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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
e'.FR.ltE14 - IRRR R RIi Rla - - - _ . . t ; ! I I r . E , , - ' . . - . - - - - - - - - - - . . - A Blue Mark will advise lJ i you that you arc in HI' . ; \ rears for one years subScription - . . , \ . . ' ' ' ' . I i\ ; ; i SCI'lp'lon to'1'he'i'ribuiie . : : Wc would appreciate a 'f 9 ! renl ittancc. I ,1 t _ - - - - - - - - - r t Fargo 4 i John Shu1cnhurg was down : ' from Harada Sunday. I . ; John Kettcr was a largo \ visit - I I t I ' torSunda\ ' . ! \Vil1ian ; ; Stt' was down from \Vil1iams\.illc Sat urday. : \'one'Vrig-ht \ was over from Craig Sunday. i .Tulious \ValdrolT and wifcsJcnt { Saturday evening with George : Smith and wifc. gddic l Uurklallcr ; of Craig , ? ' do. \ , spent Sunday with his cousin , Leonard 'elticman. It is thc talk that Fargo is to have a new hardware store The 1''argo ferry boat is i : : in run- ilig ordcr again. i \ 7riIcyVaggoilet and l daughter - tcr Pearl was trading .with our mcrchant Saturday 'Villic Frederick and wife spent Sunday at this placc. Gcorgc Lippold and wife were in town Saturday. ; . \Villiam Simms spcnt Saturday with his sister , 1'11'8. 1\1. Simllls at Cr a h . . \ ' . Chipmlll ; spent a few days last week with William Strcckcr and family. 1\1rs. Lill ic 'I'h icm i\l1 and sister Carrie Buckministcr sold their rcsturnnt to LUC 11 Lo\'all , who took possession Saturday. Those fmlll this place who nt- tcnded he t birthday par'ts' at rue home of 1\11' lIerschlmrger Monday \ - day of the past week were i\Iiss Carrie Buckmtuister Sl\'illa ; and Olive Thompson and Gustie Nis- sen 'l'hcrc was a crowd of Corning boys over Sunday. Laura Paul was down from Falls City Sunday to visit her parcnts. Herman Sites and Jack Brinc- gar'ere li'argo'isi tors Sl1I1 < ln ) ' . Mr Bokman was down from Barada Sunday visiting his sister Mrs. Fischer. Len Walters wag down from Corning Sunday looking after busi ness. The Fargo young folks attended - ed thc dance at the home of'John Krusor , Monday nig-ht. All re- port a good timc. Mr. Henry Hcrscilburg-er and sister Carrie were in town l\lon- day. day.Mrs. Mrs. Annie Smith visite(1 relatives - th'cs in the country Tucsday. A. ParIsh caste over from Craig \Iot1lay. Frank Simms went duck hunting - ing Monday and cattle in with a' number of wild < 1uc1 s. - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \V ill in l11svillc. Mrs . B. inerfehlt t , (1ra11(1inl ; Dunn and ; 1'\r8. \ I . Ducrfeldt are numhered a1l10ng' those on thc sick list. 1.i . Dunn left 1'londa 11101'11- ing- to redone his work in thc Harada ; : choo1. .1\11' . Dunn has impl'o\'cd g-rcatly thc past 'eel ! , but has nol entirely rcco\'crcd. Byron Dunn assisted his uncle with his work thc past wcck. N. Faller one of our most in- dusll'iow ; farmers has a new wind mill erectl'(1. 'Phc far1l1cl's arc out bright and early these cold mOl'l1ings break- : . ing' corn stall.s. A great number of our house wives are ting'tLcir friends in to help theta sew carpet rag-s. quill : \nd discuss thc topics of the da\ . 