. - . . - - - - - ' - - , - . . - - - p' - . _ IE Ullfi 1 A TALE 0rml : CUB WAR m fir JTc7 . f lff62t7Y1' t'J - Copyright , lSJi ! , by P. Tennyson Neeiy , CHAPTER XXVIII. Senor Toro's Little Game. What Smltlll'l' says Is exactly to the IJOlnt. Around the quarter where the head ( of the military forces In Cuba Is receIving . eeh'lng' those who desire to shake his hand ( the scene is indeed a brilliant one. ' . Looking in every direction the sane . bewildering crush meets the eye ; - banners wave In the electric glow , r and when the baud temporarily : ceases for a breathing spell , the murmur of thousands of voices can be heard - Surlllenly 'I'ravers utters an eX = : I claIiHltlon. . - , " ' "You have seen her , too I just discovered . covered her Ilrosence. Something must have drawn our eyes there at the same time , " says Smithers "Yes , I could tell Lola Montez even at this distance. She Is looking unusually . usually beautiful to ' night , " remarks I his companion , keeping his eyes upon the further side of the ring below. Smlthors smiles Jrimly : "Yos , but Lola Is hardly as beautiful . ful as her jIJ.fated mothct. I doubt 'whother a being ! ever existed with a face and form marl perfect , " is what he says in a half.medltatl\'e way. "You knew her , then , Smithors ? " 'VoU , j'es. She was my brother's wife " "Ah , then this girl is really your niece ! " "it is true I promised you the story , Senor Iacl" It concerns one of i ri . . , the blackest spots in the history of , Cuba's last war for independence 'rhe girl favors her mother altogether . n , . , gether , and as you see , has aeiollle - her name also Although my name I frankly tell you , is a little more classical than Smlthcrs , she prefers the Sean ish , "Sho has much wealth , which came to her in a remarkable manner since you : met her out in Santa' Fe , New Moxlco At that time she was living ! : with some relatives ; but when Fortune . tune poured riches In her lap ) In the shape of gold mines in Mexico , the girl gave herself wholly over to the cause of Cuban liberty , and since that lIar she has spent her income for those who fight under the flng of the ( Lone Stal' Aim ! could tall to you for hours , telling all she has done Cuba owes her much , and the ' name of Lola 1\lontc7. will never be forgotten - ten hj' those for whom she has labored - bored " her secret ' dear "I have read , mj' sI' ! , and I realize that It is impol'sl- ble You must not think badly I of her because she looks upon you as little less than a god Remember how on several occasions you have appeared L to her in the role of a hOl'o-twlco you saved her life It woulll he \'Hj' I strange Indeed if she did not ! egal'CI you as one far above other men " ii"I am sorry It is so Perhaps , If I - ' met Jessie Cameron-- " .1- had never _ "You would have madly adored Lola-rou could not have helped it , sir Look yonder , Jack ; they mlet face : to face " Tl'Uvors holds his hreath , Ho sees that what Smithers says is true Over yonder , among those who \ saunter about the arena , listening ! to the band discourse national airs , Jes- slo . and Lola have ] been brought to- gether And Jack stands there and watches them pass each other haughtll ' - stands there and even experiences a misemllle feeling of exultation at not- ing the manner of the woman ho adores , since it tells him plainly she has not escaneel unscathed when the I little ) god was sendlllg his arrows a hout. I All this , however , is suddenly for- gotten I' ( , Copyright , lSJ ! ) ! , 11) Street and Smith Above the clash of IIlllsical Instl'u- ments sending forth their notes of harmonj'- , even above the th\l1l- dcrous soUtHl of the big drum- comes a fearful crash that reaches every 'elU' . It is as If an eXlllosion has taken place , and many timid people > imagine this to be the trut h. Jack nnd Smithm's know bettor. They see the shattered boards that formed the door of the bull'11en fir In every direction and a great ! : black ob- ject lumber Into view Taurus Las ] done it , Frenzied shouts burst out from fCOI'eS'es : , hundreds of thronts The animal pays no heed to the tumull- indeed , hue may liken it to the clamorous - ous applause > which accompanied his victory of the afternoon , so that