r a i _ _ _ - : - _ _ _ _ _ . _ M _ - - : : : : _ . _ _ _ .swsrrmrncas.a.e . . . . . . -.av ats..rrv-VM . . 3fl.w..rws..rarr. i SPRINGSALE ; - - _ : $ APRil " " 10 : TO APRft L Ef.rs b ! : ! 1 19 ( ) 5 = ? 1 ' - - - . . . . - - , . . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - . . . - - - - i As has always been our custom , "re offer for two weeks : a r r op = 1 per tuiiity to all our patrons to supply their wants for Spring and ; summer at a great saving. We have no favorite customers whom F discounts are always given , but we give our entire trade once each : : A season A GENUINE BENEFiT SALE. Tile Special i-ces made emstl. . . - tend through aU departments and make it to your interest to con = i celltrate your spring business as much as possible into these two weeks. If you do not receive a circular giving full particulars , call for Olle in tile store. . . . _ . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - V LYFORD \ { 1 : , I' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . , - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - \V ill i hUll S v i II e. Mr. n. Kukcr and family from near St. Dcroin spent Sunday at the home of 1\1r. Summering" leRsrg. B Dup.rfeldt and g. : g. Dncrrcldt and families spent Sun- day at the home of E. B. Dutlcr. Mary and Amanda Ducdcld and Myrtle Isabel ! spent Sunday afternoon with Hazel Dnnn , Grandpa D.lnn suffering from an Hack of the La Grippe and was in Falls City consulting . 1)r. Fast Momay. ! The t1'cachcr's Reading Circle islet in HaradaVcdllesday C\'C- ning- Mr. Kniscly , R. J. Dunn F and Nellie Dunn were among those frog - ! this COlUmuntty who I were prcscn t. ' Misses Nellie Dunn and Myrtle Isabel were shopping Falls City Saturday. Several of the young folks spent Sunday evening with the Arnold young folks. Several of the young folks spent Sunday c'eningwith thc Arnold young folks. Mrs. 13. Duerfcldt who has been on thc sick list for sometime is impro\ ' ng- . Miss Grace Dennct of Verdon who has a music class in this community again this sum icier gave them their first lesson thc past week. llr.Vill Goetz was transact- ing business in Falls , City Mon- day. - - - - - - - . . - - - - - , Hazel and Lottil' Dunn Hutn Whecler and dinnieVeisscn title are among Miss IJcllnets ncw pu- pils. Our school is i : : preparing for a short program ae thc close of school , Byron Dunn put out several acres of oats fOt Mr. Runke the past wcck. R. J. Dunn trove to St. Dcroin Sn11(1 ay. The Iuerfeldt young folks visited - Hed Miss Crott y's school li'ridar Mr. henry Luhn went to Kan- sas Saturday to be at the sick bed of his brother , John. Our reside tits arc morning the loss of an old resident of our place , Mr. John Luhn whQ departed - parted for the land of rest at thc home of his sister in Kansas where he has made his honk for thc past few ycars. l\Ir. Luhn was estimable character and will bc missed ! by many friends and relath'cs. lie was interred in our ceuletary Monday : afternoon. Fargo Mrs. Mattie Lo\'all and daughters - ters , Gladys and Opal \'isitcd one I day last week with 1\Ir. Mandc- \'illc and family. J. H. Krusor and family visit- cd a few days last week with relatives - lath'cs at Craig Mo. \Villiam and Henry Strccker was down from willams\ Sun- day. J Sells went to Ru'o ' Saturday after a load of goods for G. A. I Smith. Herman Elias and John hotter were in town Sunday. I ! Pete Frederick was down from i Falls City Monday . Chaff Ie'S May and t1'omYright was over from Mo. Sunday hunt- ing "de aI's" . Fred 'l'hicm.an has a new Piano for their son : , conard to take mu- sic lcsson. FIord 'l'hompson and Bud Sells went to Shubcrt one day last wcek. g , Hurkhalter spent Sunday at this placc. 1\1rs. 11andcl1e and daughter Maggie Maggie sited Mrs. Lcuan Layeoll Saturda Doctor Kelley of Corning was a plcaRcnt caller at this place 1\1on- day. day.M. 1\1. Brinegar went to Mo. Sun- day. day.Mrs. Mrs. Bertha Voeg-lc and mother- in-Ia visited 1\1rs. Maggie Saal Sunclay. The town folks gathered at Chiomans hall Saturday night and had a little dance , all report a very good timc. 1\Irs. Fisher and daughter Mrs. LIzzie Peabody visited the first of last wck with George Smith and wite. Robert Taylor was over from Craig Sunday. \ t1'I105r who attended the birth- ' -r 3W { ' day supper at Corning Tuesday night of thc past week , were Fred 0'a 1'hicman , glmer Shook Lucin . j ' I Leoveall Walter Baker and _ , brother Elias and John Kelter. , . . ( I , . J. H. Krusor and G A. Smith , : 1 went to S1. Joseph Tucsday , John Ch arks was over from ) Mound City Monday on busi1cR ! j I April ftol's day wag a great day - . - . . at . . - this - placc. - - - - . . . - . . Specia.l Pdces I - - - AT . © 9 vflsofls.d I China , Queens = ware , Glassware Notions , F lOti 1 r -t- { - and Groceries , 12 Dinner patterns to se- lect from largest stock in . . . the citv. Flour by the car load every sack = warranteed. \Ve want your trade and will treat you right at C. M. Wilson l . . . . , . - < - - 'h ' . - . _ s. . _ _ .4 ' . _ " ' ' ' ' ' ' - " _ .y 0'