. . A SAVINGS BANK. _ Are you aCJualntoll'Ilh 1gooll Savings Dank and do you U1l1lerstand how one would bOllofI you ? ; The City Savings Banle Is most I , . carefully governed by state law and Is regularly : examined hr state olllcol's . . . , . , , Its investments are limited to first . . . , : . \ . , . , mortgages against real estate , bonds , warrants 01' securities of known mar ; _ etnblo ) value and Is absolutely eafe II accepts deposits ) of any size from ) any person , the small savings of the i : . children , the savings of the housewife 01' time accumulations of time huslnos ! man or Investor aumi ) maIms It possi lie to build UlJ an account until such time as the result may be sufficient for an hn'cstmont. or IllIrchase All deposits draw .f t per cent Interest : If you are Inlerostod lu acquiring - . such Information , cul this article out . and mall It direct to us allll wo will " " . \ IJrompllr forward a package ) ) 01 1 { needles or some testimonial of our al ) ' predation with fall Information as to our facilitieS' d . l - - . - - Address , City Savings flank , 201 S. " Kilt St. , Omaha , Nohrnsm ) , F " J ; : > . , - - - Valuable Fir Tree. r A fir tree has boon cut In Oregon , ) recently which made ( nine sawlogs 1 } m a\'oragin fourteen feet In length , J scaling 21..18:1 : feet board measure \ ) The product of this one tree I will bring more than $1,000 , STATE or 011I0 , CITY or TOLEDO , t . , LUCAS COIfNTY , f ss' 55 FrANK J. CIIY.NBY m"ke oath that ho II lenlnr , , partner of the 111'111 of I" , , I , CIIENEY d ; Co" , duing III"IIIPIII Urn City fir 1 .cllu , County end StaIn I nforcsahl , and Ihnt raid ! Ii rut will 1'1the sutra of 0NF ; IIU ntEIIIIOII.AH8 : : i for each and every J . r cave "t CATAIIIIII that cannot be cured by the u@cot " llALL'S CATAHHIt CUtc ' . \,1 , FRANK , J , CUFN1r. Sworn to before me and Mlh"crlb In toy l're. I" . ence this Glh day of December A. II , 14 C ; 6. . 1 - " - ' A. W GLg\SOol , . . 'y . . { 8tAL . , Hall's'y 1 "OTAIY I' UIJLIO , IIn1l'R . CntRrrlt Cure h taken Internally nllll acts , " directly 011 the blood and mucous surfaces of the "J e. Iystelll SCUll for testlutonlas ( , free . . . , " . F..1. J CIII ICO" : : , Toledo , 0 _ ; , .I J. . - Sold bp all Drugglsts. 750 , Take halls Family falls for constlpatloQ. 4' ' ! , . . ; : . . \ People say that have been touring Europe when they were over there for ' - a week ] , and living abroad when It ' , I > - , , f' was a fortnlght.-r\ew York PI'esS' \ Insist on Getting It. Some grocers say they don't keep Defiance - fiance Starch 'l'hh Is because they have a stock on hand of other brands containing : only 1 : ! ounces In n. package , which tlwy won't he ahlp to sell first , bt'cause ! Defiance contains 1Ii ounces for ; , . , . , , \ ; . ' - the same l11one ' , ' , . Do you want 16 ounces Instead of 12 Jtlnces for same money ? 'l'hen buy Dc- t.I\i : . lance ( Starch Hpqull'es no coolclng rt- In South Greoland the color of the I : ; , . ' . " " hair ribbon which n woman ties - around her head denotes whether she be mllld , wife or widow More Flexible and Lasting , won't shake out OJ' blow out : hy using ! _ Defiance Starch you obtain hotter re- I I suits than possible with any other I brand and ono-thh'd more for same " ; nlone ' . . , , " . ' t Don't imagine that women really _ mean It when thor kiss each other . - They do it to keep In IIl'actice. You never hear anyone complain l about "Defiance Starch There Is none to equal It In quality and quantity : 16 Dunces , 10 'cntli Try it now and save ' -r- ; your money .If a. man never takes the first drink ho'll never fill 11 dl'llnmrd's ) gravo. A OUAHANTI'an : CUIB FOR I'nm Itching , liltuti , 1IIcc llli- ! : or Protruding \ 1'110''u1r r\ drlllst will reflllul money If I' , \ZO O1\TMENT I' " . falls to cure you III 6 to II days , We _ _ , " I . -I " I ) ( , - Don't quarrel with the cook until - after you have dined. 