1/ " ' 1 Local and Personal. Eat Sowlcs Candy. Sec Coupe & 'rhornton for all kinds of salt and fresh fish. . ' Dr. A. Gaiscr , dentist over " ' ' ' ' , , . . . ' ' ,1 Richardson county bank. Dr. R.P.Robertsdentist over Kings Pharillacy. . Fresh bulk oysters direct from ' Baltimore at Coupe & ' 1'horntons. George Dietsch writes that hc no longer stands up to his mcals. Garden Seeds , Coal , Wood and - . L , Hock Salt at Hcck's heed Storc. Lard , hUl1. , , and Bacon at ycry low ! priccs.-Coupc & Thornton. Mrs. A. b. \V.altucr has been . ° ' ' - , . IHttubcrcd- among thc victims of thc grip. Stephen Sloan and E. E. Aux- icr of Verdon visited in this city Saturday. Isham Reas was in Kansas City 011 legal business Friday of last wccl When in need of a juicy steak , " or a prime roast beef , teiephone 74.-Coupc & Thornton. , Miss Lil1l1a 'l'immcrmal1 of Sa- lem ] spent Sunday with Andrcw Cameron and family. . Allan D. May J has , been nomi- l1i1ted for city clerk on thc anti- , - ' . ' license tIcket in Humboldt. ! . iiII' and -.lrs. Ell Rieger . of f l ; ' ' ' . Preston transacted business in \ \ ' tie : city Friday of last wcck. Will Custer who represents : an eastern cigarette house visited with his mot ler over Sunday , \Irs.- , G.-aha 11 left Saturday 1 fdr Chicago to visit with her daughter rawh' and enjoy the : - ; son cf ( r.l\t(1 \ UJl'ra. ; F'1'I..11 1 o"sters .tt the same old ' . & Thornton. . uric - Coupe : \ ) tOI1. r .t , - - - - . The Shakcspcar club , met with Mrs.'l\ . Gist Friday aftcrnoon. 1full attendance was present and thc several characters in Julius Cacscr were allottcJ to , thc members for rcading" The library - ry board has ordered several reference - crcncc books on Shakcspcar for thc bcncSt of thc club mcmbets : , which will bc used in connection section with thc pamphlets fur- nishcd by Prof. Sherman of thc state univcrsity. Do YOU know where your little ( laughter spends her evenings ? The writer was going home one rainy night last week after eleven o'clock and saw three girls of less than sixteen standing in a stair- way with three strange young men. This is clangorous busi ncss. Do you know whether one of thc three was yours ? No deals go in thc municipal } election this s1)1 } I iiig' There are improvements to bc made and money spent probably a large sum. The question is not , has Jones made peace with Smith. but rather which candidates is best fitted for thc responsible pos- ition of mayor ? Hank Shaw is in receipt of an inquiry i ! from t1 ron Loucls COIa- rning , thc state of the. . weather and the appetite of the tish. Aaron i'5 getting restless , and thc contemplative mood of the con- firmed angler will doubtlcss won : start Lint homc. Ewing Herbert of the l1iawa- the World recently purchased } a three thousand dollar press and now owns a Ken tucky'aeldle. ! . horse. Wondl if he ever had ! his troubles on Saturday nig'ht. = ' -11' . and Mrs. George Abbott ; : ; pent : Suncla \ with tll.i el l : . u ; ht t ( 1"I I \lrs. Chas. IlumplJrey of \'l.1'llulJ : I li'rank Vcach chaperoned a large crowd of Vcrdon shooters i.lt the Clayton-Vcach match Sat- urday. 'rhink it over as a purely bUf- incss' proposition ; who do you want for mayor , Lcyda or 001'- rlllgton ? 