- . - J ) jiCHEE ; Ulm FASHION . . - - - - COSTUMES SANCTIONED BY THE I LEADERS OF SOCIETY. - - - - Black Velvet Costume , With White Accessories-Silk Dress for nn "At Home" Afternoon-Some Recipes for Appetizing Dishes. Fichus Again In Vogue. A most universally becoming fash Ion has bola brought ngahlIII to 1101111' lal' favor lIy the revival of the \lal'lo Alltolnu ! tu luudes. ( The IIchll returns . 111 111811) ' vadclics IUIII Is frequently i IIHuel for the ( neck of thc evening gown , alt hou ( ; h Its grace amid siniplici- ty t I'PCOlIIlIIl'llll It for any dress fashioned . 10111.11 of Ioft : ! , clinging materials after the fashion of mho Prune. : ! ' custom dIU" lug the limo of Marie Alltoillollo. . Chln'on ; IH tilt host HIICCOHHfll1 ma' terlal that can 110 found for the helm , but net allil taco may 110 used with effect . The IIchll should ho dl'l\llOtl 111'0111111 the ' shoulders very loosely ! , that It lIIay fall In gmceflll folds , and fnHtellell In from In u soft Imot. It IH IlItl'l'onthlH to timid lint ( the Iltt ) ( . Iron tlll'lIl1l1 ( still It ! (0 ( rOlllaln one of time leading styles In huts this spring , for Its convenience In lmtllllg ( lI galust the I'd arch winds Is aiprCulat ) oil lIy Its fellllnino 1\\1 III IrerH , A number . her Ul' { ! being Hhowll of shirred taffeta . feta , with the tOIl crown of horsehair braid , alll.chiffoll ' , shirred IIUlI tucked , 18 also uiloll : In covering the tlll'han , In spite of the IIclmowlellgell utility of the "t I'OtlellHo" skirt for practical purposes , EngllHh l tnllorH are limiting the smart frocks with long sldl'ts 'T'hey do not trail the ground , hut ate not allowed to show much 1I00t. The plaited skirts , however , must always 110 t-Ihort , close-fittlllg about the hps ! 1'lId'OI'y full lit the lIottolll. - - - - - Sunderland Pudding. half CUll sugar , lA CIIII of butter , 1/ pint of milk , 1 CIIII of sifted flour anl1 a eggH. Ileat the milk hot ; stir In the butter and let It cool before the oth- er ! IngrclllontH are alIlell ( to It ; then stir In the sugar , flour and beaten oils of :1 : and whites of 2 eggs. Flavor VOl' with a little grated lemon rind ' and heat the mixture woll. Bake In well buttered CIIIIS half tilled with the hotter for about half an hOl1r. Serve with any RWl'l't sauce , and the white of 1 egg / beaten with 1 spoonful or fllgllr dropped on each pudding In small drolls. - - - y 1. . F Black velvet with embroidered \ \ kite cloth vest. Coming Styles. Skirts are to he fllller than ever about time feet-C\'er conceivable ! trick that will get a few more inches Into the width will be employed ; but about the hips they will fit smoothl ' . Lace will be everywhere , principal- . - > - ; I\ Irish crochet \'ull'nchmncH ; a lIlI'lng IIHl' , which II IHi beautiful us It I.J daring , hulng limo cOlllblnlng the two. AIIII lace will ho used In every TIOHBllllu way , frolll alloveI'8 and strips and etigings ! tu wonderful utotifs which contain a host of suggestions In them selves for unusual , orIginal 11505. g\'ell l'lIIhrohleduH will ho UHJI ( to trllll those IIreHfl'H ! , hilt lIlIlIrohll'I'los ! ) this year have lifted thelllsl'I\'os high above anything wo'\o ever known be- I'on' . amid COIIIC In u new dignity that fits thelll ( t'or 11113' IISl' - - - - - Smart Silk "At Home" Dress. 'l'hlH Is designed for IIrtol'lloon wear , hilt would Ill' suitable for a home din 1:01' frock too. 11 Is of light taffetas trlllllnell ! with frills of marrow black " e } s l r1 ld 1t trii rj a' Y $ ! r q o 'c ° ' } . t' ? t1 + ' amid whlto lace and medallions of the sr.mo lace ; black velvet bows us a " ' " "Iaddel' - - - Spinach In Molds. Boll the spinach , press out every droll of tenter and chop fine. Cook together III a saucepan a tablespoonful - ful of butter and two of flollr. Add the spinach \ \ ith pepper and saIl to taste ; cook for five minutes Butter the insides of mllf11n-tlns 01' pate - pans and press the spinach hard Into these. Set in the oven to keep hot while you make It white sauce. Carefully turn out the forms of spinach on a hot platter , lay a slice of harll.bolled egg on the top of each form and pour the white sauce mound It. - - - - Velvet Walking Costume. An attractive short walking costume - tunic of black velvet has a skirt gored to fit the figure nnd In the back are two underlying plaits , and scanter olles In the center fronts are pressed In and secured invisibly , while down each side are rows of small old sll- VOl huttons. The blouse closes with deuble rows of buttons to match the skirt and the sleeves , are plaited and held In place by the hullons. 