The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 14, 1905, Image 11
. , ! Palls City Tribune , BY TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. . , FALLS CITY - - NERASKA. I : " " ' I \f : " ) i A Heading , Pa. , paper compliments : GO\ Pcnnnmcl\Or by saying that ho I ' . . : . : { . , . "rodo like . a Contaur. " But lot's see. . Centaurs were not built for riding , ' \1 Ere they ? I ' > I' Prof Grlgorl Nlclwlalowllch Potanln I' I . 1. l as been arrested by the Russian gov- Cl'laucnt on suspicion. His name Is Ggurdod as strong circumstantial evi deuce against him. "M " : t. . Society began with the monkey din- 'AlIft , nor , science followed with the dlnmHl.u- , , ' " " rus tea , and now sport comes forward ' with the rhinoceros banquet. Finance " " , " . " 1 , dines regularly on lamb. " : , - . . . . . : - - - - - - - - , c- . . : . So far , the prayers of the Phlln.del- f.hla people for Mayor Weaver appar- . ertly haven't accomplished much , hut It's a good thing for the people of any city to get the praying habit. " Those waves that rolled over the I Cedric may not have been a hundred : feet high , hut when a wave Is coming at you there Is no time to take an accurate . - . curate geometric asurement. , In France women can wear trousers . . by paying $10 u. . 'ear. Consequently , : , as a rule , they do not care to. Perhaps ' ; this Is fortunate considering the 1 American habit of following French ' I , . f1shlons. ! " The distinguished mortality Is large ' . , In Monte Carlo this 'ear. From a " . .J IJt' JJ strictly scenic standpoint It Is the \ most beautiful spot In the world In which to die. In other respects It Is less attractive. / ' - ' . \ A man named Adams , who recently died , Is referred to as "the Inventor . Gf chewing gum. " Gum from the succulent - , ; ' . : : culent spruce tree was no doubt chew- . . " ' cd l:1 the days of Adam and Eve-es- Ieclally the latter. The \Vatertown' Standard solemnly declares : "The blackness of the hot tie Is In no way removed by reference \ : ' . . ' , to tho' somber hue of the pot. " No , , . but when the pot goes Into oratory . . ' k : what It says will not wash , unless It " ' . I _ _ ' . . . . _ lioes. J " ' 1 : " ' " - - - ' " r. / . ; " New Yorl , Is Impressed with the hor- ror of the latest tenement fire , In which a score of lives were lost. How . many times It would have to be multiplied - tiplied to equal the horror of the bat- I tlc of l\hllden , which Is actually too I I great for the world to renllze. ' " I With singular avoidance of the I + I . . ordinary course of things the Utica Observer says concerning charges against a public man : " . \5 soon ns Ito has recovered his health 1'0 should be made to meet his fate. " Ordinarily : , If. : " those who have utterly lost their .f. ; ' health are solemnly warned to meet , " ' t- their fate. r' ; J : . ' , I , . _ . Perhaps that American girl who Is "to1\1'lng Europe with a pet pig sitting beside her , In her motor car" merely wants to show that she Is not ash am- III of the origin of her father's wealth. Certain men with wives and daugh- , laugh- : , fJ ! ' manufacturers who have decided that < ; - . ' the high heel must go and that wom-I : s'r must wen big , roomy shoes cOUld . , .JU learn something to their advantage by i consulting the final authority before they proceed too far In the 111'oduc' tlon of such goods. Ohio confectioners have started a , , . ' { f. ; , crusade against , the chdwing - gum - \ - trust. And still some people say that , 'r , . 't' femininity , not being allowed to vote , , ' , has no Influence 111 the body politic. " J . . , - .1 . - ' . - ' " . . . . : . HOW TWO ' BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ESCAPED ' PELVIC CATARR I BY AID OF NE-RU-NSA. P Female Weakness Is Usually Pelvic Catae i . li. Pe = ru = lla Cures Catarrh Wherever Located. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ril ! r/ / " ° 1// / / I . T1 RS. TA BLE BRAD FR = = - S llrs. liable lh-aMol'd , 1\ : C'hurclstrl'et , Burlington.'t" , Secretary Whitticr ] Oratorio Society , writes : "Peruna is certainly a wonderful medi- cine for the ills of women. I have heard it spoken of in the highest praise by many , and certainly my experience is well worthy , of a good wOnl. i "I began to have severe pains across my i back about a year ago , brought on by a cold , : and each subsequent month brought me : pain and distress. \ , "Your remedy was prescribed , and the s way it acted upon my system was almost : too good to be true , I certainly have regained - : gained my health and strength , and I no : longer suffer periodical pains and extreme t lassitude.