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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
- - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - { I Fertility and Fruit Growing. At a meeting of horticulturists , Pro Ccssor John Craig , of Cornell University . ty , said : "Every modern system of cultivating . ing fruits recognizes as a first principle - clplo the right of the fruit tree to uo considered a specific and sufilclent crop under the soil , or at least to ue regarded as a crop quite as exhausting . Ing III character liS any grown by the farmor. Unless the fruit grower realizes . ' the eBsen' lzes and puts Into practice LIlli part of this principle he will full liS n cultivator of frulls. Experiments In orchlll'tling conducted some years ago at the Cornell Experiment Station proved conclusively that It cost the soil more to produce twenty average , crops of IlPljes ) limn twenty average crops ( of whenl. In other words , more fertility was extracted from the land III growing nn acre of hearing apples for twenty years than In growing twenty consecullvo crops of wheat. As /1 rule , the farmer recognlezB time food needs of the wheat plant , but too often does he look upon the UPlllo or fruit tree as a mere tenant of the Boll , und one which Is not to he regarded as a specific crop. Hllvlng recognized the I principle ) , the particular method of 01" ' chnnllng must be worked out by the fruit grower himself. This method will dOllOlul upon soil conditions and cli- I11UtO. Nevertheless , It IB safe to say that In eight cases out of ten that method which employs clean tillage for at least part or time season wlll he most successful 11. Is also safe to say .that all secondary crops In orchards are Injurious. " Shaping and Heading Trees. Ideas nnd traditions with respect to methods of cultivation and management - ment , as well liS varieties , were formerly mel'1y brought from the eastern states , where conditions arc very different from our own. The Horticultural Society - ciety begun agitating the question of adapting methOt ! : ! of shaping fruit tl eos and of pruning to our own local condillons. Members of the society began experimentlllg along this line and reporting their results at the meetings Early copies of the reports . ot' this body show that for a series of years attention was fastened largely upon the question or adopting low head ! and 1\ dense branching system for their fruit trees. A8 Il result anew new system of shaping the tree , better ' adapted ) to our conditions , has been 1e\'olol1Od. < < In the eastern states , with maritime climate , trees were given high heads , so the ground ! under the trees would warm up and so grasses , or' other crops , could be harvested under their brunches ; the trees were given open tops , and were freely pruned , so os to admit sunlight and air to ripen and to color up the fruit. As opposed to this we have grlllluall adopted In the west , where our sunlight - light Is Intense , low heads , to shade the trunk of time tree and the ground under It ; wo have adopted 11 straight , central trunk , with dense lateral limbs . and Its as protection to the tree fruit. Earlier fruiting und closer planting have been adopted as better I suited to our comlltlons.-Prof. J. C. Whitten. Strawberries on Low Land. 4 Some farmers find It dlfilcult to locate - cato a strawberry bed except au low land and therefore do not locate It at all. Such land Is good , provided It Is well drained , but very often It Is not I well drained by natural means. Strawberries - berries like \ moisture , provided It Is only properly proportioned with air and soil , and on a low place the supply . ply of water In a dry time Is likely \ to bo better than on a high Ilace. ) Minnesota has a little over 800 cret\merles. h . - - - - - - - . - . . - _ . . - - 1 t4fttY Sixteen Things In Good Butter. Some thinker leas declared that sixteen . teen ounces In weight Is nol all there is J In a pound or IJ\ltter. lIe enumer- ates sixteen other things needed as follows : (1) ( ) An ounce of wisdom In selecting materials ; (2) ( ) an ounce of precaution in the preparation of the utensils ; (3) ( ) an ounce of concentration - tlon , by which the whole mind shall he put on the work In hand ; ( " f ) an ounce of cleanliness , which needs to uo exercised In the whole process ot bllllermalelng ; (5) ( ) an ounce of deter- mnination ' which will help to overcome all dJtIlcllltles ; (0) ( ) nn ounce of prevention . \'entlon. hY which nil deleterious ) con- . _ . . n _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ciltlons will he prevented from Inter- Cering with time process of buttermak- Ing ; (7) ) an ounce of care , which Is needed at every stage ; (8) ( ) an ounce , of forethought regarding time market and Its demands , which vary as to coloring , salting and flavor ; (9) ( ) an ounce of discrimination , which is needed . ed In choosing sail , color and packages . ages ; (0) ( ) an ounce of accuracy , which means time use of