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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
- - - UfRANGfU NfRVfS I DISTRESSING TROUBLES LEFT BY 81\ VITUS AND GRIP , - - - - " ' 11I1111" IIIlnloll fur Years hy Strnngo HI'I'U" flf Numbness 111111 " ' ( 'IIloWM JtI'cu\'I'r" Porr'c:1 : IIl'n1th When silo was fourteen yearn old , Mrs , Ida h Brown had St VihlH' d/\uco She finally got over the most noticcablo fcutllrell of the stmllgo aillllont , but was still troubled ) hy very uncolllfort.ahlo 6011- tmLionli , which Iho ! recently described ns follows : " Ouo hand , half ul11lY face , atHl half of lilY tongue \\'ou1 get cold and mituub. heso feelings would COIIIO on , last for about teu minuteH , l\I1d then go away , Ho\'cml tillloH It dny. Besides I would have palpitation of the heart , and uty strength woulll get HO low t lint I could hardly brcntho. , As time went 011 these Hpellli Rcpt cOllling oftener and growing \vrsu. Thu nuutbmcss WUIIIlI tjUIl1Ulitucs oxlolld ' ' half ' " hod . ( over my body. 'I how dial ' rid of them " ( you get ? "It scenlel for it long tilllO ns if I never could gut rid of then It was not until 1 . mtttSIX ycars ago that 1 I found remedy that had virtue enough hi it to reach lilY cnf O. That wnli 'YilIinIllH' ' Pink Pills for Palo Peoplc amid th ' have since , they ) \0 ell- tirely Curc(1 ( me. " " Dill it tnlco to effect " ( long a cure ? "No I I hallu't tnlwll the whole of time first box Iwforo I saw 1\ great impro\'o- 1IIUII t. So I lropton using thCIII , growing butter /\l1lho lillloulllill had liken eight boxes nllil thou I was llorfectly wo11 , told I have remained in good health ever since with ono OXCeltion. " " What vas that ? " . . " Oh I that wits when I hnd the grip. I wan in bell , under the Iloulor's care , for two weola When I got up I lllul drf'llI1fulultnoItR of dizzillCSR. I had to grasp hold of som tithing or I would fall right dowlI. I was just miserable , ntlll whoa I HIIW the doctor was not hclllillg mo , I began to take ] )1' . 'YillialUli' Pillk Pills 1Ij.l\in III n short time they t cured 1110 of that trouble too , ulIII I have never 111111 1lI1) dizzy Hpclls HiIlCC. " 1\1rH. Bt'Own lives Ilt No. 170i : DoWilt street , ; : \llltloOIl , Illillois. DI' 'Vi1linlUH' Pink Pills Ilro without IIIl equal for the rapicllllllli ( t h01'ouj.h cure of nervous pros- tratioll. They expel the poison left ill the sy step ! hy such diseases nli grip f\III1Il1'O ho I best , of tonics in Illl CIlIiOH of wCIII\ : uess. They are sold hy every druggist : ' I 1'loty does not turn It maim Into IHllty. J1nrJIt."t : Green ( Jnlon" / . The John A. Salzcl' Seed Co. , La Crosse , \Vis. , always have liolllething new , 801lle. thing \'alullble. Thill year they other artlung ! their new money making vegu talllcs , un Earliest beets Eating ; Onion. It ill n winner , : Mr. Farmer and Gardener ! ) JUST 31N0 TillS o'f1CJNU 160. and they will send von their big plant and seed catalog , together with enough seed to grow 1,000 fine , solid Cabbages , 2,000 rich , juicy Turnips , 2,000 blanching , nutty Celery 2,000 rich , buttery Lettuce , 1,000 splendid Oman ! , 1,000 rare1 luscious Radishes , 11000 gloriously brilliant lowerj. In all over 10,000 plants-this great olfer is mule to get you Lo test their wurunted vegetable seeds : : and ALL I 'on nUT 1130 I'OSTAnr. , providing you will return this : : notice , and If you will send them 2tJc in postage , the ' will add to the above a big package o f Salzcl"1I Fourth of .lu1\ Sweet Corn-the earliest on calth-10 ' dove curlier than c.ofl'cclIo'larFiritofAIIelc. : [ W.N.L' ] A dreamy religion never disturb the Ile\'l1. Important to Mothors. Psamino carefully every bottle of C.