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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1905)
: I , , ' , j t , ; ) I , _ _ _ _ _ - J } A GREAT ! MEDICINE 1 BRINGS IIEALTH TO THREE MEM- I' 1 DERS OF SAME FAMILY , Cllre' ' nts ire's ] ) ( 'hlllt ' Arh'r 1\lnlnrln n 1I1I"ll1\lIcl' UhIJlllllntlMIII , 1\ )11I1Jht'I"5 ! : \CI'\'UIlIO i'rositatiou. : . . " I have rccOll1l11NHhJll 'Villll\lIIs' Pink Pill , ; to 1111\11) lll'oplo , " tIidrn : , Gosset "becauso I hrn'o such t , seen good result , time "fter time , right , in lilY OWII ' fl\lI1ily There 1\1'0 hrco t of liS who have no doubt about I heir mien lsVu 110 not need to take nn 'hly's ( word on the subject - . jeet for our own espcriwlce } ins laugh l. u bow w'l1 , deserve i-e , ' ( they ; pr0isc. : ; " It was just about ! ten years ; ago that I first tend about \Yillil\lIIs' Pinl Pills , I\nd bought lilY first box I was I\t 1 that till10 all run down , weal , nervous cud without I\lIIbition 1111111 been doc- . toring nil SUlllllwr for 1II1\1llria 1\11\1 I'l.oll1l\ch troulllo. 1veiIy ( thought 1 j , wes going into ( 'OIlStmlptiorl , as lilY 7 ; lUoth' hllll died ! of that discus , _ 'l'hnllk to Dr. 'VillilUlP \ lJlc Pill : , ' ' - ! I nut now alive allll hen ty. I begun to ill1pro"o as soon as I began to take thelll t , and whom 1111\11 ( taken hreo t boxes I WI\S n I well WOllll\n. B\uryollo wonders how I 'I , ) . , . keep so well aul ant I\blo to care for lilY hOlllo null six children ! without help I : . ' + Dr. 'VilIil\lIlI Pilllc Pills explain it. . : - . " \1y : oIlIest girl' health began to fail , when she vas about fourteell. She vas \ i nervous , comllll\illl'1l of sharp punts ill her tend , would get deathly sick and ) utvo to leave time school roost to got fresh t . air to revive h'r. I gave some ( ; pill , to hul' She took only a few boxes , but t hl y cured \ I her tJ"Oubll'IlIlIl : caused : ( her to develop ) , 1 . Into perfect picture of honlt h. 'l'lll'umy " ' husband took them for rhOl1llllltinlll 111111 'Aft ; _ ComHI that t they would cure hat t too. So d. rOll HCO wo have all got ; ; neat good from ' , using them , 1U1I1 that is i : why wo recoil- , mOllll them to othl'l'H " ' . . i . l\1illnio B Gossett lives lit ( -.t $ . : - , Uhl'iehs\'i11o , 'l'USCIII'IlWflS Co" , Ohio , and \ I is well known , liS she has rCHilh'1l ill the : \ ' MIIIIO neighborhOOd for more thall thir- . . , . , . jC . tech YCllrR Her story shows that t , II J. . mOllilillO ; which makes time hloOll ( HOllllll f ll1d the nerves strong , O\'erCOIII'R II van- ) A' ' ety of diseases and should ho foam ill ' \ every householt1. Dr.WVilliuums'PinhPills , ' tire old hy all druggisls ovcrywlia ' e. I' They have cUl'ClllIlIll'llIia111111111 \ forms : If wealmesR , also the Uo..t stuhbol'lI ) 4 - cases of dY.Iesja ) 111111 ( rlll'\1l11l1tislII They are indispensable for growing Girl . s Arrogance leaves behind a trail of II lit feeling and onmllr. . , . Every housekeeper SllOlIlll mow ! that If they wlll buy cllnaco ] Cold Water Starch for ' ' ' laundry use they will save not only time , because ; Il never sticks ! to the iron , but because - ? ach package contains 1G O7.-ono full t pound-while all other Cold Water Starches are put up In } 1IOlll111 packages . ages , and the price is the same , 10 conts. Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious d iem- icals. If your grocer tries to sell you 112'07. , package It Is because ho has a stock on hand which ho wishes to , ' dispose of before he puts in Defiance He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large letters , tel's antI figures " 1G ozs " Demand Defiance - - fiance and save mach time nUll money r- I : y- and the annoyance : of the Iron sUcl ; : ng. Defiance never stlel,8 t " - Acting a part possesses thc danger f ) f being carried too far. - - PDr. ORvl,1 1t"III1f'Ch" l'nvnrHo Itt + nit'dy . . h'nrtont.r ; , V. . cured in \ arronnl'doe ) ' r I rnubls .IIl"I"i' , ! ' . -r. " , Ii oUllds , " H5. : Wardell , Uum" III. J . X. J. ) lnulc tl.l'IA ' - - - - - - - - I ' More thou half of HlIssla's profits ! rent exports come from thc sale of raln. : \Ir. . . { ; "illfllnw'Rnothln Syrup For children tccthlulo : , softens thu gums , reduces 1 Qilmmlltlun , allly : 111110 , curcs wind collo.Scab ) ttle. . One out of every four Persons who lie In London dies "on public } eharitr. " Wl'lte 1'UIOIlOIOII'l' : ; . 210 : Odd 1"ello\\J' Pldg. . St LOIIIK , l\lo" , for full information of 283OCO ! nero pllllltntioll Stock fol' .ale. . Easiest payinents ; IH dividends rtt0ran- ; teed. Active 1\1.1II3ge1' : UIIIl Agents wUllteJ .i.u M-r , : , . , , Scientific Wonders to Come. Already : \ ( the secret has been learned : of purifying sewage by electricity , so that In time every brook nnl1 river ulsy run with mountl1ln clearness to the sen 'I'hesl' things anll time fast developing system of wireless telegraphy ! . I'aphr arc only 11 few of the things hint ( science , alllcll hy the new theory of electl'clty , holds in store for the nol distant fulm'c. Indian Matrimonial "Ad " Bahu matl'ill1on'al ' advertisement : " 'antell-A l\1all lm for un Independent . ont ; beautiful young widower of 313 years , of respectable unll very rleh famllr. POSSO,1S handsome amount of thotistmuis 1\1111 I\1WI'OUS % \ golden or- 1H1\1JoIII of his previous wlfe-La. here 'I'rlhune Chain Carved From Wood. Anmong the curiosities recently presented . sentell to the ( l\larlt.i\\I'g : \ museum In South Africa Is a chain 23 feet Ii Inches long , Cl\r\'ell from the trunk of a tree hj' "Knohnose" natives II tribe t In the 7.outslmnIlOl'g district ! , Tmn1\'aal. The uhllln , Is cOlllinuous , requiring ! phenomenal patience and skill in cun'lng - - - - - - - Phonograph Attached to Cradle. A recent I3a celona law case revealed . \'ollell ! the existence of ' : a phonograph cradle which sang lullabies to an infant . fmt : Insllle 'I'ho rich mllllnfactl1l'cr who gave : the order sued for the reo turncll of his money 011 the grolmuf that the phonograph went out 01 01' lieI' antI scllol11 : sang the desired : tunc Two x eptions. "The ' say that all thc worlll loves a 10.0salll \ the rejected suitor UH' hc ate his tuner ( frolll the mall tel. piece "Uut there are generally two oxceptlolls 10 the rnlo-t he girl yon want to be your wife nllll the man yell want to he rour " Good Natural Tonics. For l'nC\al \ ue tre a brlsl wail or a hll''l'le 19(10. ! They rouse the whole system , old all the III'OCOHSCS of life and ! eliminate time wuste IJI'odncts of the hollr StaY-IIt.home. sedentary people arc rohhlng' themselves of mod- Inclne which Nature \ dispenses ! ; rntls , - - - - - - - - - The Effect of Fried Eels. A teacher In ( the primary Ilopl1rt. mellt of a city school one morning 'l' . centlr asked ! the children what made them