the scales to determine weights ; (11) ( ) an ounce of judgment rcglll'ding the temperature at which to churn ; (12) ( ) an ounce of common sense , which leads time churner . el' 10 stop the process when the hut- 1f'1' Is In the granular form ; (13) ( ) an ounce of patience In using the ther momoter , In draining the wash water from the butter and In giving the salt lime to dissolve ; (1 ( f ) an ounce of ox tmerienCe , which alone can tell when the working of the butter should stop and thus prevent ) greasiness ; (15) ( ) an ounce of ncatness , which applies to both person and product , and also ap- plies to the printing and wrapping of tile butter ; (16) ( ) an ounce of honor , which keeps time butler up to standard . , both in quality and weight. Licensing Buttermakcrs and Cheese- makers. There Is an agitation In some of the states to license the factory UUttN' makers and chee emaleers. The object . jcct of this Is to get a better class of manufacturers of dairy products. Factories cannot bo inspected without money and money cannot be obtained from most legislatures In sufilcient quantities to make the work oC inspection , tlon errectlve. This Is a problem that Is not now. The government of the United States Ions ago adopted the ' principle of taxing everything that had 10 UO Inspected so that It would pay for the governmental work put upon It. 'rho placing of a license on the makers of huller and cheese In the factory would yield some revenue , which would go far towards doing the very work that needs to UO done. " , - , Jersey Island t.conomles. Only one kind of cattle Is kept on time Island of Jersey , and that kind Is of course time cow that has made the island famous. 'rho cows arc pastured , hilt are not allowed to run at will. They arc tied In rows , and the whole row of cows Is moved forward at on'e. 'fhe land must be carefully handled and highly fertilized 10 permit It to carry two cows to the acre , as It Is Eulel to do. It shouJd he remembered , however , that the cows are somewhat smaller than the Jersey cows In this ccuntry , as there has been a decIded increase in..r tzo of time breed since ! coming to the United States. Blights are caused by minute plants called fungi. These are vegetable parasites ) , which sink their roots Into the substance of the plants and draw nourishment therefrom. As long as the plants cnn supply more food than these parasites can use , the effects of the blIght Is not apparent. As soon as time parasites begin to use more food than their host plants supply the die , or such parts of them as are af- leaves or twigs as the case may bq fected by the blig" - . _ . .zu - - - - - - - - A6R1ftllimm . ; r L4' ' All Plants Change. One or the great truths that is bo lug brought out at the present time 11:1 : that all plants change their character . acter according to the conditions that surround them. \Vo are but just awaking . Ing to the magnitude of this possibility - ity of change. From the largest plant that wo know to the smallest that wo do not yet know nU are subject to most radical changes. This fact was empbaslzed by Professor Moore at Washington in an address recently de livered. lIe told of time experiments with bacteria that cause the nodules on the roots of leguminous plants and said that Il had been fully proved that such bacteria change their character . acter very qulcl\ly. Alfalfa seed may be planted In It field In which clover Is growing , and for some time the bacteria there , even though they be from the clovers , will not bo able to affect the roots sufilclenUy to produce the nodulos. But In the course of a few years the bacteria In that soil will adapt tmem- } selves to the new plant that has come among them and will ultimately Inoc- elate the soil with the desired species He expresses the belief that there Is but one kind of bacteria but that aU varieties are from the one lelnd. lie says the mhtalco : ! has been in not planting the desired legume on the same soil year after 'enr. If red clover docs nol do well on a certain soil It should ho repeatedly planted there so that time ground may ultimately . match' become Infested with the mln- ute genns that are so helpful to the plants. This Is In accord with the testimony of some of the "oldest" Inhaultants They speak of certain localities In which red clover would not grow when time laud was new , where now It is very easy to get a catch. It is 1re. sumed that the bacteria on the roots of some wild plant , perhaps the wood vetch , developed a character enabling It to become parasitic on the red clover. If red clover grows weakly on one plot one year , do not change It to another field the next year , but leeep I It In the same place for some years , at the same time treating a part of the field at least to a dressing of manure. - - Weights of Seed and Grains. There should he a national law regulating . ulatlng time weights of seeds and grains. As It Is , chaos prevails largely . ly In such matters. Wheat Is quite uniform In weight throughout