The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 07, 1905, Image 16
Educational Deparimeni Conducted by County Supt. Crocker M - - - DisL No.4. Janctte Wellcr , tcachcr. Our enrollment so far I for this term is 31. Ou l' pupils I have drawn sc\'cralnicc maps of Richardson County and Ncbras- kat DiL ! 38. Gcorg L. \Vclls. teach cr. Wc have just rccic\'cd a supplcmcntary rcading- book from thc county superintendent as thc start for a library. Our school closcd I.'riday , March 24. \Vc cnjoycd a school picnic April 1st and pluntcd smile trccs. 'rhc school in Dist. No. 71 , Mr. O. O. Marsh teacher closed last Friday. Several pupils took thc . . . . the eight 1 grade 1 cxanllnalton ; ; and expect to attend the Stale Nor- mal School next year. 1\11' Marsh him recently ta1cn a homestead consisting of one whole section in \ Chase County Nchraska. - - - - - - - - The school in Dist. No. 10 Miss : I flea Riley , teacher , closcd March 20. 'l'hc Pupils gave an cntcr- tainmcnt in thc c'cningwhich was well attcnded and enjoyed by many friends and patrons of thc school. Miss ; Riley l will I spend a few weeks at her home I in \Vymorc. Dist. No. H. Catherine McMahon - 1\lahon , tCotchel' Our total enrollment - rollmcnt for the is 35. Our attendance - tendancc at thc present is only 25 on thc account of so many of many of thc older pupils having to quit on thc accout of spring work. Our school will close June 23. The Co SupL has given us G books to start our , . library . - - - - - Dist. No. 78. 1IabdVit.takcr . tcachcr. Our school closed Wcd- ncsday. March 29.Vc spent most of thc time Wednesday morning decorating thc school house with evergreen trees , which wc planted in the alt,1'\1oon. \ Our Program was short. We were glad to welcome sc'cral'is - . i 1)ist. No. ( ) O. Ida Pierce , tcah- cr. School is progressing nicely we have an enrollment of only nine and these arc all g-irls Florence : Houbideanx and Lizzie I 'l'iban were neither absent nor tardy lilting the past month. They arc doing splendid work. - \Ve ha\'c just received a few book from thc county superintendent to help us start our Hbtary. Dist. No. ( ) S. Louis Spencer , tcachcr. Our school closed Friday - day March 31. The school gave a program in thc evening which was attended by man\ friends and patrons. Miss Spencer has clone splendid work and thc school board have offered her the school for the ensuing year. The foll- owing pupils have been neither absent nor tardy ; \Villcr. Ollie. Hose , Minnie , and Ida Stauffer I illlll Sarah J , dic. Albert Frank- houscr has been present every day and tardy only oncc. 'l'ucsday evening March 21st , the school of Dist. ,7. Mr. W. C. 'l'uckcr teacher , gave a spelling and ciphering school. Many friend and patrons of thc school were prcscnt. 'J'he pupils did rc- markahly well \ in spelling and in ciphering anl reflected much credit on their teacher. Many of thc visitors took part Miss Lydia Wissler , 11 years old , was the champion speller of thc evening - ning and Miss Lizzie Casswcl1 , lG years old , proved to bc best in ciphcl'illg' Dist. ,7 has one of the best equipped school house in thc the county , and they have one of the best teachers , too. Dist. 63 , Miss Mac Burg-ett , tcachcr-Our school closed March 31. Four of our older boys set out 30 trees Monday , March 27 , and last Saturdi'Y they went to llumholdt and had their pictures taken. Thcy shall be known as thc 'HL'ree Planting Quartctt of Dist. ,3. It is hoped that their trees will \ grow , do well and stand as mon\lll1ents to their school pa- triotism. 