The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 07, 1905, Image 15

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) :
Valuable Product of Transvaal Mine
Now In England.
The Cullinan diamond , which was
found a short time ago In the Premier
mine In the 1'rflns\'nal , and which
I Ir f the largest diamond ever dlsco\
erect , Is being kept In the closest .
. . ' . ' sect'ccr. At the office of the Premier
Company the only Information avail ,
' . able Is that the stone Is not In Lon.
I' 'fhe Johannesburg Star gives the
following description of the great dla-
t ,
! tr t :
The large outline shows the actual
shape nail size of the Culllllan dlal11ond ,
I and was drawn from the stone by 1\11'
, na1llh ' Stokes lit Johannesburg for the
Andean \\01'1(1 The smaller outline shows
the t'Xllet shale and size of the vaunted
I KohIool' ,
\ " - . - . . # .L . u.ulld , christened "The Cullinan Din-
mend , " after the chairman of the com-
l'rtn ' , "Tho stone , which , according to
Dr 1\Iolengraaff , has come from n
0 , # - F \ great depth In the pipe , weighs one
laud throo.quartors pounds , and Is
; about four inches by two and ono.half
inches by one and ono.half Inches. It
1 has four cleavage plane ; , which
t proves ) that ocher pieces of this stone
\ are still In the mine , 01' have already
\ been found. It has two natural
r lanes , The stone Is white and 1'0'
t'mhles ; n lump of Ice. It Is of excellent -
cellont quality , has few spots , and Is
of great \'alue The spots which Qo
exist In the diamond are small cOJll'
, pared with those observable In the
1:4 . Jngersfontoln stone , which is . now
deposed from Its proud position as the
record diamond "
Wedding Ring Found on Harrow.
A blacksmith of Aswarb , near Sea- :
ford , England , has made a most curious -
O\lS dlsco\'er
He received from a nolghlJorln !
farmstead a harrow for repairs , anti
while these were being executed a 22.
carat gold wedding ring was found
sticking on to one of the teeth of the
Implement. It Is supposed that the
ring was lost on the and ] and that i ;
was picked ] Ul ] by the barrow In the
"ourse of Its worl"
ft Whistle Gloves.
. t . . ! . .
These are "whistle gloves , " each
"Unger" of which ends In a wooden
whistle Each whistle , when blown ,
2 gives forth one note , EO that each
. ! player ] Is equipped with ten notes of
the total number of those required to
{ make ] up the tune being rcrldCl'ed
. . . . . .
Unique Provision Made In Will of
Pennsylvania M 1IIIonai re.
'rho late Robert 1\lncli'erron of Bell
Avon , Pa" , nn old time friend of Andrew -
drew Carnegie , and who die' ! In Pitts-
burg , Pa" a short tlllle ago , left a will
\ \ hl'h contllins a unique provision ] In
disposing , of a lOOOOCO eslate. The
estate Is divided among an UUIIIUI'I'lot ]
sister ; , a married sister lust ] middle
asp " having no children , an all IlIllllar-
tied brn.t.JICI' or an elderly nge Should
they die without Issue , which now
seellls probable ] , the estate hecollles
"n calamity fund. " 1\11' , l\IacFerrou'f'
will says : "Ie the above nwnlouell !
legatees ] die without issue I then direct
that the income and proceeds from my
estate be placed In time hands of the
executors for the creation of a calamn
ity fund , to ho called 'Da \'Id and E1oa.
nor 1\lacli'erron fllllll. ' The said , fund
shall ho invested lmy time said trustee
In good and safe securities , and one-
half I of the yearly income of said fund
shall ho added to the prineipnl them'of
and the other half shall ho used for
the relief of victims of public calami-
tos ! In time United States of America :
such calamities as are caused hr fire ,
flood , tellllOst ] , explosions epidemic
diseases and the like , and which call
for prolllilt rolief. "
Curios Worth Owning.