the states , but such Is not time case with most of our grains. A move in this direction should meet with success Ccnservlng Feed and Opportunity. In Denmarlc everything is used to time best of advantage , and the grass In the pastures Is carefully fed out systematicallY uy tethering time cows in the nelds. Time tramping up of the pasture during a wet time Is not per. mllle . Only In this way 1& It possible slulo for this little country to get so much from the land that she can supply . plY her own needs and ship to other countries millions of dollars' worth of butter , cheese , eggs and bacon 'earlY. Whitewash In the Hog House Whitewash Is cheap , und there Is no reason why It should not be used more than It Is In the bog house. Whether the boards that compose the hog house arc smooth or rough , the white- wush will uo found to UO a help. It wlll stop up the hiding places of vermin . min and will tend to give a sweeter smell to the places where the hogs sta ' . In addition It adds light as does any light color placed on the walls. It shows the dirt more plainly than the unpainted boards and acts as a re . minder to the owner to clean out the ! i hog pen often. ' " l- . . , . , - . . 1. ' " . . - . . - - - - - - - - . . , 1 ' iAIii . . . v " . 1J Testing Seed Corn. . I never feel satisfied to plant seed 1 1 corn without testing It. One year In j the press of the work this was post- , 4 paned from time to time until It was too lato. Part of the seed was saved , from a field that had fully dried before I frost , and part from a field that was 1 largely green when frosted. I thought , f however , that what I saved was BO solid I Id that It would bo all right. That from the first field seemed to send up a strong stall for every grain planted , . _ - but that from the second field gave little - Uo more than half a stand , and that did not grow off rightly. ' For this year I have seed saved last ' Call from the field , more tha f thought i I should need , but afterward found _ that I would have more ground and. . , saved from the crib and shock at 1 shredding time. , I shall test samples : from the whole , but from the different i lots separately. I take two or three grains from different parts of the ear. Take 100 , 200 or more grains , according . Ing to size of lot to be tested. Put . them in shallow vessels , covering lightly and evenly so that aU shall receive - celvo a uniform amount of warmth. Keep dirt moist. This is best done by covering with glass. Set It near a stove , but not where it will bo too warm. When the first sprouts appear , turn time whole out and count ' the grains and make an estimate of the percent- " age that has germinated. Some others may start later , but I should be afraid that they would make a weak growth. ' If much less than 90 per cent have germinated , I should not like to plant It If I could do bolleI' Testing the seed Is little trouble , as one may save the grains when shelling the corn , which " , ' should be done before the first of March to be sure that the good wife will not have to help do It at planting time. Then the testing may save a lot of work in replanting when the farmer ought to be stirring his ground and . . . _ _ _ save many dollars' loss from delayed " i cultivation , weal and irregular growth , . barren stalls and nubbins ! and frost- 1 ed , chaffy corn in the fall. No farm. I er can afford to take the risl { . C. , . 1Ioward County , Indiana. Admirers of Fine - Stock. - . , One of the very first things which Impresses the visitor to Great Britain a Z . Is a strong love oC good animals , which to all appearances Is one of the bored- 1 Ital' y traits of time native Drlton. Go where you will , time same thing exists. From the very humblest laborer to I his gracious majesty the king there 13 shown a strong love for real high- class stoele. In a recent visit to the i borne at a famous Scottish Shorthorn j . breeder , whose name Is familiar to lovers of good stock in aU parts at i the world , the writer was somewhat I astonished to learn that the gente- man In question was also one ot the : most prominent business men of the . i town. Upon questioning my most ' . . t worthy host as to how he managed to ; ; - l divide his time between his city business . ' ness and his stock farms , he replied \ : "I am In my city offices only when I . . am compelled to be there , as that line of work Is very monotonous. But with my stacie farms It Is very differ- ent. I love to be there all day and to . dream of being there by night. " These ' " are the .words of one of the very greatest of stoclcureeders , and are very significant , as a love for any line of work is the very first eEsential to success.-W. J. Kennedy. " Height of Ears on Cornstalks. . . The lower the ear on the corn stalk ' . . the less likely is the stalk to be blown down by n. high wlnd. Experiments are being made to breed low cars. Seed from corn with low ears has been replanted enough times to produce a little variation In this regard. -f fJ J j