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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1905)
" " , - _ _ .w. At the Court tlouse. The board of supervisors [ ! con- vcncd 't'ucsday with all members prcscn 1. Most of the time has been consumed in the allowance of bills and thc consideration of tax matters. The hills for thc last term of court together with the grand jury expense'vi l make a large total. 'he bonds of road overseers for thc various districts have heal approved. The county clerk has had little time for any- thing outside of his duties in con- I ncction with the hoard. Judge \Vilhitc has had only routine business with thc excep- tion of a complaint filed by 1\1r. James against Brice Hattcn for running a joint in Nims City. Several - l'ral bottles of suspicious color and size were found in thc cstab- Jshmcnt : by thc shcrilT , The preliminary - liminary was held Wednesday , at which the defendant waived cx- amination and was bound over to the listric ( t court in thc sum of $200. which bond he furnished. Real I estate taxes becoming dc- linqucnt in May has brought a large number of the farmers to thc trcasurcr's oOicc consequently - Iy11' . Zook and his cOicient force have been busily engaged in receiving - cc \ 'ingmoncy and delivering rc- l'cipts. SherifT Hossack sold thc Ton ) ' butler city property under foreclosure - closure \Vedit esclaV. Thc South- eastern Nebraska Building- I and Loan association bid it in for 540. Recorder l eig-er and ll'red 1 Sea- boll have been busy with thc Ii hag of real estate transfers and 1 mortgages. : nistrkt ) Clerk Chas. Lorec is ju.t recovering from his work during last wes ) scs , - , ion of court and has been talking things . a little easy. : . $ . The tiling in the court house running from Tanners office to : . the north door had become so , : , had 1 . \ ' ooscnc(1that ) ! thc board has ' Mr. James cltison at work tearing it up preparatory to replacing - t . placing it on a new bed of cc- , 111t'l1t. . . , - " I liormon Proselytes. I A quartette of nicely dressed ' and neat looking young men have ( been holding meetings on Stone 1 street for the past week in the f , interest of the Mormon church. , 1'0 listen to their professions it t would seel that thc only \ way to i reach hc King"dom is through t the teachings of this church. A crust ; old bachelor stated to one of them that if any man in this world < 1 deserved to goo to Heaven , it was the than who had to contend - tend with a dozen wives on earth. We have heard of no converts following the mccting"s. Cattle Wanted. For in pasture , 20 head or more . , . good water , plenty shade. Price ( ,0 and 75 cts per month. ! ' Fred Zorn. s , - , - - _ . r , . " Eugene A. Tucker Likes the West. lIon. Fugene A. 'rucl\Cr. thc appointee for the Fifth judical strict , arrived here thIs morning from Phoenix , accompanied by I his wife , and wilt remain until tomorrow - morrow , when hc leaves ] for No- gales , where he open court on Monde ; : y. "J like Arizona : very well , " said he today to the reporter , who had been presented by Ilon. George H. Davis , "and I have cn joycd . myself immensely since my . . . arrt\'al111 the tcrntory. I came out over the Santa li'c stopped at Phoenix for several days , where 1 sat on thc bench wIth Judge Kent on : Monday , 'l'hcsday : Wednesday \ , then carte down to Maricopa where owing to a de- layed train I made several friends and then procccdcd to Yuma. where Judge lmbc11 kindly in- vitcd mc to occupy thc bench with him. "While there J found two old friends the Dorring'tons. John \V. and George both of whom I have known for years. The former is thc owner of thc Arizona Sentinel - cl and frequently comes back to my part of the county ; but so docs George for that mattcr. My wife is thc only mcmt'cr of my family who will be out hcre. I have a son , who is a practicing physician in Illinois and a dallph- tel' who is a hankers wife in . HUlllbolbt , \cb. , by the name of Gist , but , 01 course they will re- i main where they are , aIthouh they may visit us after wc get located - ca ted properly. " I understand that tame session at Nogales will last about three week s after which I shall goo to Globe for thc opening of thc Un- ited States court on May 15. Af- that there will be a short term of thc District court at Solomon\ and thcn I shall go back to Globe for another session of the United States court , which will begin in J lll'C. "In fact , it appears that it may bc H long time before I finally see my happy homc-that