\STOn , n safe and sure remedy for \lIruut8 \ and children , and toCD th:1tt \ - " I1c:1rsthe n Ignlltnro of Cd.Aatif # ' In Uae For Over ao YClrli. 'l'o ! K11l You have 0\1\\0):1 : : DoughL It Is easy to preach contentment when you have nil the cal\c. : I . Falls City Tribune BY TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. FALLS CITY " " NmnASKA. Il's n good thing to make your mono ey last as long as It will , hut it's better ! . tor to make 1l first. A man In 13altitnore John Hoaley , takes thirty hour nnps. Orioles should ship him home to Philadelphia. If young 'oIl' Hyde had had to work hIs way up from a $12 a week job ! things might have been different. A Minneapolis paper refers to "tho aroma of the cold wave. " Watch for it the next time a cold wave comes. The alleged "Frenchman" who says that American women do not know how to walk is surely un impostor. Russian smnd dukes will not ho overburdened ! In the future with re- plies to their want ads for coachmen - - - - - - You may do some close guessing , but ) 'Ol1 can't always swear to n man's politics by the button he woars. Because a woman weeps is no sign that she Is unhappy. Site may bo enjoying - jo'lng herself snaking ! somebody else mlsemblo. I Il is reported that the public Is again buying in Wall stroot. How soon the public forgets after the blisters . tel's are gono. A Chicago woman has been granted damages of $1 for being huggod. Dave Hill will probably regard It as an exorbitant . orbltant price. - - - - There Is a man In Scotland whose beard Is over eight feet long and Is still growing. Other occupation , If any , not statod. Dorothy Russell says that the Idea . of a divorce is obnoxlol\s \ to lieu , but she must \ have ono. Cannot overcome the hereditary In11\lenco. - - - - - - - A quiet , peaceable man , who hap- Il ( ned to he hiving in Russia jnsC now might he pardoned for wanting 10 move Into another fiat. An American consul says there are some rare business openings In 1\1an- chmla. There should ho a big business - ness there for enterprising undertak- ers. Il Is an unmlstl1lmhle sign of prog- ross that the women of China arc malting a vigorous kick : for the rIght to wear their feet toS nature made them. The ! man who has sued his physician . clan for $30,000 damages . on account of a pockmarked face would compromise - Illlsc , doubtless , for a smaller sum in spot cash. King Alfonso of Spain vows that time girl who becomes his queen must be hea.uUful. . Evidently he has decided Ilot to look : for a wife among the princesses. The American woman ought to be particularly interested in Rider Hag- I gard's visit over here. He wrote a lOok once with the title "She Who Must Bo OJe ! 'ed. " The movement in favor or knee breeches Is report to ho malting considerable progress In England. The bowlegged ! men can't have much influence over thore. Two men have arrived at Monte Carlo with mechanical schemes designed - signed to break : the bank. If they are prudent , they also have return tickets to their respective homes. , . . 