The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 31, 1905, Image 2

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$100 cwnrd , $100.
The rend \or \ fit Ilih 1''I'l'r will 1.8 ptl'Rll'ft tn turn
that IIltHh lit lellAt fill 0 tlreulll'.1 Itlu ! rte lhLaCtenCO
11111 "onll ehle III I'llre In 1\11 11ft stakes , and . that I.
Cntll"II IIull' Catarrh Cure h the wily . 11I..III'f !
turn wow known III Iho me.llenl trnlernll , . Catarrh
111'11111 r"IIUtIlUolIlIl .1I.eul' , rClllllre. ' ) a cunatltu
\.11111 : Irr."Ullcnt lIall'/\ / Catarrh : < Core 1ft taken In.
IUIIIIII . 14'tllll tllreclly upon thc blood and mucoua
llrtR"8 of the ayalent thereby .lcMlfllyhlK ) the
t..IIII'\nllol1 ' \ ot the ,11.c , and , IIlvlr1/ / the patient
.lren ' 111 by 111111,1111" , lip the comlltullon and 1I..It.
IIIK IIn'uro III ,1.11111 , . IlA " . .rk , 11,0 prollrlelors hAve
ao IJIlwh feats III t Ita cllfllti'e p"werv that they oller
tine lIolIlro.1 , lhIIara fur roDY cue that It falls to
cure , bend fur Ilat or tc.ttntonikla ,
Addtt ' ' " . .a I'.1. I IIIgNY fs CU" , Toll'llo , O.
IInlel II , I\lIl1rllllllol' , 7c.
Take Il atl'a I-'ullilly Plila for con"UpaUon.
- - - - - - - - - -
Easily Explained.
"Wily. ? \ lnry . lIow. 11111 you hrclII
that pretty plate ? " lxclalmed ! tile
Mother of It pretty ) four 'ear.olll to hel
tllllltlIter.Vh . I'll ahow you \ , mllm'
hilt , II. wits just like this , " and tlll\lng
lip nnotllll' hit of china from the table
Hue 1110 11 practical ! demonstration hy
lultlng it dash Into Il thousand \ pieceI'
Oil tie I hardwood , floor of the dllling
Child' I\ppcal to Satan.
1)etln Plgoll tells 111 his new hook of
ullocdoteH Iho sIOI' ' r. the little girl
who WIlS IIIlwh IIIHiCt hy n maiden
aunt and llOHlol1 [ III a hole III the gait
den Il latter In these terms : " ! ) till
1\11' , Satall-WIIl you kindly \ cOllie and I
1111,0 uway Atint. Jane ! She la a very '
fussy person ! a nil docs worry ale so. 'I I
Vu its affect Innately , Allco. "
- - - - - - - - -
Fines a Dead Man.
A mau IlITeHlel1 lu Sutapore Den ,
got , dl'd + I before lilt ; case could be
I I"II'II , but he I local Magistrate ; never
tlteleHII 11'11'11In.1 / . ( 'ou'll'lelllnll / fined
the tll'Il1 ! lIIlII ! , and / then ordered tlic
heirs his ll'PhOWH , to pay / the fine
. The Illgh Court has reversed the judg-
mutt t.
- - - - - - -
The Ideal Maid
Oh . 110 not pahiIt her charms to mo ,
I Iwow thai she IH fair ; I ! ( now hot I
lips mlghl. ; tOlllllt the lice , 11I111 her
fOl'lII's beyond Crnnpare. : Such natural I
gifts I 110 not prize , my boa / rL they
caullot will ; the girl I love line : !
8'1l1ll1t3' 03'S-hul. her fal.hcl"s got the
- - - - - - - - -
Ways That Are Pleasant and Paths
That Are Peace.
Il Is the simple life that gives
length of days / , serenity of Mind and
hOlly 111111 tral1lll1l1l1ty of BOUI.
SllIIllle hOlIes and alllbitiolls , bound-
oil by the desire to 110 good to ono's
neighbors , situ pie pleasures , habits ,
fooll allll IIl'lnl
1\1011' 1110 long before their t time ho-
CIIlISO they t try t to crowd . too IIIl1ch Into
theil' 0,1 l'I'IIII'es--tl.o ' clllllu too
Itlgh suit tall too hal'll. A wise woman
writes of the go(1 that n slmlllo diet
hits Bono her :
"I have been IIslllg Gral1o-Nuts for
about six months I began rather sl it .
ingly I , until I acquired such u liking
1'01' It teat for the lust three months
I have depended ! upon It almost entirely .
tirely for my diet , outing nothing else
whatever , but GI'allo.Nnls for breakfast .
fast mild supper , and I believe I coulll
flat t it for dimmer with fruit and ue sat-
Ibllc1 ! wllhout. other food , and feel
much IIItter : ! rllIl have more strength
to 110 my houso\\'orlc.
