The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 14, 1905, Image 12
- - - . . _ - r nut// / , ' f' t . r , I Mti 4 t J , S bil. G . ' ) . . I\ I " 1 J , . - ' , ' , . , ! - . ; : . : / ' . I ' : ; I,0 / , ' . "l ' . ; . "XTRAGOOD ' rroday's Offer ill Y Choice Suits for Boys , , . Two-piece Double Breas- . I ted Three-piece Knee Pant 1 Stylish Norfolk Boy's' ' Long Pants. ' In I Cheviots , Cassia meres , orsteds ; lined with the best materials _ . . _ I _ : _ . _ _ _ _ : _ h _ _ . . . . . . . . alld lallun.u III 1l1USt Su- .1. . \ penor illanilCl' . $3.50 to $8.50 . . - - - - - - - - - - - - Hargerave & . ' t W Hargrave tragood Clothes for l Boys and Children " " " " " ' t Chamberlall1' Cough ! Kennedy the Best n.nd Most Popular. 1\lpthcrs buy it for croupy children , railroad men buy it for severe coughs and elderly people buy it for la g-rippc" , say Moore . Bros. , Eldon , Iowa "Wc sell more of Chambcrlain's Cough Remedy - mcdy than any other kind. It seems to have taken thc lead over several ! other good brand. " There is 110 question but this ! medicl1c is thc best that can bc procured for coughs and colds , whether it bc a child or an adult that is afflicted - ed It always cures and cures quickly. Sold by-Kcrrs Drug , Sorcs. REFRACTIONIST R.L.Baumont , M. D. , Sixth & FelixSt.Joseph Formerly eye and ear specialist - ist now limited practice to Eye Glasses I I k t Rulo. Miss Snyder and her sister left for thc cast last Friday. They will visit in Kansas City and Chicago for a few weeks before going to Pcnnsyh'auia. 1\lr. and Mrs , St Louis started for jlober110. . Friday where they will visit for sonic time. Several of thc Rube sports ' had - mix c\'enlng- a slight up Monday \ A little too much booze and a general misundcrstanditlg' resulted . cd in quite a skirmish. The par- tics settled the matter by putting up in the police court nest day. I' ' Harry Simon was in halls City ' over Sunday. John Thomas has sold his dray line to Mr Fircbaug"h. A test was made on thc bridge over thc Missouri river here last : l'hursday. .A large engine and (15 cars of coal were run over thc bridge and back several times to sec how the structure was stand- ing- hc f wear and tcar. John lIuss held a public sale at his residence in Rule Saturday , The high wind Sunday evening i broke a plate glass in Simons drug storc. . Not much farming has been J clone in this locality thus far , but work will begin in earnest nest , wcek. Theodore lajcrus and sister , left thc first of thc week for San Francisco , Ca1. , for thc formcr' . . . . ncaltn. Verdon. "Vantcd-'l'hrcc boys white or black who can carry a club for thc junior class of Verdon , no one need apply Lidless they have had four years cxpcricncc. Mr. Sheller of Salcm was over to visit his daughter , l\ir : . Wn1. Stach Sunday. Norman Weaver and wife ac- companicd by ? \Irs. Jesse Weaver were shopping in Falls City WVcd- ncsday. On 'l' tesday Dr. Shook of SllU- bert and Dr. Montgomery of Stella - la pcrformcd an operation on Josh 13100m. Irs. Mary Kccncy was initiat- cd in thc D.of H. Lodge l\\csday CVCIIIUg. Andy 'l'yning- Stella visited Jesse Weaver last wcck. Ira Houtz has given thc con- tract for his new house 'Bloom and Keilcr. Work to begin at oncc. . Mrs. S. W. \Vitman went to Rule the first of the week and Mr. "Vitman went to Omaha from there hc goes to Wyoming in search of hcalth. Will Burn and wife visited in town Sunday. Mrs. J. \V. Patterson was the guest of Mrs J. \ \ ' . Ramel on thc 9th. Misses Allen and French of Salcm will visit Mrs. \Vm. Stach . . . , . . . - . . " . . . . . . . ' . . . . , , - from Friday until Sunday. \Vm. Fishier shipped a car of cattle to thc Kansas City market l\Ionday. 