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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1905)
. ) TilE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE ! Published Every Friday at l ALMS CITY , NEBRASKA 1 Dr ; . , ' 'rRIDUNE PUBLISHING CO. - Entered as HCCOlld-clas mattcl' , January - , ary 12. 1IJO-fat thc post olliccat to'alls f City,4Ncu. , tinder ! the Act of Congress of March 3 , 18iIJ - - - - - - - - - - j ONE -D-o-LL-l l IEYE \H \ Jf Telephone No. 22 ( ) . I ' CONCERNING TELEPHONE n ; t RUrJlORS. ! ' - The News is authority for the statement that an "ugly : rumor" is out to the effect that The Tribune - ut1e had agreed to cease its opposition - sition . to the.telephot1c ordinance , - - . - . prodded , thc local company would support Dorring-ton for mayor. The News then pro- I cecds to lecture this paper about . its friendship for thc farmers mutual company. Our first and only information about this "ug-ly rumor" was dc- . rived from the Ncws. The ru- mor mayor may not have had its _ . origin in the fertile imagination i of the editor of thc News , but to say that he did not know such a tale was a malicious falsehood , is to cast an unwarranted reflection upon Ii i5 intellig-ence _ . , , " . . . The News has nc\'Cr lost an opportunity - portunity to injure this pnper. This has been attempted not Jtf\ alone through its columns : , but in thc conversation of its editors as we 11. well.We \Ve are free to confess that we have often thought of this disposition - I -ition as ungrateful considering the way in which we have displayed - played our good will , and thc op- portuinities we have embraced to be of substantial service to thc . . , / . Ncws We arc somewhat inclined to take our own view of a situation and riot express sentiments by instruction - struction from anothcr. We are opposed to certain things because in our opinion hey are wrong , and not because certain influences have rcqucstcd " or demanded our opposition. 'tNc have never cNpreascd one . opinion as 1n iuciiviclual and an- other and different one as a newsy paper. \Ve have not permitted - ourselves to be used as a c atspaw . , . -II _ l- ' by anybody. Can the News say I as much ? : :1\11' Leyda's candidacy was arranged - ranged in thc office of the Falls City Journal. The first issue of l thc : News aftcr his nomination ' was silent. It became necessary to get the support of the News for the Journal ndidate. The : . - ; Martins not only succeeded in ding \ ) - ' ing- this , but they secured the active co-operation the Ness in - ' design of misrepresentation calculated - - _ mated to injury The 1"ribune. The Farmers Mutual company , I knows which paper is its friend. S "Ugly rumors" will not alter the + t feeling of friendship founded up- on acts and not words. 'l"hc News is. entilled to choose its friends. Our chief regret is that we arc so late , in ascertaining choice. If the News is satisfied , we are. - SPECIAL ELECTION. Governor Mickey has received formation to thc effect that the prcsident will coil congress together - gether in special session some time in October. 1'his will make a speci.11 congressional election nccessary. The call will bc made either the last of May or the first ' ' - is anxious of June. The governor - ous to make thc call so ) ( lint the ' , will have ' chance farulers every to participate. consequently he will mtlke the call as above stat- ed as the farmers will be less busy then than at any other time luring / the summer - - - - - - - - - The legislature has adjourned. Now let us forg-ct. , , , , , , " " = = " " " " " "TA' Now that the city is saved for another year , why not get busy about a lawn contest ? - - - - The legislature passed two hundred and fifty bills , sonic good , some bad and man ) ' indif- fcrcnt. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Sunda\ being pleasant flay the Auburn ) papers report that the pcople of that village spent the day in the cemetcry. Auburn is It vel little bur. . . . a lively vq . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . - b - . + + . The frost is off the pUll1pldn. but thank the Lord , the sprouting clover is putting the cream on the milk. Strawberries will soon be ripe. This is a pretty good old world after all. . . . . . - . . . . - - - - Easter falls en April 23rd this year. This is the latest since : ISS . in which year it was on April 25. This is the latest day on which it can come and will not . . " - " . occur again until l\HL ' - - . . . . - . . . - . - . - - . - - The saloons in Kansas City , Missouri : , were closed on Sunday and the thirsty population spent the 1 day in Kansas City , Kailsa - ' , where the saloons ne.-er closc. This prohibition is a wonderful thing - in Kansas. _ . . . . . . . , - The Tribune called nobody a liar , accused wuody of bad faith and reflected in no way on the char cter of any man during the recent municipal campaign. 1'his b i something unusual in Falls City politics - . . . . . - - 'l'he following statement was ' made in a sermon which the writer heard in a city church : a few Sundays ago : "God help the man who has not one person in thc whole world that he may call 'my friend' . God pity the man who has no one \n \ thc worlll of whom he can say 'my enemy' . " . . . . . . Y - - - - - 'rhe legislature passed a law making it an offense punishable uy a fine of S100.00 to smoke a cigarette. A man nay swill whiskey : , use dope , and do other equally ] } vicious things but he cannot - not smoke a cigarette. \Ve are - - , - - - - - _ . . fDOiTNOW ! - - - - . - . . . . , . WHAT ? BeCOllle Prosperous. HOW ? By Saving Your Money. WI-fEN ? Right No\v. . . - - Thc [ suggestions offered from week to wcek by' 'The Falls City State Bank If actOcl upon , will produc ( ' 1ll\I'v : ( . lou n's\1lt L _ ACT NOW ! . -w r = - r We Want to Shoe Every Ma.ll ill g _ , " DIf Town 0 : - (2 - If I f . YOU arc figuring ! on buying a new lair of Spring Shoes , let us figure with y0t1. \Ve are showing all they new sty les that are , I appropriate for either sloppy weather - er or sunshinc. \Ve are in the best position to fit you out with whatever you ' \Ve don't confine our- selves to any one slake or manufacturer. \Ve make it a point always to have on hand Any -.or- Good _ Kind _ - of Shoes _ You _ - . nay . . . . . . . . _ Desire _ _ If they don't appeal to your taste or your foot , then wc're equipped to : show you other styles : that will.Ve are having gratifying success with our lines of : M en's Shoes. The Spring styles are quite different in many respects. _ Come MO' , See " _ Them _ _ _ _ _ Pay us from 2.50 to 5.00 and wc'll give you the best pair of Shoes your money can buy. Your money back , if anything goes wrong with the Shoes , is the way we du it. GeOe BQ Holt , tIle SI10elnatl , - - - - - not especially fond of cigarettes nor cigarette smokers , hu tit oc- curs to us that a gro'mi I matt should be permittedl to choose a cigarette with the same assur- ance that he would a pipe , a cheroot - root or a cig-ar. 1'he fool killer alight get him if he didn't watch out , but the late legislature was in constan danger from the same sou rce. _ . . . . .A llhcuma.tic Pains Quickly Rcliev3d. ' ' ' charact- 1'lte excruciating' pain - eristic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly relieved In' applying . Chamberlains Pain Hahn. The great pain relieving power of the liniment has been thc surprise and delight of thousands of sufferers. 1'hc quick relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times it cost. For sale by Kerrs Drug Store. Mr. Barton returned from Sa- lem last Monday. , SARATOGA - LttI1CIl I BOARD J at lll I LODGING I boors - C. V. liel1dricl : Proprietor A E. ALKER 1-1. . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office over Cleveland's Store I-lours from I to :2 : i 7 to 9 Phone 170