The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 14, 1905, Image 14
- - Twice Told Tales - - - - - - 1\rs. [ J. J. Tanner who had been visiting the home of her son , A. A. Tanner left Monday for her home in Falls Cilv.- . H : mn hold t tcrprise. ! J./agt ; week a halls City paper exclaimed : "lIai : , gentiesgring ! " and the next day it hailed. 'l'hcre's nothing like asking for what you want.Auburn Herald. Miss Lois Spencer came up from Falls City Wednesday to visit her friend Mrs. Gertrude Heim , and be present at the Hcim Drapcr wedding yesterday C\'C- ning'-Dawson Newsboy. D. C , Simmons and wife went . to Lincoln \Vcdncsday Mrs Sim- mons will remain for a couple of months under care of a physician made ncccessnry hy a complicated throat trouble Mr. Simmons will he back : in a day or two.-Salcm . Indcx. King , thc handsome St. Bernard - anI dog , owned hy J. n. Hall , turned up missing Friday morn- ing- and an efforts to find him proved fruitlcss. For two lays hc was mourned as stolen or dcad. however on Sunday morning hc was located in the opera house , apparently none the : . WOISC for his imprison mcn t.-- V crdon V edct te. WIIA'l' SCIIOOI.ING IS \VOIt'I'll. I For thc benefit of thc boys who gets tired of g'oingto school at this season of the year and par- cuts who show no concern in thc matter , a newspaper quotes these figures from a Kansas educator : 'l'hc average educated man gets a salary of $1,000 a year. Hc works forty year , Making a tot- nl of $40,000 in a lifctimc. The average day laborer gets $1.50 a day,300 ( days in a year or S450 a ycar. In forty years hc earns 618,000. The difference , or $22,000 , equals thc value , ot an education. 1'0 acquire this earn- ing capacity requires twelve years at school of 180 clays each , or 2,160 days Dividing$22,000 , the value of education , by 2,100 , number of days required in getting - ting it , we find that each day at school is a little more than S10 to the pupil. Can't afford to keep ) them outcan we- " liawatha "Torld. { I'mw S'1 ' ORy. A Jewish rabbi was 011 acrowd- cd street car. Hc gave up :1 : 1i s scat to a woman , and shortly af- tcr another woman entered with a baby in her arms. A man occupying - C'upying- a scat refused to give it i up. l'hc rabbi stared hard at . . trimt : ' Quit staring at mc ! " grumbled - bled thc man , "you look as i if you would like to eat mc. " "No" said the rabbi , "I couldn't l'at you ; I am a Jew.-IIiawatlm I \Vorld. ' PALLS CITY'S PUUI.IC I.IHHAIY. . Falls City has a fine new stow . . - - . , " I TltE SOWE9E ; JN REMEDY. , . . I' , . ' ' + - . ' 1f 'ol1mll1o ho/ mal Rbeep 'ou nro tleeplrconeernl'tl 1 nlxlllt heir to Rvall' c11lcm ; and \ . : . . \ . . : " ? r ro C' I'O f coho 'fhcro't1 n d'pclalnblo remedy 'fho hlJhest : Rl1tharltl , Vett'rlmrh.s , 'h'-'I' " , tkfi ! : ' ' . , , , i , , t r , + ' LCRdlng Brecdcrs , OoYer/ll/1'nt Experiment StoUO/:8 / , both h ) ' prenclling and pmct.1co , . y ; ' . . : o'\ . , ' , : ' t . . . ( . . ; 'yc ° { r i , : : proe)011111t ) the overelgn remedy. Itts (01110US ; , . - " .d rl \1 ; ; : ' . " ' . . . \ . : . , . . . . ' . ; ' ' t 10 r.I f.Y. ; , ' , , , , . . : . , f1 A I Z E N 0 L E U M ' 0 : : 0 : . , f. tI. ' l ' . . i. . . ; t.If' . tlJX.J1/.fI\ . L Y , ltavnlderhnlernbydr . . dl case ! ! , cnns , mnlutoln eonltary con.Utlons. CUI't-B A'ln,1& ' , : , . . : . ' .iitff..i < ; ; : : ' . 'K ; , i t ! + f ' " lire . nl..1 U..k relieved ( tout 810mnch and blestlnal wonne hrnlg , Bored and wOllnd , cllrtg ean 11Ij. ; ! > ! " : mi i t " . " , G 111..0. " , . . ToinBurnyour { nllllllnl'A h'nll11)'ouIced only bogutuodbywhat Govurmnout nUIlSLato t . f. { ' 'f.r ' ; 'g ; lt , , ' n. I , + fl. . , . auttwrlttnnandleadlnobrcedureen or : ! . f ; Nt ' jl ' . I . y ; , "Tho Crest CcrCarSata ! Csln1Mtnnt ! CI ! l' . " ' Jh { ( ! ? : 'J' , M1 ( ( ' , ' 'd ti4 , , "err.t'n "nann or 7rnnlrurn 1oY' rxlrrta . p rpn .1. rl.n. I"ho nll"I'R. rr. . . . : . rrltht { . pl'1'nnl. : : -fWj ; ; ) , " ! f.- " . Vi a , t Invu.tlKatubyeend0iuturcoWedoftre.booktote"VutorlnaryAdvld r" u.nd 11ggb. ! ' . . . Truublud ' : Z ffjJ.1I' ' ' ' ' ' . . " . . . . . . . . . . . _ ' "H f.\ . J . . . . ' ' J ' - . ' , ' > . ' ' ' ( ' 'I ' , . I' ' ' ' " " 'I . ' ' ' ' . . . " . . . ; , . " . t\i , Y oJ' . 1 : ; . , . : , . . I' : For Sale by King Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebraska ( library building that would be a credit to a town of 20,000. It is situated on a corner across from the public square and a block from the main business strcet. Behind ( it , but in no way connect- ed , is thc building used by the lire departmcnt. 