The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 24, 1905, Image 8

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    . . . . .
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Suffered AgonIes from KIdney Disoro
dera Until Cured by DOiln's
KIdney Pills.
George W. HenoIT , of 1953 ! ( North
11 th Slo , Il'ea '
d1 ;
dulllhla , Pa , a
I man of good rep
IItatlon and
statullng , writes :
i . : ' " 10'1 the years ago I
/ . . ' . . , . ' was RIIITerlnJ so. .
, 't
' '
' v
11' ! gtt with my Imele ; anll
IdtIneys that I
i often hall to lay
r t ofr. The Idllncy
/1 / 1 Rccrctlons w 0 I' 0 :
unnatural , III Y : .
legs and Rtoll1ach wore swollen , and.
I had no alJpetito. When doctors
fatted to help mo I hegan using Doan's
Klcllwy I'IIIHlnll improved until my
haelc ) was strong and my appetite I'C'
tlll'l\III During the four years slncc
I stopped using thom I have enjoyed
oXl'ollon health. 'I'ho cure was 1101"
( Signed ) Ceorge : W. ncnofr.
A 'I'IUAI. FIU -Adllrcas hostel'
1\lIll1ul1l Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. For saga
hy u'l doalOl' Price , GO conI II.
Men That Sllcceed.
The ] mon whom I have seen nncct eO
best In life have always been cheerful
fill allli hopoflll men , who wont nholll
tl\'II' \ hllshlOsn with a smile on thou
laH , mug \ toole the changes anci
chances ' of thIs 1II01.tal life II1w men
facing rough ! and smooth alllo as 1\ \
, 'ame.-Charloa KIngsley
Swords In J < ) p.1I1.
Although wearing swords has al
most entll'ply ceased for twenty yean
In , .Inpat the old CSicelU and reverence
once for the weapon anti Its use stll
, pxlst among the gentlemen of the
country , and many of the nuhlllt
have at their houses regular esLab
IIHhment.s for fonelng.
Turquoise a Lucky Stone.
'he ! Orientals ' ' ' " '
have a pl'o\'el'h , "That
a turquoise given ! hy a loving / hand
carries with It happiness and good
fOl.tllllu" ; and ! another . " 'I'hllt the tur'
'IlIolso } pales when the twell - being 01
the giver Is In lIangel' " Who , then
WOlIIII not ho the possessor or u luck ) '
tlll'qllOSO' ( !
Sure Thing.
What malwg the morchant's hllRI
ness hllm-what makes his clerks per . .
spite ? Is It tine to drummers blander .
or to messages hy wire ! Cnn It he
due to fine displays 01' to silly worn
out fads ! No ; the business hoom If' i ' !
mostly due to his large : , attractive
Sermon on Cleanliness
Once u roar the archbishop of Tuna
preaches a sermon 011 health anl
cleanliness. The national hoard or
the Catholic Truth society of reran [
has issued 1\ sanitary sermon I\S n
palllphiot which sells at 1ponny. .
'I'ho greatest proportionate loss of I
ollll'ers } to men In any battle was at
the capture of the Hel1an , In the Cr L.
mea , where three officers were lost to
every twenty.two men.
"Dr. nR\.1t1 : . ' ' " ' . ' . . .
Ut'IIIIt'II"h 'lnnrU" + Hmllt'11y
cured me tlr IIrliht' 1110. . . . . . . . . Knit , . I" rnvrl . \ hie pll'slcJlLu.J y
t.11ad. " I > It. . lI' . lI1IU. . Hurl-lIl11. O. IIW" Luttl . ,
Apples In China.
AIIIIles , In central China are sof t ,
luck flavor , and have no keeping I qua .
Itles. Imported Alllerican varieties are
doing comparatively well hilt see
lose their best qualities ,
If you can't attend the heavens ,
feast because 'ou'vo got a new yoke
of oxen , take the oxen along for the
.fcasL-g. G. Holden In [ 'rho SlInllay ,
Magazine. "
Defiance Starch Is put \lJI 16 O\lnCefi
In n package 10 cents Orw.tlllni more
starch for the same money .
Too many so-called opportunities
, turn out to be optical illusions
- - -
Warsaw a MIII "OWI1.
The town WUl'saw may ho called
the milk 1)\'ol1l1cOl's' ) \ Eden l . thought
the 1II111 con 1I1I101'S' ! : den It cert'1.lnly
Is not 'I'hl'ro 10 probably nowhere
such II- "mille town" U8 thIs Restaut
rants are little fl'cCjlllmtell. On the
other hand , the public frequent ) the
various dllll'loH In great numbers ! ' In
order to 'hat with frIends 01' rellll the
newspapers : to the accontpnmiinlent of
a black or white coffee 01' Il glass of
cold or wllI'm mlll < .
- - - - - - -
Retort Courteous.
Sandy MCNab was boastful of his
ancestors and of the noble connec-
ions t of his family. A tourist who was
spending 11 week In the village where
Sturdy lived 1II0t that Inlllvldllul driving .