is , be- fore lam located at any one place : but I would like to say that I have certainly been royally treated by the people of this territory so far , and 1 cannot express } tlty thanks. Judge 'l'uckcr docs not belie thc pictures that have been circulated - . culatcd here , being of the short stocky order , and of thc pleasant looking type. lIc might easily pass for a brother of thc rather celebrated 'l'heron Stevens , who is on the Colorado bench , and who was the chief arbiter of the strike troubl : s in T&uride lately. Tus- con ( Arizona ) Citizcn. \V. E. Dorring"ton is our kind a man. Instead of sulking id his tent after election , he took the petition to secure the stub trains and worked tike a trojan in securing - curing the ncccssary signaturcs. Falls City never callrd upon \V. E Dorrington in vain. I I - I t- T' J SEASTEKIf ; fi . . t On Easter Sunday you : ; ; Should look as fresh in + r. . . , youattire : as the Easter Lilies that will be blooming YJ all around you. You can 't look it , however , unless your Shoes are right.Ve invite every lTanToman and Child to come to see our large and attractive lines of ' Handsome Easter Footwear l\Iany of our styles are exclusive with us.Ve'vc just the Shoes a well dressed man will want to go with . . . i his new Suitor an elegantly dressed Woman will want for her Easter Gown. Remember . - - - - No patron of ours ever pays too much for the : Footwear they buy here. GEO. B. HOLT .y : The Shoe Man ' , _ i - - SinguJ > u : Coln,1dence in the Lives of Twin Brothers in Englnnd- Romance in Old Age. One of the strangest of coincI , dences on record is chronicled in an old English publication giving reminiscences of odd happenings in that cOll11t1' ' . Two ' country. country squires named Lenman , of Ivy- hridge-"t wo thin , pelicate-look lug old men , twin brothers , 72 years old , with white hair , very ' gentle and courteous in manner , red cutaway coats , white cords , black ) boots , laps and gloves. " \Ylwn past no years of age , one night after hunting one of them said to the other : "I have been thinking t neither of us can have much longer to live in this world , and it will be a terrible thing for the survivor to have hl I'emain t here 101le. I > on't you think one of l1S ought to marry : ! " "Yes , " was t he repl ' . "I han thought so for a long time. " . ' \\'el1 , do you know of and ' lady ! " "Y < , 1'1 ' , I do. Is there anyone rOll : fancy ! " On comparing notes it appeared they had both selected the same woman , the manager of a hotel nt I Okphampton. I . " \V < , II , " said one , "we have lived together all these years ; without a wry word , find it's fi pity we should fall ont nt our time of lifc. " So they tossed l1P which shoal { marry hel' The winner rode down lo Okehampton next morning and was H'ppted. All three lived to gether and : \ the t wife nursed both brothers in their last illness and WAS left ] their mon < , y. Frank Blakcney and Frank , Nuns of Nims City were in town Wednesday to attend the prelim- inary hearing of Brice Hattcn. Mrs. Ross Jackson was up from Rule toda r. r.Wanted. Wanted. Garden Seeds , Coal , Wood and Rock Salt at Hcck's Feed Store - , , , . _ , - - - n - " , , , , " , , ' . Live Poultry I # I ) 7 Wanted r - - ( We will pay you the following - . . . .lf lowing cash prices for i , Poultry delivered at the - F , C. P. B. & Egg House f Thursday , Friday and Sat- t urday April 13 , 14 , 15 , I - - - - I-lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . .10 ct" I ; } Young Roostcrs. . . . . . . . . . , .6 cts } Old Roosters.$3 per doz ] Ducks fat and full feathered , .7 c Geese fat and full feathered , G c / I-IenTurkeys /at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1"c 6"c . 's- . t. . . I Tom 'l'urkcys. . . . , . . . . . . . . . .llc _ Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13c per doz PoitItry must be free + from feed ' Sick or unmarketable poultry not I wantcd. Remember the dates , and bring in your poultry. ( F. C. P. B. & E. Co . Best wall finish at City Phar- , . macy. Dr. R.P.Robertsdentist - - ' , -r- j- ti over Kings Pharmacy. , . t Mrs. Johnston left for Super- I : for Neb. , where she wIll visit ' with her fathcr. Remember thc City Pharmacyh' for \Vall paper. \ Who is Stanton ? } I's thc Crystal Lake Ice \1an. Phone 56. Fulton Gantt adorned with a . large and becoming mustache came up from Texas Tuesday to eat a few days with thc old folks. Dainty creations 111 Dress Hats at 11rs. Brcithauphts. i , . - , . _ , . . - - _ . ' . - ;