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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1905)
. Local and Personal. J. II. Miles was in the City ( luring the week. Dainty creations in Dress Hats at Mrs. llrcithaupts. Sallie Shocnhcil returned from Stella on Monday. Jennie Prater was on the sick list luring this week. John Dorring-ton was clown from Lincoln this Neck. Louie GocUernon returned to Pawnee City on 'ruesday. Newest and latest in street wear at Mrs. Breithauphts. Ii' \V. Celeveland was a busi- ness visitor in St. Joseph ycster- day. Ike Lyons , Jr. came up from , Oklahoma for a short visit in this ci ty. I. A. lim.o ) ' and wife of Ver- don were in this city cn 'l'hurs- ' clay. clay.Win \ Wm 1. Ross , and son of Verdon were in the city on business 'l'ues- ctay , Joe Norris of Lincoln visited with relatives in our city during , the week. Bc sure and attend the millinery - ery opening this week at Mrs. Brcit haupts. C. 1\1. IIeiazehtan of Verdon attended to business in this city 'l'hursday. Ed King came in between trains and cast his vote with the good pcople. A tine and up to date line of 5trt.t . hats at the Bon Ton Mill- inery Storc. Prof. J. \ Watson and family of Verdon were in thc city on business Saturday Mrs. O. R. Ross returned from a visit with relatives and friend in Shubert 'l'uesday. . J. M , Evans , the Shubcrt baul- er was transacting business in this city \Ycdnesday. Mrs. J. B. Stewart and Martha Stewart of Reserve , visited friend in this city \Yedncsday. . Mr. Sccly came down from Humboldt and spent Tuesday evening with his family ii1 hcrc. Blanche Kerr rciurncd Wednesday - day from Kansas City where she has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kerr. Bellc Hossack is seriously ill at her home in this city Her many friends hope for her early recuvcry. The south window of King's Pharmacy certainly deserves your notice as the gaster display is quite attract \'c. Don't fail to sec IIal Stephens and Harry Linton in "My \Vife's li'amily" at The Gehling Wed nesday April 12. Now Ladies ! If you arc read , } to get a beautiful Easter hat you 1e know where to get one at the Bon Ton Mill finery storc. Elder J. Cronberg-er , thc new minister of thc Christian Church has arrived in the city anb will preach both Sunday morning and cvcning. cordial invitation is extended to all to bc present at these mcetings. Gus Rucgge left Tuesday after- noon for Lcavcnworth where he will work out with the league twirlers. If Gustavious doscn't stay with with them , it will not bc from lack of ability on his . part. Interest was \'idcd on 'Tues- day evening between the count- ing of thc votes and a young man on Stone street who did a triple stunt in the way of Preaching , singing ? and dancing. Hannah and 14izzic Pyle stop- ped over in this city the last of thc week for for a short visit with friend while on their way home in Preston from a visit in Hiawatha. Augustus . Stuhrman , representing - I senting- the Bureau of Census at Washington , D. C. was ill the city this week gathering data in regards to thc manfacturing" en- terprises. Full of uSpice" from start to finish is the the verdict rendered by Ill who have seen "l\I ) ' \Vifc's Family" which will appear at The Gehling Wednesday April 12. Brethern Church , Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. at Silver Creek at 3 p. m. Other Services at regular tune. All arc welcome. -E. E. Haskins Pastor. Bert Marts , wife and two sons if Wymore were visiting with his parents Sam Marts and wife in this city the latter part of last week. Miss Edith Robbins of the loc- al public schools was called 10 Atchison Friday by the serious illness of her ncphew. Albert and Dollie Minshall of 'I'r'on , Oklahoma arc visiting with Led Neclrow anCl other relatives - lath'cs in this cty. ! Rue Gates was an 1\1. P. pass- enger for Clarksdale , 1-.10. where she has accepted a millinery posi- tion for this season. "My \Vif ' 's Family one of the best musical farces on the road will appear at the Gelding Wednesday - ncsclay April 12. Fred Miller , deputy Secretary State , came clown from Lincoln to exercise his right of franchise on 'l'ul.'sday. All the latest designs in mill- inery can be had at the Bon Ton Mill. Store. STANTON Cattle Wanted For in pasture , 20 head or more , good water , plenty shadc. Fred Zorn. Everything in childrcn's wear at 11rs. Brcithaupts. " . . . . . . . . - : . -1- ; ; . . . 