Ing a pig ; . " 1111110 1 [ , Sandy , " salll the
"lsllol' "Is this one of your noble re
lations ? " "Na IIIl , 11' I . " was Sandy's
reply. "She's no relation at all , she's
shllst an acquaintance like 'QI'sol' , "
- - - - - - - -
Lives of Men and Women.
No man , even the most wretched
wOllld change ! : with any wonnati even
the most fOl'tllnate And ) this Is not
an IIltlHlon lie Is Instinctively right
lie bets more out of IIfc lIe knows
this nnll It helps him to hear much
without ( 'om plain t.-llofOl'ce.
Found at L < lst.
Alston 1\lIch" , March 13th.-Spc. (
clal.-Aflcr suffering for twenty
roars from Hheumatlsm and Kidney
'l'rollhles , and spending 11 fortune In
doctors and medicines that brought
him rte relief , 1\11' , James Clliet of this
plllco has found a complete cure for
all his aches , pails and weakness , In
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Naturally 1\11' Culet feels much chat-
cd over hIs cure and gives great
credit to the remedy that gave him
" 1 es , " 1\11' Cutlet says , "my rheumy ,
tlsm and Kidney Troubles are nil
gone and 1 feel rhea a new man.
Dodd's Kidney Pills did it Before 1
used them I spent 11. small fortune
on doctors and one remedy and nnoth
cr. I cheerfully recommend Dodd's I
Kidney Pills to anyone suffering from
Rhoumatlsm or ICidney 'l'rollble "
Dodd's Kldncy Pills always cure
sIck lddneys. Healthy kidneys take
all the uric acid-the cause of I heu .
matlsm-out of the blooll. That's why
Dolld's Kidney Pills always cure
illicit in atism.
The first robin will arrive foolishly
early but ho would have to wear furs
and gum hoots to get here ahead of
the I1l'st spring honnelo
How's This 7
We otter Ono 1IIIIIllruII lIullafli Heward for any
eII.O of Catarrh that cannut be cured by lInll'
Catarrh Cure.
1" . .1. CIlaxaY .t CO . Toledo , O.
We , the lcrslSIIOII have : known F. . J. Cheney
for the Illst 15 } cars . null believe I hllll perfectly hOIl-
Drablo 111 all hUShteas trllll.a'lIoliM nod IIIIallcll1l11
able to curry out any obllgtttkms 1II11lcly \ his Qrw ,
Whulo"lIlc IJrUII.liTuledo. O.
l1all'lI Catarrh Cure I. taken internally acting
directly upon . . the blood and mucous surfaces the
'Y8Ielll. UjlOli \ . sent rree. Trice i5 ccnu pu
bOttle Sold II ) ' IIl1lJruilsl. : ; : ,
Take 111111' Faintly 1'11for \ cuoltlpallon.
A man's lJOllIIlul'llr generally ends
when ho gets } tome.
Jlfncnronl " 'hl'or.
Salzer's strain of this Wheat is the kind
which laughs ! at drought and the elements .
meuts and positively mucks Black Rust
that ' ' ' I
terrible scorch f
, It'll sure of yielding 80 bushels of finest
Wheat the Hun shines on per acre on good
111. , Ia. , MichVis. : , . A" , Pa. , )10. , Xeb.
lands and 40 to GO bushels on und lands !
1\0 rut , 110 IIIsects , Ito failure Catalog
tclli all about it.
le ; oa' Q\ ) J
to the John A. Salzcr Seed ( ' 0 , . La Crosse ,
11'is . , . and , they will scud all free II sample \
f tIlts \ \ heat and other farm seeds , to-
tethel' with their great catalog , worth
000.00 toaur wi e-nwalcfurulcr. L' \ ' . N. U.J
There would he no debtors If prom
lies were legal tenders.
When You Buy Starch
auy Defiance and get the best : : 10
: nmces for 10 cents Once used , alwu's
. .
. .
- - - - - - -
) ,7' - ,
There are Many Imitations of'
Ba ! < .er's Cocoa ,
and 1 . . ,
Baker's Chocolate
DOll't be misled by thelll !
Our trade-mark is on every
1 package of genuine goods. , i : .
- - -c
; I ' the decisions of scveral 1k
United Statics
, no
j .
other chocolate or cocoa than
. Vt alt c r Baker ' C o.'s is e n- .
. . - - i tit ed o be sold as "Baker's I
LookfcidllsTlade Mark Cocoa"or"Baker's Chocolate"
Our handsomely illustrated recipe , book
. , sent free.
Walter Baker { 3 Co. Ltd.
Established 1780 Dorchester , Massachusetts
4S Highest Awards in Europe and America ,
. II I I
. . I
Owns Costly Book.
The Duke of Devaonsltire possesses
as' Ill heirloom , Claude Lormlllc's
"Book of Truth , " which Is said to he
one of the rarest and most valuable
volumes In Ii1uropc. It Is worth six
times as much as the " 11lazarill"
Bible , thc most costly book U1\laZarln"j
British l\Itlsellm cnn boast. The former
Duke refused an offer of $100,000 for
Frightful Capacity.
