The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 07, 1905, Image 8

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' ' or S'rREUGTil
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MC'IIII'III ndll ! hail , \IIIIII..II : xllllll 'd itrclt
III YIIIII Altuniptr III Hf1Ill\U llua'-A
Itt + tnHu ' I < ttltlu J:1 UIt.
1ho : recovery of Miss : : Gertnulo L. Bull
III of gl'l'at IlIll'l'l'st to the lIIllical worll ]
A very hllli cough , followed n. HU\'ero Ill-
lack of IlIwl1mollia. 11. seamed impossible -
hlo to IJI'/llc : it , till or 10 restore her
strength , which hllel ( hpl'll ( sadly tlllder-
millce ] 111Illite ) of the best otToI'll of
the doctors raid tltu 11/0 / ; of ! W\'Crnlllfl\'tJl'-
tiHPIIIIIOIII' : ' ! of Irt'Ilt.IIIl'IIt her comlit ion
tinily / grew IIIO\'lJ ) HCl'ioUS. She ftitnlly /
discontinued : I all nediCiuo and gave herself .
self Ul } 10 IlespIl l' . .
" ' , ' ' condition nt thlll
\Vh it I WIIS your
tulle ? " Hlw ) was IlHl'I'I ]
" 1lyltollllwh Was so weak I could not
leeep food tlotvr1. 1 ImtTorOll from COil.
slant / 111111"11. My kidneys were ill tel"
rihlu eOlllli tiOIl. 1\1 Y feet and tin hk'sweae
swollen /10 badly ) that it pained 1110 even
to I I HIUIII : 011 thelll. 1 wilts very 1)111(3115.
1\ly heart was ill bud HhllPO tiO I could
1101 IO lip Illill down Hlllil'S 01' stand Lilly
exertion 01' sleep ill 1\ nut 11101 Ilositioll "
II It somas a wonder that , you fihouhl
ever have recovered. ] llow dill it
happen / ! ? "
II Yon ulny well cull It , n nll\l'vol , hut
1)t' WilliulIIs' Pillk Pills wrought it.
None of IllY friolllli' ! thought 1 could live
1I11111) ' lIIolllhs 10IlgPl' My Iml'oilis 111\11
110 1)01)0. .1 Ust , I lieu n. pitlrlphlCt alt ' er-
tiHillg Dl' Willinllls' Pick Pills ! for Palo
Poopo ! was thrown I ill our doOl' . HVIIS
great O\'Ollt for 1)11. 'I'hcso pills ! H\\'CII :
' ' Iho ' ' WithlllH ' ' ell froll\
1110 front tI'II\'O. wt ) \
the Lilllo I begun to lalee ( thelll I felt ' . otter .
1m' , and III three mouths 1 was entirely !
well. I call1lot ll'Illso ] )1' , \\'illialll
Pick Pills ! too highly 111111 I dCllrly hope
that lilY OXPl'I'ioIIlO : lIIay rlllg good to
tOIllO ; other stltl'erers. "
hiss : Bull , who vats RO rcmnrlnhly :
eared : ( roslcles III Ullioll Grove , I11IIIOil'l
DI"-WilliIllIlS' Pilllc Pills nd illllllcllillll'ly
Oil lho blood , purifying IlIlIl IJllrichillg it.
In nil tlohililalillg liiliCIISCS , such I1S
! lung lrmhlos , grip , foyers , 111111 ill all
cases : ill which ( Ito system is thoroughly
run down , hose t pills Ilorforlll WOIHll'rs.
'rhuy 11m solll hy all druggists throughout .
out the worlll. A vILhmhlo hooldut oil
diseases of the blood will UO HOllt free
to I\IIY OliO din applies \ / for it. to I'Vil -
IiIlIllS Mcdicillo Co. , Seheuectudy , N. Y.
Denmark's Honey Exports.
DOllll1arit exports 2,500,000 pounds
oC honey a ) ' ( 'ar.