-Mable Bradford . - . - Thousands of Women Cured Every Year by Correspondence-This is What Dr. Hartman Proposes to Do For You Without Charge. Women who ; suffer should read the vidences prescnted herc. WI have thousands of letters from grateful friends who tell the same story. Half the ills that are peculiarly woman's own are of a catarrhal ] chat'ac- lCI' Female weakness was not understood - stood for many years. Dr. .Hartmall deserves the credit of having determined its real charactel' [ Ie has made catarrh and catarrhal When Your Grocer Says he does not have Defiance Starch , you may he sure he Is afraid to hoer It un- til his stock of 12-ounce packages are sold. ! Defiance Starch Is not only better - ter than any other Cold " 'atel' Starch , hut contains IG ounces to the package anq } sells for same money Ul : 12-ounce brands. The genius works because ! he must ; other people because they must eat. Try me just once , and T am sure to come again. Defiance Starch. Once the sheepskin was the symbol of the student ; now It Is the plgsltn. ! . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v 1\I1'H. Jiz1.iu ) Retltliug , :11\ : : \ I It Clifton Place , St. Louis , ? : ; \10" , writes : "I found after trying many different medicines to restore me to health , that Peruna was the only thing [ which could bo depended \11)On I began . ' ' taking it when 1 was in a decline , induced by female weakness and overwrought nerVC8. "I began to feel stronger during the first , week I took Peruna and my health improved daily until now I am in perfect health and enjoy life as I never did bofore.-Lizzio Rodling. I r r r' 9/ : I r Z . I J t , lf .w' : 1 ! . l " .iS , , ' : I : , J : " : 'H : f.l , ! , ij.f.i.fMWjJ' : ) ' . : ul 'I { J' n ; f. : : t . , ' : ; ' ; " , , 'FP.f : ' ' " , l fml m'i i ' ) " ' < ' " , HP > ! : ! " " $ Hw'l' i ! " ; { Hf1MWH { f ! . . . " ( ( II I } I : ' x f3 qS I " I" : RIDDING ' v . . . . . . . dist ' aSes iliclntling , dlllling pelvic ea- tal'l'h It Ii fl'longst1I1y. . l'crltnlt I CItI'CS catarrh , 'lIl'thPI' r or the pt . lvic ; or " au11 _ u _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . , 01' any other organ of the human bo y. Pe-ru-na , a Natural Beautifier. 1'erltna prorhll'cs clean ' , JUucous UIl'II1- bralH's , thc basis of facial symmetry alHl It pl'rfcct. complexion. The worsen have not been slow to IliscO\'I'I' that It course of I'j runad will do ' toward ' ' ' - ' More restoring youthful beaut.y than all thc devices known to scicnce. Many It girl has regained her faded beltllty mlLlIY a nlattrun has lengthened the days of lice ' ' , coarsely appearance hy using PCI'\11Ia. In Pm'mllL these women find a. prompt and permanent curc. , - - - - . . . , - . . - - r Made by Hand Wear a. Lifetime Our C'atnlog" : explnilis how wo can sell : our HUIIJ1'JOI' 'J1 ' " mler" pianos at from $15.00 to $1-,0.00 : . low all competition ( . . .Don't Buy Until Posted. . Vrite for fall ( llrtlc'ulaTs , prides ( , terms and ! our 1905 ! special JrOllU811101l. ( We have 110 AI'l'ntsI'lHHi : time J\lalJI'I SCUMOLLER f' & MUELLER 1'stahll8hcl : ! 1559. ! 1:113 Jo'\ H tM S'I' . , 0)1.11. . - - _ . . . . - _ _ _ _ e _ u. 'hommnels ) of tC1Jtlrnonials to this ef- feet are received hr 1)r ) . Hartman every J'car. The ) good that PcrllulL has IlC- l'omplishl'll in this class of ca'e : : can scarcely bc O\'IH'-l'stimatcrl. wwww . 1 f you ; do not derive prompt and satisfactory results ! from thc use of Pl'I'1II1IL , write at once to Dr. hartman man giving a full statclllentof your . case , filth h4 will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gl'Utis. Address Dr. Hartman , Prcsident of The Hartmau Sanitarium , Colum- bun , Ohio. All correspondence held strictly conl1l1ou tilLl. ' , , IG ta ! i jrIjll i a ! II ( I I IIIII' ' III''L ! ' ' I I hll j III ro k l 1 tJhrlN' ' Cr" i f ! Ilp , , ' 16 ' I , I ,1 , WIN ! I'l ' , , lq j , I I 11 t SR L26u 1 6u ! I6 IG 1iIli' ! , f I - t . . . . . I St. Jacobs Oil . prumpestsuresl Known the world ' overls cure : for : the ' Rheumatism and Neuralgia .