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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1905)
. . . a-'UW iJ MAN -IN HIS I TIME r I I I By HELENA SMITH ( Copyright , 1911:1 : , lIy 1II\lIy Story 1'1I1ICo ' dl - , . rn - . IIJIIOIIU' hO\\,11 latt " 1f 1\lnlll'lIIoIHl'lIc nlld \I'slpllr will COIIIO Ihlll wa ) -thNo Is 1\ cortalll table . hie llelilo ( nlllollg zo PUIIllIl ) , " All ex- pl'l'flsl\'o shrug of Fl'onch shoIl- % tlP1'1I : and IIgnlll AlphollHO hall 111'0\011 hint t'll'a mllll of 1'111'0 ntti- ! ! tloll and tuet Never did ho make Il mlHtlllw III Iho placlllg of 'glll'Hls. Ito wns Il sClltllIIOlllullHt ( , tuna AllJholHw , 111111 hud I'cglll'll for the IItllcss of IhlllgH ( , 110 I I could tell nt n gallce ] whlll tit , blo to IIOUt UIlYOIIO who ellterell the fllhhiollnllio 1'01l11l1ll'allt : wliore ho wits ono of the whlto-ullI'Ollod cOlltlllgoIlC UIIOII this occlIslolI Allhollllo ) : ex- ( 'PlllHI ( hltllRell' PI'lde In hIs art mallo hllll alllhltlolH to show these Ilcopio wlillt ho cOlllel 110 , fur It'H worth an l'xt rut effort , ullltle frolll the till , to ho al : lJrcclatptl , 110 I hnd rejoiced that the alc"vo table WIIII : IIIIIHCllplcl\ : \ when ho caught the first glllllllso of Margaret Alden and Kllllhcl'll'Y. Aillhonso was 1hit fussy about that alcove tahlo. 'It teas good of you to cOllie , " Euld Klmhel'h' . when they were comfort- ably ] IIJ'oIl8cll In the I IlI'ollr nooe. ) "nllt It III the last tune , " sulll the f irl. "It really mllllt : ho the last , " She 1.1111 u plquullt face IIl1el ( her IIttrnctl\'o. M'tH.'US ttce0tutuatod t ! by tai IInllsllull 1IIIHI'I : t go\vui. "l\Ial'glU'l'l ! YOII CUtlllot mean that , tk . ar.Vhy , the very least ! wo can do , , Is to continue to lIIeol. " "Olll ' makes It worse " she salll In 11. tone of weary flnal1t ' . "Wo must hot h marry 1I10Ill' ' , 'I'hllt'A the Hltlla- tlon 'l'lllIeed ) to lowest tortes , Is It not ? And hayen't wo been over It all hdoro and ( \ settled It lip nlco anti 00)11- ) foul able as the only thing to do'Ilcr IIIlIlInOI' WIIB cold anti a hal'll little line 'I'llaeoti ) ) lie ( usual curve In her mOlllh. "If you cools only he contented with thl little I have , " ho said regretfully. ' "AIHI ruin your career at the very BlnI't'i" she tllmanticel. "YolI'tI hate It as mach as I would after a tlmo. All the 1II11I01'lIhlo : little economlos would ho Immfferahlo anti the O\'OIy. day demands \ would ( \ malee your work gclIOl'lIto into pot hollcrs Oh , It Is 1'10 Itl1poH8lhle " She leaned her Pretty - ty elbows 011 the tahlo and glanced at 111m ! tragically over the pinlt.shadotl 'audles , "It IIIlght not ho so very had , " ho ( argued In a low voice.Ve would ho rlll\llng \ 11l\111j' \ A little flat , modest , perhaps , hut In the best of taste , and " Oll- 'I'hclt' eyes 11101. 1'ho glt'l's face fioftoncl1. "DCIII' hay , " she snid. "Peg ) ' ! You will , won 't you , dear ? " Ills earnestness was comilolllng. ( She flushed a dazzling slI1l1o across ! tine little table nut ! Alphonso caught It just ns ho was approaching with the cln illS. "I 1 could manage splendidly on avery very little , " nhc admltlctl. "One can : be so artistic inexpensively tuowadays . Don't you just I love a living room In dull l'ocn-qulto simple you know , hut harmollious ? AIHI for tho- " Suddenly site stopped , anti her 11I0011 changod. "Wo are golllg to l.le very practical and sonslhlo-lIHI : modern , " she saltl. . . And miserable , you IIIlght add. " Ills tone was hlttOl" "I must marry motto ) , " site oxplalned briskly. 