Twice Told Tales J. F. Shubcrt left for Omaha , Monday to attend thc district meeting thc W. O.W. to' winch hc was a delegate from thc Shu- bert Camp.-Shubcrt Citizcn. August Neitzcl , Falls City's popular marble and monument man , was attending to business matters In our town Thursday and Friday.-Dawson Newsboy. The attending physician report that George Goolshy is getting along wcll. No inflamation has set in , thc wound is healing and all indications arc very encour aging' This is a remarkable cas . -Vcrdon Vcdcttc. 'l'hc Woman's club of Falls I City" was organized at Falls City I rcccntly. Miss ' Sallie Schocnhcit who is well known here , is secretary - tary of thc club. Mrs. John Os- wald who was Miss Elsie Ed- wards of this place is thc leader of thc url department of this club -Slc11a Prcss. Mcsdamcs J. H. Ovcrman , \V. C. Moore and C. n. Thomas and Florence Reynolds and \Vinnona Moore attcnc1ed Mrs. Sue Harper \timms' lecture on Christian Sci- cnce at Auburn 'l'ucsday cvcnlng. The scientists have : but two woman lecturers in all the United States , but there arc a number of mcn in their lecture field.-Stella Prcss. 1. \V. Harris and Miss Olive had a most dclightful time during - ing their rcccnt visit in Illinois. At Dcicvan there was much so- cial gaiety and Olive greatly enjoyed - joycd thc parties and receptions she ttcnded. r.IIarris' mother who lives at Spring Valley has been blessed with her second eye sight , and has discarded thc use of glasscs. She is past eighty years of age and manages her house , although she keeps hclp. -Stclla Press. On Tuesday of this week Ella Mcycrs was taken before thc insanity - sanity board and adjudged insane she is thc adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs \Vm. Meyer of this placc. She is about eighteen years old and has been acting strange and telling queer stories for some time and it was noticed that her mental condition was growing more alarming. She was sent to Lincoln Saturday.- Salem Indcx. The revival meetings at halls City have resulted in one good , even if they have accomplished _ nothing clse. It is against thc gambling law to use slot mach- incs , but nearly every store in Falls City has had one or more machines for ycars. The best citizens , stirred up by thc revival got together and as a resut thc thc slot machines have all been removed -Hiawatha \\'orId. It is an old saying that farm- ers like to trade in a town where there arc saloons. Hiawatha , Kansas and Falls City , Ncbrask arc towns of about thc same sizc. Both arc located in about thc sank sort of country. Both arc county s ats. Thc surrounding population is about thc samc. Hiawatha has no saloons. Falls City is full of thcm. Which is thc better town ? Certainly Falls City is no better town. Certainly - ly Falls City is no better town than Hiawatha ; certainly it has not a larger trac1c.-A tchlson Globc. 'rhc delegation from here who arc going to Canada expect to leave on 'rucsday. Twelve immigrant - migrant cars arc being loaded for shipmcnt. It is expected that about twentyI\C mcn and boys will accompany thc tra'n.-Hum- boldt Standard. Otis Unkcfcr and Hubcrt Shir- Icy left yesterday afternoon for Newcastle , , V yo. . " , hel c they will in company with L. L' . Unkefcr of Hyannis , look over sonic hun- ber lands with a view of pllrchds- ing. Hay Linn and S. M. Phil- pot arc expecting to follow on a similar errand.-H umuold t Lead- cr. George Grinstead and Art Wilson - son went down to Falls 1 City yesterday - terday to do some painting' \Irs. Grinstcac1 went down to visit.