so re-t108" One little fellow I l'also(1 ( his hand and flald : "Wo hall ( i fried ! eels for breakfast : at my house ' " this 1I100'nlng - - - - - - - Lifc's Stepping ! ! Stoncs You timink that an oppolumity 10 not necessarily he something ! great mind unusual ; but the fact Is , the stoPJ1ins- 3tolle to ho I place ] above rOil Is In time r very thin you are doing . In the way rOil 110 it ; It does not matter what it IsSlIccessIagadne ; ; , "Bcll or st 1trlck's Will. " \l Belfast Is still tl'C'aslII'eli the "hell of St. Plltl'icl'g ; : will , " which ! ! hears the fearsome name , "Clog HI' cad hachta Phatrail' : ' and has In- sCl'lhod on It the dates triO I alll1 110f ( , , ' , and which thlls cannot ho less than eight , centuries olll Until the reign [ of Edward 1. of England - land pennies were struck with a moss : , so deeply ! Inllclltel\ \ that It might ho easily parted ( I Into two for halfH.'nco ! ! and Into four for fail I thin : ; . . _ : I NC'd to I'X(1Il"IH'e is I the appreciation tlon of 11.Th:1l'1CI'J"I : I . : : ' ' " = ' 1'- " on 0 rlJp , 'Ol' ' FA 1 It f1fflS r ' " " ; ' . V nil mol'U + J , . ? SULaAs..T. , Sioux Oi p , Iowa , I II I W N. U. Omaha No. 141905. . I . . - - - - - - - ' " " " . ' . . , , , 'Ti'"Tr" , . . . , , , , . " , , . l , I . ; , I - - - - - BJl.D-s-ToMjjeii-- ! AUI'\Jlh'lI \ with t.alnted , olTon\I\'o ! , or foul breath , bitter Iitsto , especially III thin 1IIo1'll1l1/-t / , fll1'l''d tllntill' ( , sick or blllnll headaches ! : : , { poor or h ' regulnr \ II ppntlto , ' 11001' . . brash " ' sour 8tll1lll\l' , , l'OlllltlJ1l1- tlon with strong tendency . . to " the blues . , " or IImIIOI\lIl'1I1' , urn all I'l1lh\\'I'(1 1I1I1I 1'1111. icaily cured \ hy thin faithful 11811 of 1)r 1 , P\IIrCII'S \ ( loldnnidlc11l Discover No 1IIan CIIII hu tI'ollg\r t.hnn his stomach ; " hull It ( cots out of order ! ho h..co1ll1111 . till- IIIIII , dYlJlcpUc ) , hypochOlHIt'h\l'lIl , peevish ant ! "lIlIt of sorts It ; 110 feels IlInllIl1l , tired nllli "nil fn Hl1I1 Ollt. " NothlllH will 1IJ01'1I JI-li1Iy or JH'rllJlt- IIl'ntly 11I\'If.ill'lltll 111111 torn limbo IIctlon , 1i\'l'r laid ho ( \ vets thllll DI' I'llIrco's Unllll'n i'ledicul I I IIseovery. l It Is cOni ) OIIndud front thin active nll'llIclllnl pl'IIIC JIll's extracted - tral'lI'll front nlltl\11 1II1'IlIcIIIIlI ( Pill its wll.hollt. the 1I10 of alcohol , mint n drop Ot which enters Into Its co11ipnsittori. Thu kll1lwli t felt f\'OlIJ \ its II'II ! III mint " , hlll'I'OI'I' t ( , I due to alcoholic IIxhllll'atioll , amid 1'011411-1 I qlll'nt.1y of shol't 11111'1\.1011 : , hilL is I : 0111111I" I I1IH ami(1 1"11'11I11111'11 I'hl\ gremlt ma Im'lty of diseases ha11 I , their lace ! ) tio11 III It had stomach : , 111111- HI' tOIl ( , h ) lIoullH'sS : : and I1l1l1nro h100l1. I'uioiig thllI diseases are IIn/IClly / eon- , smiutpti011 , 111I1'\1'-1'11.\,1111 \ { . hraln.wrecl.IIIH IW1''OWlu'ost rt : ! .Ion amid : oxhn.ust ) , body-tortiu'ing rhiaummntisin , IlIslInlty- hl'lfdlll ! ! mio ii \ ' dais , 1'1II11l'llltlllg 11I111111'111 ) IInll 1111 1II11111\l'r \ of dlsilgmiring blood and , glrlll ( I llill'asl' : 1)1' ) l'l'rcII'1i ! : oldlln ( ll'd- , ICIII Discovery Is a earn for all these diseases - eases , If taken III IIl1ythlll like reasonable - blltlmo. . It Is I : 1I0t II cure \ . mill. hilt runes the ISI1I1r.cs uncut t lonpd for the ; that they 111'11 caused allli