McNall's GROCERY , Fancy and Staple Groceries Fruit in Season Satisfaction Guaranteed antced Free City DcHvey Phone 40 Storage for Household And Other Goods - - , - Merchants and Business Men With hard accounts to collect , should place them with . John L. Cleaver JUSTICE of the PEACE FALLS CITY NEB For Collection or for Suit - . . . . . . - - . . - . . . . . _ _ . . . . _ - - - - - Small Com's on Collections No Attorney Fees on Suits. Defendant pays all Costs. . J . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W. M. MADDOX REAL ESTATE AGENCY ' Hartford Fire Insurance , Lands bought and sold I Houses in city for sale I floney to Ion Telephone 178 - , , . . . . . . . . . l - - - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I A Little Light URE _ I f f I Coal is often productive of considerable hl'atwhen it will do the most g"ood. r Telling \ ou that our coal is I better than other coal docs not make it so , but our will- inc"ness warrant its last- ino' longer and giving more h h b heat than coal for which you ' pay the same money elsewhere - where ought to have some weight with the man who , doe his own thinking. MAUST BR OS. Phone 58. Die(1. During' the storm Wednesday evening Mrs. Grant Smith. who lives just across thc river from Rub I , while standing at the win- dow was struck hy lightningand ; instantly killed. She was well known in Rub , having relatives ! ' therc. Death ig a sad affair at best but when it comes in such rn ; unexpected manner it is doub- ly so. . _ . - - - - i\tn. Clark lied suddenly , .1\lon- da\ ' morning thc residence of her son in Rulo. She was apparently - parently in good health thc evening - ning- before and retired as usual. Tier son awoke at 4 o'clock in the morning and went to his work in thc elevator and his mother spoke to him at that timc. Hc returned - cd about 6 o'clock for breakfast ! ' and trying to arouse i\rs. Clark found that she was lifeless. Hearl l failure is supposed to have , caused her d'ath. The funeral occurred Tuesday afternoon at thc South Methodist church. The deceased has resided in and near Rule many years and is mourned by numbcrs of relatives and fricnds. - - - - On Saturday , March 18 th , 1')05 at' 'J o'clock p.m. \I r.V. . C. Palmer - mer rassed 1 away ; from this earth , at house of his daughterIrs. . 1 . ' . W. .i\lichel. lLis I death was Inc to paralysis and WilS very sudden. The [ lrsl'ased ( had arrivecl at thc age of seventy one year and had form'd many l'L'asrnt ! acquaint- ances. \Ir. Palmcr was an hon- orcl mem her of I' the Pea teem Lodg-c. No. 5' ) of A. O. U. \V. in St. Louis and his burial was in charge of this order. Funeral services Were conducted by Rev. CrilTin at the .i\Uchel residence in this city on 'l'uesday , March 21 , ' 'J1I5. ) 'I'heir man\ ; ' friends extend sincere couclolence to the grief stricken fan ily. _ _ . _ _ _ Ilvira l J. Shafer was born at Highland Kansas , January 15 , 1Hh4 , dial at \ 'erIOllIarcll H" , I 1')5. ( ) She was united in mar- riag-c to L. S. : . llcas May 22 . 18H4. 1'0 tills union .was born nine children - dren eight of whom are still liv- ingMrs. . Lucas ; LS in ill health for three years and all this time was very patient but a t last death relieved her of her sulTering-s. She was ; a hl'nclician' mcmLcr the DCg'1 of 1onor. Funeral 1'accs were held I from hc h omc northeast of enlon , conducted by Hev , Uohn after rcfering- to the t beautiful ! ) and consistent Christian life of the departed spoke of thc blessed hope of our Lords coming as thc soursc of comfort and joy j in thc hour of afilictions. A beautiful floral tribute was arranged by the members - bel's of the 1) . of H. Wc extend sympathy to the heart broken husband and children , Sunday evening .i\rs. Sam .i\artz \ had thc misfortune to slip on a wet side walk sustaining a sever lj' sprained anklc. Dr. li'lcmiugattcn < lccl thc paticnt. ! Selinger will deliver his ! farewell \ sermon next Sunday at 'I' the Baptist Church. 