"When I began ! the use of Grape
Nuts I was thin IUIII weak , my muscles
were IiO sort hut t 1 was not able to dewy
wy : wOI'le I weighed only 108 pounds ,
Nothing that I ate did mo any good ( \ '
I was going down hill rapidly , was
nervous and miserable with no amb [ ,
lion for an 'thlng , 1\13' cOllllltion improved -
proved rapidly \ after I began to eat
.rape-Nuts fooll It made me feel
itlw a now woman ; m ) ' muscles got
1'01111. ' Lily 1 figure , rounded out , my
weight increased to 121i pounds In n
low weeks , I11Y nerves grew steady
nll my mlllll better and clearer. My
1.IOJ'lIs tell \ mo they hnven't seen me
loolc so well \ for 'ears ,
"I consider Grape-Nnts two best
food on the market and shall never go
I pack to melts and white bread again "
Name h'l'n 1'08t\ll11 Co"
given br \ " , Battle
Creelc 'Ich.
' 'J'helo' a reason.
1.001 In each plg , for the little
nook ] "The Road to Wo11\111o
r rr.
Twenty Years from To-Day.
"tIIY : ) , Smith , you are pretty well \
lusted 011 things In general. 1 want
to music you a qllostlon , "
"All right. Fire l1\\'ay "
"Whut was the year In which the
Buprelllo court put the beef trust out
uf business ? "
"hat happened early In 1J05 ! "
"Well , I expect meat will bo coming
down In Price before long "
"Shouldn't wonllor Seasonable
weathel' wo'ro havlng-LoulsvllIo
Con rler . onrnal.
- -
A Mere Novice.
"I bet Iget ( Into mOl'o trouble than
any stun In this state ; , " volunteered
the young fellow who had ] come In
anti ordered a Scotch high hall , "Noth-
big In the trouble line overlooks 1IIe.
\Vhy I'll ho afraid to mal'I' ' - - "
" \Vha ( , aln 'I. you JIIaITlell ? " ejacu-
lat cd the I'CII'IIOiWd elderly party who
was hovering over the gratis IlInch.
"lky you don't know what trouble
-LouIH\'llIo Courier-Journal.
All-Important Part.
Sho-Whllt 110 you think of the 10'
gal Profession for women ?
lIo-O. It's all \ right I suppose ; hut
I hope they will never get 011 the ju
Ilieia I hellch
She- \Vh ' do you say that ?
IIc-Bocamc they would ho con tin.
tlnlly adlllllg IOstscrllltH ) to thclt oIJln-
lOllS , amid we , 11001' 1II0n , would never
know where we'CI'O at.-Chicago
N cws ,
- - - -
A Year and a Day.
Ho-To.morrow Is mr hlrl.hclar.
Sho-I suppose 'ou will lake a da ) '
"I shal1. "
"AIIII how do ) 'ou think I celebrate
when I have 11 hlrthday' ! "
"Olt I presume rou take a year
off.It-Lifo. ,
His Attention Divided.
1\Irs. , Iohn-Jllel ) ( , you ) didn't keep
your c3'e 011 the IJI'oachet' all he
1\11' ,101m-How could I ? 1 had my
umbrella with mo.
Illustrated Advertisements.
r y
= ll\I \ ' \ " -
: :
I - -
Comfortable position for young lad ) '
He Was "It. "
"Sa ' , " queried the book agent , as
he paused at the front gate , "aro you
the boss \ of this establishment ? "
"I thllll r may safely say that I am ,
temporarily , " answered the meek and
lowly ] man with the side whlslrors.
"You see , " ho added , by way of explanation .
planation , "this Is the cook's atter.
noon off and my wife 15 shopping
downtown , II _ _
' . _ L'
. . . .
. . '
. ,
' .
This Statement Has Been Unjustly Made , Because ,
Modest Women Evade Questions Asked By '
Male Physicians. .
) " -
. / . . . , . \ . .
. . . .
, : . .
! '
.Y. Y /V 't L rI ( } r R : I:7.Ir' : t
, .
li lJ + r a , ( .t , r'
v w r q
' ' , ' " , xr ! h Xp F y , 3r i :
, ; . : , .
r , ' I' JUFarmer _ _ 17rs. Ella Lee
- - . . . - _ , , , , , " " , , u , _ e1C _ , - " "
An eminent physician says that
IIWOtnl'1l are not trim IIifit1 ; they will lie i
to thouphysici111m " 'J'his statl'l11l'ut
should he 'lltalilll'rlj ; women do tell the I
truth , hut not the whole truth , to a
male physician hut this is only in re- I
gar(1 to those pninful and troublesome ,
dborders peculillr to their bex.
'l'hero can he no more terrihle ordeal
to a delicate , fensitive , refined woman
than to be ohlig-cd to 1I1Iswer certain I
questions when those questions are :
asked : , even by her family physician I
'J his IS especially the case wIth un- '
mltrricil women. !
Is it any wonder , then , that women !
continue to suffer IInd that doctors
fail to cure female dM'asl's : when they
cannot get the proper information to
worlc.on ?
