The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 14, 1905, Image 2

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    . - -
ALL.IMPORTAN'I + , 6f . .gy r'e 1
tfl ( 4z
That In iudresstngirs. ] \ . Pinlchnm you
are coufklini ; you r private lluto a vonialt
-a women whuc ; experience with w'o- Z.
' ( liseaseM eVcrH a great inllty ; yt'irrs.
You et n t l lk freely to a wou1nn w hn it
is revulthg to relattsyour private tronlles
to a than-besideH a ntan does not uudcr-
Htand-simply because 1W is a tuna.
1ldilny wonmeti Huller in silence and drift along'
from bad to worse , knowing fall we11 that they
ought to huvu Ii iitediatc assistance , but IL Imttltl mil y' a S
ruudesty impels tIieiii to shrink from exposing theta- M , r'
selves to the ( tnestiomis twit ! probably CXILUItnations of .
even their family physician. 1 t is uunceessary. S t '
' '
Without nuilley or price yutt can consult a wotniui L \ f w L i''t
whose ituowledge from uetual experience is great. t
Mrs. PInkhnln'3 Staiulittg Invitation :
\\'onlen $ ufieringg from any form of femnitle weak. + " , x ( r'
ness arc tnvitei ( to ) rout ) tly cotnuntnicate with Mrs.'i i
1 inlchaun tit Lyon , Mass , All letters are received , rte / ' 3a
opened , remid mind tutslvered by women only. r
vomna con freely talk of her private illlies to a
vuuuut ; thus boys been established the eternal '
confidcnee betw cen Mlr i. 1'inlchum mtnI the woue n a ' % K'
of America lvhich has never been broken. Ow't ; , :
of whom vast volnnmc of experience whisk she " / T , , ' ft =
has to draw from , it is store than possible 'tfdls
I hat she has gaimted time very knowledge
flea will help your ease. She mtsks notlt
ing III return except your good-lvilland her t
advice has relieved thousand : ; . Surely any V
woman , rich or poor , is very if she
clues not take advantage of foolish I
offer of assistance. - - Lydia I : . 1'iukhamn
Medicine Co. , Lynn , Mass , '
l 'ollnwlll0 publish two lottery -
itws front It wnmnn whn 1Cel ) -
tel this illvitation. Note the
First , letl r.
DOni' III's : I'illllllun- :
" For 1 eight ! years / ; 1 have sulTt'r/111 Iomothlll
terrible every 1II0llth with lilY periods , 'I'1I1' !
paills III U lIXt'I'IIca' ( ' ill ; nail 1 call hardly stand
tllulII. Dly doctor ) ' ; ; 1 have m't'iim : ! ullli
wOIIIII tlllllllll' , amid I 11I11'\1 go tlll'ollgh uu operation -
'I'UtOU ! if 1 W/Illt to get wull 1 clo not WIIIII !
to tollluult u , to it If 1 C'nll po < sihly heljl It :
I'lt'/lsn tell moo what to tlo. 1 hope you cant
I'lJll'\(1l11l' ! , " -:111'11. : Mary Dillllllklc , ullli n ,
Capitol St , Bemmir.gP.O.'ushhmbtouU.C. : ( .
Second letter.
, , 'Dcnl' Ill's : I'lulllllll\-
Altt'l' following ! carefully you advice ,
mind ( taking Lyrliu \ K Pimmkhula s Vegetable
COllljlOUlld , 1 nun very anxious In Fend you
lilY testimonial , that , others tray know _ their
\'uluCIIIIlI what you Lieu done fur 11I0.
" AI you know , I w rote you timid tny doctor
falll llllust ( have / 1m operation 01' 1 could not
11\0 I thou wrote yOU , teldhmg ; you lilY nil-
IIIUlltH I followed your mlo timid ( nun 011-
tiroly well , 1 CIII walk IIIlll'S without un
ache 01' II pain , maul I owe amy life \ to you UIIII
10 Lydia I : , i'iokluun's'egetahle 1.:0lllpOlllUI.
1 wIsh every slllrel'lll011I IU would read (
this tl'stilllollllll amid l'l'ahzlI I ho'IlIIlU of \\'I'it-
lag to you and YOU ! 1'0 III ed ) ' . " -Mrs. loInry
Diuunl'k ) , mh IIncl l K 1 11)11101 ) Streets , Bearing -
ring 1' . 0" , \ \ ' IIshillgtou , I ) . U.