Scalp Humor Cured by Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment-After All Else
Had Failed.
"I was troubled with a severe scalp
hUIIIOI' and loss of hair that gave lI1e u
great deal of ttnno ) ' atlce nnd Incon\'en.
i.nco After unsuccessful efforts with
many rl1lncIlIm fund so culled hal
tonics , n friend induced lIIe to try
Culicurn Soup and OIntment. The
hUlI10r was cured In a short lillie , my
hair was stored IlS healthy as ever ,
fold I cnn gladly say I have slllco been
entirely free from any further annoy
ancc. I shall a1'a's1'30 CutlCUI'\
Soap , and I keep the Ointment on
hand tn use as n drcsslllg for the hair
nnn scnlp ( Signed ! ) Fl'ed'lt Busche ,
213 East 67th St. , New York ! Clly. "
Three million song ! birds are killed
each year for ' the purpose of adorning
women's huts with theIr II1mnl\ .
TO ClTlt1o : A COLD IN on : n.\Y
Take l.'nth , , IIrmllu Quluh + u 'l'UlJkCd All drat ; '
Rlata I rotund thu tuouey If It falls Iu Cllrc I. . W ,
Oru\1J'd .1'II"llIrc ' 18 011 each ! lux. 25c. :
Don't fall to lay \11) something ! for
n rainy day even If It.s nothing I1101 ' e
than borrowed \lmbl'olll\
- - - - -
'rlto Jo'\1 eIlO1001'1' , 2101 : ! 01111 1''lIo\\'s'
I'ldg. . St Louis , -010" , for fllll information :
If 2a.0tO : ! ; ! acre pll\lIll\tloll. tock for sale.
Fusiest IHI'IIICllts tax dlvhlclllls 1I1\r\1\ .
} c < .oJ. . .Al.tivolUIIICI" ! : > and Agents wanted.
Silence nifty he golden , but money
often talks In sliver tall OS.
Palls City Tribune
We OWII In this counll' } ' thro million .
lion Mules ! , all related to l\laud.
- - - - - - -
'fho Itlwl Is n bird without any
11Ig'ihul he also gets ! there just the
That Pennsylvania cobbler who has
IlIlIerlleli $2I OOOO docsn't care wheth
01' IIc hay ! ' 1\ sole or not.
- - - - - -
Tile discovery of n \ISO" for the
rc'l'Il1ll'orlll appendixvas anticIpated
some lime ago by the surgeons.
- - - - -
A Pennsylvania bride 1 was married
with fl'Ost.billon toes. Now she wlll
have to begin ma1'l'Ied life wIth cold
- - - - - - -
People ! who think that some of our
0.11luont f1aanclCl's tlllIlc of nothIng
hut money ought 10 see them at n dog
The discovery that Maj. Gen. Germ
commands It division In the Russian
lII'my nifty ho suggestive ! to the bacteri
A hot stove feB into the lap of a
WOlllall llaSSl'ugCl' In an Akron ; 0" ,
trolley cal' That was worse than a
fat 1)31111.
Miss Mabel Wood Tuttle advises
women 10 use licit ( tongues constant-
ly.Vell , the day Is only twenly-foUl'
hours long.
'rhe chemists have succeeded In pro-
( lilcing l artificial slllt. They are too
Int e. The factories have been turning
It olll for 'oars.
A New YOI'k rooster has just swal
lowed It $500 I1lalllond. lie can now
dUlI'go for his voice and go on thc
grand opera slage.
Since he learned that Carnegie got
$61 ' for attending the Chadwick case
Russell Sage may wish that CassIe
had selected his namo.
Two Chinese students arc to he
admitted 10 \Vost Point. Now we will
sec how strong Is the nntl.hazlng sentiment -
Ilmont among the cadets.
Young Cornelhls Vanderbilt is be .