IIHHI'II\'uted hr time SIlIllO dlsOI'dl'rs. It nines the a lpu- ; tllp Iwell , , the digestlun perfect . hu I liver I \ active , tllll blood guru 111111 builds firm flesh aimd IIl'althy 111'1'\0 Ilhm' . Do' i't hll wheedled hy II tpeatmv-grabbing dealer imito taking sonllllh , \ II Olsu ) Haiti to hI ! " just ! \ liS rood : ' ollly that t , hu ninny . . mill" II great ( ! In' + pl'oUt 'rhl'I'II'S nothing "Just . os good" OS " 001(1(111 ( ( ( ll'llh'al iiscovery , " with Its record I of cllrc : I'xll'llIlinl over It third of i II cUlllllry. A treat Sufferer Cured. nil It y 1'1IC111 , Blllfnlo , Y. : 1) ; nr ' SII'h' ( : Ilf'olth Is better now than It , IIno been before for ) tunny years ! . and I 0\010 Dr Plerco' : GUIII1I ! r.lcllh'a\lIbl\'III' ( \ ) ! ' II debt r. ) of I1rnlltllllo \"nsCorllo\'ornl 'l'nrlltroll1JI I ' with tWOI'O IItllmneh I rouble , Mick hune- ! I nl'\1II \ nllli 1I0r\'OIl"IIl'S Cllllitl ( not oat 1111)- Ihhlll without t \ xmrlonclnlt , the IIw"t nto\IIr.- ! In& & : 1111111. lint ( ( HIIII nlll'ulllo RlIII Willi ft e- cIUt'III1) ' IInu IHIINI. 11y sick hl'nllOl'llI'1i worn lIIo \10111111 cud I could not rust ! I nhrhl I or IIn ' . 1 bectu11a + l'mlll'lnlml nllli IhOI'ollIChly ChJIIOIlIh'lIl. ! ( UIIII ) 110 1nt'llll'hlll Ihul I wall Inllll .ocnmcd 10 l\IIlt , lilt ! nt oil It wow lilY father who NUilCl''II'CIIIlIt ! \ \ I try your 1111'111- ( l'llin 111111 I ate urntcfnl \ 10 say Ihlll I hllli been 1IIIIhill " ( ; olden M"llIelll IIIM'O\'I" levy than tire mOlllh when I WII'I l'IIIIt'uCltI'I'IL \ ' amid cnllllOW cot \'lhhllr wltholll dl'llrl''I ! IIlb' ( ! 110'11' lit'' , North Al 1'11111:1011. NOW JIJl'Soy - ARloI' A "UIlIlCo Cures When Ih'er'thlnlr Idle Pall. nil , H V I'lIiIl11 : , lIuO'nlo , N. Y. : /rlll' SII'-I tutu hop ' y to vpy Ihnt I have found llr. PlrrclI' Gulden 1\I1llIl'nl ! Discovery \ 101m II III1\sl lIt\kol'lolls \ H'mecror \ IIllImnc'h \'ollhlo For many yotuw I could , ; ( 'nrc'uly cat nnythhur wl1holll hl'hlll drondfull y' 111-- Irlls.11 III 0111'1" 111111 ( was opt III'lImlL the (0011 used \'lIrllHHI IIll'cllC'IIIUS wit hoot \ t lOtHI ! ,1\\'CI. \ 1.111111' I hOlllhl n lli.lllo Dr L hmo'j ! Golden \\'IIII'nl : \ IJlslm''r011I1 : It III'm'I'(1 .o SIlIl , Cllf'lor.IhllL \olluhl I \ . 11""I'RI ( mono hot- ( its or 1111I IIIcdll'hlll nllil used It UIIIII I was entirely well , 'l'hl\l was shout tour 11utths. . \'IIU . IlIll ' count Oil 1111I I CUI' II tel nlllll'h CrlulIll 10 Oohll'n i\It'clll'nl IlIsl\'l\r . " nhlll III roar f:1l1l1t1l1'iulII. which Imow I 10 110 0110 or HIli l l Lent III he I'OUIIII' ' . j I AHA \\'III.IAMS , : lOg Itlley Slreo ! liutTnlo N Y. 1)r. Pll'rcl"s 10X ( { ) > -J10 go IIItJRtmtod hook " The 'OIIlIlHIII Sense \11'(111'111 ] Adviser Is sent h'pIII paper : eOVl'I'S , oil recoi ! ) t of 21 : I onu'clIlIL tltlllllllS to pay cost of unalhint \ ; I OtlllFor / / 31 : stl\m1 > thin clothbound . volull1o will ho SfllI t , Address Dr. It. V. I Pll'rco , BlIlTnlo , N. Y. ' 7 Whem thin " olden Die Pierce 1\ll'dlCI\I Dlscov- ery" It not ( Iulto ) I Il\xl1t1\'o enrnighi , ns lu Ohit.tllll ) ! to enlist ( { tut- ti0n , tllll little , tIOILSnnt. ' : \ , lIIHllr.contcll . . l'.lInts" . 1'11101111 \ hn tI\ICUII to aid time " DlSl'ovm' " OliO 0\ \ two for 1\ laxative , ttVO ! to four for ( 1l'nthllrtlc. \ . 'flw ) ' alone I hll \ 'n 111'1'11 known to CUI'U many \ hall cases of 8t.omach trollhlo , (1yspe ) shim 111111 hid l- gestlon. 