- - - - - . . . . . - - - iJ@8-l 2W9 ( ! 1& ) e Raindrops 1\110)11111 ) ttgniti.l lI.r . \ vhadoAnne / - 1'cli the rlt lir-111th , , of the I 1411\1 1'1I111- 1.lIw tears by Ian Rings ) \\'cpt. \Phen 1\ t ' HHtllg1'11111 ; came ! 1IIIIId\JlI ! 1)3 ) - Anti Ihll 1'1I111111'111114ll'd / wllh II flll'l\\'cll nigh - 1111 I ono III II , ' osebtld dept II III ) ' lilt ( 1\ goal 011 her 1II'IIIt'hr golll AIIII hl'lIIl(1'llI'd the 111111 Ihlll her lo\'h' IJllJd- IInmtlreli 10 Ihlll IIluHhlll1 /I / 0 W'I' , 'I'lli'll I4l1l1hf'1I1II 1411t'(1 fl'lIlII his benne 011 hIAh-- AIIII enli ltd Ihl' 11\111111011 , 1111 to the HIy- \Vhel' hcnuetl her fOl' OIl ) ! HIIIII'l hOill' 8111'1I1-IIIIl't'lI III/hl. / : rnnn . ( . 1'Ip"lIlg do\v11 III HCIII'eh of Il loan ( ( , I' her " jo\vclcI ( 't'4) \ \ ' 11 , AIIII HilI' 11'11111'11 0'1'1' the HIIIIHCI'H bar . , 'I'llotc ( III II ( t 141'11 of nnlothyst , Hhn found the tea Ihlll ; the sunbeam 111'1141'11 And (1II1hlollt'11 l II into a : slur , A glillcllog : 1111\1'1' HIIII' , --\gacs Loelhlll'l Hughes I , 111 , Hccl'elitlon ] - - - - tw fNt IAi c _ w , , , . . . . AL Gilnwl'ton ' ' there , near Elllnhlll'g J , is a great deal of salltlHIOIIl' . very soft I\nll easy to WOI'I" In 7O : ! Il hlacl lill1lt mined GCOl'ge Paterson 1c- SOlved to IIIlIlw liunr elf a 1I0llsc In till' ( rock , nJIII after \ \ orking : for 1H'lIl'lr : fI\'e 'el\l'H It was IInlslll'll It I t 'onHlstl'tl of a smithy , II : c dining : room six feet high / : seven feet \vi(1e foltrlcen and It half reet. long \.itli It bench all around , II table and , II hell In the wall , II dl'lnl\ big roust of rather larger / sire , II hitch- en with bed in 'Ihl' wall , II cellar \ and 8 washing : hOlls All Ihcsc things were formed Jilt 01' the li \ 'Iiig rock ! , each room 1I'lnIIghled / fl'OlII a HI'lIgllt. Ocr the entrance , carve(1 In Stoic , ran this Inscription : "lll'l'l' Is 11 house and Hhop hewn III this rock with mr own halll ! . George Pat'rsoll " Then followed sonic vcr es composed hr Ale"1I1111 Penienik ) 1 , 01' which two lines will serve as a sample ) : 011 , ,11\t'I" \ IIIJlllw IIIhlly 111'$01 $ lilY hf'IIl , 1Iy ! house when living amt ! my glare when tll'llIl Paterson Itletl In 173fi , having dwelt eleven years In his cave , which be- Caine a wel1.1mown resort of holiday- lIIal'J'R Even judges used to take a 11I'lnl In the stone 111\1'101' - - - - - The Whirlwind 'I'hls game Is played by any IIIlmhe 01' Persons , all hilt one sitting : In chin ira placed ) close together In a cir- 'Ie. The players face inward , and one stands III the center 01' the circle , leaving , Ing one chair IIlI0cCIIlled. ) At a signal each player ) changes to Ihe chair just III his right and then to the next one , the whole clrelo moving Iu 1'0111111 IIIIS t as fast liS lOsslhlo ) The player ) In the middle tries 10 secure a chair , alum when ho hoes o the one on his right mast take his ) llace , $ 4CANDLES. s , Plants at the Cape arc often rare amid curious , There Is one , stunted and thorny . which , lighted al the end when green , burns slowly and Steadily : like II wax 0811(110. That Is why It Is called the candIa hllSh On the slopes ' of tome : of the hills brow trees named < . ' 1I11horhia , They IlIllr reach : :1 ) height ; : ; of forty feet , and : SIHlIII lip stit' ! amid straight 1\1 if made of metal Their \ " - - - - - - - - - - - hrllneho ; ar t Icy .on'n'h' formal IlH the 1II'IlIS of n candelabra , and the tree has , on hilt t accollllt , Iwen likened 10 the /l'wlHh / cUllllll'Hllel carved Oil ho I fallloll ! : ! arch of ' 1'1t1lS In Home , whlt'h 111etrtrcH ) ! ' have made famlIul' ! tll every. 11I1 < . ' . 