- Humboldt Lcac1cr. First place in the h\g-h \ school debatc held at Falls City last Fri- day was won by thc Falls City contestant. The Humboldt teachers who attended thc mcct- hug of thc association report a fine time and a profitable mcct- ing"- llm bold t tcrprise. Prospecting is i going on in thc clay banks west of town with a view to dcterming thc exact na- tur and value of thc clay. Specimnens will be sent to eastern - crn expert and i r they report thc quality as good as is thought to be here , a stock company will bc organized to put in a big brick manufacturing plant. - lImn- boldt tcrprisc. - - - ' ' ' ' ' . . IN QUART 1IO'1''l'I.I \Vc have never seen a town thc size of Humboldt where so much freight arrives every day. Every train leaves great quantities of goods on thc depot platforn. This is a good sign , but it would he a better sign if so mudh thereof - of were not mail order goods that could be bought of thc home merchants. - Humboldt Enter- prise. A Safe Cough Medicine for Children In buying a cough mcdicir.c for children never be afraid to buy Chambcrlain's Cough Rcmcdy. There is no danger from it and relief is always to fo11ow. It is especially valuable for colds , croup and whooping cough. For sale at Kerrs Drug Storc. Mrs. Jas . K. Ligctt of Hum- boldt visited Mrs. \V. W. Abbey and \Irs. C. F. Rcavis this wcek. I j - L- - _ - - - - . -ter- . . . - - . b . . ' ' 4 ' - : 'j''Cf..NoJi6t"T : : DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR i PITTSBURGH PERFECT" FENCES , + ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. . ( J , " ' 'A' " I FOR FIELD , FARM AND HOG FENCING. : THE ONLY ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCE. ; EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT. , 1 The DURABLE Fence , None so STHONG. : ) All large wires.47N : u _ - Highest EFFICIENCY. . ' , I _ LOWEST COST. 32N _ _ _ _ _ - - - j . . . . . . : ! I 261MI No Wraps . - . . - . .J. - . . - - _ ate to hold . 5 . + . MOIsture 4S ! - _ _ - . _ _ - - J - - " , - and cause 3 : : - . - . . Rust. 3lj _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ . - - - . . . - , - , . - . - - = . , - , - . . . . . . . " , . . . - . . . " .v. ' . . . - . u. . . - . ' . _ . . ' . . - "PITTsnUROli l'JU1FECT" FE ( Cl\o. ( Special Style. ) Absolutely STOCK PROOF. . W. can SAVE YOU MONEY on Fencing. 4 CALL AND SEE iT- . : Also have heavy Poultry Fencing small f mesh below larger above , top and bottc 111 , wire NO 9. Just the thing for lawns and yards. Low , . . j _ , price n t : . : Meyers Hardware t rJ . ' 1 . . . . . . )1 , . = " 1' ' . . . \ ' : _ . , . , . . , _ IY _ . = _ - _ _ : . . . . - . . - . . , ; ; E i1'\:1 : : ; - - . . j . . . : l-1.L.J1@r , . : ; .r. . . . : ; . . , , ' ,1:1 : : ' : ' : . OUR EXPERIENCE AT 'f\ ! YOUR SERVICE , ' - - ' Watch repairing i 1 a trader r % more than that it is a science - . I f which : takes years of steady ' 1 / : i r raining to maste ; . This is 1 . . , : " i \ " , dust what we offer to our * , I. d ' , I , customers , more than twen- 1 1'I ; \ 'I ' , tv . Fears of practice in the . n' ! - . . ; \ . " ' . ; I . Sw1SS watch 1 filCt01 f and 1 . . . ro - ' ' : : : ' - 1. " . , I l Fvtt. ' . WISS watc 1 actones anc " + ' . . .L-O.I i ' ; 1 in this country , and it costs you no more in our storE : than in any other store. It Bring . your work to us with . the confidence that it will be retllrued to von in a first . class running order and remember our prices are reasonably - ably low. Our large stock of Jewelry has been com pleted this spring with many of the novelties so much in demand now-here again we guarantee our goods , having all the standard makes in the jewelry line. Call and in- spect our goods which are all we claim them to be. F THE OLD RELIABLE A. E. JAQUET , . . . , , : ; ; ; ( : - _ r'.r. . . . . . , . . - . & & . " . . : : J : : ' . " 2'-\ COAL COAL _ : E o o o The Only Exclusive Feed Store in the City. Amso Handle : a\1 kllHl oC Coal and wood : can till orders on short notlcl1. Plenty of 1.'lunr. < roulHll-'ccll. Hranallli Shorts ; Grain lIalcll flay and Straw ; : Hock Salt 75c per cwt. . Fine rntlllli Rock Salt 40e per cwt. . Michigan Salt $1.50 per harrel. 100 lb. sacks We : Crushed Shells fur Chickens $1.25 per cwt. . Grollllli Oil Cake :2.00 : per cwt. Prnsslan Pratts Watkins Stock and Poultry I'uolls. Cashl fur IIlIttcr. 1uus and PUllltr- O. P. 1-1 ECK. en D : r -I FEED FEED { ,