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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
" " . ' Now and Theno 1 , , , If I Should Die To-niltht. . . If I should die to-lIluht. ' ( : : \Iy rlcllIls a ottld Ionic IItIm } ' quiet face f I , H ( ere they 1:1\11 \ It III Its rcstlllll' Mace . , AIIII them that death had left it almo'll fair , \ ' , , 1 IIdla11I1f HIIO\\ ' white 1I0wcr : llfalllsimy hair . R ' 011111 "lIlOoth It .10wlI with tearful tendcrncss , ' ' And fold 11ty halld with lingering rare , . " . , \ ' Poor ha uds . fill empty allil 'II cull null lit ! . . If I slwllltl diu tll'lIluhl , ' )1) friend , wOllhl call III mind with ht\ ' ing , . thmt gilt . , SOllie kindly deed the icy htJulfi hall W roughl t : Some genie ( ) rd the froze tips ( hail : salll : grralldo ; Oil \ehlch the \11111111' fret hall sped : , ' 1'lIc nlcnutry ot 1113 I'cllbhllCfiS and Ilrhlc \Iy lIasly : words , wOlllel all bc pill aside , So I shollld hI' 10\1'11 alillmllllrned tu-nlgltt. " If 1 fihllllhl die 10'lIlulll , Hearts Iatratg-d WI u d turn o ' tee more In ute , Recalling otlwr days rellwrficflllln ; - , . _ . 'I'lic eyes , lltat chill tile with a"crtl'lla.rlallcc / \ \ uttld loots upon mc as of yore pcrcllallcc AIIII soften . in the 0111 famlljar way : " ito could war w lh dumb IIlIcolIsclous cia ) ' ! So I mllfhl rest , forgiven of all l tOllhdll. " 011 ; friends , 1 pray to.lIllI'ht , Keep not your kisses for my dead cold brow-- r " --"I " " 'Pittvay lfi lovely , Il'lmc feel thcm now . 'J' ' 1'111111 , fclllly of nte , I ant travel worn ; 'ly faltering feet arc pierced with many a thorn " 1.'orul\'I' , nit hearts estranged , forgive , plead ! , Witco drctmlcoos ! rest is urine I shall not need , , 'l'lIc tenderness for which I long to'lIllfhl. < r : -Bl'lIe ) Ingrid Soul . ' ' ' Arthur \ \ cavcr was Up from Falls \VcdncF-day.-VcrcloiI . Vcdcttc. ; r I , , . It t keeps us guessing to decide which of thc two wc would rather I . ) jt be , Kuropatldn or Buffalo 13il1.- 1 . Ihiiliboldt Entcrprisc. 1 : . ' . . Martin Zook and son Harry of . halls City visited A. Zook and wife Saturday and Sunday.-Vcr- . . < lOll V ede tte. - : ' - Hon. J. P. King has been an ; , f , \ interested visitor at thc state cap- 1 i ; itl : this wcck.-Shuhert ? iti cl1. 1 I . , Mrs. Crocker and ' -little } Alice I returned to their home in halls , .city after spending several weeks with N. B. Judd and wife.--Daw- ' . . . . - - . son Ncwsboy. . Mrs. , A. ' 1 , ' . Norris returned to . her home at Falls City Sunday . ' ' ; after a few days visit'ith her < laughter , 11rs. Ed Hammond.- , . \ . - . : . - ' Stella Prcss. , , A private telegram recently received - , cci\'cd by our telegraph dcpart- mcnt states that Falls City will get thc division and Auburn a new water works system and a packing plan t.- V erdol1 Vedcttc. , , 'rh'c younger Mr . Rockefeller , oilof thc Standard Oil king , is a Sunday school teacher and it is said that his favorite text is . thc warning 'keep your lamps 1 . trilIIh led and burnin'g.-Hum- . . . . v' , , . holdt Standard. , Cecil Thompson last I week had both bones of his left wrist brok- 'n by coining in too close contact with the fly wheel of a buzz sa w. Dr. \Vag-g-ener reduced thc frac- ' . tures , but it will bc Some time ) . - \ ' . before Cecil will be able to work. . s Dawson ' Ncwsuo ) ' . : A Highland young man took . ' ; his , best girl to church last SU11- " , . < lay evening and stopping at thc ' . . . ; trt(1 of one of thc back pews turn- t . cd to thc usher and said"I : guess you. can , but probably it would he . better for all concerned to wait untIl you get honH-Hob- , I11son Index : ) Grant Shubert was over from Shubcrt last Friday to' bring his wife and baby here to take the train for a'isit with' a \ ' her parents , at IIowe.Ir. . Shubcrt saS thc prospects arc good for a canning factory to be located at Shubcrt by thc Lang canning factory of l3eatrice. 