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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1905)
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - " FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE THOUGHTFUL. A Tribute to Weather Conditions In Western Canada. During the early portion of Febru ary , of this year , the middle and - Western States suffered severely with the Intense cold and winter's storms. Trains were delayed , cattle suffered , and there wai much general hn.rdshlp. While this was the case , throughout Western Canada , now attracting 80 much attention , the weather was per . . tect. feet.One One correspondent writes , "We arc enjoying most beautiful weather , the gentlemen are going to church without - out top coats , while the ladies require no heavier outer clothing than that afforded by light \ jaclwts. In contrast with this It Is interesting to read in a 8t Paul paper of 13th February the following , in double head lines , and . large bollI-faced type : "WARM WAVE NEAR ARCTIC ZONE. " . . - - "CALGARY MUCH WARMER TitAN ST. PAUL. " "Balmy Breezes are Blowing In Norlhwoslern Canada Willie People are Freezing 10 Death in Texas and Other Southern Siales. WARM IN CANADA ; FREEZING IN TEXAS. St Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . St. Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1G . Fort Worth , Tex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zero IJurlington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1\lool'head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . la Duluth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ G , llavre , 1\lont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18' ' Wlll18tou , N. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Miles City , 1\1ont. . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . 2 Medicine Hat , Can . . . . . . . . . . . . .Zero Calgary , Can. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,1 Edmonton , CUll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Leadville , Colo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 t During the mouth of January of this year the number of settlers who went to Canada was greater than any previous - r. vlous Januar ) ' . The movement north : c ward is increasing wonllerfully. ( The vacant lauds of Western Can ada are rH'llhHy tilling with an excel- ; eut class of 1'eollle. ' The Government Agents located ] n.t different points In the States , whose duty It is to direct settlers , arc busier than e\'OI' They have arranged for special excursions during the months or March and April , and will be pleased to give intending - tending settlers any desired Informa' tlon. Truth Is as impossible ] to be soiled _ * by any outward touch as the sun- beIlIU.-l\Iilton. Every houselweller should know ] that If they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time , because it never sticks to the iron , hut because each package contains IG oz.-onQ full pound-while all other Cold Water Starches arc put up In % .pound packages ] - ages , and the price Is the same , 10 4 . cents. Then again because Defiance Starch Is free from all Injurious chem. Icas. ] If your grocer tries to sell you r J\ 12-oz. package ] It is because he has 11 stock } on hand which ho wishes to dispose of before he puts In Denance. lie knows } that Defiance Starch has T I printed on every package in large letters - tors and figures " 1G ozs. " Demand Do- ! lance and save much time and money and the annoyance oC the iron stlc- ] ing. Defiance never stlcls. Reputation is what others know . . about you ; character is what yor 1 ' " know about 'oursef. ] Sensible Housekeepers will have Defiance Starch , not alone because they get onl'-thh'd more for the same money , but also because of superior : - 1'101' ' . quallt . . , . Every real scepter of power comes Prom some suffering III the past , " The Best Results In Starching can ue obtained only by using Defiance Starch , besides getting ounces more for same nlOney-no cooking requlrell. jr ) ( 1 , r t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMISSIONER CARFIELD'S RE- PORT ON BEEF INDU.TRY " " The report of Commissioner Gar- field on the beef industry has at last been published. It must bo some- what of a sUl'prisf2 to those wh " i\\'O been indulging in wholesale al. . ! rso 'rltlclsm upon the methods of the Chicago packers ) , us Il discloses ; facts and figures which clearly show that the great fool ( producers have been innocent of the serious offenses with which they have been chal'lcd. 