The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 24, 1905, Image 10

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In All Parts or the Unitd Btntes Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
USB E1fccWd Similar Gurel.
Many wonderful cures of female ills
arc cuutinually coming to light whIch
have been brought about by Lydia K
l'inlchnm' Vegetable Compound : , and
r t
{ 'E
+ Y.t
44r [ 'an nie D. Fox t'
through the advice of Mrf Plnlcham ,
of ' . ) 'lIn. 'hu.s. , which Is given to sick i
wOlllen nhOllltd ! free of churgo '
Mrs l'inlha01 has for many years
rlllule fL study of the ills of her sex ;
she has ! consulted with und advised
thousands of suffering women , who
trlav owe not only their health but
even life to her l.dIfnl ) nh'ice.
'Irs Fannie 1 > , Fox of 7 Chestnut
ntn'ct Brac1ford.l'n. , writes
Dear MI" ! ' . Pinkham : -
" I Itulreml for a long time with . womb
trouble . filill flnally WILl told ! by my ph . . "Iclull
flint I hn.ll\ tumor 011 the "omh. 1 slid nut
. . want to lIIhllllt to /In operation W wrote von
for 1\II\'k. I received 1 your letter and ! did as
you told m" , 1111,1 to lny I not completely
( , ' , 11 ror I. My clu.tlJr : slays tin tumor has III'I\p-
1" Kutre " ' 1 , and I ant one more n well womnll.
1 h"I1\ ' i. -dirt \ S. l'iJlklllllJlII Vcgeutble Conl
pOllwl III the is U'tt medicine in the world for
. .
The testimonials which we arc con
ullltIYPllh1ibhint .rrutefulwomen
esU , h1lsh beyond a doubt the power of
Lydia r ; . I'inlhaltl's Vegetable Corn'
pound to Conlllllr femme disca es ,
- from ' form of
Women sufferingfrom any
felllale weakness arc invited \ to
prolllptly cornmllnilate with rrs.
I'inkharn at I..vnn. Mas' . She a'ls
nothing In return for her } advice. It I ! :
absolutely free . and to thousands of
women has proved to be more preclou
than gold.
1 t
- .
sue F' a 3
6 . .
't Cares Colds . l'OUUbH. Sere Throat Croup ,
1111111'117.11 , 1t hOlpln 'OtWh. Brll/whltl. and
.Uarlln. A l'c'rlulnl'1Irt. fur ron..umlllOIl 1/1 tlrht 1
ttagt ' s . and a UrU relief In 11I1\'UI1I'I',1 S'OIl' ' ' ' l" (
11 ClIll" ' . You will "l'U the C'Xl'\I"lIll'n'cI \ after
: nkllllf the IIr l-ln , . r Sold 11) drnlers ! every
dlllro. Lunt bou.e" : : ; 1:1'/11. : . and ) ICllto :
T1 16. . ST r4i
e + RS mIS TQhcE rtA.
/ % / ® WER.
/ -
i '
r/AOC P4 OLAJ O(1 vtt.L7M/
? : CL
. ! x t . UNOOP
q .1 TOWER CO. , BOSTON MA , , U.6.A
Ow .8 CANAUI. N CO. . LTD. , Tanf'NTO. CANA 1A.
CURES Clit.1rrh of the stomach.
, \
Falls City Tribune :
The occupation in lICe of some pee
1)10 lIS to badger the hus ' .
Russian students seem to have an
exciting substitute for the American
cane rush.
The New Orleans States asks "Arc
we' paupers ? " No hut some of us are
newspaper men.
The Philadelphians are the cham-
pIOn optimists They have taken to
praying ( for their ma 'or.
Somebody ought to ask Dr. Osler
now how long he thinks a woman
ought to be allowed to live.
A German count has eloped 'with a
hop girl. This looks like n' direct
Itsult I to American heIresses.
According to a French expert
ughlng wIll cure 'sJepsla. ( Comic
papers will lIpase ! make n note.
Dr. OHler may observe that there Is
no lack of youthful vim In the way the
sexagenarians are getting had at him.
Rockefeller IH going to build a new
I mIllion dollar home. But will he take
a million dollars' worth of comfort
Iin i It ?
I The bureaucrats mar have put out
this story about the strike of the servant -
ant girls just to get American sym-
path ) ' .
The courts have notified John H.
Platt that them is nothing In the law
to prevent a man malting a fool of
.John L. Sullivan mar , as reported
have lost his voice , hut he Iii still able
to knock audibly on the table for what
he want !
Heirs of that Brooklyn beggar who
died leaving $400.000 are manifesting
a warm hut belated Interest In their
roar relation.
Some of the London papers arc just
nr"w discussing the great American
" " would
newspaper "scare-head They
better imitate then
The nitroglycerin trust seems to
have been organizing successfully , but
It would appear to be In danger of going .
Ing up at any moment.
