, . . - . . - i G A. Jorn of crdon transact- cd business in this city \Vedncs- day. ( It i1 ! bad business when you bet $25 on thc shooting tourtia- Inept and losc. a ' Mr. Grecnwald was a B. & 1\1. 1 passenger for Salem thc fore 1 part of thc wcck. I 1 \Vill Price and family of Indiana - diana arrived yesterday and cx- { wet to make this their future homc. Mrs. Price is a sister of 1\1rs. Sperry of this city. It is not pcanut politics. It is not factionalism of which this community i has grown very t i rcd. It is not personal ambition. Rather it is a business proposi- tion. The city's best intertsts The general wclfarc. As such which shall it hc , Dorring-ton or Le\'da ? Hc\ Smith conducted services at the Methodist Church in Rube last Monday c'cningand hc was gorce tcd by a large audicncc. ' ' this Those who attended from city were Misses Clara Tanner , Antc'.ia Shu1t : , and May \laddox. Mmcs. Dietsch and Himmelrdch and l\lcsscrs Ii' Cleveland and John llu tch i n g-s. cfractionist I R. L. t will pay IllS next visit to Falls City March 31 and April 1st. 1 Hc wants to lit as ninny ladies this trip as he did men the last visit. Ladies get a large lens , bifocal glasses for reading , sewing , dish washing , sweeping , shopping and for watching onc's ncighbors- they are solid comfort. 12-2 Drs. Rusti nand Riley of Oma- ha were in consultation with Drs. Miner and Houston Wednesday' ' at thc bedside of Mrs. Houston who continues very ill. DrHile is a Dawson boy and thc nephew of L A , I yan. It is a matter of pride to his many friends here that hc has achieved such great success in Ills chosen profession. 1'le : Stella womaus club : that llrs.Vheeler ( Maude Slocum ) tells about is our kind of a wom- an's club. Starting with ten Inembers a yea ago , it has u p- to late increased its membership by six babies. The attention of Special Prices AT Wilson's Fire Proof Cooking Ware Cheaper than you ever bought it. All Our Indian Baskets at reduced prices. . A full line of China and Queens\vare in plain white and dec- orated. See the goods we sell at 5 , 10 , 15 and 25 Cents Examine the stock be- fore you do your buying C. M. Wilson - the president should be called to this. this.A. A. Weaver has gone to Penn- to look after tl.c interest of thc Meycrs estate of which he is cx- ccutor. Wanted , to pasture 25 head of cattle , tame grass , live l water and sait.-G. A. Jom , Verdon , Neb- raska. 'l'hos. Halt of Verdon was in this city luring the week. . . - - - - - - - A Great Band. Innes ilnd His Great hand will play at the famous festival at Bethany colleg'e. 'L'he expense of the band is $750 a day. It will be seen that stopping the band in Hiawatha is a great fI\'or. for ! even with a packcd house the : hand Cid1't hope to make expenses. . " 2 'cribvll ) is going ' to be at thc concert who can possibly get away - way from home and store and in from the country for to hear this great band is ali event of a lifc- time. Don't forget day and place and dilute to Hiawatha , Saturday . . aftcrltoQn , April 15. - - - Foot Crushed By Train Robert Moore , a colored boy living I in Humboldt attcmpted to board the second section of a Missouri Pacific freight train I known as number \\Tpflca\ " ' morning with disastrous result. The train was going through with stopping and was running at a high rate of speed , The young" man attempted to get on the front platform of the way car but his hold on the iron railing slipped and he fell benca the wheels. His right foot was so terribly crushed immcdia ) below - low the ankle that amputation was nccssarr. He was conveyed " to the Mercy hospital where the operation was pre form d. The chances for recovery are good. but accident wilt leave the young man hopelessly crippled for life. - - - - - - - Elks Lodge Assured. G. E. Hall has received word from i\r. [ 'l'ct\lor of Omaha that the application for an Elks lodge charter in Falls City had been acted upon favorably by the grand lodge officers in Indianapolis , The laws of the lodge do not per- mit the granting of a charter to any city of less than five f thous- and iihabitants. , The grand lodge omicers were satisfied from their investigation ' into the local census , the vote at the last gen- eral election and the post office receipts that Falls City was eli- g'ible. hence the favorable act- ion. The instillation will take place some time in l\Iay. - - - - - - - - - - - Golden Wedding. The members of the Christian church VcrdOI1 and friends an' relatives of Mr. and l\Irs. A. \V. Frank met at the church of 1\Ion. afternoon in commemoration of the golden wedding anniversary of that worthy couple. Re\.Aten the minister of the church escort- cd the couple to the pia Herm amid congratulated them on their many years of wedded bliss , 1\Ir. Frank was presented with a gold headed cane and his wife with a ten dollar gold piece and a fine drawn work terpicce. Rcv. McElroy brother of Mrs. Frank by request thanked the guests for their kindness. A number of those present had lived in this county county since before 1860 and time ) ' all had something to say of pioneer life. - - . t JOHN WILSON ' . TIle Leading ' - . . ' Merchaixi Tailor _ _ _ -----J _ - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . - - " - ' ' ' ' - nr. . . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ . f GENTLEflEN Your attention = = ! - - - - . . . . is invited to our new l i ne of spring Woolen exclusively ! for 111 ell'S wea. . As ill tile past ; our prices viII be Illoderate , our ailll being to give tIle best value for the lowest pos = Bible price. Ail inspection is respectfully = . pectfully solicited before buying esew ere. I _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ I - - . - - - - Fine Dress Suits a Specialty - - . . "I I Wilson the Tailor : . . - - ' - - , jt- _ _ _ . _ - ' _ _ r.-- ; _ . . : ; . . . ' : Attention Farmer I -I.- ; I.'I 'I Don't forget that Werner , Mositnan & Co f carry a full line of farm Implements , wind . > iills , I pumps and fitting. When in need of a new Windmill or pump don't forget \ve are always ready to put up mills and repair your pumps. ; We are also agent for W. S. Cline Copper Cable ; lightning rods and our prices are right. Call and see us when in need of any of the above. We also carry a full line of Buggies , Carriages Spring wagons , and lumber wagons and have some bargains to offer in this line. Call and - - see us before purchasing. Yours Truly o WERNER ! MOSI- MAN & . CO. v. s G. J. Crook was a Lincoln vis- \Vcdnesday. . The M. P. official werein this city 'rucsday. , Mr. Easley made a busiuess trip to Salem on Monda ) . . 1\Irs. Allspaugh who has been visiting with her sister Mrs. Frank Brcnizer left Monday after- noon for Humboldt. Mrs Sam Stewart returned to Reserve Sunda ' after spending a few day with , her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dc\Vald. One of our employees listened to the old story of the blind little God Cupid , and departed with an employee of the Journal. Thus , it can be related , that once upon a time The Tribune and The Journal got tOg'cther. ( J