1I1rR .T , n Giles , ] " ( 'r'tt , ] 'n. . SnIT'r(1 'ears "lIh k"ln ' and ra",1 trouhle Cured by Ilr Lllafs ICUlllled"s Favorite Remedy , 1I0ndont , N. Y. uoo. Don't use a gallon of words to express ' press a teaspoonful of thought. : TSrermarentiycured. Noatsorncrvousnnssafter fITS first days use of Ur. Klinr's Great Nerve ltestot. or Rend for Folk ( f32.00 trial > and trl'atloe. vat. IL it. KLINE , Ltd. , IIJt Arch IUcct , l'bllnllcllJhtAl'Qo A malrlon's hillsh do.-'sn't always symbolize the pink of proprlet \ . I J. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE WUll \ ! AN'S CORNER SHORT 'ITEMS THAT WILL ! BE FOUND OF INTER ST. - - - Spring Tallor.Mnde Walking Costume That Will Be Widely Copled- Sheer Face VeIls In Order-Some New and Approved Recipes. Sheer Face Veils The newest of ho I face veils are so sheer hat t It will ho IlCcoHHary to pili'- chase 1mOl'o IIh'l'al allowance of them than heretofol'o There Is noth- Ing which will pl\'c such an air of genteel poverty 10 even tilt most SIIC' cessflll coslllmc as a veil which has lost Its fl'l'shlJl'Rs ' 1'he'rlollS lIe' rlodlcl\ls ostenl"tlonsl devoted to a womlln's interests from time to time give directions how 10 freshen an old veil , hilt thc result of following slIch instructions Is pretty nearly always loss ot' time , loss of the veil ( such as It was ) , and only too often loss uf temper as woll. The old veil Is sel- dom If ever worth the effort of rofllr , bash big. Many women who do not care for the soclllIot ) 'fussiness' which the proper care of veils requires \ , Salle their conscience hy purchasing large nllmbor of veils for the saute sllln that formerly went to their p\rchase ! Thus , Inslellll of two veils at $1 apiece , they will pllrchaso four at GO edits , anti It Is a question ] whether a correct and fresh appearance In the matter of her veils Is not nmaln- lalned for a longer period hy this little excursion Into the land of econ' omlcs - - - - Apple Puffs. Sift together : ! clIIIS of'lolli' / , 3 level IcaslJOons ; of linking powder and half a teaspoon of Halt ; stir Into a soft batter with a scant Clip of milk , 1 egg well healon anal a tablespoon of butter . tel' melted : put the hatter In S buttered . teretl mllllln pans anti stick Inlo the top of each pieces of- apple ; sII'lnllo' } ' with sugar seasoned with spice anti baliO Eat with butter on It : makes 1\ good ! dessert by lIlIlIlnl a IJ1Jtldlng ! sauce - - - String Tailor . Made WalkingCostlJme , 1' ' Y ° PdN } p t / ' 4 ; rl -1kmva . 4''y dv A , , I . Y P 4 , . 1. 's 54. A . ' chi I > ; h euit ' , , F + y1r W N N 35 c'Y. Y. , l + Plf In bind an'Lito ! rllcelt , with turban - han tOIIIl(1. 1'lIe shirt IS trllllllHJt with lines of black : braid between thl" box- pl'al8 The lI.ghl.fitlln bodice has I'o\ors and cults of white edged with black , allli vel\'et-covered lJlIltons. - - - - Parisian Idea in Corsets The Parisians , always evolving some new thing In corsets , are wcal" lug stays made of what Is called "tri- I cot , " a corset , apparently , formed of knitted HIlI" I The latest trice t corsets are cult I very long , IlId'e" l , well away 10 the I knee , a circumstance which ! must IJUZ' , - - - - - - - - - - - -.10 thoM who are nol I\waro lint Ihl.