1'I'I\\'elprf Hllr that thor tool ] , I 1IIIlto IIncanny ; when they I'ldo through , I Il grove of thelll ntlltlsl" . : - - - - - Game of Initials. A good game for you to play If this ! : bislribnle paper nnd pencils all10llg Iltl ! boys and girls , one for each , n1ll1 tell them 10 \ \ ' rlte down at the head or thl'lr shod 14 of P11 lieu' their OWII u 111 ItialH , each one 10 write 110wn his own limit lals ; 01113' 'I'hl'n read alollll the following questions ' Ii0nH 1'01' them to Wl'lto 1I0wIIII \ the Order that YOII give / thell1 'rlH' e questions they rust allSWCf with words beginning / with the IlIltlnls Aftl'l' the IIl1estOH ! have all been all' . Hw"rell , 01' aftel' "llnlO IH ill , " gather : : all the IHlII'I' ) ! and l'l'lIl1 the answers ' alo\lll. \ 111'1'0 Is all example : One boy's initials \ \ ere B. 0 P. : Whllt do you lllte heHt to eat ? Beans , Otherwise t Peas Wltat IH 30111 ' worst falllt ? Bonstlllg Of Pl'I'fOI'lI1aIlCl'r : Wltllt Is your greatest : virtue ? ' Being . ing : Occasionally PIOIIS i\lnllY other qlleHllolIs may he given ! , such nH "What did Son dislike : ; most aH : a child ? " \\'hat do 3011 most dread In the future \ ? " "Wltat 110 you 1I10si hope for In the future ? " etc- NOI'IIt AllleJ'lclIlI Torpedo Dived Into Mud. A torpedo was tired recently from the after starboard lobe 01' the flagship . ship \\'Is'onsln of the Asiatic squad- ron 1l went straight until \ withlll 100 J 3ar(1y : frolll the shill , when It , dived allll buried itself In the mlll1 Until ! Iw t propellers stollpell ( it croatcll a hlllck whirlpool whel'e It WIIS hlll'l'ow-I IlIg into the hotlOll1 A buoy was dropped 1 tUd native tlln'l's1'1'0 tlis- pllcltell to the scelle. Some hours later the torpedo \ waR located and 1'0' Iurned 1 10 the sltlll The ] tail of the little 11p"ll'oyel' wus hllrlcll ( six feet hOIll'allt the mllll and it was a tllmcllit IlIsI 1'01' the diver to make a line fast to It. Pin up the Stars r : w xv > < xv : u > < Stick six pins ) Into the stars hI the ! diagram above , no that no Iwo pins III'pear )11 ) tine sall1e straight line - - - - - - When the Whale DInes Tile appetite ) of whale Is lheI101ll' ) ' enal. Ills chief diet consists ! 01' jelly- IIsh , lie hns slmlll to open his mOllth /11111 / paddle \ 1I10llg Ipl"III'l'ly III order to take III jellyfish hy illeICgonIOad. : . Such Is hc t nlethud adopted hy he I whalchonp whall' 'l'hc SIIeI'II1 whale , on the dllllrary , ( 'aptlll' "R huge s(1Ilids wl'lghin ' : Often several I tOilS Lllw his hrolhl'l' , the ' whalpllOlIl' whale , he must he constantly \ Oil the lookout for I'ood Otherwise hf' WOlllel HIlI''lAs : rummy as 1-1 seals have been taken from n :10. : foot "killer. \ " Other IIshes / 01' enol" I\IOUS \ aJll1t'1 it ! It'S arc nntIn'omll1on , The hhlCOth , for 'xamllle , thrives 011 sardines and other small Osh Assuming slIIulng that one hhICfhh ( eats to small fish II day , It has hecn figured that t Il 1001111.08 ] 10OOOOOOOOOOOOOUO sardines to feed lonOOOOII110OllO bluefish fin the Anwl'iclln coast : ; every Slimmer Most curios of all eaters Is the hytll'a -a strange creature that can Ill' tuned ' l'11 inside out without illllJalrlll Its I appetite ai' Its powers to t-Golden . l Penna. . . . - - - - - - CT , _ Dreamln' of the Old Days. ThIIlJ IIhout the tune IIOW whet ! ) Y } U'1t leave y e I' , city I1llll'h , \11' ' tl'10 , lw It boy IIgnlll : a-\\ 8(1111' 111 the hllllll'h ! "Splash ! " goes theater , "II' " \ ' ' 'I'r1111111' / 1'1'I'IIIR ' 1'0 bring YOIl hu'k the HUIIHhlnc- 'rhe W'I'tllfH : DC old tln'llIltH. 