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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
- - - - u _ _ . . . . - - . _ - - - - " : THE FALLS CiTY TRIBUNE Published Every Friday at li'ALLS CITY , NEI3RASIcA Br TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. . - " . . \ \ I : ntet'cd as sccond-ctasi : matter , Janu- ary 1:2 : , 190 . tat the post : oniceat balls City , Ncb. , under the Act of Congress of March J , 189. . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ONg DOLLAR Pl ; R ygAH Telephone No. ' : ! 2 ( , . THE CHICKEN : BUSINESS. Hank Shaw and Clay Davis arc g'oinginto thc chkkl'll husincss. . God pity thcm ! Hank has laid - ' - -'r'- asidc his fishing tackle ancl Clay has turned his work ' over tu thc dcvil , while the two spend their ' days over poultry magazines : and incubator ac1\'crt'semcnts. Time . . - was when wc too had the fc\'cr. \Ve ) knew more about incubators and brooders than about any , , - other subject. Visions of profit made a standard oil cl \'ic1cnc1 : look like thirty cents filled ] ] our uneasy c1rcams. The first time \ thc incubator was started wc had hard boiled eggs as a result. The next time hc lamp went out and the eggs froxc. Whcn wc clic1 get a hatch , half of thc chic : s developed diarrhoea and . the other . half constipation. Our time was divided between calomel pills 't and cheese The brooders got , -J ; , full of lice and Wl' painted them with lice killer anc1 killed fifty ' ' ' /4' . ' chicks ill one nig-ht. \Ve built a \ . ' \ chicken house with glass exposure - urc on the south and thc hail and the winds came , al1c1 thc house was as one built on thc sal1c1. At thc end of the season we had spent : over two hundred dollars and had twenty-five chickcnstwo incubi tors and three brooders to s how for our moncy. \Vc sold . the whole outfit / for thirty-fivl' s' 1" dollars-on timc--and thc debt is outlawcll.Vc never had thc nerve to ask the purchaser for , thc mOnCY. This is 110 joke eithcr. , . . . . . . - = -c " " " a.- FIELD MARSHALL OYAMA. . , Russia ! says Oyama' is thc Na- ; ' : polcon of .1apan. Japan says Napoleon - ' - ' polcon was thc Oyama of l ranee. The great Russian army 011 thc . bleak plains of Manchuria has been crushed by thc persistence , and splendid strategy of this ' . : . . great gcncral. The unexpected 'p . happened. The man in brown is triumphant. The ashen mIst of , . . I , the passing years IS enveloping thc ussiall government , soon u shall thc shadows fall--and then the nig-ht. Russia as an absolute , 2. , . monarchy has lived l beyond its timc. There is no room for its . . yrany and oppression in thc twentieth ccntury , The time is come for it to move on. The beginning this accom- plishmcnt is thc work of Oyama. ' . Not alone in the result is America pleased , but as well by the means with which thc result was acr-om- pl shcd. General Oyama was t ) . , - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . . - . - educated atTest Point and Anna- polis , being a g-raduatc of both institutions , His wife is a graduate - atc of Vassar : college in New York. The plan of battle was "by the left flail , march , " amid such was the plan of General Grant in thc wilderncss. Time army of the Potomac was one of the mlmightiFt in all time. Yet , until 1 Grant took its i t ; command - iii and , it mct a succession of disastrous ! : - trous defeats In the wilderness . but t one order 1 was given-"b } ' the left flank , march. " Lee was slowly driven back. Day hy day he retreated , struggllug , fighting with courage and dcspair. Time plan of battle revealed itself to thc great southern general .tn(1 ! hc . said : "At last thc army of the I Potomac has a corn in an ( her. " Out on the wind swept fIats of Manchuria is an army of "littlc brown mCII , " comma nc1cd by one who studlcd to learn. Tow J well he learned his lesson is shown by results Just as the e'eningfell and time fJic1cringstrect lamps of -'lukdcn : were struggling with thc night , Gcncral Oyama , the Amcricanhed : Japanese , entered thc city. I wonder , was he think- ing- of thc silent wood hauler of St. J Louis ? --cr.- . . . . . . . . . . . . _ IIow Commissioner Garl cld's must burn. car , burn..v . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . A.lfl . . . John Rockefeller lid not rule in thc inaugural parade. . . . . . . . . . - - - . . . . - - . . Just thc saute , we wish that the president had not made a fed- cral judge out of that man Uua- rets \Visconsin. . - , . . . , - Thc familiar principle that heat expand , aucl cold contracts may bc clcmonstra by our coal pile but h disproved by our coal hi 11. . . _ - . . . . - . . - "The bcst rosc-bush. after all , is not that which has thc fewest thorns , but that which bears the finest roses. " . . . . - . . ? r.i1ncsota gives chewing gnus to its insane patient : We 11Otic- cc1 at thc theater thc other evening - ing- that Hiawatha has adopted thc same plan. ' . . - - - - - - - Spcaldng- of "innocuous desuetude - tudc , " what has become of one Grover Cleveland ? The duck season is at hand , but thc press contains no mention of his lll1C. . . . - If the farmcrs would join forces and co-opcratc in the construc- tion of a road drag , and in thc labor of using thc same , say for a distance of four miles , it would bc of great service \ to thc users of thc high ways , Superintendent Crocker is en- titled to congratulations on thc succcss of association and thc I joint dcbatc. 