George 11. Ha1llns of Franklin N
II" , has an ohl.fashlonell rawhide trunk
over 200 rears old , a rope braided
front horsehair , secured luring the
civil war , a set of blue china over
100 years old , an old lantern , and a
chair HiO years old , which , , 'as whit.
tied out with a jaclmlfo
Novel Sign.
A hospital In London has hit upon a
novel scheme for preserving quiet In
the streets about ft. It happens that
there Is considerable tratIlc In the
neighborhood and the rapid pace of
the carriages Increases the noise A
Z * ' r a
- , w7. . , tLKf
< a
. . . , .
. .
e , , 'ett
sign has been hung In front of the
hospital on one side of which Is a
caution to drivers to drive slowly 011
time reverse side It reads : " ' 1'hanli : : you ,
iris ers. " Time sign has proved very
effeeti\'e-Now York lI rald ,
End of Fine Redwood Tree.
At Droolidale : , Santa Cruz county ,
California , a fine speclmon of the sequoia -
quola , 01' redwood tree , was blown
over In a recent storm The tree Is
estimated to be over 330 years old
Ten feet from the top of the tree , and
at a distance of 1G5 feet from the
ground , was found a hole somewhat
less than two feet deep It had once
been the nest of a woodpecl\OI' In
this hole had grown a sturdy , three-
stalked huckleberry : hush , two feet
tlill. Its roots , extending sl : : feet Intg
the heart of the tree , had absorbed
the sap of time redwood The huckleberry -
berry had flourished and horne fruit.
Iron Lighter Than Wood.
An Iron ship weighs 27 per cent
less than a wooden one of the same
dimensions , and will carry 115 tons
of cargo for every 100 tons carried by
the wooden ship , both loaded to the
same draft of water
Jean de Bloch's Building Definitely
Located at Lucerne.
Time tourist who has not halted for
a year aI' two \1 Lucerne , Switzerland ,
will ho not 11 little surprised when
Issuing frolll the railway station ho
seen hard beside It , amid also hard hOe
side the deep blue lake , 11 new building '
Ing of medlevnl aspect , In perfect
keeping with thc antique Musscgg ! !
towers taro n fl.'atlll' of ho t city.
'Turreted ] , hattlementell , bastioned ,
closer ohsel'\'ntlon that
\ show despite
Its warlike aspect It Is ivy wreathed ,
speaking of peace rather than battle ,
c iiila : ;
a . ' z. r Srr ' t. . tr > iq c
and that moreover It Is adorned wllh
frescoes , some of which speak 010'
CJuontl rather of the olive than of time
hattloaxo And where In the outer :
decorations warfare Is indicated , It Is
that noblest form , the defense of the
hearth and home , here adumbrated In
William Tell and Arnold \Vlnlcell'led , i
the two heroes at' Swiss IlIdepl.'IHlollce :
In a word this attractive looking
pile-which , low he It spoken , though
It looks as though It were of 'stone , Is
only of staff , thus built for the slllco of
ecollomy-Is nothing snore nor less
than the famous Peace and \Var 1\111'
SOUIII of 1\1 , Jean do Bhch , the great
pence apostle , the Ihlll of 111usoum , .
only lIIuch enlarged , , that he had hoped i
to show at the last Paris exposition ,
relllctantly abandoning time idea he
cause ho could not get time necessary
Met Death In Odd M\nner.
A 'l'rllns\'aal farmer met his death
recently In a very odd mannm' , Living
In time neighborhood of Heidelberg , DII
Ploay , for such Is his name , left his
home one morning with a live hal'o-
Intended to grace the table of a friend
-undor his tam ' m. The hare , however ,
eventually slllpod ] from his grasp / and
hid himself In a cleft In a rock near at
hand Du Phony went after the hare ,
but In some WilY found himself caught
fist between projections In the rock
III such a way that ho was unable to
extricate himself or hell himself III
nay way' It was not until he was
searched for that his plight was discovered
covered and then It was too late , for
death had relieved his sufferings.
. . : : .