When 1\ medicine has been Rucccsful :
in restoring to health so ninny W0Il1C11
I whose tc-.timony : is nO unquestionable ,
\ . . ou cannot well say , without trying i ,
\ I do not believe it will help me " If
you are ill , dou't hesitate to get a bottle -
tle t of Ly'lia I' 1 : . Pinldulln's Vegetable
COlllpound atone ! ' , and write \Irs : Pink-
hllll1 Lynn. Noss. : . for special advice -
lit. is free and always helpful
- - - - - ' - - -
- .
y 4
I ' " It's the thoroughly modern and scientific system of load-
II log and the use of only the best materials which make
F Winchester Factory Loaded "New.Rival" Shells give better -
; ter pattern , penetration and more uniform results generally -
ally thati any other shells. The special paper and the Winchester -
chester patent corrugated head used in making "New
rE Iival" shells give them strength to withstand reloading.
" - -
\\0 are prepared to make loans on improved real + yt
estate 01' for the purpose of making impJ'oven1cnts. k
Easy Monthly Payments. Liberal Plan. .
For full particulars address the : "n , 1523 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. !
, , , ' : , _ ' ' .p . . . . . . t ! . J
; ' 'J- : i : . ' ; ' ' ' ' ' ; . , _ - - ' . . t1'f : : ; ' < :1t'1 , 1. ; t
' - -
When answering advertis mo .b k'ndly mention this paper.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury ,
as mercury will II1'cly destroy ! the .ell U or smell
end c ' nuplctehy ' derenro the whole ay ' Mcm when
entering ! It Ihrolllh the II11ICOU4 surfaces . Such
/lrUee. ] Rhllnlll hover Ioe med except 011 l're6crlJl'
11"11'1 frolll nl'lIlftIJlu physiclau , III the damage they
n 'III du I. I ten tell to the geed ( you can pOFRlhly deg
rh IJ from them ! . II all's Calnrlh Cure , mil an mm factUred
by p..1. Vlcllcy & Co" , Toledo , O. . contains no Iller'
1'lIry , unit h taken Internally acting directly upon
the blued . . 1 and IIIIIe01l8llIrf8I'e , uf the system , In
buying IInll' " CRfllrrh Cure lie lIrc 3ou get tile
p'lIulne. It 1/1 taken internally and male In Toledo ,
OIlIl"lIy 1.1 , Cheney R Co. Teetlnunlale ! trce
Fold by 1)rnggfeis. 1'r/ce / ISC. per bOltle
Take 1101\8 \ 1"811I11) 1'1118 fur euu811patlun
New Use for Whisky
A butler , newly engaged , requested
his master to allow him some whlsliY.
1'hel'e'8 nothing ! like It to clean the
windows , " said he However , 11 few
minutes later his master chanced to
pass through the room , and to his surprise .
prlso round the glass eml1ty "Why ,
.James , " ho asked , "where's the wliis-
kyVell , you see , sir : ' said James , I
"it's this way ; I rank the whlsly and .
then I breathe on the glass' I
To Keep Weight Down.
If you wish to keep your weight
down , don't drink water at meals.
Talw tea and coffee lilac early , wall
at least five miles every day , and don't
take a nap after exercising. Sleep
eight hours only , and on a moderately
hl1'l1 ! be(1. Shun fresh 01' hot bl'eal !
[ 'lee from potatoes , peas , macaroni ,
olive oil cr'oum , alcoholic drinl\s ,
sweets and 111\str
Seek Bones of Primitive Man.
PaleontologistS' are hoping to fluid
any dar the hones of prlmith'e man In
sonic part of the West , where the
dneply eroded canyons have revealed
so ninny wonders of the animal world
In the shape of ancestors of the horse
and the dinosaur.
For using on envelopes two stamps
which had already been through the
post , an Irish schoolmaster has just
been fined .c lOa Some of women's
little daily economics often prove ) In
tie end xI1Cnsh'e.-London Glohe
A straight party man frequently
leaves a croolell ( trail.
By Mother's Food and Drink.
Many babies have been launched Into
life with constitutions weakened b y '
disease tal\Cn in with their mother's
mllii. Mothers cannot he too careful
as to the food they use while nursing
their bahes. The experience of a
Kansas City mother Is a case In
point :
"I [ was a great coffee drinker Irena
a child , and thought I could not cat a
meal without It. But 1 found at last It
was doing me harm. For years I had
been troubled with dizziness , spots before .
fore my yes and pain In my heart ,
to which was added two years ago , a
chronic sour stomach The baby was
born 7 months ago , and almost from
the beginning ! , It , too , suffered from
sour stomach. She was taking It
from me !