1\1 I r. Shubcrt and other members of his family residing about Shubcrt together have 380 acres of orchard.-Stella Prcss. Falls City is writhing' , under thc effects of an enthusiastic rc- dvaI. Big' meetings arc held and thc good people sing and pray on thc strccts. Many or the old bums arc coining over on the Lot ( ls ' side but fcw of thc rich and proud have come . into the fold , and while there is rejoicing in heaven over thc salvation of thc vilest sinner , the man with mo.u- cy is nccdcd to pay current expenses - pcnses here on carth.-Hiawatba \Vorld. If , thc great state of Nebraska were bankrupt or not able to pro1H'rl ' maintain its state ti li- versity , there might bc some excuse - cusc for excepting money from a iii ; ! n like Hockfcllcr , but und"r . tIC 1 circumstances thc acccptancc of such a gift can only have a bad c ffec 1.- II um bold t Enterprise ! ! The Farmers Institute that was in Salem is already bearing fruit. Several of our leading orchard- ists arc ill the market for spray- ing machines tlnel will treat their orchards to a thorough spraying this summer The roads east of town have already been dragged and its to be hoped that thc enthusiasm - thusiasm will last throughout thc ycar-Salcm Index. . A GHAWJ'HR CAUGII'I' A young man giving his name ns Charles Chamberlain was arrested - rested Wednesday br Marshall Todd and held until thc follow- ing day for Sheriff Lawrence of 'Ncmaha county , who came over and took him home. The party answers thc description of one Williams , who swindled a number - bcr of Auburn people a couple of weeks since on a fake library scheme Hc will bc made to answer thc charge of obtaining money under false prctcnscs. Chamberlain arrived here Sunday and put up at thc Central hotel until forced to leave for nonpay- mcnt of dues , and seemed to bc in hard luck. lie is also wanted at Shubcrt for a small board bill and at Stella for a printing bill but it seems hc has not lone much work in this section for thc library which hc claims to rep- resent whcn at Auburn. His plan there was to sell an outfit of books for library purpos s , pock- cting thc advance fcc and failing to deliver thc bool.s. Williams finally confesses to complicity in . the frauds.-Humboldt Lca cr. - - - WHLL AMln > . 't ' here was an Indian woman in town Friday who weighed more t I than 400 pounds. She isIrs. . \ and is wcll-to-do.-Hia- 1\Iushpot ( - - - - watha \\Vorld. 'I'HUA \ BY S'1'O1V. here is a teal true baby story which is about thc ltmit. A gen- crous stork visited the home of Chas. Harncy , in Portsmouth , Ohio , and left four live I babies at one timc. All thc babies arc wcll alllI'g \'c promIse of li\'ing. ' .i ' lie aggregate wc1gh twas 18 pounels. 'rhc mothcr herself weighs but IJS pounds and the father is a man of slender build. -Hiawatha ' oriel. . MAY CO\IPHI. ; CONNlC'rION : 1'hcrc is a mp.asure pending in time legislature to compel tLc lo- cal telephone companics to con- ncct with interurban lincR so that residents of one town can get connections - ncctions with a rcsidcnt of an- ( ther. 1'his mcasurc is viewed with favor bj' time local telephone coiupany x11(1 will beyond doubt I be a benefit to every person who has a tclcphone.-Auburn Herald. - - - - - SlIOO'I'ING 'i'lAINS. C. N. , Johnston , Dmlington road mastcl' , with hcadquarters at Falls City was in town Monday - day investigating recent shoot- ing- at trains which has occurcel at or near this placc. 011 Febru- ary H at a point a half smile west of town a shot waR fired at thc rear of No. H and on l cbruary 28th as No. 42 was passing Pow- cr Bros. elevator two men or boysvcre deliberately seen to fire at thc train with shotguns. III both cases shot struck thc coaches , hut fortunately missed thc windows amid . nobady waR in- jurcd. . : ' 1'hc offense of shooting at a train is a'ery serious one and arrest and conviction carries with it a heavy ! pcnalty. Sould a person hc injured , thc party firing the shot would of course bc liable to thc extent of thc injury. The railroad company has been gathering cvidcnce and thc guilty parties need not bc surprised if they are arrested most any time as : a railway detective is a hard man to get way from. If the parties arc caught , they will be dealt' with according to law and a strict lookout will be kept l for future ofTcndcrs.