The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 14, 1905, Image 14

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Twice Told Tales
- - - - - -
1\rs. [ J. J. Tanner who had
been visiting the home of her
son , A. A. Tanner left Monday
for her home in Falls Cilv.- .
H : mn hold t tcrprise. !
J./agt ; week a halls City paper
exclaimed : "lIai : , gentiesgring ! "
and the next day it hailed.
'l'hcre's nothing like asking
for what you want.Auburn
Miss Lois Spencer came up
from Falls City Wednesday to
visit her friend Mrs. Gertrude
Heim , and be present at the Hcim
Drapcr wedding yesterday C\'C-
ning'-Dawson Newsboy.
D. C , Simmons and wife went .
to Lincoln \Vcdncsday Mrs Sim-
mons will remain for a couple of
months under care of a physician
made ncccessnry hy a complicated
throat trouble Mr. Simmons will
he back : in a day or two.-Salcm
King , thc handsome St. Bernard -
anI dog , owned hy J. n. Hall ,
turned up missing Friday morn-
ing- and an efforts to find him
proved fruitlcss. For two lays
hc was mourned as stolen or dcad.
however on Sunday morning hc
was located in the opera house ,
apparently none the : . WOISC for his
imprison mcn t.-- V crdon V edct te.
For thc benefit of thc boys who
gets tired of g'oingto school at
this season of the year and par-
cuts who show no concern in thc
matter , a newspaper quotes these
figures from a Kansas educator :
'l'hc average educated man gets
a salary of $1,000 a year. Hc
works forty year , Making a tot-
nl of $40,000 in a lifctimc. The
average day laborer gets $1.50 a
day,300 ( days in a year or S450 a
ycar. In forty years hc earns
618,000. The difference , or
$22,000 , equals thc value , ot an
education. 1'0 acquire this earn-
ing capacity requires twelve years
at school of 180 clays each , or
2,160 days Dividing$22,000 ,
the value of education , by 2,100 ,
number of days required in getting -
ting it , we find that each day at
school is a little more than S10 to
the pupil. Can't afford to keep )
them outcan we- " liawatha
{ I'mw S'1 ' ORy.
A Jewish rabbi was 011 acrowd-
cd street car. Hc gave up :1 : 1i s
scat to a woman , and shortly af-
tcr another woman entered with
a baby in her arms. A man occupying -
C'upying- a scat refused to give it i
up. l'hc rabbi stared hard at
. .
trimt : ' Quit staring at mc ! " grumbled -
bled thc man , "you look as i if
you would like to eat mc. " "No"
said the rabbi , "I couldn't l'at
you ; I am a Jew.-IIiawatlm
\Vorld. '
. Falls City has a fine new stow
- -
, " I
TltE SOWE9E ; JN REMEDY. , . . I' , . '
' + - . ' 1f 'ol1mll1o ho/ mal Rbeep 'ou nro tleeplrconeernl'tl 1 nlxlllt heir to Rvall' c11lcm ; and \ . : . . \ . . : "
? r ro C' I'O f coho 'fhcro't1 n d'pclalnblo remedy 'fho hlJhest : Rl1tharltl , Vett'rlmrh.s , 'h'-'I' " , tkfi ! : '
' . , , , i , , t r , + ' LCRdlng Brecdcrs , OoYer/ll/1'nt Experiment StoUO/:8 / , both h ) ' prenclling and pmct.1co , „ . y ; ' . . : o'\ . , ' , : ' t . . . ( . . ;
'yc ° { r i , : : proe)011111t ) the overelgn remedy. Itts (01110US ; , . - " .d rl \1 ; ; : '
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Z E N 0 L E U M ' 0 : : 0 : . , f. tI. ' l ' .
i. . . ; t.If' . tlJX.J1/.fI\ .
L Y , ltavnlderhnlernbydr . . dl case ! ! , cnns , mnlutoln eonltary con.Utlons. CUI't-B A'ln,1& ' , : , . . : . ' .iitff..i < ; ; : : ' . 'K ;
, i t ! + f ' " lire . nl..1 U..k relieved ( tout 810mnch and blestlnal wonne hrnlg , Bored and wOllnd , cllrtg ean 11Ij. ; ! > ! " : mi i t " . " ,
G 111..0. " , . . ToinBurnyour { nllllllnl'A h'nll11)'ouIced only bogutuodbywhat Govurmnout nUIlSLato t . f. { ' 'f.r ' ; 'g ; lt , , ' n. I , + fl. . , .
auttwrlttnnandleadlnobrcedureen or : ! . f ; Nt ' jl ' . I .
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Vi a , t Invu.tlKatubyeend0iuturcoWedoftre.booktote"VutorlnaryAdvld r" u.nd 11ggb. ! ' . . . Truublud ' : Z ffjJ.1I' ' ' ' ' ' .
