Eat Sowlcs Candy.
Wall paper cheapp at City Phar-
Mrs. Stealer is visiting in Pa w-
ncc city.
Joe Culp , Jr. returned from
Dcn"cr on Tuesday cv ning' .
See Coupc & 'l'hornton for all
kinds of salt and fresh fish.
Chas. Martin of Harada was a
business visitor \Vcdncsla ( ' .
New : styles wall paper at City
Newest and latest in sttect
wear at Mrs. 13reithauphts.
\Vm Prater of Nidg'cway 1\10. ,
is visiting his brother S. II. Pra-
ter and family.
Be sure and attend the millin-
cry opening this week at 1\lrs.
Breithaupts ,
Henry Hicg'cr and wife of Preston -
ton saw " 1\Iy Wife's Family at
thc Gchling'Vcdncsday -
The Colts are trying to have
a game next Sunday. It will
probably be on thc diamond west
of thc County Poor Farm.
A fine and up to date line of
street. hats at thc Bon Ton Mill-
incry Storc.
Mrs. Nettic Stan bro has resigned -
cd her position in thc post omcc.
Hcr place is being taken by Asa
The Young Married Ladies
Kensington was most pleasing
entertained Wednesday of this
week by Mrs. Bert Simanton. I
Now Ladies ! If you arc ready
to get a beautiful Easter hat you
know where to get one at thc
Bon Ton Millinery storc.
Airs . Stanbro WI : t n . CAI
. . - - - . _ . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LO
passenger for Lincoln \Vcdncs- -
day. She will spend a month or
so in that city and Syracusc.
The Young Ladies Kensington .
of the Presbyteriatm Church will
meet with Nora Potect this cvc-
uing. Hcmcmber thc date and
dimc. .
All thc latest designs in millin-
cn' can bc had at thc BOI1-1'on
Storc. I
Pete Smith !
of Ncmaha pre-
cinct made his annual visit to thc
county treasurer Wednesday. 1\Ir.
Smith reports his neighborhood
prosperous and happy.
For Salc-160 acre farm Brown
Co. , Kans. Will consider residence -
dcnce in good town as part pay
or a small stock of l\ldse.
House and four " ' corner lots , 3
blocks Court House 1,400.00. A
1120 acres , Nuckolls Co. , Neb.
Ranch and Farm.
Farm Lands to sell and ex in
Indian 'rcrri tory.
Harness & Shoe Shop $900 to
S1,000 on B. & l\I.R.R.
Money to Loan:5 : percent annual
into Small Com. Optional Pay-
I mcn ts.
Mortgages iloug'ht.-Hcnry C.
. I
.j .jr I
I _ _
- -
Christian church service , Sun-
day school at J.30 : and preaching
at 11:00 : Hunday morning , subject
"What is thc Christian church or
who are thc disciples of Christ. "
Junior cndca\'or at.3 o'clock and 7. Preaching at 8
subject , "A new development of
social life. " Prayer meeting on
Wednesday cvening A cordial
invitation is extenle(1 to all these
scrviccs.-J. Croncnbcrgcr min-
Notice of dissolution of part-
ncrship of J. J. Tanner & Co.
and consisting of William IZcugge
and J. J. 'l'anncr on thc 15th day
April 1905 bcdissoh'cel.Villiam
Ruegge will remain and carryon
thc busincss. Hc will assume
and hc responsible for all debts of
thc former company and all out
standing accounts should bc paid
to him.-J. J. Tanner & Co. , J.
J. Tanner and 'Vm. Rucggc.
On Tuesday at 1145 ; a. m. thc
fire bell commenced an energetic
ringing calling out a number of
thc fire department and citizcn
Investigation revealed thc burn _
iug out of a flue at the residence
of J. R. Smith in thc eastern portion .
tion of thc city. Burned wood
work was thc extent of the dam-
Neal Thornton left a candle
too close to some tallow in hc t
cellar Wednesday and from the
way smoke poured up hc thought
thc lower regions had boiled over
in thc basement of thc butcher
shop. A little water soon cxtin-
guishcd thc bla1.c. No damage
other than to Ncal's nervous
Dr. Thruber a specialist of
_ _ _ _ U _ _ _ _ _
Omaha was in consultation with
local physicians at thc bedside of
E. E , Bell on 'l'ucsday. Dr .Kerr
informs us that Mr. Bell is much
imprO\'cd at this writing and has
now a fightLlg" chance of rc-
Harry Morrow , accompanied
by his wife , was brought from
Kansas City on Wednesday aftcr-
noon. Although in a very weak
condition , still his many friends
arc glad that hc has recovered to
even such an cxtent.