\ corset Is not boned ! III Its extremities It Is a knitted ) ! silk \ substance , yet toes ! not stretch , so that it holts ! fl super abundant f1gllro III with exceed lug Coln fort and ! fIrmnoHs , while lend ! lug Itself quite ] to the movements of Iho figure. : 'I'lls Il'leot corset , which his been offering itself , though not III such not ltble form , for S0l110 time , promises l'IIllhH' well for coin fort , while Its excellence , collenco Is guaranteed by the fact that the Paritienne has adopted It. - - - Smart Walking ' Gown. i iII , , , ' II tv'J , { ll ll ; , t I ' + I.I , , Iul M . - .t NN , . r t' ' IKKKh ' + I't' I' y' t ' I I . ' I' I ' I' ( ! I . y , , ' r q K 4' , fll ll + li' FIT ' " ' 1 IhM { , , tSr IIa fl'I hq tl $ , yq I , 5. 5 ' i'dlY ' -IF 'LI ' / ' 'rl ' ) II yl 'tilt ; li This Is built \ In 1\ \ light cloUt , and tl'hllmell wlt:1 : rows 01' braid and ! fancy 1I1Iltons ) The COIllll' iuid ! vest arc of white , clnbroidet'ed In cclor to nmatch Hat of white straw tl'lmlllot ! with lilac - - - Baked Indian Pudding Sift slowly three tahloSIJOunflllH of I I yellow meal Into one Illnt of hoiling milk , stirring all the time to IIIl'P frolll being hlmp l.et htlll gently live mlnllto13. Be careful not to burn : then add ! one pint of cold mlllt , ono.hnlf teaspoonful of salt , two tablespoonfuls of sugar , one teaspoonful of ginger (01' ( , If liked , ono.half grated nutmeg ) . and two eggs hellton Stir all well 10geUer )10111' ) In a buttered hlllill ; ; IIIHh , : utd ! hale In u slow oven for one hUIII' - - - - - German Pudding. Beat 3 eggs slightly , add tablespoon of sugar , 1h teaspooll of salt , 1 cup of milk : cut stale bread ) In slices 1 Inch thick , soik ] in this mlxllIl'C' , amid ! conic III hot hllttorod ( spicier IIntll brown on both silles Serve with 11)l'lcot ) Rallce Apricot \ Ha UCQ-- D 1'1In earned It 1'1'1 I , cots from their I'IIp allll rub through a sieve to 1 cup of pulp and 1 cup of heaCI'Cllm beaten until stiff ; Hweot- on to tastes Peaches call he used the same way , either call1lell 01' fresh - - - - - Boiled Salad Dressing. Beat three eggs light and .1111 : gradn ally a gill of vinegam' . n tablespoonful of sugar , a hlllf.loaSIJOollflll of suIt , It teaspoonful ) of French , IIIl1stnnl antI a dash of Iml"'lea Beat hard and cook , stirring steadily , IInlll the hall 18 reached , then adll II teaspoonful : of hllttl'l' Contlllllo to stir IIlIlll ills Is molletl ; take from time lire , beat IHII'II for several minutes antI put away to cool. Keep In Icehox - - - New Wrinkle in Batfste. 13atisto with hnJllorlo all lalse lIe , signs are charming for hlouso ! This very thin eellon cannot 110 as durable . as IInen-ol' as linen ought to Ic- hilt It Is HI pretty that It aUracl.1 Dot- ten swl's ! dtnmity ! timid Persian lawn are oilier thin fal rids uset ! for rllllllt ; hlou'es They are helm ! ! worn IInf.ol' jucl1l1t'- the 1'1' { ' ; C'nl Ilse. \ , f'f c' ' 11\ ' ! . ( ' , \ \ HIn'n tv' I ! " n r tI"1 ; : s of ta'wn or China sal. ; : ) . , i _ . , " : -I T - - - - - - - - - - . _ - - ----S - - - - - Dwarfs of Ox Family. One of the greatest cnrlositlea ! L amonI tire Ilon1l'stl'lItcll ant mmnis of i Ceylon Is Il ( recd of ea the ( , ImowlI 10 the zoologist liS the "SIICI'Ot ) I'unnlng oxon. " 'I'hor are ho I tl wal'fs of the I ; whale Ox family , ho I IUl'goR ; ! . Hpl'l'lnll'ns ( t'If ' the SpOt-Iou never exceolllllg 