The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 14, 1905, Image 17
. . , - , - t- ' -tr ; ! f I ) Behind PriS01'1 Bars t\ \ ; " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ Au _ _ _ _ ft. . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ ft. _ . . _ 1':1 _ 'tt - - - ' " . . . . . . . - - J t- . -vt- .f'"PV."u--e i j The Interest in prison life Is not ' so much It human Interest as It delight . t - light In the austract. When It man commits . crime . and Is jerked from public ) view to It mansion of cells , he loses part of his humanity and 1)e comes fin abstraction. Ills let ] Is filS' i clnatlng to those whose minds fire t wont to fasten on system and sched- 'rr ue. ] People ) ] declare ] their fondness for liberty , yet to the same degree , too , they gloat over the possibllltios 1 " of dlsclpllno. They love ] to examine into the methods that one man dictates . tates for anothol"s obodtonco Thnt 1 Is why they arc vain of written constitutions stltutons ! that are cumbrous to /i / e jj IY'i' ec mPlc rl i1. m I i A a i -r .G . Y II Ir 2 r \ ! ) ' y ' .1 I J\\ \ t G i t , I II f I Thu 1 % ; 1 I , Cmtkltnm F y , \ 0' : frec Q" , 1/F ) i , / - - - t , amend ) , rules ] , bylaws ] , strange manners . , . 1101'S of etiquette , styles ) , heraldry ] , ( t caste , machine politics and cOlllllIe ! I other In\'entlons. 'rho imposing ) of . . : . _ . mathematics on hunianity's fimIC ! ; ; , 't - - wishes maws ] the victims interesting - 1't Ing as a puzzle. ) : The captive In Siberia t . Is a more curious and edifying object . , than the tramp ) who has a pari bench . for his sofa 'nle former has been f stamped with H 'stom , 'rho cruelty hat t has been practiced on him he- t comes theatrical. lIe interests not because he Is II man hut because he t . Is a worldng mOllel of another 1IIan's tort 111'0. The tramp t ) on his side , Is an emhlem of I'rredolll Yet on ac- cOllnt of his local color and time CIIS- toms to which he adheres would dc- r light more readers than time affections to which he does not got an opportun- ) fly to adhere Now , In a penitent al'r , food comes and b ' \\'el ' ' ' 1101lar's goes by weight. Every worth Is supposed to feed a certain amount of criminal. Seven hundred i people nourished dar by dar with time same food , munching the bread or punishment , chewing the meat of rule and regulation , carry out lho ( schedule provided for tholl1 All appetites - . petites arc met with the saute supply , all tastes the one ffltlf.factlon. Vagrants - rants , burglars , miscellaneous nmisde nwanants , attemlltel".i of murder \ , thieves , consume 1 the same fare to thrl\'o thl'onsh their term. The right of selection Is eiimlnatc(1. ; Rejection \ 01 one 11Ifh 011111 bl' likely ) to disrupt ! - I'llpt the I'ejectf'r's'holo lI1eal. The lodging ] places ) of the Lom' hrosollos are examples ) of crime In architecture fitted for crime In the ison. As the warden says , the Iecplng places are built on the plan ) , ! r. , . of the Pllllman palace cars , two berths , one over the othOl' Tine I'osemhlanco to the palace calls - Is In economy of cubic lI1eaSlll'ements The cells for time men are contained In two sections of the main building one for the long.torm men , the other for the short term. Down the long t room are six parallel 1'0\\ of coils In a block , three 8101'10 ; : hii h , hack to hacl" Skeleton stairways anti platforms - forms of ] roll lead to tIom The cell I block Is just large enough to hold uncomfortably these , fehlll ! re I 'V ' - - - + Juu't"'i " ' { men \ filed away ton l'efcl'enco until the eXIIl\'I\lIon \ of their terms , when they arc taken Into the otllc" and re- le11Sec1. Each cell can mole two men : The first lI1an to get one of these coin- pail meuits takes his choice of the berths Out In the yard ( arc acres of ground , seemingly for no otPI' ! purpose ) than to keep the se\'crnl. hlllldings of the Insllluton ! I'tl' apart from each other Sonic good . sired ( l'nd airy sleeping ) places cOIII(1 he built there , on a the- ' ' ' ' ' ' with ory not too airy 01' impractical the designs of prison