'rhey have been for a long time accused by ! newspapers all over the country ot extortionate prices dl1Janded , and obtained - tained , of depression of values of cn t- the at the various stockyards where their business is conducted , of enormous - mous profits wholly disproportionate to the capital employed , and , In general - erul , of so carrying on their business that the public , under an organized system of spoliation , were being robbed for their I exclusive benefit. \Vo Hnd now , however , that not a single one of these charges has been ! sustained but , on time contrary , that rigid and searching In-.estlgatlon , officially - ficially made , has resulted in complete - plete acquittal Instead 0" ' extortion It Is shown that no industry : con bo found where so narrow a margin of profit prevl1l1s- the actual records and original ! en- tries , to which the coutnmissloner hud free access , showing that the high- est net profit any of the packers made on their sales of beef was two and three-tenths per cent In HJ02 and in one Instance that the profit realized In 1904 was one and eight-tenths per con t. The variations In the marlwt prices for cattle are exhaustively treated and no evidence of any l\lnd was dls- covered , or even hinted at , tending 10 show that values of cattle are In the slightest degree Improperly affected or controlled by packers at any of the chief centers of time industr On the whole , the report completely dissipates the prevalent Idea that great fortunes are being amassed by illegal and Improper methods em- , plo'ed by western packers , showing ' that notwithstanding the high prices for beef prevailing In 1902 the busi- ness was less remunerative than ill years characterized by normal values , both for cattle and product. He says i . . .that the year 1902 , instead of being one of exorbitant profits , as has been commonly supposed , wus less profitable - able than usual. In fact , during time months when the prices of beet were the highest , some , at least , of the leading packers were losing money on every head of cattle saughtered. ] , It was not possible to advance the prices of beef in full proportion to time , great advance III the prices of cattle i at that time. " After all that has been written re- fleeting upon the great business interest - terest engaged in the marketing and distribution of the product of one ot the greatest of our national Indlls" tries , It Is gratifying to all fair minded people that the prejudiced attacks upon It have failed of verification ; and the great western packers may bo congratulated for having passed through such a searching and thor- ough official investigation unsmlrched. The results of this Invest Igatloim , based as it Is upon exhaustive data , officially : obtained and verified by United States government experts , must be accepted without hesitation , as time Investigation was made under circumstances that guaranteed complete - plete accuracy with a possible dispo- sition Indeed , to arrive at entirely ] different results. Beauty is not always skin decp. It Is often painted on the outside. TO CutU' A COLD IN ONI HAY Take LaIiI1llrolllu llulullI" 1'1I1Jcld. ) All .Irll ; ; ' II"IB i refund tIll money If It falia to curc. E. W. ( Orovo' signature I. uu each IJllx. 2.c. The ballet might commie ' under the hend of "figured goods. " I do not believe PI'io's Cure for ConsumptIon has an cquul for coughs 1111I1 cohl < ; . -Jou ' l , : a1'rintty Springs , Iud. . Fell. Iii , 1X111 ] No man is a bore who talks to you about ) 'oursel r. Do Your Clothes Look Yellow ? Then use Defiance Starch ; It will keep thtU1 white-IG ounces for 10 cents. The very art of life , so far as I have been abe ] to observe , consists in forW tud and persc\'erance.-Walter Scott. I - - - - e r I el Q = ; c " . - Handln ; ; ! Out i1 Strong Hint. "Sar , Doc , " Inslnuatell the mun who was trying ; to get n little free medical advice , 'SltlJllo ln you had u case of chronic lIysl1Opsla , now ; whut'd you consider the best course to pursue \ ? " "Woll , sir , If I hall sitch U cuss I should treat it according to nmy JlI'O- fesslonal ability , and then charge what I believed a fair fee. Do I malw myself paln ] ? " - - - - Too Much of a Celebration "I saw henpeck \ ] to-day IUIII ho was I very much under the infhlenco of I drink , " 1'e11la1'\Od ] Nagget. "Weil there's some excuse for him , " replied 1\I1's. Nagget. " 110 lost his wife last ] wee ] , . " "I lmow , but a man should be able to celebrate ] without mallng 1\ hog of I hlmself.-Philadephia ] Prcss. - - - Avoiding Extravagance. ] 1r. Blbets-Now ] , Ill' dear , I'll tell you how I happened to get homo so lob o if 'ou'li only listen. Mrs. ll1bets-All ] right. Turn off the radiator before you begin , will ) 'ou. Mr. Diblets- Whu. . ' for ? 1\lrs. Diblots-Oh , it seems so extravagant - travagant to have stellm and hot air both going at once. - Her Mirror. "I'll take that , " said the mini , indl crating a f ; 1I\'er-mounted hand glass , "and I want you to engrave on it : 'From .1. J. B. to 1'h'lIIs. ' ' "Very well , " replied ho I salesman ; " \'e'll put it on the haul here- " "Oh , no , put it around ] the edge on the f'Ont. ! I want hel' to see It.