'l'hclaUcr was one of thc most enjoyable entertain- ments given in halls City this winter. IIull1uoldt always has an issue . IFt'\.i. : . - ' 1..tJt..t. - ! - . . . . . _ - - - . . . . . . . . , . . . , - - . . . . . " . . . - - . . - I _ . GETTING RICH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I - . . . - - - - - Wws . - Y/Yr. . . . ww.w/ws.N-/lYMlwww. . . . . , Some folk arc getting rich , and apparently - ently with great case. Do you see their plan ? I n many instances here it is. , They commence by laying aside a fixed portion . of their income this they deposit in the 11 bank where : it is allowed to accumttlat ; t - _ - ' _ . . _ _ . . . _ . _ _ ' _ , - - - - _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ - _ _ _ . . - _ - . . . .N. _ . - . 1 I { I-- : ALLS CITY STATE BANK Plan that will assist ; ; in , . . . II I Ins a n \ ass 5t you n your . effort to accumulate a little something for that 'rainy day. " If I interested call and t tall k it 0'er with them. . , . . - . . . . . . . . . . l . " ' " Z .sm7.W. ; ; .f U'rJHl ! : : ! . . . . I f. Its spring e 1 l'ctlOlI. Timis 1 year it is a city hall. If f our neighbor : could realize thc convenience of an attractive amid up-to-datc city hall. the vote would be unani- mous. . . . s r . . . . . . - . _ n _ 1'he United Slates ; senate ad journcd without pas in thc house bill to enlarge the power of the interstate commercc commission - mission If the senate were an elective body , wouldl1t there bc a cleaning when thc pco'plc had their inning ? - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Did you ever lUlow of a cata- log-tic house that would take your hatter nwl eggs in paY111ent of your store bills ? Your local merchant - chant often does so when he has no need of thc samc. lie docs this because he wants and appreciates - cia tes your tracle. \ \ ' hy not reciprocate - ciprocate by passing up thc catalogue - log-uc house. I . . . . . - . . - - " - 'I'he Kansas legislature has adjourned - journcc1 after a session that may become part of a nation's history. Notwithstanding it had in its membership some of the greatest of railroad lawyers , it did more W check the ch ; of corporate influence amid conduct than any similar legislature in the nation. Wonder if Kansas would consider - er a proposition - . to . - swap ? " Time News speaks of Thc 'l'ri- bunc's unfairness in its compari- sons. Wc plead not g'uilty. 'Ve , confess to a fondness for thc ! News and its editors , and fail utterly in our efforts / to recollect an unfair statement wc have ever made about that paper or its mak- ers. Time statcmcnt wc made regarding - garc1ingthc amount of pure local matter in thc three newspapers was correct , and is susceptible of \'crification. So far as quality is concerned , and about which the News speaks in such uncompli- mcntary terms of us , wc must leave to the judgment of our reacIers 'T ' ime News may derive some information as to what that juc1g-cmcnt is , by consulting thc c\chaJg-cs : , and flOlI1 them t ascertain - laill which hails City paper is quoted with the greatest fre- qucncy. . - - - - - - - - - Burlington Bulletin. Cheap one way rates to California - nia , Puget Sound and the north- west country daily until May 5th. 1 ; Low homcseckers rounc1 trip rates March 21st to eastern . Colorado , thc BigI I born Basin r ll n(1 North Platte Valley where there is i an excellent chance of getting on the ground floor : ' ahead of thc crowd and pick up a bargain in irrigated lands. If you are contcmplating- east- ern this springhctter write me for information.Vc will probably 1 hc able to offer your moncy saving - ingsuggestion" . U. Stewart : , I , . \V. Wakcley 'ickct ! ag-en t. U. P Agent , Omaha , Nebr. Chl\.l11hcrli\II\'s Colic Cholera and Ull\.rrhoca Rcmcdy Thc great success 01 this pre- aration in thc relief and cure of bowel complaints has brought it into almost universal usc. It never fails , and when reduced with Water and sweetened is pleasant to takc. It is equally valuable for children and adults , For ale : at Kcl'l's Drug Store. . - - - - - 6E0. I-I. PARSELL I M. D Corner 1St & Stone Sts. Office Hours : 8 to 10 a. m. ; 1 to 3 p. m. W. H. MADDOX REAL ESTATE AGENCY Hartford Fire Insurance Lands bought and sold Houses in city for sale f10ney to loon Telephone 178