'rom Hall has hired Pccht and Harris of Falls City to saw about 75 cords of wood. They com- mcnccd on thc job 'l'ucsday. \\111. Harnack was lookiug af- ter business here Tuesday. . Dr. Hcndcrson of Rule was called to thc bedside 01 his moth- cr Ionday who 'wa : ; takcn sud- dcnly ill with heart troublc Chas. Hcincman was imp from Falls City 'l'ucsdafio'urinT . on the contract for the new bank building" Warrcn Douglas and wile drove over to Stcinaucr for a few days visit with N. N. Cox and family . returning on Saturday. . \V. \ l\icDermct and wife of i Salem visited relatives here Sun- day. Chas. Kekcr and wife of Bara- da visited C. ? \ I. Hcinzclman and family the first of the wcck. E. E. Ewing returned Monday from Capioma , Kas. John Morchcad tnd A J. Wea\ ' er came up from halls City the latter part of last week and closed up the deal for the Verdon rural telephone which the ' pur- chased several weeks ago for thc Falls City Telephone Co. Mr. I.ucus received 1 the 82,000 which his wife carried in the Dc- g-rcc of Honor. Edna whca tIc ) ' entertained a few of her friends last 'l'hursday c"cningLight refreshments were scn'cl. Mrt Mary Ann Clark and son David 1 drove to Stella Sunday. Mrs. A. C. Petty returned from a two weeks visit with her mother in Omaha. \lrs. John Strauss and baby of Straussvillc \'isited\1. A. Veach and wife thc fore part of the wcck. Irs.V. . 1' . Johnson returned from Falls City Monday \vhcra : she spent several days visiting her Mother and brother. Legal Notice , first puhlkatloll April H. 11)\5. Nonce Is hl'ruhy I-Ch''u that Matt Schull'lI- bl'rl-C anti Johll Schull'lIh Ulllier the firm lIam" oC Schul"lIhl'rll" Bmthl'r havc filed their petition \ \\'lth the clerk oC the village oC Baralla signed hy Litt' required 1111 111 her of resident ! frl'l- hollll'rs alll village praying that a saloon lie..I1' ' ' ' I. , gm tined them by thl' hoard nt said village to sell malt slllritoll'i allll vine ; liquors - ors Oil lotS of block 1 III said : village oC Baralla for the mllnlclpal year beginning flay 4.1905. and endint.lay 3.lO , Thomas C. Ioc 11-3 Village CIl'rl. Legal Notic first : publication April 14. lO5. Notice Is hereby given tlm t I'rattk luft'r has furled I his petition silfllell hy the requisite IIlIm- t"'r oC free holders of the second want 01 falls City u.l.hll : thuj a saloon license hc granted him to sell malt . spirituous : \1111 vinous liclllOrs 011 lot 211n block IJ1 III the i' ' eclIIIII'arll of t'all City for the municipal ! year COl11ml'lIc1I1r1 ! a ) ' 4. If)5 ) and ending Jlay 3 1906. O. ' \ \ ' . Brown 67-3 City Cieri. Lega.l 1 Notice. First publication April H. 1')05. Notice is hereby given that William lIarnack has ' tiled his petition signed by the requisite number of free holders of the 'lI1alfu Yl'rlloll asking that a saloon license he granted him to sell malt spirituous a 1111 vinous lIflllors Oil lot 13 block 5111 the village of'erdon for the municipal . IIlchlal year COIIIIIIl'nclll1C \ .lay 5. )1)05 : l.11I1ell\- lug May 4. 11)06. Ch'dc Lunt 6.3 Village Cieri. , -b - " - - - . - sr..s. , " . . - . . . - . . - - - - , . . ; , . ' . " , . .j. . . . . . . 1 ; . ' ' . ' : , " . , . -11 McNall's GROCERY . Fancy and Staple Groceries Fruit in Season ' Satisfaction Guaranteed = . anteed Free City Delivey Phone 40 . - . - " " , \ Storage for Household And Other Goods Goods'g . _ _ _ n _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g - I . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Merchants and . I Business Men I With hard accounts to collect , should place then with I . - - ' John L. Cleave'r JUSTICE of the PEACE FALLS CITY , NEB For Collection or for Suit . _ - - - - Small Com's on Collections , . . .A.- \ No Attorney Fees on Suits. , Defendant pays all Costs : , _ . I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - W. H. MADDOX REAL ESTATE AGENCY Hartford Fire Insurance Lands bought and sold Houses in city for . sale ' noney to loon Telephone 178 # , - . . - - - - - - - t - - - - - - - - - - - - - a . saMaz. Authorities ! On Best a 1 y s ' -f CANNEL OITUMINOUS ANTHI\CIH. , r.d L. All . agree that the Coal we sell is just as full of heat as any fuel ever discovered l\-Ioney - spent for dirty coal / is money wasted. Come to us and get the real thing. MAUST BROS. ; Phone 38. _ i I ; I . IJ I ! iI&I. . . " , " " " - "V'b - - - . - . . - - . - - - - " . : . . - . . . . . - " ' - . -J