The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 07, 1905, Image 12
- - - - - - - - - - . . - McNall's . GROCERY :1. : Fancy und Staple Groceries Fruit in Season Guar. Satisfaction lI'- . untced Free City Del ivey Phone 40 Storage for tlousehold And Other Goods . - . . - Merchants and Business Men "Tith hard accounts to collect , should place them with " " " JOlltl L. Cleaver JUSTICE of the PEACE FALLS CITY NEB For Collection 01' for Suit . . . - . . - - Small Com's on Collections No Attorney Fees on Suits. Defendant pays all Costs. I W. H. MADDOX REAL ESTATE AGENCY Hartfonl Fire Insurance Lands bought and sold houses in city for sale noney to loan Telephone 178 . . . . - - - - - - . . . - - - - , - - . . . - - . . . I A Little Light . T' TwT 17I . . . 4 ) r l / - 1 " ' ! i ? Coal is often productive of considerable heat-- When it will do the most good. Telling you that our coal is better than other coal does not make it so , but our willingness - ingness to warrant its lasting - ing longer and giving more heat than coal for which you pay the same money elsewhere - where ought to have some weight with the man who does his own thinking. MAUST BROS. Phone 38. 'iii.t . . . . . . . - _ . . - . - - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - Local and Pers'onal. - - - - 'I ' lic fish arc biting" J. " ' . Holt was in Salem on Monda Clydc Johnston spent Monday in Hiawatha. ' ' from Thomas Ball came down Vcrdon last \Iollday. Ed Ilayes camc up from St. Joseph thc first of thc wcek. \Irs. McCI'ay of Stella visaed in this city luring thc week. Pearl Prater and Katherine Crauill'isited in Salem Sunda ) ' . George Ictiler of Vcrdon transacted - acted business tn this city Tues- day. ] ( : C. Clc\'eland 1 attended to busi- ness in Salem the first of the week. Iay l\Ic'crs and William Ca rico ' were Salem visitols"'thc firrst of the week. udg-c Kcllig-ar of Auburn pre- sided in hc loea'l court room T\Ionday. 1 1 Judge Kcllig-ar granted two ( divorcc Monday in thirty two m i nu tcs. Mr. and \Irs. J.V. . 1'owlc 01 Omaha arc visiting relatives in this city. Fenl Giannini was It D.&i\L passenger for Kansas City on Monday of this wcek. Dr8. Fast and Burchard made a professional trip to St. Joseph T\Ionday aftcrnoon. Oliver Stoug-hton left on the JI. P. Monday afternoon for St. Antoine , New 1\Icxico. A large crowd from Falls City will attend thc Tunes band con- cert in Iiawatha J the 15th. \Ir. and i\lrs. CharlesIettz : returned - turned to Ncwldrk , Oklahoma after a tell day's visit in Falls City. Nobody ever suspicioncd that E. H. tl'owlc was more than suc- ccssful business man If thc rc- call1paig-n hasen proved him to bc one of thcshrcwdcst politicians in thc city wc don't want a ccnt. Anyone who witnessed the act. idty of Joe Miles in thc munici- pal campaign must have wondcr- ed where thc mews heard its "ugly rl1mors" about thc deal ' between - twecn this paper and thc local telephonc Company. Sometimes things arc not what they sccma ; halls : City young lady was conversing with her fiance a 1\11' Rose , and in thc conversation - don related thc fact that one of her lady friends was trying her hand at raising chickens. "I don't think that I would enjoy that" , continued the young lady all u Unconscious I . \'ould much prefer raising roses" . The young man is i still wondering- A Nebraskan's Success. Chas , l\lagoon. formerly of Lincoln "has arr \'cd" . i\Iagoon was taken into thc . , " . . " " . . , .1 . . . . . . , . . ' . ti . . ' . - _ . . - . - , , - - - - - - - . . . . - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . - . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - iAiM ERSi ' _ . . > -u-I'-I.t.JX ! ! Ii Just think of it we are not closing out our , stock of Implements at cost But \ve have some .4' Ii ! Bargains to offer below cost and \ve invite you : ; to come in and see us we carry the biggest and . :1 : best line of Farm ImpDments , WindmilsCtoeam ! i I ) Seperators. Pumps , Buggies , Carriages , Spring a If . Wagons , and Lumber Vvagons. When in need .t need of any of the above call and see us our I F , prices are right. YOURS TRULY - . - . . . I 1. . ' - . . . . ) ) nt ? i' WERNERJMOS ' u , MAN&CO m. -1' . r . . . r. ' ; ) fm. : s. war department in an important capacity several years ag-o. He became prominent though a brief written for thc use of thc senate in its disposition of our insular possessions. Now the President ! has appointed him governor of thc Panama l canal zone at a sal- ary of S17.500 , board , keep , house rent and traveling expcnse Iag-oon was not considLi much of a lawyer in Lincoln , but events often prove t hat \I you never - cr can tell till you try. " Russell ) Sage In Retiree . Inent. 'rhc announccment of thc retirement - tiremcnt of Russell Sage from Vail street at thc age ofSS must arouse curiosity as to his plans for hc t retraining mon th or years . . . of his 1ife. " 'Vhat can hc do with himsclf now that JIC can no longer - C1' read the long tape as it is thrown ofT by ticker ? 'Yhat bas hc left to live for ? Beginning enrossingtask : of earning a living 1 : as an errand boy in his brothcr's store in 1'roy hc has gone on with Sii increas- ing- devotion to busincss. In his early years hc found tinge to serve as Alderman and Member of Con- g-rcss. But since his remo ' : al to New York , forty years ago hc has no hours to waste on such iooIishness. All of his energies have been centered on the Stock gxchange. lie has thought and i clone nothing but busincss. Hc has taken up no avocation for his leisure , because hc has had no leisurc. Vacations , oIsserted in a recent magazine : article , were from thc dcvil. lIc has not had one in thirty years. Darwin confessed with grief in his later years that hc had lost his power of enjoying music and poetry. Russell Sage con d makc a far more sweeping confession with thc additional difference that hc would see no reason to grieve over his atrpohicd lifc. He has had no interest in I any of thc arts or in out-of-door ' . sports' With a frankness which is refreshing hc has expressed his contempt for the wealthy mcn who dissipate their miiill ions in philanthropic or charitablcen- terpI ises. By a long and severe course of training hc has madc of , himself a mere business machinc J a human cash reg-ister. lie has gut himself off frolll all _ thc important pI.asc of life save . ; . . ! i one , just as surely as if he had V. spout hiss cars in exile in a S ' - . . , ' ' . , : - - brrian mine. 1'ltc woe pronounced - ed uy Isaiah against them that join house to house , that lay field to field till there bc 'no place that they may uc placed alone in thc midst of thc earth , has been visited upon this naITo\Y-mindell millionaire though he may be unconscious - J conscious of thc fact. Time pen- alty of such a career lies in the . thc withered life which is its . . . fruit. And unlike thc sentence ! of the law , this punishmcnt by H nature can never uc evadcd. K. " C. Star. : f p STANTON - REFRACTION R.L.Baumont , M. D. , II Sixth & FelixSt.Joseph Formerly eye and ear specialist - . : . ist now . limited practice to t Eye Glasses c' c'i i Old Time Prices ! I . First Class Apple Trees and 9ti the finest Budded Pcach Trees at 10 cents each or SS.OO per hundred. These trees arc all grown in , thc Nursery at Falls City. They arc first class in every rcspect. . Sale ground one block north of " j . court housc. r 'V1\ MOHLEI , PIWP. I