'l'hel'o are the girls and nlothor. I am to play lamb 10lr. . Apr Illl'lcm's wolf with dutiful 1I1eelmess. Quito lllto the ohl.fashlolloll novel ! " Kimberly's face turned white. "You are going to marry mo , " said the man through stern 1I11s "You promised not to talk about this , " said Miss Alilen. There was II violet near her plate \ that had fallen from the bunch she was wem'lng Allhonse ) picked It up thoughtfully , sighted , anti put It In his rocket. . . M . . Margaret Alden stood at the window looking ! Into the avenue where smart . . . . whirling IIrllOllls ( WCOI'C whlrllllg hy. Now and I IIUII she turned liar face toward time older WOlllan who wan Hpollltlng , "Yoll ntltst decide tu lake hll11 , 1\ln\- gtu et.Ve CIIII keep this house only a short lIl110 IOllger-a few months I1.t l11ost-then ! what Iu (0 become of us all ? 'rhiuk of Mildred and Clnl'o. or COIII'fIt ! docslI't matter about ate , as I shllll only he lucre a short tlmo all ) ' - , \ \ ny. " \lolhel' ! 1)011'1 tulle like that , " sold the girl sharply "I 1 shull accept l\lr. Appleton . lie Is coming today for his final answer " " 1\ly deul' child ! Why tlldn't you tell 1110 before ! Von have made 1110 HO happy , dOli I' . " Mrs Alden swept act oss the room and ItlHsol1 ho\ daugim' (01' I In ' ' ' o a perfunctory munller. " 'I'h'o ) Is i\1 r. Appleton IIUW , " said Margaret coMly. "In his new Pallhal'll ! Isn't It U beauty ? " exclalnioll 1\II'H , Alden prom ! . Iy. 1\11'8. Alden watched her daughter take her place tit the uutolllohllo with a smile of trlul11ph AH Margaret dashed along In the f11111f1hlm' beside the whltu.halred 111:111 , the breeze lIuttel'od her veil and brought the vivid color to her cheeks , fho : : began to t hick perhaps n future shlll'eel with Appleton might not ho without Its mOlllollts. She sought to forget the distasteful personality or the man m she listened to him aslc- IlIg her IIgllln to ho his wife. "As you all'eHImo : \ \ \ ' , ? \ ti' . Appleton - tOil , " she said when ho paused for her answer , "I love somebody olso. You sit ) ' you can overlook this dotall Still you need someone to preside over your hOl11o I neo\-- \ " She stopped In confusion , for the chauffeur had tlll'nod 11ellhoralel ' mound In his place awl , stared straight at the gl\'l. Hecog- lilt Ion struggled In her face. "What do you mean , Alilhonso' ! " der mantled Ap\lleton \ , red with anger at the man'A III'osulllption. "P:1l'1loll. : I thought l\Tallemolsello ! spoke , " said the man on the dl'lvOl"8 twal. After that ho gave his ulllllYltlod IIttentlon to the maIHlgellIon of the car. "I-I-cannot marry you , " said i\lar garot In a strange 'olco "It Is quite ! Imposslblo 1 have suddenly realized what 1\ mistake It would all be. No. I shall not change my milld. I would lllte 10 go home , Illea80. " "Bac1e to Miss Aldou's , A1I11Iollse , " C0l\1l11ll1111eel Appleton , In a perplexed rngo a . * 5 5 . 'It's cowardly , " said Kimberly , as ho gazed ! meditatively at time olght- chnml.w\'ed revolver he turned over in huts hand. A slight noise made Kimberly raise \ I ti II \ , Comfortably cnsconsed hits head and listen intently- . The npartntent was quite dark save for the glimmer that cattle from the street. Arising cautiously , lie went to the door of time adjoining room. A man was going thitough his possessions by the uk1 of a lark lantern. Kimberly stood for a few seconds watching the deft fingers at work. Ills first sensation - tion was one of