The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 14, 1905, Image 3

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- ' . . .II' . 1 . . . . , . . .
- - - - -
r .f ; . ' \ . , f. : ' " , ' ' . . - " ' . 1J . ,
. ! 1 > 1 IREAVIS & - . ABBEY ! 1 - - - -
, .r " _ , , - _ . _ . : _ A , . MODERN w FURNITURE . - ' - STORE - ' " _
I" - - -
, I . It's So Easy
'I.i ' To purchase goods of us be you rich
k. or poor.
, " :1 : ' $ I o. 0o worth of h for S 2 down
, . - # - and 50C a week until paid.
t-- 25.00 worth of goods for $4 down
\ < and $ I a week until paid.
. 'I ' 50.00 worth of goods for $8 down
_ . . . . . I - . ; _ and $ 2 a week until paid.
. : ' , " 75.00 worth of goods for $ 10 down
, \ . and S2. 50 week until paid.
\ 1.- ; $ I no.oo worth of goods for $15 down
k 1 and $ ; a week until paid.
. . ' ' Or special arrangements will be
1 'II' " made to suit your 1venience.
, _ _
Our Specialties.
GlobemWernicke Elastic Book
Karpens Guaranteed Leather
Em merich's Feathers and Pil . .
Cincinnatti Felt r1attresses.
Liggett & Platt's Famous
Bissell's Carpet S\veepers.
And many other lines of absolute ,
merit that has made our store what it
is today.Ve speak with just pride
on this subject.
Emerson says that man pays dear-
ly for a small prodigality or words
that mean the same. That is to say
that while wc travel lifc's journey thc
path is made rougher and harder from
our small denials and savings. This
will cost you someting we admit but
your doing without it will cost you
very much morc. You are : living
this life but once and this will com-
fort many a quiet hour. A man is
most wise that , within his means , gets
the most out of life , not lw who
I leaves thc most bchind him.
- -
' Suggestions for Spring House Fttrnisllillg.
' , , I Feel at perfect liberty to come to Reavis & Abbey's Splcndid Furniture and Carpet Departmcnts for ideas ,
information , prices , etc. The new shipments of handsome Furniture , Carpets , Rugs , Curtains , Drapcries , Lace
Curtains , Etc. , are being daily brought forward. So much of it and all is g'oocl. All women contemplating the
1 buying of Furniture should see our spring stock whether living in Falls City or not. It will pay you to come as
we pay all freight charges to adjoining towns.Ve say " Women. " Isn't it the feminine taste that selects the wall
! paper , the furniture , carpets pictures and what not that makes the home beautiful ? Just J a brief mention here of a
. ' _ ' few thing's.
. _ ? 4
- -
Carpet Floor
11 \ : ( 1 9x12 Rug , varieties , wc have three 9x12
Axministcrs that wc will close out at : : : W.OO
cache 9x13Viltorts at $2. = ) .00 , Special sized
, _ rugs to ordcl'
+ ' Remember
our Ingrains are thc best selected and largest
lice In town.'c have all establish price but
will Meet the price of any oilier concern on thc
, , Sauteciuality and then BW 'I'HB CARPl [ '
t FOR NOTHING. Under this special illducc-
„ meat wc should supply every OIlC this spring
f who desires the purchase of a Carpet.
\Vc also carry a full line of accessories.
'j . , TONS , CARPET BINDING , C A R P :8 : ' 1'
llHATtS , F.'fe. , E'fC.
" , ' ' \Vc will make a special 1 prir.e Oil Linoleum
4 ) . up to flay 1st. The Combination will send thc
price SKY HIGH May 1st. Wc over bought to
anticipate thcm.Ve will sell cheaper than
IR ever until then to relieve ourselves of thc load.
, rIf yon want Linoleum conic ill just as soon as
: you read this ad. and save 10 or - 15c per yard. .
Ii I 1
i , . ,
4. { ,
'i ' i ,
Every C. E. & Co. Feather
. ; y- , . ' Pillow has attached the
. Emmerich
; Guarantee Certificate
.i ( and insurance policy guaranteeing the
pillow to be filled with feathers which
( ; have been thoroughly cured , cleansed
. and purified. Insures the purchaser
. entire pillow satisfaction or a new pillow.
, \Vc carry the best of everything in
thc bedding line , also a liberal supply
of feathers and down in IHtlk.
\ .t. . , " ' . - , ' . , . . , . . . . If . ; . . . - . . . , A' . ' ; . " , < ; 4 . . . ,
x -
Bissell's Carpet Sweepers
\Vhich has " odern"painted on
each one , so'ou may see that we are
making the reduction ; ) in order that
you advertise us. 'vVe thin the name
a good one coming from our store
and \ \ 'evant you to push it along-
Instead of $3 or $ 3.50 we will sell it
as long as we have them at
$1.95 Each
. . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Fullest Line of Straw lttings in town.
Fancy Cotton Warps in Greens , etc. , per yd. . . .20C
Better Cotton \Varps , per yc1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25C
Fancy Cotton \Varps , Japan , per yd. . . . . . . . . . 35c
Plain \Vhites , all prices.
China i\'Iattings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I2C
Better Chinas , from 20C to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45c
- " ' - - - - -
Sale of Portierres.
\Ve are going to make this an interesting event.
\Ve have too many of them including not alone cheap
numbers but some of the very finest portierres in the
] louse.
One lot of full width Roman stripes and floral designs and basket
weaves , good colorings , S4 , 4.50 : , $5 values , choice . . _ . . . . . .S2.85
One lot of heavy Derby Damask and 'I'apcstry , good variety of col-
orings including 55.00 to S7.50 values---------------- , 00 _ . ' , S3.85
Our stock is now complete in Side Boards , Dressers , Buffets ,
Bed Suites , Couches , Chairs and in fact everything of beauty in thc
marl < ct. 'i'his has been accumulated at great effort , thought , worry
and doubt. It has been done for you. Let us be requited and you
bencfittcd by your visits and patronagc.
; " ' . . ) I > _ , " . ' _ . , _ . " , . " _ _ , _ . . , . " . ' .
- -
The above picture of an Iron-
ing Board shows an article that
all stores are asking $1.50 for.
\Ve have quite a quantity that
\ve retail at the Special Low
Price of $1.00 Each
- - - - - - - - -
Ms -
. -
Our Special Rocker
told a durablc. strong tool comfor-
table chair , having style as well as
strength . . . .00 _ _ ' - " _ - - . $ . each
'l'his is a special at a very cheap
pricc. \Vc have still a cheaper one
but it is carried only to meet the
catalogue house compctition which
wc will not allow to affect us.
. .
o ' . . . : " '