he is cnlr spurred on to do his best. As his especial hatred seems to b6 aroused In the direction of the band , he turns his attention toward that quarter Ilrst. While the horrified people ] are struggling to leave the ring-and , as , Is quite natural under such condi- tions blocking the only means of exit so that no one Is ahlo to utilize it- the black beast makes his charge ullon the unfortunate drummer , who has the misfortune to bo so attached . to his Instrument that ho cannot part from it. A coullle of .heart beats , then comes the crash Man and drum ascended togethor- in adversity : as well as in prosperity they still refuse to be sellarat ell. It Is really a comical sight ! : , and Jack would laugh only that the dan- ger is great. All this In less than It minute of time ' The bull has apparently mapped } out his duty which is to clear the arena or all specimens of the genus homo , and this he sets out to perform - form with amazing zoal. Haying disposed of the most obnoxious - noxious wrformel- ( in the nlilitarg hand , he proceeds to chase the other -5 f ' " _ . .I , .n _ , ' I Pass each other haughtily. wretched members hither and thither around the limits of the ring Ah Sin muallj' manages ! to have a hand in most things ! : as they come to pass though In this case It is much against his will that ho is made acquainted - quainted with time raging ! beast Instead of attempting to escape by means of climbing the harrier , he has made for time common exit and finding . ing that blocked hj' the half.crazed mob , lime Chinaman runs along ! the fence seeking a refuge in one d the little itlches placed at intervals to af ford the toreadors a haven of safety In case of being too hotly pressed 'b ) ' the beast , - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I : \ 'ery niche hl' looks ! Into seems to already ha\'o nn occupnnt. Ills con. fusion increases , nnd ho darts hither anel thither , much aflol' the fashion of chicken with Its head cut alT. And his eccentric nHJ\'omotls ! ' ' the'l'I' ' attention slllclll attract very he would avoid , so that almost before ho realizes his danger Ah Sin has Il rise In the world Perhaps ho clings to the long horn of the nnlmal , thus elestroylll ! the charm of the arch his body ( might have described At any rate , to the IIstonlshnl'nt of the crowd , and doubt- less to his own consternation , Ah Sin lands Ilh\mll UllOn the back of the rag- ing terror , straddling the beast as Il ' - ' hOl'so. ca\'nlrj'man might a . One action follows another with such 11ghtnlng.lIlo rapidity that nl- most before time multitude can real- Izo that the terror of the arena has a rider on his back , Ah Sin , fluid lug himself near the barrier , Makes a desperate lunge and throws his form half-way over the fence , having os- calmed destruction In n miraculous manner What IWXt. ? The bull is' ' not at all weary of well doing-in fact , he appears to have only made 1start , and having finIshed - Ished the Celestial , as ho believes , surveys the field for new \'ictlms. There are plenty } left Allis ! most of them are of the gentler . tlOI' sox Sad to relate , In this tremendous - mendous excitement , the gllllant beaux who promenaded with tholr sweethearts In the arena have been horrified to discover till entire ah- sence of suitable weapons among ! thom. At least , it would ho charitable to believe that the fl'enzled rush these noble cavaliers make to secure weapons - ons , and ho the first to face Monsieur 1'01'0 Some scramble lip the palisade ; others fill the niches that might het- tel' have given sheller to holllless women ; and not a few , urged on hj' this heroic desire to save the poor creatures In danger of being trampled - led and gored , flnellng the exit blocked ( , climb over the heads of those who fill the gateway Their ardor and gallantry may not bo balked by trl lies , Alas ! for the helpless women thus left ] to the mercy of a maddened hoaHt. 