surprise that ho had anything that another man wanted. "You'll be disappointed , " he said cotifideuttially"Now , you couldn't , lend mo 11. mlllioll or so , coulll you ? " The Intruder Ilrollllell It sliver- 11I1'lwd hl'U8h with 11 cia 1101' . "You've broken ) ' ' " my Dl'oslon ( tray , said Klmhorl rOlll'oachfully. "I lot'- over , It doosn't matter , so don't apoi- oglzo. ! Kimberly I was holding the revolver In his hand and when the burglar drew ono In defense ho laughed lightly and tossed his on the dressing tt1bl0. "Smolw ? " ho asked pleasantly , drawing out his case and passing It to the 1I111.n who stood undecid0(1 what } to do. "Now , tlon't let mo interrupt your worl. I never like to have rieo- IIe ] droJllilng In when I'm busy , and perhaps you are like that. 1'hat stick Pih } on the cushion , by the \.y , Is better than It ] ootS , Quite an interesting . osllng story connected \ with It. Sorry there Isn't time to tell you about It , for It's It mighty good stOl'Y. I think there are some other interesting things over In that little Chlneso hox. The head IInscl'ows " Kimberly was pulling his cigar and swinging his feet , perched on a tall clothes ham pOI' . There was 11. certain wild elitiion at being . Ing able to enjoy this encounter with a burglar , absolutely without fear or the consequoncos. A man about to commit suicide wOll1l1 prefer to have It neatly done by a pl'ofosslonal ; nor does ho fear for his possessions who Is about to leave them all hehltll1. 1'he burglar threw down his weapon and ] stood stupidly ] staring Ilt l\lmhcr. ! Iy. Iy."A "A thousand pardons , 1\I'slcllr ! I did not know these t were the apartments . ments of the 1\I'slour. " The intruder bowed ohseqlliollsly. "Perhaps you recogllle mo ! " "No , " said Kimberly , "I have never seen you hefore Still- " "Docs not 1\1'slour remember u little dinner at the Adelllhl with 11. charming lI'adomolsello ? Ah-ho docs , 1'res hlon ! I will \ tell to 1\'slom [ some- thing. It was intended for mo , Al- Ilhonso , to make 700 happiness or the \l'sleul' and la hello \la omol- sello. " "Sit down , " said Klmhm'y ] with eager - eI' hospitality. "Now , what Is this wild idea yeti are toiling 1\10 ? " Alphonso sat down gingerly on tl10 edge of II chair. I'sleul' has pardoned the intrusion . sian ? " demanded the original ] bur- glum' 1'hat's all right , " said Klmherly cordially. "Glad you dl1.Jpped In. Is -our's n. case of evolution ! In whl'h you have come to take the coin of the realm In a lump sum instead of hv bits , as at the Adolphl ? " 'rho man smiled appreciatively "alii , 1\I'sloul' : . " "You said ! you had something to tell me ? " said Kttl1)crly ! seriously , his I bantering tone quite gOlle. "It was this way , " began Alphonso I ImpreEslvoly. "I was , at'tOl' I left the I Adolphl , Il chaffoul' a very small lItl1e , ; f Jr : a man named Appleton Ho bought 1.0 automobile as ho thought It might please ze mademoiselle whom 110 would marr ' . I recognized her when she came down zo steps , and 1 , 1\I'slnur -I romemhcretl. A pity It was for rue so' young to many zo old ono. Par- dons , but a garcon Ve'nt's } much ho Is I not meant to heal' Monsieur Appleton ] , ton asked 700 mademolsolle to marry hill 1\10 , Alphonso would not let her forget the fine 'slo\11' who loved h' ) ! r . I turned and looked at her before she answered c } . Uho knew mo. Ah 110 woman ever forgets Alphonse. " The man who listened was perfectly white amid his eyes were fiercely bright "Go on , man , go on , " he cried