'rho blouse Is collarless and trimmed with several rows of silk braid. - - Jellied Ornnges. Cut off 1\ small portion of the ends or oranges , scoop out the pulp and juice. Fill with orange jelly before It Is thoroughly hard , and let the oranges - anges stand on Ice. When set , cut In quarters and serve on green leaves. 'ro mal\O orange jell . put juIce of oranges - anges Into agate saucepan , with 1 cup sugar , 1 pint of hot water and 1 tea spoon orange extract. When sugar Is dissolved add % box powdered gela- tine. When cool fill oranges. - - Dlrectoire Coats. There Is a decided liking shown for the well fitting dlreC'tolre coat , with sleeves that set to the shape ot the . finn , though fancifully puclcered and gatherell and gauged very often , and I I w'lh ' time outline of the figure carefully : preserved. ! : ; . " ( CfIT ' rrr' INv'81'JTI Electric Cigar Lighters. mectrlclty Is lighting houses not only , but cigars us well. An Ingenious electric cigar lighter consists of a metal box , perfomted und mounted upon a standard tumid SUllplloil with 110 - volt continuous current from the lighting malllH IlIsllle the box are two carbon pencils which are brought In contact lIy the IIelll'eHslon of a thumb llleco ai' button on the out- side , und then separated by a spring muchanlsm whIch holds time carhons just far ullough apart for an arc to hu formed. ny Insortlng It cigar In an ollfice In the front Its unlighted end becomes ignited lIy contact wIth the tare , the whole operation taltlng scarce ly five lJecOlllls : and costing 1U cents pel' kilowatt hour. In other words , jOO [ cigars may ho lighted for about one 1)ciiny. 'ralelng Into account Interest and dOpl'cclatlulI , the new lighter will scarcely bo a formidable rival of time safety mutch. - - - Not for Women Alone. In a Broadway car a few days ago a metrollolltall belle had no hesitation i III pulling from one of thc recesses of ; I . . ! ; - ' dig 11 rII iii 1JEf 9 1JIIi ) i her ( dress and secured hy a long gold chain arolmmd her neck , a 10clcctlll\O device , and opening It , take therefrom n powder puff , with which she carefully - ly went over her face before alighting from the cllr. An observer of time male r i ersunsloll tool occasion to Indulge In a dissertation on the frivolities or the fcmalos , hut It was not long before he hall attention called to the enlightening . enlng spectacle of It mall engaged In vlgol'ously grooming his mustache with the aid of a pocket mirror and a jointed comb. Time jointed comb Is quIte generously - ly affected by the sterner sex , and It Is for him ( as well as the ladies that the telescoping comb has been made hy an Ingenious Inventor from London - don , Ohio. It will he readily seen Lon-I this imnplement being made In four I parts , one fitting In the other , will form a very compact ul'Uclo. The larger end piece Is not supplied with teeth , but comprises a casing into which the other parts collapse- Brooklyn Eagle. - - - - - - Will Sav"J Cattle and Horses. The latest Invention for InstallnUon In stables and cattle sheds , and hav- lug for Its primary object the Immediate - mate rescuing or horses and cattle In case of danger , especially by fire , Is called "The Lightning Release Locle. " There Is no device on the marlwt to. day applicable for the purpose mnen- . tinned , which combines GO perfectly , slmllllcltr : of construction , with efficiency - clenc of operation. 