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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
tm.f . . - _ _ _ . - . . H. ' - . . - . - - _ _ : . - - - : - - . _ . . - - - - - - . . r/f AM- 4 : ' * Nh'A # : i # .AA 1.\ bfJ. j ( tjf ; ; -1it f 4tM ; / : r L ANNOUNCER1ENT = - , : Il T.m = M FOR = [ iRf SHE YEAR 1905 = , J I : , Nlnttings . better than ever. The Spring line now coning ! in and , : at prices always the Ic\vest. We have just received 1,000 ) yards of t' t # ' , - ? ' i Japanese [ fat. tings that \ve will ! sell as n leader at 25c per ! yard. Thisf f ( f ; grade always brings 35c in other stores. You will do veil to anticipate ' I - . ' your needs. The war has shortened the supply and when this is gone : ' we cannot : duplicLte. " . LAP : : , \Ve will carry a fuller line of Carpets this spring than usual. . .M 'i/.fi : ' ; t @ . : r : . Kee'l this in t11ind. .Ve are in a situation to save you n1o11ey. All Carr r ' t . : pets sewed on our own nHLchines. \Ve can give you an ingrain Carpet I i _ : : sewed in 20 minutes after Qrder. This is n great benefit to farmers : , and " " f ( . i ! over others prices costs you nothing. 61 ( r. 'I' " ; ; J . I The Furniture line is to be better stocked than ever and n Inure ' i ; , varied line to select fro111. \\le pay freight } anywhere in the county. _ tf % . Lnce Curtains during this > ' sp'irzgvill : be sold at a sacrific I : .j\ ' Our hi1Ventory discloses have an overstock. We solicit your . continued IJntronage. ( : tr. , . , . . . . . . . . A r. ; : . : \ m f.F f' ; : " ' 7' 2Ef-r'5 + a J S : l1a'a. L .r 1 a n + , ; .f \t : + ' : "i.r v-t i. " ; ; "ii ? tif.f'.EX11"Jitm ; ; ' : J , , . . ; r.\ : REA\FS ; & ABBEY : f. , 1 " 1l . : /'J I i LW , , FALLS ; CTY : , NE3RASKA ' . ' = WJ < t = = a c = = . \1. 9 'AA .f M ; ; " : ' , 6it'J'.f ? J " ; $ ' 5. $ ; ' ' : : : 1 rJlf"J. ? 1'5 tj - - . . - - - - - - - - - u - - 1 - - - I Educ < c tionJJ ! Vepart1nt'f7J.t' ' Coduclcd bJ' CountJ' .5'upt. Crasher I - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II I I . s. E. N. H. A. I 'l'hc Somh-eastcrn Neb. Edu- cational Association win 1.Jc held . . in Beatrice March 29 , 30 and 31. . - - It is hoped that thc schools of our county . . will arrange to have their spring vacation at this time. J very teacher who possibly can should attend this mecting. Fol- lowing arc some of the announce- I "cnts ; Nehrasl a' : ; School exhibit at the St. Louis Exposition will 1 be sent to Beatrice fur this meet ing'j lonta1e } Flowcrs , the great impersonator will 1.Je with uSjProf. ; Erwin Hinckley Barbour will give his latest lecture , The Scenic West , " on Thursday c\'cn- lug , March 30 ; thc annual school debate will be held on Wednesday evening , March 2 ( ) . It will be an evening of tremendous cn th usi- asm. One and one-third rate on I the certificate plan has been ) i : ! . : gran ted. It is hoped that Richardson - ardson Co. wIll be well rcprescnt- cd. - - . . . - Supt. J. A. \IcLean of South . Omaha endorses Jim-Supt. Geo. Crocker-D Sir : ' I have just received a program of your March 10th meeting. It is a good pro- grant and interests mc. I want to say on that 'Lesson in Citizen- ship" that Jim did do rig-ht. . 'l'here i : . a principle involve in , this which underlies thc very foundations of society and it is i too generally ig lored. People fail to distinguish between tattl- ing i l universally hated ) and the giving or' proper testimony to protect society. Program is good through out. VCI'Y truly J. A. McLean . - - - - - - The pupils of Dist. No. 5 gage a Washing'tom birthday program on the e'eningof. . Fcb. ? 4. A box supper followed in which we realized : $13.95. The money has been used in purchasing books for the li1.Jrary.Ve have now about 160 volumes in our library. In spite of bad roads we had a full house and a good social timc. See cditor' - account uf debate on front page. . - - - - - 'j'H , \CIIlWS MgI"1 : ' ING. ' 1'he regular spring meeting of the Richardson County Teachers association was held in Falls City Friday evening and Saturday Iarch 10 and 11. The program was carried out as announced. Thc principal feature of thc Fri- day e'cningprogram was the third annual Richardson county inter high school debate , which - - - - - - - - - - - - - , was a grand succ 'ss. I We regret that we do not have space to speak of each topic and discussion 011 the Saturday morning - ing at lid aftcrnoon prog-ri ms. I itch subject was ably pres 11ted. 1'he debate concerning Bill and Jim , a leson in citizcn-ship was yer } ' earnestly discussed and it seemed that the majority thought Jim did 1' g-ht. The round tattle t was very in- terestin ' . Each teacher told of sqmething" lie had clone to increase - crease the interest in his school. I It was nearly five o'clock when we adjourned. Fullolle hundred - dred teachers and man\ ' visitors ! ' attcnded the meeting's. the : next I meeting of association will be held during the institute August I i tlI 12 inclu i\'c. The following resolutions were read ; and adopt- ed. hcrcas. The Richardson county teachers association in Falls ' City assembled , wish to show their appreciation of the I11Jspitali and' g'ood will shown . them by the people of Falls City , . be it. Resolved That we most heartily - ily thank the judges for their ser- vices and all those who so kindly assisted to staking the inter-hig.h school debate a success. Bc it Resolved , That we extend our thanks to the hoard of education of 'a11s City for the use of the building in which wc asscmblec } And bc it further Resolved , 1'hat we extend a vote of thanks to Supt. Crocker I - - - - - - . - - - - - for 11 is unlirinK efforts in adva u- cing the cause of education in l icha'lsln ) count ) ' . \Vhereas , \Ve belcive the time has collie when it is almost I1n- pussible for a person with only a cOlllmon school education to at- tain markcd success , inllllcnce / and w'aIth in our country and Whereas , It is the duty of our state to give equal rights and justice to all classes of citizens putting into effect our state mot- to "Equality Before the" ancl Whereas , \Vc believe that eighth i grade graduate from country schools are entitled to have the saute chance to secure it high school education as eighth grade graduates from high school districts and hercas , \Ve bele'c if such equality , of opportunity for secur- ing- a high school were granted , attendance at our high schools would 1.Je doubled several times and our whole public schools sys- tem wonderfully strengthened and far better systematized there- fore be it . Resolved l , That we snot earn- estly endorse House Hall 170 pro- viding for free attendalce } at high schools and that we most earnestly urge our legislators to do everything within their ppwcr to secure the passage of this measure , Resolved , That copies of these resolutions be sent to our comity and state papers and to our comity - ty legIslators. Committee . Cora E. Higgins A. D. T..arrabce 'V. C. 'l'uckcr