'I'herc is an old pro- verb that "a blessing . comes to him who plants a trce" and let us hope that many blessings may conic these ( four young mcn. On thc evening 1\Iarch 2lth , we gave a basket social and cleared $50,5 which will bc used to help buy an org-an. Dist. )3 it will \ bc rcmcmbercd has a fine new school house. It is a duplicate - cate of the famous Sutherland huilhng- - - - - - - - - The Southeastern Nebraska Educational Association held a most successful meeting In Beat rice , March 21) . 30 and 31. The enrol1mcn reached 400. Tie prog-r.UI1 was carried out as an- . nouncc ( 1 . I acii 1 session was strong and the inter high-school debate Wednesday evening was especially - ly g'ood. The question was ' "I e- solved , that United States Senators - tors Should bc Elected by the t Di- rect Vote cf thc Pcoplc. " The Affirmative : Pawnee City , li'air- bury , l 'allsCity , Humboldt. Negative - at'c : Crete , \VY1l10rc , Beatrice , Nebraska City. 'l'hc judges Cc aided in favor of thc afl rmat'c. . , Earl Cline of Falls City , was given - cn first place as individual de- bater : Lein N. Bailey of Fairbury , sccondLawrc'lcc ; Weaver Beatrice - rice , third ; and Fred G. Arnold of l1\1111boldt , fourth. 'l'hc next meeeting will be held in B ( atricc. Officers elected for thc ensuing year ; Prcsidcitt , C.A. Fulmcr of Beatrice ; Vice Prcsi- lent , , V. H. Pillsbury ; Secretary , Miss Rose Clark of Friend ; treas- urer , ? . L. lIoff ; ; cxucuti\.c C01ll- . . , . . . " . . . , . I ; . . . , ' . . . ' , . , . - . - - - ; - . . . . Have You Seen the New Things ? In Moulding to go with the Wall Paper ? If not , , go to the White Wall Paper Store . I an d see the new things for Spring Decorating. . r Everything in the Latest Things. I WHITE'S _ a - Wall , Paper & Paint Store . . _ .li _ TllERE IF NOTU NC1 LiZE - - - et _ . . . f . . . . : , _ . , , , , , . ( 'n"//'u . . / / & , ' . . .r . . . . . " :1v @ " . ' - ' : / r. ; , . . . , ' . " 't\1i'r " " " cL ; ' ; ' - : -r " " * . . . TrAO' . , . . ; - , " . . - - . .I' . . " ) ) . ! i.l\ . . . ; . . . . . tB1fh 1ITfi'm ! i ij 1 . 1fDf't . . . . . . . 11 , , , . . : . " , 'r. , m . . . . . . , . . . . / ' , . . ; " fit' L : . ' ' . ; .r,1. < { F. * -J' " ' ' ; oJ.V' " ' ! ' ' ' " . . . . - - . . . f" . " ' ' ' ' ' - " , . . . . . .ur. - - - - ' ' ' . . . ' - ' ' ' ' . ' . N -YI"liOUSEH LD LACQUEfl c. 'fZ.I' ! . .r ' ; , - , " , ) . . . .4' ' ; ; ! ' , ' ' TOR rcst'Jri'l K 1"111'1'1111 lust c and tnI' V. cd : worn , flcrntchea ' .t' ; L' .t1' : p ta , L \ ; - < stud f..dcd fur inure ! , \ .u ' 'dwur ! ! : nd foJors. ! : \7.IV" \ : L.\CQUPIWT dries ovee night and wears Ina rawhldc. It will nli' , rw t not fd : . urn I whl.e or C Ick. , ( ; " \ i-ACQUI RUT 15 ell right In evcryway for cverythlnr ; A l.hlll ! y\ t / } ' CI II , ply it. " \ , f t 1 t . t ; \CQUr : R"r.T IA fclc1l" c""vcnle'tnckGr ; " ' " ready fur me 1\ r""lIt' : " . : . ( " . , . hl ' . Cnc ' . \V : Lut , Rn5cwol..J , ; , Li : : ht Ol ! " Hurl JII" lit.t.ngnny Cnc-ry : : ut / , ! , , 'j : , : : . : . ; 4t' . I ic' Rcd , 1\1n ' ! Gr , " . . : , I1rd " enr' ' ' It 1.rRAI'J.UCENI' . . Ihll' . . . . . , ; . ! : : . ' c f - t ' t.Icg. brilliant v c2 hruble. ! Superior 1\ p..l..a of mcrltl1 i ' - - : . E _ . . ' : - - : _ t. u. ; : : ! : g on tac "I1rlct. / I i. . ; . .fg7.f/.e'"t. ; : " . Asl : fi'ac Color Crrc3 end Injtl'c ! "o hlo"lu ! ' "J : . " " ' ' : : ' ' . : ; ! = " : - i' ' ' < ' ttgHL l1J\P'JTY r' : : OJ ' i.'r'H'I ' . 