- -
Venezuela has SUSllCJllled the duty
on beans and Boston IH earnestly In
favor of the widest possible extension
of the reciprocity principle.
HmHell Sage says he saves one-
fourth of his Income. Rigid economy
like this Is what has kept the wolf
from Uncle Hussell's door all these
This seems to be an appropriate
I time 10 mention Ihn facet Ihat the late
I Di . Keeley's specific for the grip was
at-afoetlda pills. Still , If I YOU prefer
the grip -
Man Is an eccentric creaturc If
green were the color of the ordinary
carnation probably some horticulturist
. . . , mild he sitting UII nights trying to
evolve It pink ono.
I A forger who was caught last week
, long escaped detention because he hall
n clean shn ve. Some other offenders
ought to take the tip and try the ef-
feet of clean wash.
That French editor who plainly
st'PS the United Slates In the net of
, Qzlng ! ; ! the French West Indle:5 should
nol vent his rage on " 5. This country
. decr not export any u.bintho
s This Pretty
- Girl Saved
i7D . From
' Catarrh
; . of the '
L.ungs By
r i = Pe-ru-na.
- - - - " ' -
Miss Florence E. KorJah , .t34 Maria street , Ottawa , Ont. , writes :
"A few months DO I caught a severe cold , which settled on my lungs and remained -
ma/rlcd there so p 'rsistcntly that I became alarmed. I took medicine without
benefit , until my digestive organs became upset , and my head and back began
to ache severely and freqllPnt/y.
"I was advised to try Peruna , and although I had little faith I felt so sick that
I was ready to tryany/hlng. It brought me blessed relief lit once , and I felt
that I had tile right medl Ine at last. Within three weeks I was completely
restored and have enjoyed perfect health since.
"I now have the greatest faith in Peruna. Florence E. Kcnah.
The cold wind
WOMEN SHOULD and rain , slush
BEWARE OF allll reel of win-
CONTRACTING CATARRH. tt'r are especially
conducive to catarrhal -
tarrhal tierangerneii Few women
ITpon the first symptoms of catching
cold I'crllna should be taleen. I t fortifies
the sj'stem against colds and catarrh. for Colds and Catarrh.
'rhe ] following interesting It.ttergives
, one yonIlgS'or11:1t1 s experience with
Miss ; ROSH Gerbing a popular society
woman of Crown Point , nd. . writes :
' -Recently I took a long drive ill the
country , arid being too thinly clad 1
caught a had cold which bottled on my
lungs and which I could not seem to
shake oir. I had heard a great deal of
I'eruna for colds and catarrh and 1
bought a bottle to try. I dent pleased
that I did , for it brought speedy relief.
It only tool about two bottles , and I
: ollsider this money well sIJt'nt
I "YOIl have It firm friend in me and I
Dot only advise its use to my friends ,
but have purchased several bottles to
give to those without the means to buy ,
and have noticed without exception
that it has brought about a speedy cure
wherever it has been used. " -Hose
.Oerbing. . Contains No Narcotics
One reason why PermHL has found
permanent use in so many homes is that
it contains no narcotic of any kind.
Pcruna is perfectly harmless. It can
he used any length of time without acquiring -
quiring a drug hahit Pcrnna does not
produce temporary results. It is perma-
nent in its cirect.
It has 110 had effect upon the system ,
and gradually eliminates catarrh by removing -
moving the cause or catarrh. There are
a or homes where PerUlllt has
been used off and on for twenty 'ears.
Such a. thing could not be possible if
Peruna contained any drugs of a nar-
cotic nature.
Address Dr. Hartman , President of
The Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus ,
All correspondence held strictly con-
fiden tial.
- - - - - - - -
Facts Are Stubborn Things
V'niform excellent quality for over a quarter of a
century has steadily increased the sales of ION COFFEE : ,
Tile leader of all package coffees.
Lion Coffee -
is now used in millions of homes. Such , ; - , . ,
popular success speaks for itsclf. It is a /
positive prool that liON COFFEE has the -
Confidence Or the pecpe. ,
The uniform quality of LION
COFFEE survives all opposition ,
LION COFFEE keeps its old friends and , ' . , ,
mukci new ones every day. f
F ' L'p,4
l cy
has even more f l
than Us Strength Flavor and Qual-
Ity to commend it. On arrival from . .J
the plantation U is eure1uUy l'Ollst-
cd at our factories 8d : securely
packed in 1 lb. scaled packages cI
and not opened again until needed f
for use In the borne. This precludes
the possibility 01 adulteration or contact with germs dirt
dust Insccs or unclean hands. The absolute purity 01
LION COFFEE " is therefore guaranteed to the consumer.
Sold only in 1 lb l . cknges. Lion-hen on every package.
Save these LlOu-hl'u for valuable premiums.
. WOOLSON SPICE CO. , Toledo , Ohio.