"In my distress I consulted a friend
of more eXllerlence than mine , and
she told me to quit coffee , that coffee
did not make good milk , I have since
ascertained that It really dries up the
mill" i 1 ,
"So , I quit coffee , and tried tea and
at last cocoa But they did not agree :
with me Then 1 turned t to Postum
I Coffee with the happiest results. It
, I proved to ho the very thing I needed
, It not only agreed perfectly with baby
\ ' and myself . hilt It Increased the flow
, : of my mille 1\ly husband then quit
, , correo and used Postum , quickly got
, i well or the dyspepsia with which he
: had been trouhlell. I no longer suffer
I , I from the dizziness , blind spells , pain
\ I i In mr heart or sour stomach. Post
, um has cured them.
. : " ; -ow we all drink Postum from my
I ' husband \ to my seven months' old
baby. . ' to he the best
I \ab \ . It has proved
; hot drink we have ever used.Yo
\ ! woulll not give up postum for the best
, coffee we ever dranl" Name given
\ \r \ Post mini Co. , Battle , Creels , \lIch. :
'fhoro's [ a reaon ,
Get the little book "The Road tJ :
\\011\1110" In each pkg
' '
" " ' ' ' ' $ .
. , . , ,
. . ,
I It
\ \
w "
- "
t . . .
'W1 ' 4- -'I p
1I I
j ' .1 .
Thought There Was an Inducement. "
Time man with the confident air
walked into the tobacco department fI f
of the big store , called the manager I
to one side and whispered : '
"I've come ht to get the prize , but
I don't want anybody to know it. " 'l ' '
"Prize ? What prize"s. :
" \Vhy , my wife gave me a smoking
set for Ciristtnas } , timid I've usel it I . . ' " .
every evening since then. Don't you . ' .H . r - - _
give a fellow sonic kind of a reward 't"
for that ? "
A Handicap. . '
Mrs , Hiram Offen-How long were : 'I
. . . . . . . . '
yon in your last place ? .c--
, ' * ,
New Sen'ant-Just a month , ma'am , , '
1\11'5. Hiram Offen-Indced ? What : r
was the trouble ? I \ ' ,
New Ser\'ant-Th' trouble was that "
I got ( sick an' couldn't Pave no soon " " 1 t
er.-PhllarIeIPhl Press. . + !
; ' 11' ' J
Keeps Cows ' ,
City Friend-Do you keep a cow ?
Mr. Oulotz of Drear 'llUrst-I have I
a ! Strong suspicion that I do What : '
I have to ' milkman ' ' week
\0 pay mr every 'j
to be to 1 '
certainly ought enough keep
two or three cows. "
Preferred _ Creditors , '
"Pa , what's a preferred creditor ? "
"The kind I prefer Is the one who '
Is willing to take It for granted that \ t
I'll pay him just as soon as I can con ?
ventent1y spare the m01te ' . "
- Wired. - - 55 - - . . . . "
Hlcks-Clmrler wired me last j.
ulght. . . , ( It
F , '
'Weber-'Yhat an absurd expres , ;
sian ! 'Vlred ! " As if you were a . 'J
champagne bottle 01' a cheap bou 1t
quet !
' 1
Wanted to - End the SUPPlY ! !
. I ' , ,
\ \ .E
If ' 1 \ \ \ : ' '
' . ' \
. ' , \ \ ;
' ,
" ' \ \ I
i. , \ , ,
, I
f I r ,
, r
, .
„ iF
. .
babies WllIle-Snr ? , ma , do storks bring do I
l\Iamma-Yes , Wmle.
WlIlle-Sar. ma , can I take pa's II
rIfle and go huntln' his afternoon ?
Can Sleep There , Too. ft1
" \Vhy don't you come to church , '
Sunday ' mornings ? " asl\Cd the deacon. f' t
"Oh , I like to sleep Sunday mol'1l'
ings , " replied the neighbor.
"Oh , well , thut's all right ; come .
an'war-Yonl\Ors Statesman. ' t '
, . . f
. .r ,
Proof Positive
l.uwrer- say rOil were sitting
In a room could not see the road ,
heard nothing , and yet you swear , sir ,
that an automobile passed at 7 o'clock.
Wltness-Cortainly ; I smelt It.-
The End of It.
"I have disproved that old saying
that. 'a barking ; dog doesn't hlte. ' '
"You have ? " 1
"Yes. That dog of Crllbbe's barked :
at me this mot Imht ; and ' it bit the
dust. " , " {