- Phlladollhia ) Press. - - - - Didn't Hear Him. Miss De Style-1\lIss Eemiwil lost several thousand dollars last week In colton. Miss Gltnhu8ta-I didn't know she speculated. Miss Do Style-She 1I0esn't ; but she hall her cars stuffed with It when that wealthy young ban\CI' ] asked her to marry 11im. - - - Under Suspicion. "What do you think of that college professor ] who says he never 1lssolI Ii girl ] ? " "Posslhly , " salll Miss Cayenne , "it is the simple confession 01' an unworldly ! . ly I soul ] ; and then again , it may bo a very sly way of allvertlsln ! for bids. " A Gentle Touch. 1 . . C ' -1 o I ,1 1 M. 4 1\.1'5. oodthhl-Hel'r.'s ! ' some pie , but you got a dinner from me yes- tc.rdar.Vh 1I0n't you learn ] sonic trade ? 'l'ramp-I have learned one , ma'am. J'm a retouchel"-St. Paul Pioneer Press. Needed Money. De St 'lo-Was the Dulce on his lenees when he proposed to Miss 1\1111. yins ? Gunbusta-No' on his IIppl'rs. \ . .I. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NERVOUS [ HEADACHE [ MARRED A YOUNG WOMAN'S IiAP- INESS rOR SEVEN YEARS litter . fm I'"cl \ \ 1h \ Hier NClI'ln 1)nIlit " , nail 'J'hr"nl"II.t III ( 'nil" 11"1' Itlllh'fI- nu ttt--lion. Silo \Vn" :11\,1 B\'lll' ' ulr'l'ol' from llen'ous hl'lHlllcho ImowH how l'OIl1l'll\IlJ ' ] ' it unfits / 01lU for tine IlutIoH 111111 ( iIt'aKUres ' of 11 fl' . AllY lit t.111 oxoitmlll'll t , or ovo"l'xort.ioll : , (11' it ' - regularity brings if on. SOlllolimos the pllill ) is O\'lJl' t hn whole hl'llIl. Agnlll it is 111\0 nail tll''en into the brain \ a \'en , or a wOllgo splitting ' it open , 01' a halld ight.- I ( "dllg about if. At OliO time it is nil ill the top of Limo hellll ( , nt another it ili all lit the huso of the Hl\1l1l. Most hOlldllehos clln ho traced t to t H01ll0 faulty shut o of the blol. ( ( 'VhUll the blood ] is scanty 01' charged will poison , null ( the miurvoyare itlllJlJrfect lIoll'lshcII ! IUIII the digestion wellle , OliO uf ho I COlli- mOllest l'C/Hllts / is frcquont HIIIl 0\01'0 hellllac\1el The 111)10rtllnt ) thing Is to get rid or the diseased Comililioll I or the blood ] hilt t causes mho it t tuck by t hu use of a rUlllelly that will do the wOl'1c IJlliol\l ruin ( i thoroughly.Vhut ] I I , is that 1'01ll01ly ? 'l'ho ' oXlIH'lellco ] of Miss Ellen 1\Id\OIllIll fUl'- nislwlI time IIIISWOI' She mays : I " ] nor lllOro than } seven yens : ! I was IL great sufrerer fI'OIIIIIOI'\'OUS hOllllllollo Hllil dizziuel\s. My sloINlcll'wits > ) dlHol'llm'ml , 111111 I lIocallllJ HO restless ! that 1 cool(1 ] mot \ sit still any length of imo. t Dizziimesy : illtorl'lIpled 111) ' wOl'lc grcall At first ho I HttllelC ! were not /IOI\l\'I'I' e , but they gl'lHlulIlI gl'OW 11101'0 violent , amid flllal1.r hocame HO 1ICUtI I that I way Oil the point of re1illquiHhiIlJ ; my 1IIolllhl'l'l'1l1il1 ill mho : lin'ul'ollt organization ! : ! to which I ho- 101l CI1. " . " What saved you front that necessity ? " "A very simple ] ] timing ; thu clIII of a I tIIClllhCl' uf OIlU of time Clllh-l : , wlIo strongly ] advised mite to fry t Dr. \Villiumn / ; ' fink : Pills before giving . I acted her ) up. 011 sugges- lioll ut onC0,1u(1 ufler ttollllily using this t great blood IUIII Ilon'o romcdy for t.wo l . . 111011thg I , my headaches ] ! Hnll lilY lIi zl- IWIiIOU ! timely ( lil'llJlIWI\l'oll. Miss : l\tcK'uua is secretary of the AI\Hocillltcl ! Lllllies' Guild , nod resides lit No. . \VaIL/il.rel1t. t , Hoxhlll'Y , l\IHSH. 1)r. Wi1IilllIlH' link Pills 1111'u HIred mummy hint ' beds or fiimilHr ruses ! , maid emit hu coufluently ] rec0mmimemidetl to drive nil loiwlIS from the blood HIIII to gi\'o needed } strength to the U01'VCS. Every druggist keeps thelll. Alan wants hilt little hero helow- and that's about all he ) gets. DISFIGURED DY ECZEMA. Wonderful Change In a Night-In a " Month Face Was Clear as Ever -Another Cure by Cutlcura. "I had eczema on the face for five months , during which time I wits In the cure of lh'slelo.1l1l. ) : 1\1) face was so disfigured I could not go out , and Il was going from bad to WOl'se. A friend recommenl1ed Cllticllrn. 1'ho first night after I washed my face with Cutlcllra Soap ) , and used CutlCUI'll Ointment IInd Hesolvent , It chnnfJd ! wOIllIl'fully. From that day I was able ] to go out , and in a month the treatment had rernQved ) all scales and scabs , amid Ill ) ' face was as clear as ever. ( Signed ) ' 1' . J. Seth , 317 Stngg Street , Brooklyn , N. Y. " Hope ) Isn't much good unless it is backed UII by hustle. Important (0 Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOnr\ , A safe and sure remedy for lutant.l and children , and lieu that It . : ( ; : = , -I2.,4- , . lJ1 Uw For Over 30 Years. The KInd You have Always Uought. It's too suggestive if the hangman walks with a swing. Try One Package. If "Defiant'e Start'll" doe mint please you , return It to ymmr ( lt ] ' 'IIJer H It does you set one-thlrl1 more for the smumn'm mOIJr. ) . . It will give you mtlsfuctlull and will not stick to tile 11'011.