life , oSlCclallj' ) for that one innocent lI1an. The cozy but too COI1lJact ) cell theory now In use could ho well l1Iuglllnell IntcI rool1ls large enough for a comlleto ) yawn III all directions , Hilt that might he too l1Iuch like real life 1'01'I I those who endeavored to desecrate the sume when It was free to them Every day these cliff dwellers come IIOWII Ul111 wOI'I" 'rhey sew , hamll1l'r , emit , ) lI'lnt , mllnllfactul'e They ma\O ] ( IOtIllIg ) , caps ) , shoes , house brooms street brooms , brushes , Iwels , stockings ] - Ings , and other timings consistent with a 111111101' of live Ollllces of pork loud ! henna ' , six ounces of bread and It quart of tea Not that the human \ brain cOIIIII not 110 more Oil such a poll.llinl yet inspiring diet , hilt more Is not expected of 1l1Iun \ who cuuld not prove his own Inllofl'nco : ' 1'h r01'1 , steadily , hut 110 not seem to put a large amollnt of zeal In the task For there Is not much OMiOrttimity to rise III the II\ISlne88 The only olenlllg they care for Is the front gale The emollllllents immtd ! cold glories of tile lenltenthI' ) do not seem to act like a charm on their delicate amhltlons , here among the mlml Industries of the prison This Is emIr habitual , aH In' the competition of life In a real city , most of them have mot hall their ambitious hrlght- I'ned since they were boys. That was many long years ago for sonic of them , and mot so long ago for others , _ _ , h. . _ _ _ A".1 _ _ I'V.1Lr.tllq tn"Turn _ mn , ' _ 1 'HKr 'i roc is S , f ; q } ! fa 'ft , t ( y . , . - + It the actual commit of years bo .talien ; as a matter of fact , It Is longer than their ages would wal'I'atSomo ! of them might not have had any rC'al , good hoyhooc1 at all. A chllllhoo(1 ( batted Oil one cheek ] by poverty ) and balefully \ IIll\mlnatpl \ ) all the other with gleams of crime Is what sends those striped slaves of the city to a feeling . . . . . - . . - of hOI'l'dom , rather I lh" . Ilel1l1el1cl' I AIIII perhaps II w'- s Incorrect \ to suy : that they 111'0 far away trout chili- hood \ 'rhey arc nil children yet , with just a largel' anunumt of ingenuity amid greater muscles whit which to carry out t'10 foolish , hupllllzurd I , an' nl'chlstlc plmtmts ) ) of the c , iilu. Bl'fut'o their : meuls the mOil 11\0 \ led out from the workshops to their t cells , for \ a rest. As the long line trails ! throllgh the prison ) yard unll UI the light , rl'umoy stairways to their cells , they innko Il contnllolls ! picture \ almost romallllc enough for an 1m. Il1'osHlonlat , piled uS the line Is In its I stripes 111111 con'lcteel'IHuAes of duns lund grays. Wherever these men have been separately all their t lives , allli whatever they t have been doing , they -4 . II t I frtii ; , j - - ' - ' - - = .r - . Wh-\ ( \.S 2).b'o cl dQtl..S not in.ju..r 1l msdf > I his repu.4a-Uiott. seem a fine collection no'rhey arc consistent within one another. The so.callet ! erlmlnal type Is there. Any. hGelj' ( cOlllt ! Illck It 0111. Eyes 111111 nose , lIIollth allll chin , cheek homes 1'1'0111 the slums , jaws from strange 1'0- glens of Europe ) , brows fWIII poverty ) , lips from lack of )1II\'pOHe ) \ , expressions that could \)0 \ III lip wills ; uiytlming from clgal'otte to a lI'oosnl ) ) ) to divide the booty-time ) ( ) same OXII'08' ) ' dons that can he seen a thollsallIl. fold III the streets , In stores , In the cars 01' theater , except that In these other places ) there may he visible Oil theism more expense allli care , JIm'o the fraternity of them Is selected by juries of twelve lI1on , the gang Is picked out 1'01' the jail with special reference to their crilllinality ; , based on acts done , So the effect Is st rong. er thall In time streets , All useless ennbeliislm went Is torn off Time black anti gray stripes give It 'chologlc 1Inlt'ormlt to their appearance : give them the look of leaving the same stripe to their sOllls and intentions ; which mil ) ' ho tree In some llrtlc1l- ) : mars , as first , for IIIstallce , to get a wuy , Some of them have been shaved within a week ; some \\0111' lII11stachol : : a white heard can ho 8e ( > lI , 'l'hero they collie , picturesquely \ \ \ 'lnlllnInto / the doorway-cl'lmlnals , nmisprocltmcts of natll\'e \ , man with a life of sin , pallid - lid \\'lIh a term of )1111118hmont ) : criminal - nal types , han some types t ) , Ignorant , faltering , courageous \ , Intclllgont , hl'II- tal eyed , amid some with Il frlentill ness multi virtue on their faces to meet a wonderln/ / glance as to why they are there Whute\'er they have done In anger , In romantic episode , 01' In detestable crime , limey are now there as mere facts , several hundl'od 11I-ltemlt ) , hungry facts , coming In to dine on ten ounces of corned beef and cabbage , six ounces of bread and source coffee-B\'Ool\ \ ! Eagle. - - - - - - - - - - Compass With a History. B II , D01lghton of Dame , Vt , has It s1\l'Ye \ 'or's compass which many ho time first ever made In America , It was built by Peregrine White , who was born \ on time Mayflower liS the vessel lay off the coast : waiting for II chance to make II lanillng The compass Is encased In hand hamllHH" - eel hrREs amid the nl'oll.o Is said to point liS true today ns In the day of I Its maler. - STEER DRIVEN IN HARNESS. } Yo . t'tO Frcnch.Canadlan HM Succeeded . ed In Educating Antoal John / FOI'nlel' , 1\ young \ li'rlmclt.Canl\- .1I11l1 . , who lives at 1\lolunlms Lake , l\1l' , IH tlll'lllng a Irottr ) penny for himself with his oduclllOlI steer , , John llol1\ \ ' ' . 'l'hln steer IH Il most Ilmlahlo beast , 111111 has been \ trained to hill'- ness ! so well that ho can ho dl'lven nA cllsl\ \ ' liS 1\ Horse , I\nll ellalm' than sumo hot'ses. A hal'nons hills been made for him l with reins , which ho minds nt , time slightest ptilan11 \ . / Iii "sollllli and kind ' ± lb it' r ' ; . . . , , p. a . . _ 4 , . : . . , Drawing the Ladles. 1 Ilnd can lie dl'l\'ell hy Inllh's IUIII child- i I'ell. " On pleasant days John trots t .Jolm henry I 11)1 ) to 1\1IIUawaml\Cll village / i 11I111 1'01' the slI1l1l1 SUIl1 of ono dllllo sill let the outflt 10 anyone who wishes to tlllo a Illcaslll'o drive ! around the town , l111slnoHII Is invm ably good , nllll John hits ellrtwll enough ! money to keep .John IIcnl'J' In l'XCOI1UI condl tlOI1. 'rho 111ittlaw amn . bong ladies are .Jolm's hest custoum , and .Iohn ' ' ' ' to en , henry ) ] really seems enjoy their company ) 'limo accompanying 1 photograph ) shows .Jo1m Henry and two oC his most ardent lI mlrers , BLEW DOWN CITY WALL. People of Lclpslc Reminded of the Fate of Jericho 'Ve have hl'l'n hoa1'lug 1\ good deal about the walls of el'leho ) lately , lIuli , 'hel'efol' ' e , It. I Is cam ' fotis that. wo should ha\ 't 1111 actual oxa111111c of the power of a' t ' ! ' ' in : 1'III11IICt-Jlust occurring Europe to-liar. A short time ago , nt Lelpslc , the conductor of a brass hll1111 uHod to train his nntalclans In his garden , which was hounded by the old walls or the eltr. OIW tiny : , when they were practicing a grand / \ amz m'ehm they came to a passage ) In which nil the tl'llmllOls had to blow fortissimo , 111,1 , as hey t gave one final blast all together , they were nstoum- IRhcd to see time old wall suddenly cI'umhlo and topple ' oven Into , time fields olltslde Happily , the only result was that the cows in the meadows were frightened \ - oned , but It IH evident that the walls of Lolpslc are oven amore unstable than were the walls of Jorlcho- SIctch Talking PostC'ardG 'rodar the "talldng ) Iosl card" Is on sale at fill In a large number of rotall- e1'H' HholS 'fho "talllng poslcam ' d" III deSCribed as a picture \ postcard ) with 11 disc attached on which Is time record of some Fong , or recitation , 01' piece of orchestral music The disc Is made of COlllllold , adheres . h01'es firmly to the hotly of lime post- . . . f t earl , and Is practically unbreakable ] , so hat It Is not likely to como to any grief \ at the hands of time postofllco JI'Ollle ) The disc aided : lay a suitable ] granmo phone , 1'1'01l1l'os ' sweet music , amore 01' leis appropriate ) to the picture ) on the cnrd-J.l\'erl1oo1 ( Eng. I ) Iercllr ' , .