1 ; I' Local and Personal. - Eat Sowlcs Candy. Ingram Cain 0 f Stella spent Sunday in the city. . . \ ; - 1'.lrs. J. R. Cain has been ill with grip and bronchitis. Charlie Ncltlcback is visiting relatives in this city. Dr. A. Gaiscr , dentist over Richardson county bank. Fresh oysters at thc same old pricc--Coupc 1'h01'l1ton. Mrs. 1'.10wcry and son of Vcrdon . . 1'- ' were in this city Sat urdav. i 1 I Sec Coupe & Thort1 ton for all , kinds of salt and fresh fish. ' 1 Falloon transacted business in r- ; - Dawson Friday of last week. ] phmimVithcc of Stclla"dsit- 1 cd friends in this city Sunday. I y " Dr. Robertsdentist I I i over Kings Pharl1acy. Fresh bulk oysters direct from Baltimore at Coupe & 1'h01'l1tons. 'y ' Rue Gates of St. Joseph spent V this week with her parents in our city. , Mr. and Mrs , G. C. Jennings spent Sunday with relatives in Salcm. t " Gorman Hdncnlan wa down from Vcn10 ! 1'.10nday'isiting t ' 1-t . rclath'cs. t Anthony Ncsladck came up . " , from Hiawatha and spent Sunday \1 ; . t 't ; : " at 1 IOmc. f 'J 1'.lrs. Ruby McCarty of crdon was a Falls City visitor on t.lon- ] day of wcek. ; ' O. O. Marsh and mother uf ; 1 crdon were shopping in this city l'.Ionday. 'rhc Misses t.lahn of Rube , were falls City visitors thc latter . . . ' part of thc wcek. , D. D. Davis of Shubert had two ears of cattle on thc Kansas City market last 1 \ \ ' ck. I Clarence Heck and William Carico visited in Preston the latter part of last wcek. Carroll Pryor , Jennie Prater and Stella Farmcr were Preston visitors on Friday. Pearl Prater , Katherine Crabill and Lava Scar visited Preston 1 friends last Frida\ ' . C. G. Iluutphry and wife of , Vcrdon were visiting friend in this city on t.londay. , CIa rcncc Simmons returncd I from Indcpcndecc , Kansas on Thursday of last wccl P. L. Peter of Dawson was 011 ' ; l , the Kansas City market with a car of cattle last wcck. , \Vhcn in need of a juicy steak or a prime roast beef , telephone 74-Coupc & Thornton. Morgan & Son had a car of cattle and a car of hogs on thc , Kansas City market last weck. ! 1lrs.Vill Mackey ? and daugh- 1 tcr Carmaleta of Chicago are visiting - ) iting with her mother 1'.lrs. George Inskccp. - - The Face of Life. rlfl cried 10 Youth "I bt I ar IhlJ cryptic key : Ilralll I you two desires , but ollly 11\0. 'lIat llftll ; havc l..10 crones and comfort you ? " You tIi aitswered ' : "I 1:1111 blind and I WIIIIIII I-ee ! : OIICII sty yell aunt leI tits look Oil t IlIcl " 1'1\:111 IlolllJ : IIlJ saw the face of Life ( , allli Ihl'lI Cried hrulcllly , "Xow malH IIIlJ hll1111 age inl" ! - IaWINintc > ( unat. l\frs. Mary l\lettz and daughter I.Jucile , went to St , Joseph Satur- day. The latter will resume hr school work there while Mrs. Mcltz will visit relatives and friends for several wcck Mrs. Lzzic Jennings after a weck's visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs , McCormick rclurn- to her home in Surprise , Nebraska - ka last Saturday. Jake Norris is again at work at thc barber shop after several weeks abscncc. Jake has been suffering with rheumatism but is much impro\'cd. Thc junior Class at the high school is rccic\'ing extensive advertising - vcrtising in thc way of bill post- crs. The seniors arc lcsponsiblc for it. . . . John \V. Holt visited hisdaugh- tcr , Mrs. Loughridgc in -4incoln : : over Sunday. lIe afterwards made a trip out to Holt county. Ira l'.lcCool returned to his bionic in Sal0m Friday having finished his term at thc lJusincss College in this city. Your chance to hear the best music of the Country , when