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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
- - - . Ohio. Ada Shouse was a guest of Sadie Peck , SUlHla \1 rs. 1. Peck : visited at O. A Bu1'1s Sunday. Mrs. Ia. M. Kimmcl returned home last week from Texas very much improved in health as she went there some time ago for the improvement of her health. 1d ! : : I'a'lor's youngest child is very sick. . Katie Schulcnburg' of Falls City spent a few ( lays at her uncle's thc forepart of he wrck Gao. \V. Peck and wife entertained - tained their son , E. ' 1' . Peck and family at their home Sunday. Perry ShafTer and family of Nebraska City moved into their new home last turday. Mrs. Huettner and children visited at N. Pecks ! Thursday. Mr. and Mrs : Cco. Shousc were guests at the former's brother John's. g. C. Peck of Merrill was a guest at home li"'riday l nig'ht. Alice Omara is at home again after a short visit with her sister in l ulo. Goldie Cook who has been stay- ing' in Straus\i11c for so long is at home ag'ain. Mrs. Zorn shelled corn Tuesday and delivered it to the new elevator - tor in Strausvi1e. ! Zorn and Strauss did thc work. G.V. . Pack was a guest at S. n. Kniscl r's 'l'ucsday. Edith Peck visited with her sis- tcr 1'lrs. John Wiltse last li'ridaj' , Verdon. Wm. Mohler , the Falls City I Nurseryman was taking orders for trees thc first of thc wccl The 1.0.0. F. is rapidly g'row- ing' several new members were taken in at their last meeting and more applications for the next one one.Mr. Mr. and Mrs J. U. Nussbaum visited their son , Oscar and - ' wife last Sund.tY. Harry Pcnning-ton is a good artist look at the new bank sig-n He\ ' . Chas. Bi11cr of Fullerton , Ncb. , is visiting his mother and other relates this weck. He\ Brewer was statiouel at Maple Grove this year by Platte River Conference in session at Dawson last weck. n I Mr. and Mrs. John Lccfcrs at- tendcd a wedding at Ccrlin.Ncb. , last \\'CeIL Harry Redman of St. Joe spent a few days with friends the fore part of the wcek. Chas. umphrcy went to Oma- ha last Friday. Orlando Veal is in Omaha. His wife visited in Auburn until , his return. A new Prouty Power Cylinder printing press is being placed in the Vedctte office this wcek. 'l'his new press ! ' ! was purchased of an Omaha company ancl placed in the office by their expert George 1I11rclcn. It is a fine piece of ma- chincn' and will save time and labor. It will bc a great improv- went over thc old one Mr. and Mrs. Norman Weaver and little daughter visited near halls City Sunday. Next Monday afternoon the friends of \r. and Mrs. Amos Frank are invited to thc Chris- tain church to help celebrate their Golden Anniversary 50 ycars. Lester Mayfield has quit 1 hc business college 111 Falls City to commence spring work. Will Hossack visited in town thc first of thc wcck. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Weaver were visiting in Stella on 'l'ucs- day at Dan K1'Oh , hc being a brother of 1lrs.Vcavcr , Hc was accidcntly hurt by a horse a few days ag-o. 1'om Deitrich shipped a car load of horses to Pennsylvania last Saturday nig-ht Mrs. C. 1'1. Heinzclman had some dental work lone in Falls City last Monda\ Ceo. Hall came up from thc County Sea on Monday for a short visit with his 1I10ther. Isham Hull was in Ncmaha on Monday and Tuesday at Shubert in thc interest of the Verdon mills. Mr. and Mrs. Dcitrich transacted - ed business in Falls City the first of thc wcek. \1 r5. L. A. Kinsey is spending this week in Falls City with her sister 1'lrs. 1'\ P. Evcrsolc Drs Houston and Keency per- formed an operation on \lrs. Lucas - as east of town 011 cdncsday. Miss 'l'cmpleton of Omaha } , a trailed nurse clone on Tuesday to care for thc paticnt. Mr. and Mrs. A. Zook visited Martin Zook and family in Falls City on Tuesday. 1. Hull moved 1 his family in Mrs. Scldons flat last wcck. A. \Vca\'cr and J. H. Morc- head of Falls City were up \Ved- ncsd ay. Dr. Houston was up Wednesday - day attending Ills paticnts. Mrs. [ \lcslcr has been suffering from Lumbago this week but is il11prO\'ing' Clarence Mayfield [ ! came up from Straussvi11c 'l'hursday. Clydc lxamcl of Falls City was up 'fhursday L. 14. Kinsey of Salem was over thc latter part of thc week. A. large crowd attended the debate - bate at Falls City Friday Cap Sailors.lin Swisegood , Quint Stul11pNcllie Cunningham , Ambrose Parsons , Guy \IcClain , May Johnson and Wallace Arnold attended thc debate at Falls City Friday c\'ening. . . ' " . . " . 1' 1 $ . . . , I - I New Spring G odvl. vl. .t- - - Our New Spring Goods are now in and ready . - . R + tttty : for your inspection. We have the latest cuts in . Mell's and Boys' Clothing and at Prices to suit any pocket book. Don't , forget us when you get ready for your NEW ; . ' SPRING OUTFIT. \\le can clothe you from ; p : head to toe. I , . . . . : - - - - - - - ; b i : I Winter Goods 1 We still have a few Winter Goods on our shelves and are going to close them out regard = less of cost. It viII pay you to buy these now . for next \vinter. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . . . . _ _ _ . _ . . - _ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ - - . . < w - . Fe W. Ck''eland Falls City.Nebrasla L : : : : : : : " " , J .yam. . . - - - - - - - OFF H S BASE . . _ - - - - " " ' = - - - - - - ' - - - - - I This . expression is never applied t2 , i . those who purchase . - - BASE BALL SUPPLIES14 . here. That alone is suf- ' -------f ' . j1 ) , II . . ficient to stamp them ) as L 1T ' _ l _ r ' ( u ( t people of good judgment. = , \Ve handle the Spalda . jqj ' 1 ing Line , the best goods - - ' - - , J " ; on the market. Special : 'A prices to ball clubs. Ask H RinLLss I - i _ - J . . . at our store for a Spald- pay - f ( ing' catalogue. : , - , Falls City , Neb. % y . , , . l. KING PHARMACY - - - - - - - - - - - COAL COAL'I , -'I I The Only Exclusive Feed Store in the City. en I .Aho handle all kitlll of Coal and wood ; can fill orders out .hort lIoticl' Plenty of o Flour , Ground ! Feed , Brallaml Shorts : Gralll , haled ! hay and Straw : Rock Halt ) > i5c per ewt" Pine CrUlIIIII loclc . Salt 40e per ewC" , Michigan Salt .1.50 per barrel , e 100 lb. sacks , We . . : Crushed , ' . Shells . , for Chickens . , $1.:5 per cwt" rollllli . Oil CalC $ : : :2.00 : r . , . . > . per cwt Prussian I'ratts WatklllR Stock and Poultry 1' ' < ' ' 1 < 111. Cash for Butter. C lugs and ! Poultry. O. P. HECK.I FEED FEED { . . . - . . . _ - . . . . . I