'I' . . . . - - - " - . , ' " . . - - - - - - , r j , There are Many Imitation of I Baker's Cocoa ! , , ' and I Baker's , Chocolate ! ; r Don't be misled by them ! j = . Our trade-mark is on every - - - ( ' i " package of genuine goods. j I ' ! . Under the decisions of several : I' lUnited \ \ , States Courts , no - 'I I \ \ other chocolate or cocoa than ; 11 , , II Walter Baker & ' Co.'s IS en- i , , & . II 'I ' titled to be sold as "Baker's Loo\dOrlhiaTradc.Muk \ C ocoa " or"Baker's Chocolate"i 1 i I Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker B Co. Ltd. ! Established 1780 Dorchester , Massachusetts 1 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America ! r ; BEST BY TEST "I 1 have tried all kinds of waterproof clothing and have never found anything at any price to compare with your Fish Brand for protection from all kinds of . . ft.L " weather. ( The nAme And Address of the ' writer of thIS unsolcIted , letter mAY be had upon ApplICAtion ) A. J. TOWER CO.The Sgnorihe Fish [ Boston \ USA. . . . TOWER CANADIAN F . . . . : CO" . LIMITED Toronto " . CanadA 1'/311 M Maire" of Warranted Wet Weather Clothing IBI WANTED Your Salesmen In this and adjoining ! : territory , \0 rlJllrl'Scllt and advertise the wholesale Department of all old . e.tl1IJ\l5I1ed \ commercial house of solid flrancinl ! tal\lIlIlJr. Staple IIl1e. Salary saroO ) per Huy { sold weekly , with expenses advanced dIrect from adquRrlerH horse lillll buggy : : furnished when l1eCeH"lIry. Wu urulHh c'en'llIhlll'uBltluli : I'crnllm- ent. Ad"'re" O. E. BLEW . Secretary , 6:12 : Monon Building , ChicaGO , 111. 'I Chicks WellUatched ' : ; ' ' Are Half Sold " To bo protltabl. an Incubator t moat Ii"teh chiao' " . average 9 r tla 1 or rtJle eggs . .et.-aood . rOllll health ohlolla thai I will live and . row to matar. I j I Ity. 'chllt's what the . SURE HATCH 1 INCUBATOR ,101'11. roM of them doln. f I A A It tXlu ) ' . Sold ou 80 aAYtl , TRIAL , with 1011,000.00 G V' "Iua Oo..aLeto. s I OperlltOtil\flth hnlfthe oil and hulrtho trouble others ' t do High 111'1'COllt1l1JO hatches hotchtJ curly . that . I \lvaond ttrow usuke . loouny. Beud chlrks are o I. . . . . j' The host broc . < Lora can't : save poorlrb..tohod ohlckens. 111.'I I tures. delivered all char . ! : os ' I1roPftld to any Q It O $10 ' lace east of the Hock , Mountains for only W + ! r \ \"rlto for froze cutnlOftDn today Loud bourn why Sara hatches wake : money whims others leer .onuy. NUIU ' ' ' ' ' . IIATt'1i INCVUA'l'OIt C'OMltANY. Clay Venter Neb. Indianapolis . hod. - - SPINAL CURVATURE Can be Cure ALSO OTl1tR DEFORIa1TIC8. I j Write or call at office for free infonna' , r ' lion. Richest teslimonials from prominent ' I incnt statesmen and physicians. Cot . suit your Family Doclor. No braces or ' wphnmicesused. Treated successfully \ hy i mail. Six ) 'cnrt ; ' cX.Jcricncc , the BlomqIst Gymaast/c / tic Ottbo dlclut. toprlghl 1901. 'NCO" . ORATID. CAPITAL .28.000.00. to TO 21 ARLINGTON BLK. . OMAHA. NEB. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. ! . , J WJNCJ1t51JR ) r : " ' : -RIFLE : ® , PISTOL CAR. TilIDGES. c O f " It's the shots that bit that count. " Winchester I , . Rifle and Pistol Cartridges in all calibers hit , that is , , : ! I ; : , , , -i/ ! , , ° I : $ f , ; ; M L. : i . they shoot accurately and strIke a good , hard , pene- ff \ : ' trating blow. This is the kind of cartridges you will get , II \ if you insist on having the time-tried Winchester make. ALL DEALERS SELL WINCHESTER MAKE Or' CARTRIDGES. , j i \ or store ' $ Mlcted I eyea. nseYhampson ! I f I Ey . Waist taints 1YHEsE All ILSE ( AILS. 1lcst tuuuh : drrup. 1'ustus good. Use BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER . : ( CURES catarrh of the stomach. I