If you leave a stallion or Jack
why not let thc Tribune print
your bills ? 'Vc have purchased
a full line of cuts suitable for
such advertising and will print
your advertisements attractively
and promptly.
Get in now on thc ground floor
only 5 cents per share for a few
days. Eagle Mining Co. Gold
field , Nevada , richest field on thc
face of thc carth. Address Geo.
E. Ward , Rule , Ncb. ' "
Marriage license were issued
this week to Harry Shcllcnbargcr
of Stanford and \
l\Iyra Shraug
of Humboldt. George Miller of
Beaver City and Dora Brans of
E\'cf. thing in children's wcar
at Mrs. Brcithaupts.
- - - -
. . . . - " . . . . . . . , . . . / . . , ' . .
, .
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- - - - - - - - - . - - '
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, i
There is Nothing Doing k f'
' I N ; { I
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: ' '
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, I
: I
I . .
i -
2w Trit k" + r _ _ - _ 1.- -
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- " 1
More pleasant and profitable than raising i good horscs.
1'OM"-'l'hc finest 1 black pcrchcron in the coullty. . - _ *
"FRI'1'Z"-Chcstnut son el l of unusual breeding CJualities. ! ' :
"DECK" son of Fritz , needs only to bc seen to 'be ap-
prC'ci a tcd.
These three stallions will be at my barn in Barada every
Monday and 'rucsdaYi ; at my farm.3 miles south of Barada
Wednesdavs , 'rhursdays and Friday forcloOl1. Tnn and
Fritz Friday afternoons and Saturdays at Farmers feed yards
Falls } City Nebraska . .
'I.'ERMS-To insure colt to stand and stick , 1'0111 S12.00 ;
Fritz S10.00 and Deck S8.00.
Matt Schulenberg ) '
. . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - ' " - -
Bishop Williams of Omaha assisted -
sistcd by Hc\ Smith confirmed a
class of eight on Monday evening
of this wcek. Tin" } servkes ! were
beautiful as well as instructive.
Time class consisted of Henry
Lapp , Albert Gray , Edward
Hayes , Thomas Palmer , Fleining
Robb , Lcla Powell and Marcdl
Burch ard.
At the Gehling.
1\ly 'Vi fe's Family as prescnted
at the Gclt1ing" Theatre on \Vcd-
imeslay evening was a most cred-
itablc production. The play was
clean and } mirth provoking , and
was supported by al excellent
cast of characters , The production -
ion certainly deserves a great
deal Letter patronage that was
exteniedVedaesdav ! cvcning"
Monday evening Mrs. Crocker
very pleasantly surprised her hus-
1Iane1 Supt. , Crocker , the event
being in honor of his 38th birth-
day. Nearly all the county officers -
ccrs were present to enjoy the
occasion. Miss Etta Rickcrs
favored thc guests with excellent
instrumental music. Those
present gave Mr. Crocker a beautiful -
tiful rocking chair while thc excellent -
ccllen supper served by the host-
css was an enjoyable fcature.
Mr. Crocker wishes to proffer
his thanks to his friends for
their lovely token of their cstccm.
. Rhine Shelly and wife of Prcs-
ton were in town \Vednesday.
S. M. Turner attended thc fun-
eral of Mrs. Frank Todd in Hum-
boldt Thursday.
Something New ; '
For Easter :
. r
. . . - + , J
. i
. . I' . .
/.tlf. ; : r
. .
'l'herc is a tradition to the ( ' 1'-
fect that luck attends the wcar-
ing of somcthng new for Easter
Sunday. Espccial1y ! for this occasion -
casion have we prodded a line of
dainty and useful novelties beautiful -
tiful ; and unique in design and of
exquisite worlmmnship. Easter
is the turning point ot spring-a
day of JOY. and life and gladness.
Nothing could be more appreciated -
cd as an Easter gift than a spark
ling jewel or a dainty bit of jcw-
clry.VC solicit your patronagc.
The Old Reliable
Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved , ' ' 1
The excruciating pain charact-
cristic of rhcumati'm ! and sciatica
arc quickly relieved b\ applying
Chamberlains Pain Balm. 'rhc
great pain relieving power of thc .
liniment has been thc surprise and . . / : /
delight of thousand s of suffcrers.
The quick relief from pain which
it affords is lone worth man
times it cost. For sale by Kcrrs
Drug Storc.
Who is Stanton ? '
Hg's thc Crystal Lake Ice Man. i
Phone 56.
I f !