thc Inncs band appear in Hiawatha Saturday. April 15. Frankie Moran left Sunday for Omaha where she has accepted a position as operator in thc Jell Telephone officc. l\Irs. Charles t.laddox and Mrs. Freed Shelly were up from Preston - ton Saturday and spent the day with rclat \'cs. Charlie Co.rncl ' . , \Villard Scars , Fred Paxton and John Oswald were business visitors in Stella on Sunday. Charlie Cornell , \Villard Stars and Ray Meycrs made a business trip to Preston on Friday of last wcck. \V. l\1. Fisher of 'Verdon mark- ted a car load of cattle ill Kan- sas City thc latter part of last weck. Emma Grant returned from I Preston Saturday after spending I a few days with relatives thcl'c. 1'.11'3. John Powell heard Par- isfal by thc Conrcid comany in Kansas City last I Frida ) ' . Frank Norris of incolll spent Sunday with his parents in this city. Lard , ham and Bacon at very low ccs.-Coupe & ' 1'horn ton. Garden Seeds , Coal , Wood and Rock Salt at Hcck's Feed Store. The treat of the scason-Inncs band at Hiawatha April 15. J. A. Hossack carne down from Omaha Monday. . , . , - _ _ _ - - . : : - - - - - _ _ r' & - New Goods New Goods . . . . . \ - - - - - - - = : : . : : : : , . . . - - - , - - = WILSONS TAILORS HOP ; Is tIle right place to get tile right I"irtld oJ goods at to right R price. You will get a suit that is I : r 7ade right and hold the shape ; better than you can get elsewhere \Ve guarantee our goods and . work ! to be First Class. . . . B - - - - - - - . . w.w..w.www ' , JOHN WILSON . TIle Leading ; Merch . .ni Tailor ; ! - 1 .z ZI. . . . . . . . . _ . 1IL ! - COAL COAL I The Only Exclusive Feed Store in the City. ( J ) , , , . . , . , \1"0 hllllll all Idlld of Coal attdyood : call fill orders Oil short 110111 : . Plenty of o Flour Urclllllll Peed , IIralll1l11 Shorts : ( : rain , hated lay and Straw : Hock ] Halt ) > iSc IIIr ! c\\'I. , fine Grollllli Hocle Salt 40c per c\\'I. , \1Io'hllrall ; Salt :1.50 per barrel , , . , . . . 100 Ih. sacks ( Ac : Crll..h.1 Shells for Chickens : :1.25111'1" 1'\\1. . ( rotund Oil Caw ! $ : Z,0t r O . , . . I per cwl. 1'1"1I'\olall. ; Traits \\'atlcllls Stuck and Poultry I.'ollils. CaHIll for Mutter . o 1 : IfIrHal1.IPol1lln' , O. P. tIECK.I FEED FEED Chnmhcrl/\IJ1'u Cllllgh Rentcdy the Best and Most I'opular. 'Iothcrs buy it for croupy children , railroad men buy it for severe coughs and elderly people i buy it for la grippc" , say Moore Bros. , Eldun , Iowa.Ve sell more of Chamberlain's Cough Hc- mcdy than any other Idnc1. It seems to have taken thc lead over several other good brand. " There is no question hut this mcdicnc is thc best that can bc procured for coughs and colds , whether it bc a child or an adult that is afflicted - cd It always cures and cures quickly. Sold by-Kcrrs Drug Sores. All Want to Hear It. During thc Inncs band concert somcof thc Hiawatha stores will be closed to give the clerks a chance to hear thc great band. Thc stores that do not close will arrange to let clerks ofT who desire - sire to hear thc music. It would bc good taste for all thc stores to close as they do in thc afternoons ( luring thc county fair. There will bc no trade during thc con- cert. All the people will be at tnc Armony to hear one of the greatest hands in the country. Dull Calves for Sale. Four thoroughbred calves , 8 to 13 month old. Henry Hahn & Son , Gmiles cast of Falls City. 13-5t. Wanted. I have a very liberal proposi- tion for some good man who wants to break up about twelve acres of timber land. C. F. Rcavis. J. H. Cain was down from Stel- la'1'uesday.