The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 07, 1905, Image 11
- - - - - _ . - : - - - - - - - - - . - - - - ( : . QUit tJallR 1A 0T 11l : CUBAN WAR .J - M ; = . ' Copyright , lS97 , by F. Tennyson hccy. ( I.'up'rjght ( , Is J : J. by S't 1111(1 ( i Smith \ . ! . CHAPTER XXVI-Continued Smllhers has already gone , lesir Otis of safely delivering the missive before the consul whollr hedged In t'v , " , - lJr the crowd that usually slI1'rollnds i , . ' . . him. . , ' . , , - ' Whatever Jack : has written appears , , ; . to deeply impress the quiet gentleman ' . who for years has represented the United States In Cuha lie reads Il . -7. ' ' . through , and placing it In his pocket , r. . . EarS to Smithers : ' . : . "Tell Air , Travers I will he on my " guard , and ready to respond to his n ! . , message at any tlmo .of the dar or .1. . . : < " ; night. . . . r . . , . When Jack hears this ho feels consIderably . sillerahlr relieved. With the Ilowor of the United States government behind him ho cannot see much to fear in the situation While Smithers was absent on his mission , lack has br rare good luck discovered time party for whulII ho flits ben lioarchlng SenQr Rohado is looldng qulto his best , and hit distinguished appearance arouses considerable curiosity , though the glances leveled at him. are quickly . transferred to the wondrous fair face at his elbow Among the salJle.halred senoritas of Spain OJ' Cuba one so purely a blonde as Jessie Cameron must always attract an unusual ! : share , , . - of notice . : ; ' : " > ' lack literally feasts his eyes upon her lIe wonders when this miserable farce will have been played to Its ; . , limit-when he may dare claim this clear one for his own. The game is galling him and he frets under it , Have J. : ; \ patience , Senor , Tack ; that jade Fortune . , - tune intends to give her wheel a merry whirl on this night of the Captain I I' General's reception , and IC you remain I : ' on the qui vive , It Is possible the profit mar fall to your share Eternal vigilance . lance Is the price of success in love as well as in war. Smithers now leaves his patron for a. time. IIo has a game of his own to look aftor. SInce Gomez has determined . mined to visit the grand reception and see his enemy face to face , those . 1- ! , I1 I ' , : ! ; , , ( : , , - ' , ; . . , - . . . Jack literally feasts his eyes upon her. " who are concerned for the safety of the great Insurgent leader have plenty to worry them. Perhaps the keen wit of the detective - tive has been levied upon to produce additional features that will ensure time safety of the mail upon whom ( lie Cubans in rebellion rely more titan : : i , . _ " any other for leadership. The has- , , 'I' ' ' sage of events will prove this. Ever amid anon Jack oasts his eyes after the little party. The c rush becomes - } comes great , and nmammy seek the rlmmg 1 In ordm' to secure relll'f Fearful lest he Luny lose sight of her In the great crowd , Jael pushes after , and as luck \ \ III have It , discovers the object of hip ! : search with a look of distress upon her face , the pressure of the surging populace having 8elll\I'ated liar f'Om ! lie ( others And , Jack , stilling the mild throbbing of his heart , pushes close to where she stands , sheltered hy a plllal' - - - CHAPTER XXV11. Jack Cuts the Gordian ' ( /"lot. / And yet site has not seen him , al , though ho Is so near ho might ) put out his hand and touch her rounded arm Ah ! As her anxious gaze wanders this way 1111(1 that , her eyes rent upon 'h Is face , Jack no longer endeavors to disguise himself , since his ellemies Imo\\ ' of his presence , and lie might get Into trouble with the authorities while salllllg around under a name and cOJIlIitiollS that do not agree with his passvort. She starts 11Inlnl ' -the blood rushes surges to her face , bathing cheeks and brow and neck with ! Its rosy huc Ye gods , how beautiful she looks while . thus bathed In blushes ! Poor Jack Is unable to drag his eyes away , even though he risk his quo en's dlspleas me hy continuing to stare so lJoltl1 ' , lard ! lines , indeed , when a poor fel , low lakes desperate chances In slm- ply looking at his own wlfo. Does she frown ? Will my lady turn her heal ! haughtily aside antI Ignore him , overcome br recollections of the vast ? PerlHlJls-who can sa " ! -sho has not forgot ten the blacl-cyed beauty on the mllk.whltc horsevlmose life Jack saved on that terrible night of the battle , and whom ho hall