'J'hllll about the time now whclI rou'lt I est where 1'IIIIIIItltI'H , deep , DOWII It\ the t riverhose the liars 1111' ii ) I\'ln' deep. ) " Splrish'goes IIII' water , . \11' the I'I\'el" In its III1W , IS I Hlnglll'-HllIgllI' to y ( iti The Snags ! : ! of long lI"gol Think ! about the LIllie lIow-the swcel- c'Sl lime of 1111 , \ \ ' hl'rl you IIstl'1I1'1I ( e , ' II footstep where the ( blossolll ! ' ; used Iu Cull ! 1 , ' hum the old , RWI't't 1I11'1I110w:4- : . , Lonve yel' city mlleh ! 'Uncle's blossollls walllll' fl'r you , All' the buys ail In lie branch ! -Atlllllta (2unstltatton . _ - - - - - Resemblance Led to Crime. In the fumolls case of i\lartin , . Gllcno , the lallnchillg' Oil a criminal coarseas the result of 1111 extl'llonll. lIury chlln'o [ 11111 l a sadden 1'080l\'e 1J\l'lin Guerre was n soldier , and WIIS mOl'1 lally wOlllldel ! III a slll'IlIlsh In the 1I0rih of Fl'Illlce Among his comrades was II mUll 1'l'lI1arlmuly him , and wil Iivlunl guerre had contracted a great friendship. The two used to he always together and enjoyed the joke of their strange I'esemhlallce. Ouerre's (10111)10vas with him when Ill' was dying and Guerrevtth \ his last breath , heggNl his cOllll'ad < . ' to carry sume little 1I'lnltehe \ hall to his wife at hOIllO 'rho 110llhle assented anll proceeded to fulfill his promise fallh- fully fully'h'n \\'h'n he arrived lit the village \ : on his IIIlsRlon he learned that OIlOl'l'e's wife hllll , dUl'in : ; her hm'hanll's ab- sonce In the war , cOllie Into somc lit- tle property through : the death of a 'lation He began to envy l\IIII'LIn OIlClTe'R Jot If he hall lI'ell.Vhen time villages cahint they began to exclaim , "lIero's : \1\I'Iln Guerre ! " By the time he un\'e(1 ! ( at the cottage l ioor he 1\1111 \ decided to act "llIl'tln's inll ) 1'1 t , provided the dead man's wife was lecel\1l ( ( hy his similarity to her hllshalld She was1111 the 11II)03tor ) ) took ? ; \Ial'lln OIlOI'1'O'S place. The wife I only diScuvered : the truth some twelve months later hr the absence from the impost cn"s arm of a scar which l\Ial'lIn had uorne. - - - Horse "Tarred and Stoned. " A'an J\tlen : with tancll stones \ \ as IHlsslng down Oxford street , 1.011' lion , the other day , near the \Ial'hle ; Arch , when an incident occurred which fined the spectators with aIllUCII1Cnt. : : ; ' ; he shafts sullllonlr ga'e'II ' , so that lie ( tarry contents of time \ ' a1) were )11'0' ) clilitalcd I1l1On the back of the hOl'se ' 1 he 11111 mal presented ) a curious spec' ladle , for the tones co\'cl''d the greater . el' portion 01' his body , adhering by leans of the sticky composition , In flit l'IUI , all other cn'or.s ! llelng of no avail , the fantastic creaturevas led wllr ; to he operated upon ' with suitable . able chemil'nls - - - - - Odd Month of February S. C. lIcWl1l ! of Ho'ldanll , "fe. , who has kept a diary faithfully since 1859 has the follo\\'ln ; entry against Feh 2'S : , 19110 ! ! : " 1 cbm'nar3 has hecn IIn olltj nUlI1ht'l' The mtlmh has hilt 28 liars ( , although \ he I year iH the I'olll'th after leap 30111 ; there was no new moon : therevas a thllnllel' shower ; it has mh1l'11 six times ' ' ' ' 111111 hall four stormy Sunllap The thm'nwlllet1' ranged from II below to , Hi above zero. , .lau lIal'r and March : each had two new moons " OrIgin of the Postm..rl Great Britain , It IR said , can , without . out fear of coat adlction . claim the 1,01101' of having originated : the post- 111:11'I : . 