The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 07, 1905, Image 1

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    - - - - - - - - - . -
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T r. , arht j alt ttit rihunt. l'
i . _ - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- ' I VaLlI. No. I4 FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , APRIL 7 , 1905. \\Thole No 66 r
fi . -
- Leda ; Elec e ci Mayor
; ;
. i- , Other Intere-sttng ItemaS' 'Re-
i , l1arding ElectionoS'
, . " . .
, , -4 _ In most of the ll11portaut cIties
thc democrats wprc successful in
thc municipial elections this.
Chicago , St : Louis , Kansas City ,
. T ; Kas. , Lincoln and Falls City all
went dcmocratic.
'rhc election in Falls City was
bitterly contested and thc successful -
ccssful candidate earned his vic-
'rhc republicans were badly
handicapped by the fact that
many members of thc party felt
bound 1 by hc action of the citizens -
zcns convention . and thc further
fact that quite a number ( al\\'a\ '
vote for the prohibition candidate
in , a municipial clcction.
The organization behind Lcy-
da was perfected by such old
wheel horses as Joe Miles , Clay
Davis an d thc Martins and other
prominent dcmoaats , which together -
{ ' gcthcr with thc expectant appointed -
pointed made an effective and i
winning 1igh
. The vote by wards was as fol-
Lcyda-c 13'1" ; nGrrington-r.85 ; I
Lic11ty-p 33 ; Hutchings-c 1)7 ;
Dacshncr-r-p 81.
Lcyda-c. 120 ; Dorri ngton-r 123 ;
- -
Lichty-p 21 ; Schmuckcr-r-p 115 ;
Burris.-c 143
: eyda-c. 115 ; Dorrin gton- C)2 ;
Lichty-p. 8 ; acgcn-4i ; Gcling-c.
117 : Brnher-p : 41)
The saloon element was practi-
cally unanimous for i\Ir. : Lcyda ,
and opposed the republican tick
ct as usual.
'rhe friends of Mr. Dorring'ton
are not discouragcd. They feel
that a good fight was made and
. as good citizens we will abide by
the rcsult. The position taken
by thc republican bolters was not
unexpected , as they have passed
a good many campaigns out side
of the party lines , and whether
; . . " they wish it or not will pass a
' t1' - - good many more in thc same po-
Now that thc election is over let
every body work for thc best inte-
rest of Falls City , and thc success
of thc Lcyda alministration.
- - -
County Election
. . .
Humboldt went wet this time
. .
) .
, .
' .
; J.
and the saloons will once more
Nourish in the metropolis of the
west cnl. Dawson evened things
up by going dry. This means
that the saloon which has had
several years of unintcrruptcd
prosperity in that village will .
. I
close for the next ycar.
- - - -
Biennial Election ! Law
The biennial election law was
sig-nedby ; Governor Mickey : 'rucs-
day. This law docs away with I
thc odd year's election and will
mean a saving of marc than one
1.U11lred thou"and dollars to the
state. B\ virtue of this law all
the county offices will hold over I
another ycar.
- - - - - - -
Appreciates Support.
N. E. Dorrington desires the I
'l'ribunc to express fir him his i
sincere appreciation for thcuntir- :
ing effort of his friend in 'rues-
day's elcction. Mr. Dorrington
was an willing caltdidate and
remained emi thc ticket only after
numerous property owners and
ud < large tax payers urged him
to do so in ; order that what is
t ermcd thc conservative element
might be afforded an opportuni
to voice its protest against Mr.
Lcyda.cry one concecds thc
race made by Mr. : Dorrington to
have been a remarkable one under
all thc circumstanccs' Had
everything been even thc result
would have been far diffcrcnt.
- -
. About thc city election , forget
it , and get to work for your home
town. Therc is "ugly rumor'
ano at -to thc effect to thc effect
that the News opposed Uurris ,
fearing his friendship for the
Journal would have some effect
in thecity : printing contract.
The 'l'ribunc's force has suffcr-
c from illness this week which
toge timer with thc election , must
furnish our excuse for any delinq-
ucnccs Cds wcck.
- - - - - -
The "pernicious ctivitr" of
the tcbephone crowd must have
convinced even thc News that its
"ugly rumors" were without
f oun. ' a tion.
A prominent democrat said to
the writer 'l'ucsday. " Thc Mar-
tins are wortn more to the dcmo-
cratic party now that they arc
pretending to bc republicans than
the ) ' were when they were pre-
tcnding to be dcmocrats.
- - - - - -
John ' V. Dorrington was down
from Lincoln Tuesday to \'ote.
