIII. . , $21r (
O 11\1' CWI. 1'ruaviul : I'I'I\H \ , 11atkiny HIOI'I tc and l'uultrv 1'ooIIH. Caslil for 111111\1' .
CJ gIfIfH\llIll'olllll" ' , O. P. l I-iLCl --I
. .
\ ,
Luc in Lo\'eall went to Corning
\ \Yedncsday of the past week.
Arthur Nitchie was emi our
street Sunday.
\Irs. Annie Smith visited one
day last wcek with her l1Iother
Mrs . Fischer who is Unite R r.'k.
l dd 'l'hicman and family of
of Corning , Spell I Sunday with
li'red 'l'hielllan antI amily.
J. R. Krusol' ancl ; family , tariff
Wright and family spent Sunday
at his place.
' Laud Sells returned Monday
of last week after a weeks visit
with relatives in \Io.
Frcclilerhster ' and fa mmmilyIar -
tin Gelding , and hiss Sofa ; Falls : '
City visitedIrs. . Barbara Strick-
cr Sunday.
Bert Saal of Oregon 1\10. i8 visiting -
iting" his mother Mrs. Maggie
John K1'l1sor amid wife visited
relatives at Craig 'Vedllcsday of
thc past weel
Miss Gnstie Nissen visited a
few clays last week , with 'renc
Wright and mother ncar Craig
John Brown amid \Irs. Porter
visited Lucia Lovca11 and wife
one clay last week.
Pete Frederick and and Will
Veach were down from Falls
City Sunday.
- - -
The Very Uet Remedy for Bowel Ti'u'Jo
ble-No FAmily Can Afford To
Be Without It.
"I regard Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
as one of the very best remedies
for bowel troubles" , say Mr. J. !
W. IIanlon , , editor of the Dc-
spatch. Ocilla , Georgia. "J make
this statement after having used
thc medicine in fanily for '
illY several -
eral ycars. I am never without
it. " No family can afford to he
without a bottle of this remedy
in the ] mouse. It is certain to be
needed sooner or later. For sale
br parrs Drug Storc.
Missouri Pacific Railway '
Time Tablc , Falls City , Ncb.
No. 51 Omaha amid I..illcoln
Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:25 : a 111
No. 53 Omaha amid I..incoln
passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A :00 : p 111
No. 233 r..ocall'reig-ht ; , Auburn -
burn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J\ :00 1 : p In
No. 52 Kansas City and St.
Louis amid Dcnvcr . . . . . . . A 3:10 : a m
No. 58 Kansas City amid St.
Louis and DCllvcr . . . . . . . A :40 : p 111
No. 232 Local , Atchisoll. . . 10:30 : a 111
Xo 220 Stock l'rcig-htJIi- ;
awatha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 9:20 : p 111
A. Daily. B. Daily except ullday' '
J. n. V AHXJH < , Agcllt.
A ,
! I ; : " ' :
The and the . "
past p."es-
eat show that I know how
to buy shoes that arc re-
liable in quality , attractive -
ive in style and perfect in
fit , I know just what I
talking about and that I
will be able to convince
you , no matter whether
it is a $ 1.5O or a $3.50
shoe , otherwise it would
be cheaper for I11C not to
ndvertise. Pay l11e a vis-
it , constitute yourself the
judge Hnd I feel confident
the verdIct will I be 111ine.
G. Eo H&Jl
Falls City Shoe Parlor
rsR AT - 0 G A
- -
I at all
_ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _
1 r 2 J. N . _ . . _ . , 110tlrs
c. V. Hetldricls
- - -
Office over Cleveland's Store
I lours from / I to 2 i 7 to 9
Phone I 70 .
Telephone No. 88
Office at Residence
Office Hours : 8 to 10 a. m. i
I to 3 p. m.