-Humbold gn- tcrprise. _ _ _ 1'1I1 : ItOIWIGN MH1tCIIAN'l'R. Who s'ulpatltized with you when your little girl was sick ? , \ " as it your home dealer , or was it Scars & : Roebuck ? Who carried you last winter when you were out of a job tnd : had no money ? Was it l\Iontgomcry\Vard & : Co. , or waR it your home merchant ? When you want to raise money for thc church or some needy person in town , do you write The Fair store in Chicago , or eto you go to your home merchants ? How much do Sicgel , Cooper & : Co give toward keeping up thc sidewalks of thc town or paying thc ministers salary ? When you - were sick , how many nights did "Shiclds Hat Catalog-uc" sit up R with you ? \Vhen your loved enc was burieel was it your homc pap- CI' which shed thc tears of sympathy - pathy and offered the cheering word. or was it sonic Chicago 01' New YOlk papet ? -John C. \Vright , associate editor of 't ' he Liar , Traverse ; City , Mich. JOS'I'.ING GHAIN RA'C14S. 'l'he grain rates arc being jostl- cd up considerably of late and vary from clay tu day. 'hc } old rates , it is claimed , will hc restored - stored in a short timc. A part of the rate was restored last l\Ion- day. 'l.'hat is the rate to Arkansas - sas points. 'J'hc rerttaitiing old rates will bc put in force the first of pril.-Aubul'l1 13erald. GIVHN UP HOPI 11'8.V , H. Kcljgar ] received a IIlcssag-c from Judge lielligar , at Papa , lllinoiR , 'l'hunHay ! , stati ng that thc judge's father is g-radu- .llly sinking and there arc mho hopes for his rccovcry. ' 1 ' lhe cnd is only a matter of time hut no one can tell how long hc mar ling'cr.-Auburn Herald. Uncle 'rom Brown rctut'llcd Sunday 1Il0t'llingfrom California where hc has beets spending thc winter and is plcaf.ccl that he escaped - capcd thc unusually severe win- tcr of this scction. MrR. Brown returned about thc same time from her visit with her daughter in Kansas City.--Lcadcr. A Chicago Aldermnn OWeS His ElectIOn - hon to's Cough Remedy. " 1 can heartily and conscientiously - iously rccommcnel Chambc1'lain's Cough Remedy for affections of thc throat and lungs , " says 1-Ion. John Shcnick , 220 So. Peoria St. , Chicago. " ' 1'wo years ago during - ing a political campaign , I caught cold after being over- hcatcd , which irriatcd my throat and I was finally compcllcd to . step , as I could not speak aloud In my extremity a friend ad\'iscd mc to use Chambcrlain's Cough Hcmcdy. I took two loses that afternoon and could not ieleive' lily senses when I found thc next morning thc infla1l1at1ou had largely subsided. I took several doses that day , kept right on . talking through the campaign , and I thank this medicine that I won my seat in thc Council. " 1'his remedy is for sale at Kerrs Drug Store. Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table , Palls City , Neb. NOJtTJI No. 51 Omaha and Lincoln Express ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:25 : a m No. 53 Omaha and Lincoln passe.Jlg-Cl' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1:00 : p t1l No. 233 Local " 'reightAu- hurn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J\ 1:00 : Jlln SOUTH No. 52 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver , . . . . . . A 3:10 : a tie No. 58 Kansas City and St. Louis and Dcnver . . . . . . . A 1:40 p m No. 232 Local , Atchison. . . 10:30 : a 111 No. 220 Stock li'reig-htlIi- ' awatha . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . 1'L J:20 ! : p 111 A. Daily. U. Dqily } except unday. J. n. AlumJAgent.