1\ly little sister Marion , when four
years old , wag feeding some greedy .
hens In the back yard one day at
noon. She was called to dinner , and ,
on taking her chair at the table , exclaimed -
claimed : "Uh , mamma , I'm as hungry
as Il chicken with "
{ a hundred tongues
Comments on this Wildcilt.
A wildcat was caught In 1\ trap \ In
Hosshll'e , Scotland , recently and Is
to ho carefully stuffed anti Ilrosol'\'ed.
1'he \Vestmlnstel' Gazette says It wildcat .
cat Is "hea ullrllll ' remarked , " and
adds that "It Is more dangerous for
gargle 01' man than the fox. "
There ! ] Is no stage of life In which n
we are safe : the young : are Impetll'
outs , the mhlllo-lIg'ed ( stubborn , the old 1
wcali-all tlangerous.-Blshop Ball
: Urll. " 1"1ow' 'I/lothll1J : : 'Iyrnp. : '
For chlitiren tcetblu , sotteus the gums rudueea fn.
ll11mwutlon , allays pain , cures wind collu : : :5ca : ! ; JtUe ,
'VO know what we arc-bllt w e
know ] not where the ullP'II\1 \ may lie.
A (1U\1L\-TI'I : l ) CUItI nut I'JLI .
Itching . HilmI , Blecdln or 1'r.itrodlug 1'110' , Your
drug : : lrt will rcrllml mOil ! ! ) ' If I' , \ZO OIX'DIIX1' :
flllI to cure you In Ii to It days . 5Uc.
Always turn off the gas Otherwise
: ho blues may be deadly
- - - - - -
" ' ponnanentlycured. Fotltaornerrcuenea ' "ttIJ1'
I lInt d.ty'e use or Dr KJlnc'ti great Serve \ tul'o
pr. Send , for I , 11Il II.OO ! : : trial bottle and : Itestur c.
LIB. It. U , KLINe Ltl1. . sal Arch Street , 1't Iladoipttia , l'o
Blessed Is he who puts Il line of
wlsl10111 In a line of t 'IJe.
Your JULJLJcr or dtreel trout l"loetlJr , l'corlll , 111.
Alabastine . . . . . . .
: : ' t
Your : , 1
Walls : - - ' '
o Are you satisfied with the appear- : -
/J ance of your walls ? Do they come i
: I up to your ideas Are you putting on I
: coat after coat of sticky , dirty wall I
III paper , making a sandwich with sour
II paste between ?
. . Al&bnstino is clean , hygienic
: and wholesome and more than that , it
. is beautiful. The most artistic effects
can be produced with Alabastine. '
The ALADASTINU Co. will furnish , I
c without oxpor.e ( : to you , color schemes
I II and harmonIcs for [ your rooms. If you
II are building or remodeling , simply
g ask for color schemes , giving size , . . .
II use and direction of light of rooms. I
v in original packngcs. Any dec- : . .
II orator can apply it , or you can put it .
I II on yourself. Simply brush it on. It is .
a a permanent , durable wall finish. .
o Outwears two walls done any other :
y way. .
The best dealers sell it , It yours doesn't , .
. send us your name and we will see that ; you .
II arc supplied .
. Grand Rapl s. Mich. New York City .
. . rrrtarrsr . rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs
6 Snndholm'8 Eczema
and SkIn Remedy
' , - Jt 'I Purifies , Then HeDle.
v' . ( , 1'0.IIII'oly cured Eczema , Pimples ,
Eruptions Insect 111108 and all 11111-
ca"cs of the skIn. . An absolute
cure for DllndrulT or Scalp dbeale. . .
$1.00 Per Bottle. Sendlor FREE DOOKLETS , \ !
Ask your lru ; . : tc I t or barber or send to
SANDHOLI'II DRUG 00. , Des Moines , Iowa.
- - -
For 50care : has mnlo II specialty
Qr UISISES n.IEN. : . Eighteen .
eon yours In Ontalta HIs 11011I0
, ! l'relltnt.'nt h II . . "I . 1
a ' Jut'lit II Illirllllll1ntlr . . . . . . . .
, ellr'll Ihollllllluh ( I\t amllll cua 1
y Save hut " . and mOIlt'Y by decal ib-
' Illif your 'a'll' , alllt write for Free
bo It IIIIlI tcrlll of treallllent MI ' d-
Iclne Lout In IIlalll package Box
. < ; .d. Olllce 21i : South HIS Street
I Omaha NHbrttika
IFARMS I For SE1e on orop :
FARMS r . po mer.ts .
J , MULHALL , Sioux oil ) " , low&
- , : ' 0 - s
hti s wiitsE ALL LLbE [ AILS.
I F'4 . best Cough Syrup , Ttlale9 ( hood. Uae
f. In tlnta. 8ula by druculsts
rs - . ar
-4 '
- ,