'I'he library build- ing' is fitted thrcughout with all modcrn library fixtures , thc win- ( dow are filled with flowers , and it is a most pleasant place to spend leisure time among books and mag-azines. Hiawatha peo- pIc who go to Falls City should not fad to visit the librar ) . - Hiawatha - watha "forl(1. MISSOURI AN OPEN S'l'HHA"I " There is no law against fishing in the Missouri : river now as the new law passed b\ thc legislature last week' ' permits fishing 11t boun- tary streams. There is no re- striction pat on fishing in the 1\lissouri river and ( no way prc- scribed. But the law states that in other streams fishing' must bc with line and hook.-'l'hc Auburn Herald. - - - 1\IHS. KOHNHH. A Falls City grandmother fell down a flight of stairs with a baby- in her arms. She was bad- ly injured but thc baby was not even scratched. - watha \ 'o rid. - - - PRANK SIIA \ \ ' . A Falls City man traded his incubator - cubator for a typ vritcr. If it is i feminine in gentler he is to be r.ongratulated.Ilia \Vorld - - Falls City is detcrmined to get the Missouri Pacific freight d'i sion way from Atchison. As Atchison has large shops and yard facilities , there seems to be no reason for changingthe divi- sion to Falls City , which hasn't half as much track room as I-lia- watha. However , the Falls City folks claim that because thc freight division is too long , thc road will sate money by locating the turning point farther north than Atchison , because many crews are often unable to getover thc whole division and the company - parry has to pay them while they are laying l ovcr. : Still , in this ctse it looks like IIiawatha ought : to stand S good show as Falls City of getting thc d \'ision.- HbwathaVorlcl. . Garden Seeds , Coal Wood and Rock Slut at Heck's Feed Store - ' . _ _ _ ' [ 'J"1 _ : . " _ _ ' ' , ' \ F AR.MERS"t -t . - , . IJ Just think of it \ve are not closing out our F stock of at cost But have Implements we some " "It Bargains to offer below cost and \ve invite you ' to come in and see usve carry the biggest and ' 'I best line of Farm IInplilnents , WindlnillsCrealn Seperatdrs , Pumps , Buggies , Carriages , Spring h Wagons , and Lumber Wagons. When in need , . ! need of any of the above call and see us our . i lrices I are ght. YOURS TRULY ! l i WERNER ! MOSI. . ' I MAN & CO. r . . I .t , . . } . . . . ' _ _ . . . ' ( II' ! V-- ' - - - - : & 1 ' Local and Personal. 'Pran ad in the Tribune , guaranteed to produce thc desir- cd result. \Ve would be very glad to re- cch'e that order for Job printing. \V e arc sure to please you. \Vhat a great religious disap- pointment it will be if it rain Eas- tcr. IIow is yours trimmcd this spring ? The two little daug-ltters of Mr. and Mrs. John 1'0w1c , who have been visiting their grand parents , returned to their home in Omaha Saturday. . John \Vilson the tailor is the busiest man in town His 'cus- ' tom comes from all parts of the county and his best abvcrtise- ment is thc satisfaction of his patrons. E. L. Sanduskey , ' 1' . J. Gist and two sons spent Saturday at I the l'.lissiouri lakes fishing with but indifferent succcss. Sandy says the bait wasn't thc right kind. . kinl.Mr. 1\11' and Mrs.Villiam Gritlin and children returned , to their home at Hcbron Neb.last Sunday after a two weeks visit with Mrs. Griflins parents Mr. and Mrs. J , A. McCormick. Judge Ke11igar adjourned court ' until May 1st. The chuidt partition case was taken under alviseutent by the court. 'l'he Le Fairer land case was divided in favor of thc plaintiffs . . - - . . . . . . . , . .L _ r - - " - \ . Speci 1 Prices I AT f f : A 9 \Vilson9s , . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . - - . - China , , Queens = ware , Glassware - - - j Notions , Flour I I and Groceries - 12 Dinner patterns to se- lect from largest stock in the Citv. . Flour bv . the car , load every sacnwarrantcccl. ' \Ve wants your trade and . ' 'l will treat you right at ' " ' 1' , C. N. Wilson Kansas City has become so sanctimonious since Governor - .1 , : " ' Folk fastened thc lid on and stop- I . , ped the sale of liquor on Sunday that the police force arrested a \ ' mute last Sunday for disturbing the peace. Bull Calves for Sale. Four thoroughbred calves 8 to . 13 month old. Henry Hahn & Son , 66 miles east of Falls City. 135t. { , . ' . , . . . . . . .11 ! ! .r - , . . . - - - - . " - - . - _ 'w . W ,