0 , . + . . . " , . . : t . of. . " , . Gehling Theatre . ' ONE NIGHT ONLY WednesdayApril t 2 , t 905 I Triumphal Succe- I " " ' ; r ' Absolutely Most The Musical Funniest MY of the and Season WIFE'S - I _ I I F amt I Y 1--1 1 leaded bv two Well Known Comedians - I Hal Stephens and Harry Linton I Supported by A METROPOLITAN CAST INCLUDING UEDDA LAITRANT P1105. LEE ISOIIEL ALLAN J. EDWARD PIERCE MARIE : IWSLYN ! HARRY LESLIE \IABI.I GRCY 'J'OM 1l0DGtNS BJ.ANClllBRI : NNAN ARTHUR STONE . , ISOBELLA LOWS II. B. PIERCE PRICES : . . . - - e 35 , 50 and 75 Cents .A . : - . Rul.o. John Evans and 'robe Miller wentdown : to St.Soseph to secure work Monday. The nine year old laughter of \V. H. Hpicer died in this city Sunday morning of inflamation of the bowels. The funeral took place 'l'uCSd v afternoon at the Holiness church. Mrs. Molly Marcum conducted the services. Miss Clarissa Snyder and sister Mrs. Sechler returned from Cent- ral Nebraska Saturday. They will start for Pa. the latter part of this week. Mr - L. B. French is here vis- iting her son Chas. French. She arrived from Ohio last 'fhursda ) ' . Geo. Jarrott and family moved to St. Joseph last week. Mr. Jarrot has a good railroad pos- ition there. The election passed off quietly as usual and the honors were about - bout even between the two part- ics A , J. Hart Rep. , was elected Mayor. H. Simion Dem. Clerk L. E. Plumb Rcp. Treasure and John Thomas Dem. was elected I . Police Judge. 'fhe councilmen were elected as fo11ows- . Burk Rep. N. Kermoade Dem. and H. l\1. Edgecom Rep. Miss Snyder made a trip to Atchison - chison Monday and Tuesday. l\1. J. LeBlanc moved last Sat- urday into the house he recently , purchased. He has put consider- or , ; able improvement upon the pro- : ; perty. Not many men will be needed upon the rip-rap work cast of town from this tune on. For Sale. A house of eight rooms , four lots , a good cyclone cave , stable for 4 horses , a good well and a summer kitchen. Some fruit L . . - - - trees. Situated on Block 160.Be- tween 9th and 10th McLanc St. For particulars inquire at City Hotel. A Bargain. 14-4t. In Justice Court Before J. L. Cleaver. Roscnthal.Sloan MIllItUr ) ' CO' ( A Corporation ) "K } Bartlett Millinery Co" , composed - ed of J. W. Barnett and - Harnett his wifc. 'l'hc defendants will take notice that an order of attachmcnt and Imrnishmcnt issued In the above cause , and moneys , credits and other ' each of ' in thc a property belonging to you or you hands of or under the control of n. R , Miner and n. H. Jo'all..tead was attached by Carnlsh- ntrnt and garnishees notified to appear In 111) onice Olt April 3. 1905. and answer concerning thc samc. 'l'hat Raid garnishees appeared and disclosed credits dne J. w. Barnett from thcm ; and the officer having retnrned the 6ummons herein not served on you and It appearing by y the aftia'lt that you arc both nnn-rcsidents lIf Ncbra"ka. It Is now Oil the 3rd day April , 11)05. ) ordered that thiN cause he cUI1tnue.1 : for 40 days that service may be Cot on you by pub- lication In a newspapcr. You are ordered to appear in my office on May 15th. 1905. at 10 o'cJock a. 111. Jolty L. ( : LEAVEN. 14-4 Justice of the Peace. Notice to Crediton. In the County Court of Richardson Count Nebraska.r. Inn the matter of the estate of Marlau F. hanker , deceased. It Is ordered by the court that the time limited for creditors to file claims against said estate Is six months from the 17th day of March , 1'JOS , and aU claims not filed In this court , duly verified , on or before Haiti last named date , will be forever h.urel. Or- dered further that aU claims filed : against said estate will be examined and adjusted by the court , In the county court room , In the court house In Falls City , In said county May 17th , JulY 17th and September 17th. 1905. , By order of the court dated March 15 , 1905. J. \\'ILIIlTU , [ SEAL ) 11-4 County Judge i