'l'ext will be Acts . 2h . , 2 ( ) . Everyone cordially - I ially 1111 CC 1 . Thursday morning .i\lrs. W. Korncr fell clown thc rear stairs at thc family residence severely spraining her arm and all-- Ide. . Ide.Y. \Y. A. and J. A. Hossack left Monday for Omaha where thc ' . arc in thc employ of John 'l'owlc , . . , . . ' . " . ' . ; , . " # . . . A , v . , . LADIES' SUITS \ \ r c are now showing Tailored and Shirt Taist I t/1JJ Suits in silk and wool that represent the present r ' t. . 1Z vogue in its fullest perfection. As yon have learned " -f'l in the past our Suits are well made , neatly trimmed , ) ' r the best of fitters and the prices fully 25 per cent ) : , ; I lower than the usual cost.Ve start the silk shirt . waist suits at.$2. 50 and on up to $ n 2 , showing Reels , t Greens Blues Browns Blacks and - . f \ , , , Chang-cables. fOur I Our Wool Suits in Panamas , Hatistcs , &c. , we start f ( at $8 and up to $25. As we arc the only firm car- ! . rvillQ' a representative stock of Ladies' wear . YOU can not afford to overlook tiS in your slioppint _ _ _ _ _ . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - I' " - \3 vreS5 n \ .Klrts } " ' . t I 200 \\Tool Dress Skirts to select from. Every 1& & skirt of substantial wearing quality and all of good 1 st\1e. Prices from $2.50 to I2.00. . . . . . . rM , _ n ' . . _ - esn-ffn-i rfzw.nm.rnwsw.m xs.-.w - _ . . -no. _ _ - - - \ ft : _ 9d O )1 T ' . . . , 'Irl ° cID ! tt S t VVmste : 11LnJI 'YV C j1 S r ' > Shirt \Vaists have not waned in holding prom- inenl position in Ladies'wear. . Lawns , lap Silks , 6 mt4 \ Crepe cle Chine , and Mohair are now ready for you in our ready made delartmcnt.Ve . want your attention - kj tention to this line. In embroidcrell waist patterns 7'1 : I wc have . on display co style , representing entirely new deslg"ns. 9l - - - . - - - " - - - - = - - - th ? " do.'f l Rain Coats ltz 41 , , . ' 4 i This almost indispensible' garment is having a \ \ ' ell merited popularity.Ve have them at all prices . ! J from 5 . S to $ : eo , but ask , your especial attention to our \r ' I 1 < " \ lcsat. .halo to S t 5. (1\ . - - - - - - - - - : Sprnng Jacket . . , \ \ ' e have been very much gratified by l' ap- 4 ' lrcciation of the Ladies of our S wing . Jackcts. CO\- ? .q 'P crt short fitted and straight back Jackets at $4 l to $ I 2 W in Tan and Oli ve. Black Twill and Broadcloth at .s $3.50 to S6. oo. Silk , full length Redingote at $ J 2. 50 ' w and S 16. 00. Come in and see them. A new lot of ' Children's Jackets J in Brown , Red , Tan and lue i just 111 . ct 1 ' . - . . . . - = - . . . . . . . . . . _ " _ _ .u . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . # Floor Covenn gs e ' , . . f . , . . . . . I < ' "lwhis stock is now up stairs.Ve are receiving . . Z new rugs and Carpetings almost every day. Now S that house cleaning near and Carpets are in mind , z , come and see us in our new room. fiJ. u _ _ - J1j . CurtaIns , This line is upstairs too.Ve have some new designs to show you. , _ , _ _ _ _ d _ -4-- _ . . . v . G a LYFORD {