1\1' Con deiit of Colu1l1bus Ohio and his sister \Irs. Mills or Stella - la spent several days the latter part of the week \ 'isitingwith Mrs. N. J. Dillin. \Ir. Knisely spent \Vclncsday ( evening at the home of H. J. ll11ii11. * ' 'l'he teachers rcading' circle met 'Thursday : : evening at the honk of 1.1. Dunn and discuss- cd Chapter X. Thc next meeting will be held at Harada \Vedncs- day c\'ning' and . : chapters XI and XII will be disctlssel . : : Ins. Ira Dunn daughter Nellie and son Byron and Myrtle Isabel spent Sunday with the hatters parents near St. Veroin. Katie einl.e who has been staying with her brother has \1'- i turtlcd home to help his sister with the string work Nellie Dunn attcnded ( the teachers - ers association at Falls City Sat- urday. Rulo. i Sonic of our hunters arc bagging - g-ing' a g'ood many ducks Prof. French attcnded the the teachers association at Falls City Saturday and took in the debate Friday e\'cning" Mr. 'l'imsley moved into the Louirederick . property Satur- da ) . . day.A A large delegation of Rube school people attended the high school debate Friday night. Special - ial railroad rates were obtained ant a permit to ride the freight I I train home. livery one seemed to enjoy thc trip and also the fact that HitlO'S debater , l\fch'a Kern won third place. Grandma Frederick lied at her home here Friday at an advanced ag"e. The funeral occurred at tIC Catholic church Saturday and interment was made in the Cath- olic cemetcry. \lr8. Frederic ] was perhaps the oldest resident of Rule at thc time of her death and leaves many children , grand children and great grand child- . - - - - I'CII 1 to 11101ll'n her losg serious acc t1cIIl Ii pcned to the two year old child of Moses lr \ rederick Sr : : : turda } . Her father h.u1 . been load 1ing' shells preparatory - tory to roing' hunting and tllc little one picked up one of thcm and l struck it with a hammer causing it to explode. It tore j thumb and fore linger of thc I right hand away inflicting' a serer - rervotlnl. . The injurcd 1\1 \ < . ' SC-I her is doing as well as could be I expected Notice t 1 Creditor I III tilt" COllllty Court of 1' IcltnrQxnu County , \etrrastat t ! 111 tll ' mailer of the estate ! of nUII'rllll' ( I Ihanilct .h'c'ao.1. It I" I'r.l'r,1 ! hy the COUl'l that tilt ! 111I1 11111111'11 for creditors 10 fill' clallll' I lImlllol said .state is ( sIx lIIolJth ( ruin the 11'lh ! I I Clay of 1..hl'lllll.n5. \ . and all clallllfol not tiled ! ill ' this COlli I. cltllY'l'l'Ith'lI. , . 1111 or ht-fo ! ' Halll ; last 11:11111',1 I , Ial < ' . will he f.\'I'r b.trred 01'- , .1l'r,1 Iii tIit t'tlul all1'lalrllH II c',1 lJlaillHt : oalll j l'Htall wl1 ! hl' examined " and :111.111..1..11 by tltr , ! cO:1rt. III the county court 1'0111. ill the court , huts III \ o'all'Clt , III said county . Altrn \ tyth , June l'HII : tool 1 . "It"t , 13th , 1' + 05. By order of tilt court dated , 1\.1 brnlry I . Ir'n. ; J. a. I \ \ /t.ltITli. St\t.l [ S-4 Ci.uuty . .Iu.I" ! . Notice to Creditors j In the COllllly Court of Hichal..bllll Comity i ( bra IH1ra. i III the matter of the estat . ' of II"lIry lei " ; { ore ! deceased. It IH onl'r..1 lIy the court thaI tht' I iron' limited for creditors , 10 tilt claims aralllol ; said estate ill six months from th' .llh day or \ 1.ltdll'ln5. allll all claim" lint tiled l I Ihi" 1'0111'1.11111)'rili'II. , . 