Fred Miller : and Dilly Nauslar
were among the out of town con-
ing-cnt that came home to votc.
Concerning Japun.
Miss Dlunt.a recent missionary
to Japan , gave quite an interest-
ing' and profitable lecture at the
Methodist church last Tuesday
e\'cning. Following ; is a brief
sunimary of a few of thc valuable
facts told by hcr. The history
o'f Japan which extends from ,00
13. C. until the present is full of
advcnturc. Although Japan is
comparat'cly the sire of California -
nia and one-thinl of it being
mountains , the remaining two-
thirds b occupied by tort-t \:0
millions of people , The death
rate in that country is arming' '
being at a rate of one thousand
per hour , disposition of the bodies
being principally by crcmation.
Cord weaving or rope making oc-
cnpy thc time of thc Japanese laborer -
borer , and they arc also successful -
ful mcrchants. The sashes worn
by thc ladies arc fourteen yards
in length and weigh four pounds
while thosc worn by thc men arc
seven yards long and weigh three
pOl1lHls. Carriage hire is very
cheap , being five cents ocr hour.
Plastering the outside of thc
house as well as thc inside is an-
other one of tile peculiar habits
of thc J.Ianesc. ! A temple which
was constructed in the small
space of seventeen years has 800
arches leading up to it. Miss
Blunt during hcr sojourn in Japan
gave out one thousand six hun-
( lred _ gospels to thc soldicrs.
District Court.
Judge Kclligar con.cncd the
adjourned term 01 court 1\1onday.
Among the hatters disposed of
was a e1 voce granted to Ruby Mc-
Catry of Vcrdon. Divorce and
alimony was granted 'to Mrs.
John Van Dcn'ort. Divorce
granted to Edgar gvans. 'rhe
title to thc city block in Hum-
boleH was sctt1ccd iu thc city.
The Smith partition case has
occupied the court attention the
greater part of the weck. Several -
al minor orders relating of mot-
were madc.
E. E. Bell Seriously III
E. B. Bell was taken suddenly
ill on thc street last Friday and
r- ;
continues very ill up to this timc.
The trouble scents to bc a ruptured } -
. -
tured blood vessel and notwJth- " " . . .
standing' every effort has been . . . /
made to alleviate the condition of J'
the sick man , his condition has \ -
gradually grown more critical. (
Physicians from Omaha were at
his bedsidc 011 'Titursda , and re- . . '
port that his recovery is very
doubtful. ' \ .
, .
1Tittd . . : , ' t . J
HJ.U.lll C u.
At thc National hotel on \Vcd-
nesday , April 5th occurred one 4
of thc prettiest weddings 01 thc
season when Rev. Bert Wilson of
Humboldt performed thc ceremony -
mony binding Miss May Burg- (
. .
gett of Humboldt and Fred Mal.- \
mct of Merrill in double harness
of matrimony. Miss Eva Bacon
of Liberl assisted hc bride
who was - attired in white silk ,
while ] ' ' also of J.
Eltmery ) Lane Liberty
attended the groom. The bride
was one of Richardson County's .
most succcssful teachers , just
close ( : an excellent tcrm of school
in District No. ,3 near \Hddle-
burg. Time groom is a prosperous -
ous farmcr of this county and is a
young man of excellent charactcr.
Mr. amid Mrs. Marmet's hosts of
friends wish them a smooth and
prosperous voyage on life's Sca.
Library Notes
Miss Morton's report at the
meeting of thc library board on
last 'l'ucsday evcning was , inter-
csting. It discloscl thc fact that
juvenile reading wa ! indulged in
more than thc adult literature ,
For thc month of . .March thc
following lIst of books was loan-
Juvenile Adult
l'iction ; 580 508
IIistory 61 - 55
BIOgraphy 45 36
Science 106 53
The nU1ubcr of visitors at the
libraty . during thc month of Mch.
was 2774. 'l'his among" other
things , dcnotes an increascd interest -
tcrcst in the institution.
'l'he board has decided to
charge five cents for a card , the
patron to have the use of
thc library as long as he retains i
his carel. Non-rcsidcnts will bc
charged $1 per year as hcretofore.
This rule is to take effect 011 Ma } : ,
1 , 1905.
Marriage Licenses.
William V. Williams Preston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :10 :
llarlara Maddox.same. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .22
Adolph Iirackhahn Falls City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Anna hlau RaIllO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Marrlell by Judge Wllhltu April 4 , 11))5. (
Fred C. Marlllutt , Merrill , gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Mae L. Iiurgett llulllbold . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 21
Walter Iraper 1\1allllla. Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Lucy ] { . 11ellll , Dawrun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24