1l answers a requirement - quirement , the absence of which has been keenly felt hy horsemen and cattle . tle owners for many years , particularly . ly I In bullllings whore many horses and cattle are housed , and which are particularly susceptible to danger by f New Stall Stock. fire , In consequence of the confusIon attending the release of the animals. The lock Is worked by the pull of a le\'er. Il can be placed In any part of the stable that will best answer Its IlhI'pose. There is one lock In each stable , which Is connected by piping running through the same , from one part of the stable to the other. Time serviceable part of this loci Is that It can bo utilized independently , for daily use , leaving the main lock to be used only In case of emcrgencr. L . I ,1 ) PLAN FOR BASEMENT BARN. ' ' 1 Quarters for Twenty Head of Cattle and Two Tenms. The aClonll1nnylng : plans are for a IJI\sollleut barn 35 hy 58 feet , to accommodate . comwodale twenty head of cattle and two teallls of horses. The basement wall Is 8 feet hIgh , 1 foot thick and composed of cement concret If stone is used for wall Instead of cement , , the building should he 2 feet larger each way to allow for the thicker walls that would he necessary. Unless . gravel IR scarce 1ll1ll stone plentiful , cement Is much to be preferred to stone masonry and Is cheaper. A Is time horse stable ; n , the box stall ; C. root house ; D , cow stables ; j f .EI J ! 4 i1rfjb ; 1 I . . I s H m. t. r . ; IL" 111 1 60T 0 . I L1 LI : ? . . . & . . . . . I' ) H " : ; ; ; I ' 4 R . . . . _ . ' " : . _ ; . _ _ _ . . - . OT _ . . . . _ . _ _ _ f. Ground Floor Plan. 11. passages. The small squares , three on one bhlo alld two on the other , shown In the ground floor plan , are ventilating shafts 10 Inches square , which extend from the ceiling of the basement to the plate of the barn where they are open to the outside. Fresh air should he admitted through 2-lnch tiles placed In the walls one foot above the level of . the basement floor and In such position that draughts will not strike the animals. 'Vlndows should be all hung at the top. Stahlo doors should nil he cut in two horizontally . tally , making the bottom part 3 feet 6 Inches high. 1'he barn posts are 18 feet high and the roof Is hipped. The cost of building varIes In different - ferent localities , but n fair estimate would be about as follows : Excavating . lng , $10 ; cement wall , $325 ; cement floor , $125 ; timber , $230 ; lumber and shIngles , $315 ; lumber for stable fit- ' I. , . lings , $70 ; hardware , $40 ; carpenter J work , $175 ; silo , $1-10. This estimate Is for first-class workmanship , and ft' matched lumher. The foundation tim- hers may he made up of 2x10 Inch planl\s For the superstructure , square timber should be med. . : A . 6 vw 9 1 [ vwl & A _ A g ' , , - - -2 Timber Framing of Upper Floor. The outside timbers marked A are 2xl0 In planks lying on concrete wall. The cross tlmhOl's marked B are 10x10 h1. The small black square represents the location of posts , which are placed so as hot to interfere with passages In the basement. How to Mend Table Linen. A housewife whoso table linen al- w8ys does her good service mends It with embroidery cotton of a number to correspond with the quality of the } . cloth. Under the ragged edges of the tear she bastes n piece of stiff paper , and makes n network of fine stitches back and forth over Its edges. 'rhln . places and breaks In linen may run . with the flax or embroidery floss , and ! I towels should be mended In the same war. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .J1. . Ten Growing Experiments. Some of the farmers near Santa Rosa , Cal. ! , arc experimenting with tea growing , and their efforts seem to be meeting with success. It 15 said that there Is no reason why tea should not be grown In some sections of this country , though the earlier South Car- olina experiment is not known to bo making great headwa Lettuce for InsomnIa. Insomnia can be cured br eating lettuce. . - ( .