'I'JIllY act Oil tiii 11\01' Itntj ! ' ' the hovel , Put III I'I'HlIlllto \ \ , UJI glass vials : , corked , thl'rl'foro , always I fresh 1\11I1 lIlthln. 1'0- Pleasant P e II e t s. 1 - i Truths that Strike Home Your grocer is honest ] nIH1-if ho cares to c10 fiO-Cfin toll you that ho knows very HUla about the bulk con'oo ho sells J'OU How can ho know , where it origiiially damn from , how it Willi blolldedor'with what -or wltelll'lHllitcc1'r If yon Imy your t cotli'o looHo by t.ho ( 1)01111(1 } , how can you espeat purity anti uniform quality o > LION COFFEE , the LEADER OF ALL PACKAGE COFFEES Is 01 . necessity unllorm lit quality , l strength amI IInvoi' For OVER A ' QUAItTrR or A CENTURY , LION COFFEE 1) % , ? has been the standard eollee In ; nlHUocs cf hcmcs. & : : a &c : , LION COFFEE llr carelully paeled oo o . _ ot our Indorlcs , and unlll opened In - .r your home Im1'l ' no chance 01 beiliU udu.- w ' tcr1led. or 01 comic fin contact whir dust , cUrtI per mei . or unclean IlImdtl. In oncIl ( 1ficlmgo of LION COFFEE Jot got one full pound of Pure COmO ! InliiHL upon WWlIg time genuino. ( Lion hcn on every pnclmgc. ) Save the Llou-heuls : valuable prcmiums ) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE I WOOLSON SPICE CO , Toledo , Ohio. ' - - . : .j. , ; . ; it1L. e i G.i. tilt ! ' . . . ' - ' \ ' - ' ' > t - - - : . - . U I A CHILD Can Use the QUICK MEAL whit prrfrcl safrly-It's proof against ( unst tfulness , ii nornnce , hired girls the Insurance Conipanles brave leclrd it to thi-ir ( till ntisfnclintp every wily they could think of. 'rhe Quick ileal to srucpl ) iv itself -110 weuritig pitrts-11othluL to clog or uet out a ( order n athh)1t ( o brcruacl. It is umnde front heavy slarl slrel and bras. and a ili list almost a hfrl'se-and it will do Its good work ( ho last year as it did the firs ! Kftc11en work Is a defglit when you have n . . , . QUICK MEAL ( Evaporator ) GASOLINE RANGE r ; r s for you never have to wait , even n , , inch , for your lire-it' always , pipirghot , but your iitc11cn is c ) ) l , far the bent is ender lh 4-'IIles , , . - whet ( , it 01)5111 to be. Antl ( hero arc no kinQlinrs-no vslic-no t , dirt no bother just convenience , ceonOni ) ' anti safdJ. (11(1 your f , f dishes done and the kitclien cleaned ap before you know it. 'l'imo TlIAUB Jl.tmtSQui"k Menl is a rlfyarirurrrlcr ) nu can have and meghl to t have. If your dealer doesn't carry It-ask us-we'll sell you. ! : ) p d luau' , n Yov r 1)C A I'n - ' iTttwewlll.end you .omethtna u.'Jnl .inn , . Iiixilt. thingou'lilkelfpouII ; ; l u. ) irdealer'j and s.yh.t8et e e rtle , quick ) ' I SIQu ) ur , I L' ) ' .o It till you .at-ly Rtngen Sttve Co , Div. , Makers , 416 r ; . GthStreet. St.Louir , Mo. - - - - " - PUNiM FADELESS DYES Color : trore goods hrlchlpr and faster colors than ani ' oliu r dye. One 10c P'CloSC8 comes silk , 1',001 and nation equally well end Is guaranleed to oivo perfect result. Ask el.ler or wo will : end post paid at lOc II package , Wri.e tlJr fret booklel- Hc.w to De , Blcllch and Mix Colen. .UO."I' ' . 1)/ UU CU. , UlliomIlI" , .utl'UU" - ' . . . , . . . . , , . . . . . . . . , , . < ' . " . .It " - . . - . , ' . . _ r' . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . ' : ! 'JI. . . . . . " ' . ' _ . " . . - .Ir ; \ - . . . ; . . . - _ .Q" < WI " " : .t - . . . . . . . . ' " " Q ! . < J.A > ' = 'j. - - - - 1