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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1905)
. . . _ . . . . , . . , , . , , , , - . - ' - _ , ; \ r. _ ' ' : ' ' ' . ' ' , I ' " ' - < i\t aww. . " W' " rtf. < i - WWtiu-MJ/4 11' " jf ANNOUNCEMENT < ' , _ , > > FOR THE YEAR . _ . . 1905 _ _ _ I . . . . . . s , I ' \ ' , . - . ' I i I - . . " _ . . . . . , , , . I . , ' L , kr"J---- : _ . . . . . Mattings better than ever. The Spring line now coming in and at prices always the lo\vest. We have just received 1,000 yards of Japanese rtattings that \ve will sell as a leader at 25c per yard. This grade always brings 35c in other stores. You will do well to anticipate your needs. The war has shortened the supply and when this is gone \ve cannot duplicate. We viII carry a fuller line of Carpets this spring than usual. . Keep this in luind. We are in a situation to save you l11oney. All Car- : - pets sewed . . , on our own l11achines. \Ve can give you an ingrain Carpel sewed in 20 minutes after order. This is a great benefit to farmers , , and over others prices costs you nothing. The Furniture line is to be better stocked than ever and a more varied line to select fronl. We pay freight anywhere in the county. Lace Curtains during this spring viII be sold at a sacrifice. Our Inventory discloses have an ovel.stock. We solicit your continued patronage. - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - . - - . . . < < 11 ' ; - 1 I a REAVS - ' & ABBEY I . 1m FALLS CITY . . , NEBRASKA . . . . . . , , - - - 1 , , " l ( ' 1.\.tdI b _ . . .n..J..t > w. V : : , = J - . . < ; 1 f ) ; " = r . . .a..IM - ----a. - 1 , ' , . - . . . . . ii ' " 1. ; . - - - - - - - - -IJIIIII . . . . , . - - - - - - - - - Verdon. _ _ _ _ n _ _ Gco' Mcslcr acid wife were halls City visitors \Vedncsday. 1\I1's. Nancy Bc11er purchased . . . . thc Ross probcrty on 1\1onday. Consideration 8500. l\lrs. Van Sailor , Mrs. Beller , . ' ) oIl' . Ross , \ lr. and Mrs. Cham- bcrlain were transacting business in thc County Scat on 'l'ucsday. Mrs. J. Hall visiting her laughter Miss Camma at Peru this week Sc\'cralmcmbers ot the Chris- tian Church attended thc convention - don at Brow\1\.illc , Ncb. on \Vcd- ncsda y. " Miss Florence Robert leaves in a few days for her home in St. Louis. . . left T Harrj' and Roy Lumm Tuesday night for their duties in Crete Collcg-c. They enjoyed their vacation very much. Mrs. 'Lelia Coruel ' _ -1\Iicklc of Lincoln arrived with ' her little ' ' visit with I l soil on Tuesday for a her parents l\lr. and Mrs. J. F. Cornell. Jesse Weaver was in Ncmaha on 1\Ionday. . Another grade is talked of in our school. This is much needed and we hope it will bc well con- si cred. 1\1rs. Stump is visiting friends near Stclla. ) , . . . . . , . , . , . . . . . . . , . - - - - - . . . . . - - , . - - - . . . . - - - Uncle Steve Sloan is visiting his brother who is quite sick. Mesdames Johnson and Strot11- ers visited in halls ; City a few days this wcck. School was dismissed last Thursday - day afternoon that thc teachers and pupils might attend the fun- csal of Mary C. infant daughter . of Mr. and 1\rs. C. A. Jorn. C. G. Humphrcy will transact business in Omaha thc latter part of this wcck. Miss Grace Sailor is at home this wctk. She will return to her duties in thc halls " City Bus- incss College next wcck. Last Friday evening Miss l\Ta- bel Nussbaum entertained the Junior class at her l home north- cast of town. A pleasant time was rcportcd. Rc fresh ments were served consisting of bananas and cake , Miss Hazel Pennington gave a flinch patty to a few of her friends last FrIday cvcning. A few plcarant hours were spent in thc I gamc. On last Friday evening Ray- mend Kinscy a member of the Senior class entertained thc school board , his class , Prof. Watson and wife , Mr. and Mrs. Charles umphreyGu\ and Reba Evcr- sole of Falls City , Roy Lumm and Ray Arnold of Crete , Ncbr. , and Mr. and Mrs. C. 1\1. Heinzc1- - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - man and son to a three course dinncr. Time remainder of thee Cling was spent in gamcs and in nsic. Miss Ira Hauts went to Falls City dncsday. Mr. and Mrs. John Rcbuck. of . near : Merrill , visited thc first of thc week with M rs. cbucks par- chits Mr. allV. . ' Johnson. . Ohio. Nina Hutchings spent 'l'hurs-I day with Rebecca Cully. Gco. Peck and wife visited thc formers brother Noah , Sunday. 1\lrs. John Jones . and Mrs. Parsons spent Friday with Min- nic Allison. Nellie Knisely spent Thursday with Mrs. Diltz. N. B. Burnworth and family were guests at l\Ir.Fie1ds Satur- day night and Sunday. Mrs Francis ; ShatTcr of Falls City is visiting with her sons Perry and Frank ; in this vicinity. Mrs. Cul1y is entertaining her daughner Mrs. Chas. Lewis of Shel ton , Kansas. Mr. A.L. Knislcy and Miss Brcch were guests at Frank Brecht's , Sunday. Hcnry Albers who is teaching school in Iowa was called home last wsck to attend thc funeral of his brother Carl. Hc will visit a few days before returning. - - Martin Noltc cntcrtaincd his brother and wife , Sunday. Louis l'cidlcr ; is building an addition - dition i to his home Saloma Stoudcr was a guest of Ethel Pecht , \Vcducsday. - I\lcsle Stouder is visiting with Mrs. Robert Schindlcr. Dora Schu1t spent Sunday at. home with her parc\"ts. \ I Ida Bourkc is at home after a stay in Falls City. 1\1rs. Allison has been spending thc week in l'al1 ; City with her daughter Mrs. Ross Goolsby. Miss Lois Keeling and little brother were the guests os Mrs. Ed Morgan , 'I'hursday. M. A. Bin aman and family were thc guests of 1\lrs. Binga- man's parents I\Ir. < \ndMrs. Fred Scholl , Sunday. F. D. Messier is visiting Harry Knislcy with his farm work. Lottic Yoder spent a few day the past week in halls City with her brothcr. Born to Isaic Allison and wife \Vcdncsday ' March 21) . a boy. Mrs. Anna T4udring of near Barada spent a few day at Wm Horstman's thc past wcek. Win Hucttncr and family were entertained at Marlin Noltc's Sunday. Mrs. Bingaman entertained his sister Clara Scholl , Satur ay. Willis Yodcr and family of Falls City spent Sunday with thc formers paren ts.