1\1rs. John Hossaclc spent a few days in Vccping"Va the first of the week thc guest of Hilncy ; Sarg"cnt Ilnd family. The : Tribune is but a dollar a .ycar. Look over this issue and sec for youtsclf whether or not it is worth the moncy. Hling" Hall thc magnificent 169 ponnd dog of George Hall's was a Missouri Pacific : passenger for Verdon on Friday. The Tribune priittc(1 ; wedding invitations this week for a double wedding which will occur in this city during thc present month. Just as a matter of curiosity , why arc you nut one of our subscribers - scribers ? The price is but one dollar a ycar. Better give us your namc. Charlc\ Davis is in Excelsior Springs this week dividing his time between SuI pho Saline and I Negent l water and thc inevitable con seq ucnccs. . The wife of a Baptist preacher Jiving north of Atchison ( both white ) gave birch to a colored baby last week , according to the Atchison Globe. Let everybody pray that the biennial election bill will become a lati , . In sncjh case wc will be Ii'cc1 of the cure of factional politics for hole year. I n.11 Miles of Dawson has tie- ! 'rtL'c1 the legislature in ' de-I I anI51t I i ' ( ' ( over S turlay with I ; I fra'nds in this l.it\ I 1 I , J The citizens committc has filled thc vacancy for councilman for thc second warl ) , created by thc resignation of Fer(1 ] ' \ Harlow , by appointing ; h(1 Burl'i of thc firm of Burris Bros. . drug"gist. Champion Liniment for Ithcumntism. Clws. Drake , a mail carrier at Chapinvillc , Conn. , says : "Chnm- hcrlain's Pain Balm is thc clJam- pion of all linill1cn ' Phc [ past year I was troubled a great with rheumatism in my shoulder. Aft- cr trying several cures thc storekeeper - keeper here recoin wended this remedy aid it completely cured mc. " ' 1'herc is no use of anyone suffering from that painful ailment - uncut when this liniment can hc obtained for a small sum. One application gives prompt relief and its continued use for a short time will produce a permanent curc. For sale at Kcns Drug Storc. " , . . . Farlll for Slle. .A farm of one hundred sixty acres , six miles from Falls City , four and a half from Preston , five from Rub , fenced with Osage orange hCllgcs. There arc forest timhera g"ood orchard , two houses and ccllars. and outbuildings , two wells two corncribs . two stable . , . a hanJ.barn : , fifteen acres of grass land and pasture. Terms of payment will bc madc easy , Price S12,000. 1\ppy to John Wiltse' , li'al1sCity , Nct ) . , to pur- chase 01' to rent thc farm.-Jc- rome \Viltse , sr. W nnted. I have a'cry liberal proposition - tion for sonic good man who wants to break up about twelve ; acres of timber Iilnel. C. Ii' Reavis. I . : . . . . , . , COLDS THAT HANG ON . So frequently settle on the lungs and result in Pneumonia or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing away or take something that only half cures it , leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble. . - " FOLIYS HONEY J TAR Stops the Cough and heals the lungs and prevents ; : , I . w . Pneumonia and Consumption I Consumption Threatened _ - C. Unger 211 Maple St. , Champaign , 111. , writes' + "I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and , , I thou ht I had consumption. I tried a great many ; . remedIes and I was under the care of physicians for several months. I used one bottle or FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It cured me , and I have not S been troubled since. " . " Cured Hemorrhages of the Lunge A. M. Ake , Wood , Ind. , writes : "Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had many hemorrhages. I took treatment with several physicians without any benefit. I then started to take FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR , and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet. I recommend it in advanced - vanced stages .r f lung trouble. " 1 / . - ' " . Three Slzes-25c , SOc , 100. The 50-cent slzo contains two and one - hall times as much as the small i. 1 , . CURES COUGHS AND COLDS size and the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. , SOLD [ IND RECOII ENDED BY. ) . _ , DR. . Mcf1ILLAi , PrOp etor City Pl1arlTIacy. . . , . . . . " . , ,0 . , , , , * , , , , , - , , - , " ' , . . - . ' . . . , ,