, . . /"it . -
Cray yeas ale ; a man lived In the
co.I , . .ho . d.A ! a ring pxtettowonh "
1 hnmcax , frocn a bdond hanJ. Opal
f Ihe Gone , that lIuhtd a hundN
Lright sod brauttou hers , aDd diJ !
h. teeter peer potuu , to nine be-
hrtd of God and man , the one .110 .
pore illn a that " f.ith aDd mw5denee.
Coincidence In' Deaths.
A singular coincidence Is noted In
the death of Mrs William G. Paine of
Derby , Vt. , In that she died at the
same hour of time morning , 115 : , and
was burled at time same day of the
month as her husband , time SilUCO of
e.actly one year Intcrvenlng
. . .
- r.-- . , t
- - i
sourlan's Strange Warning of Impending ,
pending Cillill11lty.
In n sermon the 1\0\ i\lI' . Rudy ' , IInR-
tor of the First 1 Chl'1ntlnn church III
SI.'dnBn , used the following IInecdoto
to illustrate u point : +
"Abollt. ten yearn ago I talked with j
u man III 1Ienl'Y county , Rio ; [ „ who gave
mc this ! peculiar : experience of his. 110
snld : 'I was 1)lowlng cot \ ' n , timid about
time middle of the ufte\'llOOIl , when I l
lalllO ) to the amid ] of the field , I hud n
11'clll1nr souse of dread 01' fOI1I" I i
unhoulw(1 ( my leant IInl , drove homo
I could give ! little reason for what I
was dolllg-llulttlng ( my WOl'III \ the
mlrhllo of the nftol'lloon-hllt I was
not hOlllo ten minutes until I was hul" f
ryiimg my wife and chllllron Into n
'yclono cn\'o 0111' little house was
swept away . and hall I not , followed
wheat seonHHI vague / IlIIpIIIso Illy flllll'
By might have been Iclllelt-Kansu1 !
City .10ul'lIal.
Put His Will In Rhyme.
" \'o gait HOIIIO queer ) \ wills horo. "
said Deputy Register Stl'oull of 1Iarrls.
h1ll' g . Pa "But here Is one lhnt heats
anything I ha\'o ever seen sluice I
have 1 been here "
\11' , tl'OnJl IlroIIIC ( It small sheet
of palter , which conlalnod ( :
Whell lilY wlfo's Il widow , of mo ho.
reft ,
She shall InhOl'lt all I'\o left :
Amid when sho's flnlRhed her career : !
It then shall go lo lilY daughter ] dear.
'I'hls doclllllont was duly attested as
n will anti was recel'od for 1II'0l1UtO
It cnnme front time lower end or time
county , and will ho time guide In set'
thing nn tnte.-Now ; York Herald.
- - - - - - -
Old Irish Coin.
The a lccompalityiumg cut shows a Sa1111
pie of Irish cola , It was colored iii
180 ! , anti Is one of the most peculiar
coins In the world.
On one side is ! time harp ] of Erin , the
date of stinting anti the word , Hibernia .
nla On the reverse side Is a picture
of George IlL , with his Latin title
Tile ' frown which !
copper time coin
WlS made Is of a very light color , and ,
unlike ! copper coins In Alllcrlca , the
1805 1 ) piece has 1. milled edge.
Trec's Strange Crop.
'I'hol'o Is a curious sight In time fork
of an umbrella tree \Vnshlngton
street , between Fourth and Fifth aye-
nueR It is a fine growth of wheat
ul1nobt ready to come out Into head
Time stocks arc nearly two feet long
IlId the blades broad and healthy
louldllg It was at first thought that
this : growth consisted of shoots from
the tree , hut on closer examination It
\ \ as found to ho whont. It has no
foundation of earth , or If there Is any
it Is so hidden hr the growth as to bo
11I\'lslhle 'fhe wheat grains In some
way found lodgment In the crevices
of time bark and have prohnhl had no
other earthy bed tllllll that formed
by dust which during time dust storms
of time summer vas hlowu therc.-Art.
wna HqmhllC'an