'rho sigh is enough to stir the blood in the veins of any man worthy of the name , Senor Jack has seen It all Ho suddenly rememhers his words to his companions when discussing the same maUm' The time has come for him to malw his b'HlSt good-the time when helpless ones arc in deadly peril , with no man' i fn')1 to stand between them and destrll'1t1on It flashes upon him that when last ho saw Jessie Cameron se was in lie arena Ho arouses himsoii'-he clambers over thin seats in front , 111111 ( while all other men have been lea\- big ! the hull.rlng In mall haste , . ] lIcl , 'J'ra\'ers drops from the harrier into the open space - - - CHAPTER XXIX. Well Won. No sooner clews Jack feel the soft tan bark under his feet than he takes In the situation In the few seconds that have Intervened ! the hull has started upon his ] crusade ! " I1galn Ills horns are no lolmger shiny black , hul. ( lulled with the lifeblood If one poor woman whom he has gored and tossed n81dl Again he turns to hear down upon the dofOJlsoless flock , huddled -ollder like sheep without a shepherd capa- hlo only ! of uttering piercing shrieks of t1'01' t lacl'H heart almost freezes within him as In trout of all the others he discovers the one In whom his IIfo's halllliness Is 1,0\11111 UII Yes , it is the maill of Scollanll- pale as death , yet not betraying her ! deadly fear In any other way ; facing the onrushing bull with the calm , tar . ditching 1erolsm that might hll\I. been slue yn by Christian martjTS at the stalw. IIorrcr'3 ! before he can cover half the ground , the onrushing beast must , _ &N' ; ; . . " , . i A . _ . _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - reach her , aril the tragedy I ( ho 1111\110 com Illeto. Cnn ho Cause the lmllant to I1wor\'o br means of n pullet ? The distance is I RO great ! , and the chl1l1coa of lie ( leaden nwslJongm' mlssln its mart ! , to elo elClHllr oxocut Ion nmong Clio people beyond , that .Jaclt dares not try It. All , 11 gralll of good < < l luclt-mthel' a factor from merciful P'Ov\clence. ! \ ' 1 ' lie dhtructed It'ombono Illnn'r'a shining instrument chances to attract : the attention of the chal'glng beast as it lies there UI1CItho tan bm' ! , and ho halts lone : enough to sOlid it ' , V 'ik % \ \ - &i1 E'T ' ) E- . , , y Straddling the beast whirling after its gifted owner , as Ir to IIhasl7.o his utter contempt for all military bll1HIH In general , and this one which hind endeavored to play his funeral march that afternoon 111 particular , E\'en this small thing ! : is a point In favor of the runnel' . The tlmo is too limited for Jack to head the animal ns is his earnest do- sire ; hut ho has' peen able to cut down the hruto's lend conHlllerahl , which IIInj' count for something ere this scene In the exciting drama has closed As he runs , 1'I'n\'ors shouts at the top of his voice , hOllln ! 111 tills \ mnn- nor to attract the notice of the bull toward himself U11dor ordinary circumstances ho might be able to nccomllllsh this , hut ) there is now HO great 11 clamor on all sides that 'flllll'US IIIlYfi not the slightest heecl ling of an eye that lake much time to describe : and while so great all amount oC damage has been clone hy p the furious beast , it has not bean two mlnuteH since ho burst from ! his pen , 1 to scatter consternation over the vast aUlllenco gathered to pay their respects - Sllects to the Captain-Coneral 01' Cuba , and without the least anticipation or witnessing 11 hullH/ht. / Straight on gallops the beast , with Jack ! straining every nerve to throw i hlmEelf lo the fore. Perhaps .Jo:810 sees his heave ef- forl-11cl'haps she realizes that it Is on account of herhe ] woulll willingly face that monHtor before whom all ethers have lied In dire 1iUIlIlY ] : If so , her heart must he touched by this evidence of his de\'otlon ( To he continued ) - - The Head of the DIGtrlct Huol Durlwo helll the politics of Sullivan county , N H" , arlll Cflllccially of Cwyelon , In the hollow of his hand , and woe to the aspirant for oll1co who did not first consult him , A man who wanted to ho speaker or the Iiouse , and who had been lookIng the ground over for the anticipated harvest , cornered Hucl one day and enlarged POIl his Ilunlillcatolls ! at gl eat length , ' "Now , Huel , " ho said at last , "can't you help mo to bo spealI' ? " "Yo ain't chose y 'It , Levi , " salll Rue ! And when tilt March : elections " ' ' " ( 'ii illi'i Levi "wa'Il't C'hoE If you are troubled with insomn'a go to seep ] and forgot IL . . . . . : " , . . . . ' d.E' a. ' { - G -