wild. Iy "Zo potlto tabo-zo ] palms-zo soft muslc-ah-sho remember all. Then she tolll him no. The next day \ heel old one sold his new Panhal'd , " con- chided the wl1.ltor-ohauffourhurglur. Kimberly came over to his mldnlcht caller and extended his hand. "You don't know what 'ou'vo done for mo , " said Kimberly slowly , at last breaking the sllonce. "If there Is any'- thing I can do for you- " 1\Iercl , l\I'sleur. You can do much 1C you keep my little visit entro lions " "Don't mention it . " said Kimberly . "I only regret that you found business so l1ull. Belter luck next time - , . . . . . . . ' . , . . , . . . ' 'i , - ' . . . Alphonso shoole his licad ! and chuckled - - . ' " I led ] softly liS ho slipped over the win- ( . I dow sill. ' . . . S Kimberly and the new 1\lrs. lIn1ler. ] Iy onto ! e(1 ( the car in a haUstorJI1' ! rice. "Fol' the life of mo , I can't figure nut how they found out about U13 , " said Klmhorlj' ' _ _ , . _ . . . \ . . _ . "Since you came Into that fortune , . so unoxlloctoell , you forget you are 11. personage , " she answered cheerflllly. "U wo hadn't decided to try It on nothing a year , before It happened , 'ou'tI think I married you for your monl'y , wOllldn't you , dear ? " -aa tl r - , ; t It ! ' , + { . --r . , : j tl : 4 ' y4 t' + , r ' t i 'll ' i1) ilwf i 1i 1 i V I ES , 1 "You'll be disappointed , " he said con fidcnti < tlly. "Fato and her uhderstudy , Alphonso , j have done a lot for us , " said Margaret ' 'Why ! By all that's wonderflll- . . - _ look across the aisle ! Is It possible , 01' is this frequent bobbing UII of AI , J i lholl8e gelling on my nerves until I ! 1 . see him where I look ? " ' , _ t "It Is , " whispered Margaret exclte ' 1- 1 Iy. "What a coincidence ! " ' 'I Kimberly strode across the also ] , , and grasped the man's arm. When Alphonso realized It was in- 1 deed the two who had first attracted his romantic fancy , his delight was unlJol11ulod and his congratulations I elaborat0. \Vhat are you lolllg now , AI phonse ? " they dcmanl1etl "I go to accept a Il0Slt Ion as valet to a 'slo\ll' who has just bought a Ono place at Blllo Bay But I do not _ - + . . - . Iwow ' what he Is called " \lllhonso ' shrugged hits shouldors. Margaret and Kimberly began to laugh and continued to do so until the Fl'cnchman gazed at titian In alarm. . I " ' ' 'hr , Alilhonse , I am the man ! " suld Klmhot'ly , shaking wllh merri- ntettt The hUl110r of the situation was lost on Alphonse " 1'hon I ask no greater happiness , " he said soemnly. ] 'But , if 1\I'slollr will \ pardon me-I'm Charles , now , thank y ou. " Kimberly nodded. "In all the roles you have pared ] , Charles , " he declared , " 'ou never have missed a cue. " "Thank yott for the compliment , " , salll Charles , alias Alphonse , as ho took a small whisk broom and began to brush the rice from ICiuuberly's ovcl'coat. Logical Reasoning Some years ago when the Demo- crnllc cOl1\'enllon was held In Chicago , l' all hotels were crowded : hence the " , .4' waiters were somewhat pushed and could not walt on the guests as prolUpUj' as the latter deslrcd. One of the delegates , after waiting an hOllr 01' so , bawled out : 11ol'e , I ordered only a cup of cot' fee , and I'ye had to walt for nearly an hour. " "HIt's your own fault , sail , " replied the colored after : "j'OU could ha' waited for beefsteak , fish , pCJ'tatoos and I1.Im05' everything else , ef you hud only order 'em. Do reason you only waited fOJ coffee am belmso you dldn' ( order nul1ln' else. " , ti