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I' :
For Sale by King Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebraska (
library building that would be a
credit to a town of 20,000. It is
situated on a corner across from
the public square and a block
from the main business strcet.
Behind ( it , but in no way connect-
ed , is thc building used by the lire
departmcnt. 'I'he library build-
ing' is fitted thrcughout with all
modcrn library fixtures , thc win-
( dow are filled with flowers , and
it is a most pleasant place to
spend leisure time among books
and mag-azines. Hiawatha peo-
pIc who go to Falls City should
not fad to visit the librar ) . - Hiawatha -
watha "forl(1.
There is no law against fishing
in the Missouri : river now as the
new law passed b\ thc legislature
last week' ' permits fishing 11t boun-
tary streams. There is no re-
striction pat on fishing in the
1\lissouri river and ( no way prc-
scribed. But the law states that
in other streams fishing' must bc
with line and hook.-'l'hc Auburn
- - -
A Falls City grandmother fell
down a flight of stairs with a
baby- in her arms. She was bad-
ly injured but thc baby was not
even scratched. - watha
\ 'o rid.
- - -
PRANK SIIA \ \ ' .
A Falls City man traded his incubator -
cubator for a typ vritcr. If it is i
feminine in gentler he is to be
- -
Falls City is detcrmined to get
the Missouri Pacific freight d'i
sion way from Atchison. As
Atchison has large shops and
yard facilities , there seems to be
no reason for changingthe divi-
sion to Falls City , which hasn't
half as much track room as I-lia-
watha. However , the Falls City
folks claim that because thc
freight division is too long , thc
road will sate money by locating
the turning point farther north
than Atchison , because many
crews are often unable to getover
thc whole division and the company -
parry has to pay them while they
are laying l ovcr. : Still , in this
ctse it looks like IIiawatha ought :
to stand S good show as Falls
City of getting thc d \'ision.-
HbwathaVorlcl. .
Garden Seeds , Coal Wood and
Rock Slut at Heck's Feed Store
- ' . _ _ _ ' [ 'J"1 _ : . " _ _ ' '
, ' \
F AR.MERS"t -t
. - , .
Just think of it \ve are not closing out our
stock of at cost But have
Implements we some " "It
Bargains to offer below cost and \ve invite you '
to come in and see usve carry the biggest and ' 'I
best line of Farm IInplilnents , WindlnillsCrealn
Seperatdrs , Pumps , Buggies , Carriages , Spring h
Wagons , and Lumber Wagons. When in need , . !
need of any of the above call and see us our . i
lrices I are ght. YOURS TRULY ! l
MAN & CO. r
. . I .t
, . . } . . . .
_ _ . . . ' ( II'
! V-- ' - - - - : & 1 '
Local and Personal.
'Pran ad in the Tribune ,
guaranteed to produce thc desir-
cd result.
\Ve would be very glad to re-
cch'e that order for Job printing.
\V e arc sure to please you.
\Vhat a great religious disap-
pointment it will be if it rain Eas-
tcr. IIow is yours trimmcd this
spring ?
The two little daug-ltters of
Mr. and Mrs. John 1'0w1c , who
have been visiting their grand
parents , returned to their home
in Omaha Saturday. .
John \Vilson the tailor is the
busiest man in town His 'cus- '
tom comes from all parts of the
county and his best abvcrtise-
ment is thc satisfaction of his
E. L. Sanduskey , ' 1' . J. Gist
and two sons spent Saturday at I
the l'.lissiouri lakes fishing with
but indifferent succcss. Sandy
says the bait wasn't thc right
kind. .
1\11' and Mrs.Villiam Gritlin
and children returned , to their
home at Hcbron Neb.last Sunday
after a two weeks visit with Mrs.
Griflins parents Mr. and Mrs. J ,
A. McCormick.
Judge Ke11igar adjourned court
until May 1st. The chuidt
partition case was taken under
alviseutent by the court. 'l'he
Le Fairer land case was divided
in favor of thc plaintiffs
. . - - . . . . . . . , . .L
- - " - \ .
Speci 1 Prices I
AT f
f :
A 9
\Vilson9s ,
. . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . - - . -
China , , Queens =
ware , Glassware - - -
Notions , Flour I
and Groceries -
12 Dinner patterns to se-
lect from largest stock in
the Citv. . Flour bv . the car ,
load every sacnwarrantcccl. '
\Ve wants your trade and . ' 'l
will treat you right at ' "
' 1' ,
C. N. Wilson
Kansas City has become so
sanctimonious since Governor - .1 , : " '
Folk fastened thc lid on and stop- I . ,
ped the sale of liquor on Sunday
that the police force arrested a
\ '
mute last Sunday for disturbing
the peace.
Bull Calves for Sale.
Four thoroughbred calves 8 to .
13 month old. Henry Hahn &
Son , 66 miles east of Falls
City. 135t.
, . ' . , . . . . . . .11 ! ! .r - , . . . - - - - . " - - . - _ 'w . W ,