'l'lmis is the reason why thousands and
thousands Of women arc now corresponding -
spending with \ll's : I'inldwm. 1'0 her
they can IInd do give everv synmptnnm I
tee that she l'elll1Imows more about
the true condition of her pationts'l
through her correspondence with them
than the ph3 'sici:1l1 who personally
questions thell1.
T f yon suffer from any form of trouble
p3culiar to WlImen , write : at once to
\ll's : l'il1lhl'n : , T.ynn. Dtabs. , and she
' . will 1lvitie yutt free of charg'c.
The fact that this grist t boon , which
is extl'llIlell . women by : i\lrs ,
l'inldJ:1m , is appreciated , the thou-
bands of letters t''l'l''l'd by her prove.
'Ian.\ such gratef111 letters us thc fol-
hwing' mum c coiistanthy polll'Illg in.
I isi ! tzrs. _ Piak ham's Advice -A Woman Best Understands A. Woman's 1W& . . . ,
i : II I I
r -rya I
s a
, " .
Ct Cures Colds , COUJ.hR : , Core Throat Croup ,
IUlhll'uza , WhoOllll1J. : ( 'ou. it , 1I1'ol1ehltls { nllll
, \ . I III un , A certain cure l'om'UIIIItlUII III fitr'I
. ; lase.tmttla.urerelctInndvnncedstagcs. ( : : l' C
at ont ' e. You will ! o"U the 'xl'Clrn1. c/Tect / suet '
111111111 { the 111'1. ( in' , ( ' , void . h\ 111'II1crs ewer ) ' 'I
wlJl're Large butt , ' : . 3. , cent amid & ' . ' cenls.
_ _ . - -a _ . . . , , , . , . . _
. .Tone Qua.Jity. .
pure and mellow llistiniu'wh our hand
mad " \llluller" : l11an08 ( rom the orllln-
a r ' malH'S ,
18 built on the violin Principle , allowing
free 'Ibrntlon Other Items or Interest
In our new catulug. sear free for the
Address the Makers : ,
EstahllBhed 4'859
1313 FAH\'AU : s'r. , 0)1.\11A.
. , . .
" " , , - - ' . . ,
- - _ . -o " _ ' _ . "
Mrs. Ella Lee , Fl'u'1l1dord , Ind. , writes :
Dear Mrs Pindtanl- !
" I want to thank you for what your ; medl-
cillo has lotto fOl' lIIe
'I'l'irt'euyenrsngu I hind ] inflammation ot the
Ovaries ruin ttlcets on lilY wOlllh I was under
the t .Im'tor' 1.1\1'0 for about three mOlltbs , and
time only tillln I wa ! lot ill pnin wilt when
under the illfllll'lIl'O of 1II00'IIhino The doctor
finlllly said I : I 1 never would ho better , and
wOllld loan invalid the rest of my life. I had
given up in despair , hilt ono evening I came '
across 0110 of v nirntlvertisetnentslutti decided I
to write you for nch'ice I dir ] so and corn- 1
IIICIICI'II to take Lydia B , Pinlhnm's Vego- ,
tablu ( : ) tnotutd. [ I began to illlPl'OVO at once ,
and today 1 uma well wOlllnn , and I know J
it is nil duo to your advice anti uwdicino.
1\lrs. .1 II. Farmer of 2809 Elliott .
, Avenue , St Louis , \lo" , writes :
I 1)enrIrs. , Pinkhalll- : .
"I cannot thank ' enll1gh for wbnt your _ n
ndeo and I lIIeclil'1urs have Bono for 11)0. > _
'l'1)W have dOl1o 1110 more good than all the
doctors I ever hll'1.
. . For the lust eight i years I have suffered
with female troubles ; was very weak ; had , , ,
nervous prnstl'Ulioll , IUIII could not do my P ( ' M
work ; hilt 11\111 happy ) to say Lydia E. Pink- '
1IfIIIl'S Veretnblu COll1pollnd has made a
dilrer'cnt"OIl1UII of 1110. I1111 In perfect
health 1\1111 have gained ill weight ( rein l8 1
puuuds to l'.i3 : ! noun(1s . "
No other I11cdicino in the world hall '
received swell widespI'l'ad and unquali-
Hed cndorsement 1\0 otherr medicine {
has such a 1'L"\l'd for actual cures of
f ( ills as has Lydia E. Pinlham's ,
Vegetable Compollnd.
1\lrs. Pinlchlll11 invites all sick women
to write her for tllh'icc. She has
guided \ thousands to hcalth. Address ,
I.ynn , :111tss.
' o
+ e , oI
Kansaa City , Mo" , Omaha : , Neb. , Sioux Patti , BD
See nearest dealer er write for circular.
When writing to advertlfers : pleas
mention this paper.
Jl ,
Ii l
- - , ! ! ! ! ! !
t hl''Ir , '
--g it ua ltrlulu ; I u