30 Inches In height Mad Dogs Held Sacrcd It Is elalllwil hal I If Il dog goes nuul ) tunong Iho toltlR , It special house Is I built for him , and there ho Is kept nnl1 ( nursed III the gremrlest ! l'o\'o"'nl.'O ,111111 ho 11/08 / 1..11(0 I ho'cuomous rop- tile , the 1111111 dog Is 111I01'011 to this i \Jccoult'lc Arizona rellsl\lll. Wedding Anniversaries , "Tet1dlll alllllVOI'SUI'les follow : i l.'irst , cotton ; second , Impel' : lhlrl1 , lent her : fifth , wooden ) ; 1H'\'OIlIIl , wool. on ; 101h , tin : 12th , tilll alum line linen : Irilh , crystal ; 20lh , china ; lilh , 11l \'or ; 301h , pearl ! ; , lOtll , ruby : GOth , golden ; 7lith , tlllll11onll. Mosquito's "Usefulness" Lnstlng. The old fashioned IhoOl'y that ! n 1ll081\ullo \ bites tut onto idol then dies Is It Ill 'th , Sonic vrll'lotioa nl'O roily for all comers although It takes throe days : 10 digest 11 full lIleal or hloml . - - - - - - - " - What the Dentist Says. Toledo , Ohio , March 27th-Speclnl. ( ) -llarr ' 1' . Lewis , ho I well known dear list of 607 SlIInlt street , this city , Is telling of 'his l'emarlmhlo cure of Kill- ney Disease by using Dodd's Kidney 1)1119 , "I was flat on my hac1c and must say I had almost giver lip nil hope of over getting any help , " says Dr , Lowln , "My t Itldnoys ] hall troubled mo for 'OllrR , 'I'ho pains hi my held were severe and 11111(1 I to get 1111 several times at night. I tried different medicines ! . cines hilt kept 011 getting worse till I was laid " 11. 'I'hell a friend advised mo 10 try Dodll's Kidney PlIIs and In about tuwh ( weeks I started 10 Improve. I Now I lun glad 10 admit , I 11m eared and I cannot praise Dodd' ! Kidney Pills too - ' " hlg-hl If you 1111\0 DOlltl's ICidney Pills when your lcidnoys first show sign oC being out of OI'dOl' yon will never have Bl'ight'H Disease , Diabetes , Dropsy , Gravel or Rlleumatisln . Don't tlo any dlsagl'oeahlo IIi lug tor Ilay that you cite postpone until to' mOl'l'OW Perhaps tomorrow there will Ill 110 need to do It. Rn1zrr' if"nre flit Iicier Corn So named because IiO acres producel ) } 90 heavily , dint its prrlCCCIIR built IL lovely hOlllc. See Snlzel"H catalog ; ' Yielded in Illd. 157 hu" , Ohio lIiO 1m" , 1'cnn. IUd 1m" , sad in MICh. 220 1m per acre. You can beat this record in 100 , . I \D \ ) QQJ@W ) \ { Uti I WHAT no yOU TIEINIC OF TlmHr : YIELDS ? 120 hu Beardless Barley per IIcro. 310 bur Salzer'fI New National Oats per A. RO 1111 Cube , 1'1'1'117. IIIHI 1lhtcaroniYheat. ( . 1,000 1m 1'edigece l'otatveH per ncro. 14 tons of rich Billion ) ) ulInr Grass Hay lionoo Ihs Victoria Hope for Hhecp-pct' A. 1130,000 ( ) Ihs. Teosinte the odder wOIlller. 4UOO IhR Sub.cr's SIIJleri01' Fodder Com -rich , juicy fodder , per A. , Now such wields yott can have in 100 ) , ( f you will plant my Recds. JUST InO\1I : TUIS NOTICE AND 100 in stamps to , John A. Salter Seed Co" , LaCrosse Crosse , \ViR" , IIIHI receive their great ( cata- log anti lots of farrntccd saltlplcB , LW.N.U. l ] Smile people drop Jilt of a social set and others climb Ollt. Important to Mothers. gxnmlno cardlllly every bolllo of CASTOmA , n flnfu ullli fltrO remedy for infants and children , and eco that It Jkars alto ' -J5j - - .i'J5j # SIlIllturo of , . % Gftl/r/ In UIO For Over :10 Years , The Klud You have Always llouht. : . 1 > on't. carry a half-oJlC'n umbrella In a crowd ; either Jlllt 1111 01' shut liP _ _ _ _ _ ------4 J'I1I1I1l' ( , fJlul'ch ( III guaranteed biggest - gest and l.J'st 01' money rtrundcd. 16 ounces JO cents , Try It now