called "Lola l\tontez"-a , thousand chances to one the name has hurned ) ( in her mind ever since that night of advcnture Last of all , ho belongs to her-at least ! , by Scottish law ; and if the secret of a heart ever shone in mortal eyes , , Jack reveals his passion at that momont. So , 'instead of lie cold treatment ho . expects and fears , the young squire Is amazed and delighted beyond measure when she reaches out n humid anti catches ! hold of his sleeve. Well , hc makes no effort to break away , hut meekly submits to his fate-Inlleed , nothing would suit him better and cure he t aching void In his heart sooner . er than that she continuo to hold him tIllls Indefinitely. "I am pleased to see you , Squire .John You find me a distressed female -fWllIlI'atclI from the rest of my 11Ilrt ' , I must appeal to you to stand by mo until I can rejoin them ; and I had intended . tended when next wo met to ash your pardon for mr rudeness on the occaSion . slon of our singular introduction. I forbade you to over address me. I was not m 'selr. You can Imagine the Condit ions of my mind. You have . roily kept your word , and yet what 110 I not owe to your bravery ? I want you to say you can pardon my treatment of you , and promise to bo one of mr friends " She says this hurriedly , as though not quite sure that she may gel through without being overcome by confusion Jack hears and oxulrs I Ills hour of triumph Is at hanll She 110 longer bids him keep his distance amid freezes : him with haughty 1001\5 Instead , she opens the way 10 her frll'ndrhlp-lICl'halls more. His first 1I1111111so Is to er cI'lr sol : : ) upon time golden OPPol'tllnltr. ThclI , lion second Ihought t ho liesl ' I:1le < , I' > she 1- l'IIleflll' : ; I'crimps : - ; grateful 110' ( 'uII'.e of his rl ! < klug a life III her III" h3.IJ' Bali ! Gu\fllllde Is far from ti\Lat ho 51- Is time affection shown by mho dog as it licks U mnster's hallll Imo wants not thllt from her . " 'I'hat'el'O IL position I tihould bo IIJ'ud to occupy , hut I lun afraid It Is too late , " ho says , slowly " 1'00 late ! I-reall , I 11In not quito SI\l'O I understand yotu \ ' mennlng ; " IInl1- she gives him a startled , perplexed look. l\anr [ people are around hunt , though the pillar IlI'oventslcrtlsh , and yet there Is HomoUmes a more marked IH'nso of Isollltioll In ! a crowd than upon It lonely road Besides , heso t people speak Spanish , and arc IntOl" oslod In other things than the two who stand theme close tOgt'UIOI' . lack ) has seen this at a glance , IlIIII has Ill.'tCl'lIIlnoll thaI. limo the shall be cast then mill thol'e. Ill will hover he satisfied until ho has let her know the true slate of his mind She mar scorn him. Well timid / , ( [ r ¶ ( L ; ? Iw \ \ r "I am pleased to see you , Squire i John " good , the wOJ'ld is wide , and he can i go far awn ' ; but at least Jack ham : never yet In all his life allowed a garlic to go against hllll hy default. That Is not the nature of his Anglo- Saxon hlooll. I "Fol'glvo mo If 1 alll brutally franl I may never have another chance to speak to 'Oll. You asked that \S'3 ; miry he friends and I have said It coulll not be Let mo explain 1J,1 my clumsy war what I mean You remember . member , our lives were drawn together gethcI' In a very singular planner . You forbade ale to approach you after that strange ceremony-to even address yon unless I had IJermlHslon. Please do not Interrupt 010 now. I believe I kept lilY pledge to time letter. You will give mo that credit. " . "Yes-yos Oh , I was not respomm slblo for my rude acUolls , believe mo . "Although you bound mo to n 111'0111' Iso not to COl1l0 to you without an In. vltatloll , there was one thing you did tot demand-ono ( thing I could not have promised had you asked It , because . cause It \vas not ill ! my power to grant - : . -you did not forbid mo to love mho girl whom It kind Fat had hrouht ; : across my lIath. There , I have said it , Now do with me what you will , " and ho endeavors to nerve himself lo Dear his fato. And Jessie-was over a girl placed In a more remarkable position ? No wonder she lets her eyes droll , and toys desperately . . : itlm her fan. "YolI-lo\'e-me ? " she IlllnoHt whispers . pel's ; hut whose hearing Is so keen as that of n lover \ ? "I do-I swear it ! I love you with every atom of my helng If I could win It response from your heart I should ho the happiest man on eal'th Iiavo I made you angry In telling you this ! " "N-lIo , " she I'c1llles , till looking ( down "You do not dislike me ? " "Certalnl not"-llrOJJJlJlI , for the way In which Ii" carried himself III those trying scenes has made him a hero In tier o 'es , " 1'011 plc'he as ! ; "S , slIddenlr-t'agor. Jr-"woulll you give mho It blessed hope - " "No , 110 , I did ! not say thaI. You Ilno 1 laln me hy 811l'priso ; thus place Is so pulJllc Do have plly..ol1 . me I . - - - - - - . - Senor lack , amid another lime , \1)111\1' ) morn alJllI'Ollrlnto conditions , IJorhlllHI wo IIIIIY COIIIO to 1111 ummulorat and lug. " Another tllllo IIIlIr never como to mo Yon are snrrolJlllled by dnllJ.ol' . They oven plot to put mo ont of the war so hero ( may ho 110 legal ohstaclo to your becoming time wlfo of lie 11I1111 who would have personated mo In : hlJl'gh , " "You lIIonll MI' Spencer I abhor hllll. " ' 'I alii delighted to hear ] It , bat all the Sit 1110 'O\ll' gnlu'dlnll hOllO to lIIall' age things limit ( \vmly Ono word front you to 11I0 at allY limo will cad your IJOrRecllt lOll , olld their plotting , " "A stuglo'or(1 ( ? " "Yes , It IH 'como. ' I shall under- slaudvllat It lIIelln8 But I hog of yott do not let grail tutfu hnvo any IlIllnOJleo with yon. I d01ll1ll1l1 Il return of what I glvo-I , ( led ) and lasting IIffection of time heart. With me It must ho muller OJ' 110110. Bnt I 1500 Ito senor malting hlR way tOWIll'll us. Forglvo 11I0 It I ha\'o been lJold. I could not help It . Perhnl' ' ! It would ! he hollm"lf 1 should not bo seen by 'OIJl' gumudian I will glass all , but rClllaln close hy. Good- iJ 'o. " lie I [ squeezes her hand ill his helu'ly \.n' , so full warlllth , She cannot hut contrast It wltll the cold ! mummer III which Shell cor docs mho HIIIIIO Ihillg. his hl\llli is clnllllllY and apparently an bloodless ns Il slInlw. ; Jack has IIIIHlo anmazing ! pl'OgrcHs- ' tar bettor tutu ii his wllllOlt hOlies If this were the HIIIIl total ( of him glllnH he would feel repaid It thOlllianll- folll for coaling the great I'ecl'ptlon. She does not dislike him ; he has ; oven a fair l'ell80n to believe fho may ho leamlnl to love hint.Vhat l'alltlll'O In the though ! Ilow I [ ho figlll'ull\'oly hugs himself liS ho conlemll/ltes ) / It Ilosslhio hallpr liar when ho tnny / I'e. celvo from her the "opon licflllmo" to her heart In the slmplo word OIllO" ! Heaven speed the limit . for ho hams grave fears lest those IIIHICI'UlllllolI1J plotters ) mar ovoI'whelm him. Once she came to him liS his own wlfo the whole fabric 01' thoil' machinllllollu must fall In ruins , 1'hat Is why ho mentally III'a'f ! the halllY ) day may not he faro dlftant. ( ! watches from It little IIIstnnce , said / sees lie others join Josslo. It 111 hard fOI' Jacle to tlllto his ores fl'om her , hilt the camilli or SmlthOJ's lolls him other events of nn excltlnl order are about to 11'/lI\Sllll'o. \ "Come , Senor ) Jack ; make your WilY with mo to the bllrl'lor. From that point wo have IIn unlntel'l'upted view of lie amphitheater. You see , the lien of time hull Is on our left , mold sholllil ho tlllte a sudden notion to issue forum In order to pay his respects to time Captaln'Gelleral \\0 will ho In line to see 111m tumble those bravo unusi- clans hellli over heels , and watch : Ito light of the Innocents who so proudly strut about time arena now " . . "Don't mentloll It , I bog , " says .Jacl" , with a shiver : for ho notices that many of those who promenade are laliles "Well , look lCI'OSA ! You moo wo are Just about on a level with the 'aptllln- General's box , where ho situ In all hlu pomp ) anll panoply ) receiving clllzen:1 : and soJdll'I's"-lowel'lng his voice to a whI8pcr-"lIttlo dreaming that within ten feet of him stlullln the noble hero who Iii the mead ( und front of this ! up heaval In the onto ever-17tithful Isle- General Gome : " ( To ho continued , ) Travel to California This year Promises to ho the record year for travel Into California from the East. I It Is ellllmalell hy the ofll claim of the railroads Interested In this movement that 50,000 tourists have visited the slate this ! wlnt < 'I' . 'rho total ' tal ' of the ' ' . revenue railroads transport- lug the visitors ! Is estimated at not less thnn $5,000,000. 'rho conclusion Is drawn that California will derive time snug sum of $15,000,000 from the 5e:1IOn'8 ; tourist bUHI ess. - - - - - - Czarina' Coronation Robe. The coronatfon robe presontrd t 10 Ili ( ' Exit I rrP . . s of' HU ! < spa was of fur It Si C'hdlC'll only mixlc ' ' 'n ounces , yctas ; worth f'JOO or f:75 : un ounce