'I -Nr ; " ' : - : ' ; - " - I' . - . - . : . - . - , - , - - " " po , . ' . . . " . . - . L . . > " 'I.---- " ' " " : ; : : - : ; w 'R LL v . I 1 ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' . . . . ' ' 'It ' ' . \ : I .I . ' : " ; ( } : \ ; -I'I' r- - - - - - - KING PHARMACY - : ' . - mittcc : Dr. Ii'Y. . Saunders of Lincoln high School and President - dent J.V. . Crabtrl of Pcru. . - - - - Last Friday. March 24. the school in Dist. No. 35 rcccived a pleasant visit flom thc school in Dist. 34 in charge of their teacher - cr Miss \Vinnic Ryan. The forenoon - noon was spent in thc usual way ( getting and recit'ng ' thc lcssons ) . After dinner wc engaged l in Rome running and jumping contests. In thc running contests Dist. 34 won. In thc jumping' , Homer Auxicr of Dist. 34 won. Standing jump-S fcct. Punning broad jump-12 feet. high jump -3lf fcct. After thc contest both Dist's. tool part in a program consisting - sisting- recitations , songs , and drills. This was followed by a debate on the question : : Resolved , that fire is more destructive than watcr. Dist. 34 I had thc affirmative - ati\'c and were represented by Joseph Kane , Grace Auxicr.Hom- er Auxicr and Frank Drapcr. Dist. 35 had thc negative and was represented by Lola Dc\Vcse I\'a Philpot , Curtcs Ramsey , and Julia DcV cesc. The judges j decided - cidcd in favor of the nCg'ati\'c. Sc'cral'isitors were prcscnt. - - - Dist. No. 15 Miss Pearl Cunningham - ning-ham , tcachcr. \Vc have one . pupil to take the cig-th grade examination - amination this spring. If the . " 'h' ' - - . , - . , I pupil is succcssful we hall celc- 1 i 'brstc ' her g-raduatuating' from thc cig"th grade with approlriate cx- t " crciscc ; 1'0 prevent so many tardy . marks , I read from an interesting ! book for opening exercises \Ve \ I have drills in mental arithmetic . I and keep a record of the work on i the board. The one getting thc --.l-o { I most answers for a week IS con- : sidcrcd thc champion. 'l'wice a \ week wc use history cards. 'l'her S enjoy this very much and do much , reviewing in order to bc prompt I in answcring' I had some difficulty - cult ) ' In originating a plan to stop the use of poor 1ang'uagc. \Vc made some small booklets , . gave one to each pupil and callcd' ' _ I them our "Grammar Books. " In these thc recorded all mistakcs I : they noticed during thc day. I. Each before ' -f'1 one reported just ; school closcd. It worked nicely : , . and by using care no onc's feelings - ing-s were hu rt. Of course they also noted their own mistakes. I In the first and second grades wc made geography books from . - " . heavy papcr. \Ve have chart'lcs- sons fr0m which we learn much about lakes , rivers , bays.etc. , and thc children bring pictures from magazines and paste them neatly in their books and under thc pic- turc write thc proper namc. Our pupils arc neat about their desks and note books. These arc inspected each wcek. ( . . . . . - - - . . - . - ' - " - - - . - " " -wr . ' . . . , , . - . . . . . . l.:1- : . . . . .