Rulo. l'hos. Wintcrbottom was from White Cloud Sunclay returning Monday cvcning. The high wind Monday overturned - turned several small out buildings hut no great damngc was ; donc. Revs ' I4ylcr of Table Rock preached at thc Methodist church Sunday evening having exchanged - cd pulpit with Hev. Dcal. Irs. McDonald camc back from California 'Puesdav c\'cning. She will dispose of her Nebraska property and Make her home in thc Golden States , Stephen Cunningham is rush- ing work on his new housc. The frame work is up He will have quite an up to late residence when it is complcted. Edmund Dorstc. son of\Vm : Dorstc , mct with quit a mishap last Friday cvcing. He was ( Ox- crcising his muscles by "skinning thc cat" on an apple tree near the house when hc fclt. Hc bccam unconscious and after hc had revived - \'ivcd it was several hours bcforc circulation became normal. Hc fell on his head and shouldcr which gave a had wrench to-his ncck. Ohio. Sadie Peck visited with Ida Spouse Sunday. Emma McCann visited at O. A. Burk's Sunda ) ' . . ILarvey Peck was a guest at S. II. hniselys l Sunda Chas. HarkcndorIT was a Ver- don visitor , Sat urlay. \Irs. Albcrs on son Carl isscn- ous in at this writing- Hc\ Stondcr and Iunily were g'uerts at EplePcck's Sunday. Daisy and l\lahlon Peck were guests at John \Viltse. Sunday. \Vm Hutchison sited with his friend Guy and Albert 13urk Sun- , day. J.V. . Dodds was a visitor at I John Yocam's in Palls gity l\Ion- I day. Mesdames Peck and Stow der were visitors at l\lrs. Albers Mon- da ) ' afternoon. Lottie Yodcr spent t a few days thc past week in Vcrdon with hCI sister Mrs. Jas. Gilmorc. S. II. Kinsely is able to be out , ; and : around again after five { weeks uf serious sickncss. I Rev. Brewer and f.lluily of Vcr- don moved into thc Cullcy house south of the Maple Grove Church. : J. \V. Dodds went up to Peru I last week to see her daughter Mary who is attending school 1 therc. s \Vm Oswald snd fami ! ) attended - ed thc funeral of Mrs. Oswald's aunt l\Irs. Julia Boyd in Salem I 'l'hursday. Gco. Goolsb who was so seri- ously hurt by the falling of a trcc eo a few weeks ago has improved so much that hc was able to go to crdon 'l'hursday. 1\'lrs. J.V. . Maust and Mrs. Gco. Sturms both of Strausvi1lc attended the sewing at Mrs. Goolsh last 'l'husrda .Marricd- August Zorn and Louis Miller March 23 PJ05 they moved ! at once to their home which is known as thc Mosc Hoycr farm. A party of young mcn bent on having a good time went to serenade - I1iIClc August Zorn and wife Fri- day evening and after shooting and yelling tin til they were tired found to thcr dissipointmcnt that no enc was at homc. John thc leest son of N. B. Burn worth and wife happened tea a very painful accident while playing with a cornshcller 'rucs- day by getting his head cut open so badly that hc was taken to town and thc Injured mcmbcr rcsscd Farr Lt\vencc ; Santo was down from Arago last wcck. John Fetcher and wife were in town thc latter part of last week Albert Santo was up from hub one day last weck. Maggie and Mary Mandeville were Fargo'i itors one clay 1-s I t \\'cek. John Clcason and wife visit0c relatives at Craig last w'Ie G. Duclol1inister was over frost Corning Thursday visiting his mother and other relatives. lIrs. Rosa Dorstc and son were li'argo'isiiors last week , 1\11' Pcrkin and wire dsitcd rel- at'cs at Craig , Sunday. Frcd 'l'hieman and wife went to Craig Friday. l\lr. Neielickcr and daughter were up from Fort Hnzcl one clay last weck. Mr. Glcn Hogrefe spelt Satm- clay with relatives at Craig- Leonard 'l'hicman went to Cor- ning" one day last wccI JOIIII Brown came over from Craig Monday to do soma plaster- ing for Fred Thieman. 2ddie Burkhaltcr spent Sunday at this placc. J. R. Krnsor and family spent Sunday evening at this place. We un ' e rs t n n d th : ! t John Clark I and L. C.ovealb have secured a chart for a Redman lodge tu bc organized herc. At this writing they have about 30 charter members - bcrs and it is their intention to nuke a\ rangcmcn to build a new lodge room. Grill Wright and family visited - cd relatives at Craig Thursday of thc past weck. \Vc now have mt new implement store in our city. Anna Smith spent Sunday C\- cling with her sister , l\Irs. Lena Wald roil. . , . . , - . - - ; ; . - . . - - _ . : : , r . - r - _ AIM _ _ . . . . . G1. + Mida : . . New Goods ' New Goods . . -e - _ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 'atOf - - - _ T.f.Illbn.alML. . . " . . & -O' M , J1i.Aw.MV . " . . . . . . . - ' - ' ' R1M/SSa. - . - . . 1t1a. - . . . . . . t - f.Yf . . . . . _ _ _ , WILSONS TAHLORSHOP , _ _ _ t I , is the right place to get the - , right hind of goods at the right " " Y price. You will get a suit is : } made fight and hold the shape I better than ! you car get elsevTere ' I 'VVe guarantee our ah'1d goods an it work to be First Class. r ; ; fl I JOPP vvqpTT$4r , j co " . . . . . . . X'j/ ! i . . ( _ ' " \ T he Le . . . ; . c ! . ' hag I" : ' J 1 . . . . . . . . . , to - 1I , { i"t't : I Merchajit Tailor r r . ' . . . . . ' . . . - - - . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . ' = = - . . ' ' . . . ' . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . ! . _ _ , Ito ; - & ; ; 1..1L.7.- ; ; < ' : ; ; ; " : z = > : : : .t : ' ' ' : > O. : ' : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ; ; ' ' ' ' : : ! : : L " - - - - - . - . ' . - 'r T ; ; ; i : ,4. . " " . . , . ' . : ' . . - - . ' 77.uN . . ' . ? " OUR EXPEIUENC' AT . - " YOUR SE1VCE ; ' " \Vatch rel'airint i < a trader I - . "non. > than that it is a science ' _ F - . . ! ' II f \ \ hich takes years of steady ( s ( M- / , I , traininy ! to Inastei This i is - . " . . . . . - I : ' Ii , : j lust what ; : we offer to our . I . F " " , f " 11'lIstomcrs. , j . more than . . tell " : ty years of practIce in the r- . , S\\ iss watch factories and j " , in this country , and it costs . : you no more in our store . ' than . in any other store. . . t _ , Bring . your work to liS with I the cunfidence that it will be rdurued to'OU in a first class running order and remember our prices are reaSOL- I aol\ . " low. , Our large stock of jewelry has been completed this spring with many of the novelties so much in demand , . now-here again we guarantee ollr goods having all : i the standard makes in the jewelry lilHCall and in- :1 1 . 4 ! pect our good which are dl \n claim the n t : ) be. _ - . I 1 : : ; - . . - - - - . s THE OLD RELIABLE 1 . JA. I Em JAQUETfl _ _ - , . _ _ _ . - _ , . _ . : JII . . - - - Olcn Hogrcfe clerked in G. A. Smiths confectionary store on Stm ' iday. - k.wJ''J. . ' 'I ! ! . , - ; ; ' . \Vi11iam Strcc1'r and wife visited - ited one day with Mrs. Strcckl.'r , at this place.