Ing mentioned us probable ambassador -
dol' to Gormnn ' . Evidently hIs wife
Is not yet through with her molher-In.
la \ \ ' .
1\11' Rockefeller Is goIng to put up
n $1.000,000 house. Russell Sago will
regard this us a sIgn that the great oil
magnate must bo losIng his mental
Vigil I 1.
- - - - - - - - -
- -
Some savant has ut lust managed to
figure out that Aphrodite was an old
woman. Must Have been connected
with the Greek Corps de ballet In
some wa ) ' .
The Chicago board of education Is
lhlnlt1n about establishing a special
school for wives of less Ulan 1.J years
oC age.Ve hope the attendance will
not bo large. '
More than 100 American tourists
have barely I escaped death In an ertii
tlon of 1\11. Vesuvius. Same old story ,
didn't know It was loaded and looked
down the craler.
The discussion In the New York Sllll
of the question : "Do stickers bile' ! "
refers to fish. The green . goods men ,
therefore huven't felt called upon to
take a hand In it.
The Californian who threatens to
shoot on sight the man who marries
his divorced wife has found a way
that probably never occUlTed to the
J other ! divorce reformers. .
' . . . .
. . . . . ' .
. . , 3 .
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- - - - - - - - - - - -
. , - .
jI j I
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. . . ' ' ' : : l t l . .
. ry : \ I
M. } r Y\ . : to t
I ( I fl ,
L3YUUr / tl i CiR [ ' \
a ,
Thousands of People ! lave Kidney Trouble { and ;
Don't Know It Is Catarrh. w-- I
MiDavid L. .1aycox. Chaplain
Clarinda I. O. O. ' 1' . , and Chaplain
O. A. R. , 805 Broadway , Oakland ,
Cal. , writes :
"I am an old war t'ctcrw. I con-
trllcted severe bladder and kidney
trouble. I spent hundreds ! vf dollars
and consulted a host of doctors , but
neither did me any good. ,
'Perunahas proven the best medicine -
cine I ever usel\ \ :11y \ pains are gone I
and I believe thyself to hi' cured. 1
feel well awl would not 1111 without
a ; bottle in time of need for tell
times Its cost "
wwwwwm " .
Hunllrcds of war veterans have kidney -
lley anll bladder ; trou lc.
Impure drinking water , sleeping 011
the ground , and nil manner of exposures -
sures to wet and cold weather produced
catarrh of tile kidneys and blnde/cr.
They : have
doctored -
wit every ?
cone C i vaL.o
drug , have
Consulted ' .c.I
I -
It II schools
of medicine. . . ;
1 t was not
ulltil 'eru- 1
111 came ) into - r
to use , how-
ever , that
these old
soldiers .0 _ .
found a remedy that would actually 9 c
cure them.
4lore cases of catarrh of k/dneYBlfn
bladder have been cured by Perona . : . _
than all other medicines combined. .
Address Dr. S. B. Hartman , President
of 'rho Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus ,
Ohio , and he will be pleased to give you
the benefit of his medical : advice gratis.
All correspondence held strictly con ! ! -
- ; ; - - - ! o ; : ; ' - I
There are Afany JiJ1ttations of
' / .
Bakers Cocoa
Balcer's Chocolate
, . ( i t ; DOJz't be misled by them !
3j v - Our trade-mark is ; on ever
package of genuine goods.
\ Under the decisions of several ' & '
i'k ' United States Courts , no
I other chocolate or cocoa than
r t'll ' Walter Baker Co.'s is en- .
' 7 titled be sold "Baker's
s - as . - ' # \S ' h .
Look ror 11 . : ' : Cocoa" "Baker's Chocolate"
Our handsomely illustrated recipe book
sent free.
Walter Baker : B Co. Ltd.
Established 1780 Dorchester , Massachusetts
4S Highest Awards in Europe and America
( '
When Answering Advertisements BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER
Kindly Mention This Paper. I CURES catarrh otlthe stomach. .