'rhe first one which WaS used d ' - . III London as long ago as 1660 , was I \ < ' 'IT sllllple affair ! , consisting of a 1 11I1111 ; circle divided Into two parts , In , the top ) portion ) there were two let- tHS , Inlllcntlll : the month , while In the 10wl'1' half the day of the month rr I \t ' as shown No endeavor was made , It' denote the year , and It Is only by , ' the dales of the letters all which the ; : ' ' mark Is impressed that it Is possible to fix the date of Its use , The earliest known wns Oil a letter written In 1680. J \ . . . , + ' ' . " ! As Thin as Two 'rhe sailor who said there was very little WhHI , but what there was of It was \'ery high , has a rival In syntax dCJwn In VII'glllla , " said : : ; 1\11' . Paul Kes- tel' "The last line I saw him he told me of a mutual acquaintance ) who had IICI'II In poor health and lost flesh I very nollcca hlr. " 'YOll are thin , ' said he , 'and I am l 1 Ibin hill he Is liS thin as the two of c i liS put together. ' " -New York Herald. . = \ , Relics Hard to Value. When the appraisers 01' the estate of the Into Robert 11. Fullerton of Bcdford , N B" , clime to his collection ' of ancient fil'clIl'ms and weapons they . . . 'L _ . were at loss to know what to do A ' \ u . . . . pair of old dueling pistols , silver \ mount 0d , and In an excellent \ state of , Jlres < "I'\'nllon. was especially difficult ! to \'alllc , Dates were found on them ' j indicating that they hud been made 1 and probably ) used before the re\'olu. i tloUlIl'r war ' . 'J Deer Die in Combat. ; With tlH'11' horns locked ] after 1\ , dl'IHlIr combat , two large back deer i wOI'e found on a mountain south of Danhm y , Coimmu , during the winter , I The bodies of both animals were lac' t elated as a result of the fight , an the t ground for rOIls ( around was co\o erect ( with hOOII ] The larger of the t.wo animals holll tight ! to the ad\'er. I J Ral'r It hind slain lJy the entangling of , their Horns , hall frozen to death iW j" Legislative Halls Net for Dogs > - The speaker of the Now SOlllh 1- Walcs Parllamcl , ( was lately called f upon to give what Is I probably- unique ; rulln : ; , lIe decided that the legislative chamhol' was for the use of bipeds , not qllllllrllpeds A memo her had insisted on bringing his pet dog Into the chamhel' , and another ember : called the speal\Cr's attention 10 the innovation and lie annoyance caused thereby , Odd Charge Against Woman Charged with jumping astride R. wild hut somewhat exhausted deer IItHI p0unling : It to death with u stone , pretty Luella Hlllett , a young married . . -u , . . . , woman alpenrcll ) In the Bennington , VI. , court.Vhen \ arraigned she was clad In the I typical barb of a hncl- woodsmlln , IIIl'hullu ( : trousers , ret ! sweat , holster belt , fur call and had her hair closely Cl'ollled ) , - - - - - Seven Million Men on One Job , 'I'he greatest number of men ever ennplo3e(1 on one structure was the Gizeh : pyramidvllero 7,000,000 men were in forced lahol' ' ! ' 1115 113 'rnmhl Is 4 1,10 feet high : and covers nn area of i hurt r'en acres , twice the dllneu sltms of 81i3 other hulldlng in the world , In one instance taking 2OOU 1111'n Ihui'ee t Scars In urlnglllg a sIngle stone Irom the ' ' ' . , om quarry. ! . . . . - ' -1'l . . Warlike Omen Fulfilled. ' A \Ianchcblcr : , N. II" , luau recalls that when he was a YOllllg child his father . tool him to see the vast quami I tit3 of army worm which had scttled down on trees , grass , houses and ' fences SIll''Oll\lIlhlg ! \ Con'ord common. \ common.3'f T 1 This visitation occurred about 18CO , - joJ ( and people ) sal.1 the worms were an f omen of war - - I Twin Stem of Tobacco , t ; \h' . Helm \Iorgan ; , ofVhite Sulphur district , showed the Tines a twin lent . 01' tohll'coalprfrcl \ sJlcelm n , j 'rhe two steins flrmlr ulI\l \ d show i distinctly right \IIi \ to tile stalk , How many growers 01' handlers 01' tobacco have ever seen such a fl'IlI ? -George. town Times I . I , f ' \ . . ' :0