011 or before Htlllla..t Wanted I ed I date . will he forever h.lrled Ordered fur- ' titer that alll'lallllotil.1 ! ; au-alll oal.I..lah. will 11. ' eallllll'tl and : \Iju"t11 ! lIy the court , lu the county court root . lu the court hou : ' , ' III t'alls l City ill said \ county l\lay 4th . July 4thr tllll Sl'P ; 11'11h'r 4th' 1"OS. . fly onlt I' of the court dated arch IIh 1"05. .t.I R. WilhH" , 11).4 S'an County ' Judge- . . . - . . . . . . . " ' ' ' . . . . . . , - _ . . . . + a . . . _ _ . _ . - . . : + e + . . , . . . . . . . . " " _ ' > H. sa , ' I A titHe Lit ! \ I , , ± ! - \ : . . , ! ' } " : . " .11& , - Pu Ii I : ' ' ! ; --r R ' - - a : : \ - - : ; : : : : : : : l t.- , \ i - . ( pWAll I : T ' ! . . _ . 1 ' , . ; . , . , . . . , . " . I . , .s : ' ' 1 : ' , " - . ' 3. " " . ' r" l ' ! Id j" often productive pf f c'l lsitlt ' .1bIt > i"'at \ hen : it \ \ ill tit ) the most good. Telling' \ < HI that our -lKI.I better than other coal does not make it so , but our willingness - ingness to warrant its lasting - inll' longer anL giving more h " l' : > M heat than coal for which von . pay the same money elsewhere - where ought hasome : to \ ( some weight with the man \\'ho :1 does his " thin kin ' . own thinking. i MAUST BROS. ) i - - - _ _ _ titone _ - - -.ft 38. . . . . . . . . . . _ If VOlt areaStoc\ ! : = man who is independent of Commission Boumon : : \ - mon- ey'e want to hear from youVe arc Strictly Commission Firm and deal with the FREE AND I\DEPENDEi\T : [ STOCKMEN : EXCLUS IVELY \Vrite to us for F. & 1. S. Badge. Charles Dixon COln'n Co. Stock Yards , Kansas City , /\10. \ t 1 'j " : . . . . . . - - ' - --l.-- - ' - - - - - - - - - - MeNall's - t GROCERY . ' , t s Fancy and Staple c I G t'ocerics I . . . . , . . Fruit ! in Seasoi I ea5on 1 I I Satisfaction GUaI" ! anteed , J Free City DeHvev 3 , . ' it I . Phone 40 . I ! ' 'I ' , Storage for a-iotise lold ! 1. And Other Goods ! ' l i ; s - . . v + r eie + xtw + r..crawxm wm . . . . . . . . w- . , . , . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . " ' ' ' ' . . . , . . , . , .ry wnrw - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . - . . . - : . . tn trs..tvx t .1 ! [ \'Herchanlt6 , n& I ' Bt1 siness lvler f s , \Yith hard accounts to col1ct.'t. : I t should place them with { I _ _ _ ! .r.n asvat-lawn : - I t I John L. Cleaver . ! JUSTICE of the PEACE 3 FALLS CITY. NEB I I For Colleefan : or for : : ! t 1 . .ranrzczC-arnsrsnmr--r'Aa..nv . . . avva..w L. o' Small ; Com's on Collections . If . \0 ; Attorney Fees on Suits ! 'Yj' 1 Defendant pays all Costs t . _ t - - . . . . . ' " ' . . . . . . . . . . _ _ J . . _ . . .1./r0 [ . _ M9IISI .1 ' - - - SARA TOGA' 1 RESTAURANT ! SHORT ORDER HOUSE MEALS AND LODGING ! at ail hours ' ( Everything Neat & Clean t C. Vo tiE ! DRCKS PROPRIETOR , ; & \\TALKER ' : : I ; ) PHYSICiAN & SURGEON Office over Cle\'eland's Store e Hours from I to 2 ; 7 to 9 Phone 1 O DON' DO'T ! ) r I " It dun't pay ! Don't SC"11d away for Nursery Stock ! 'ritc best ; trees . the finest 1 fruits , the best results are obtained by purchasing trees of the FALLS CITY NUl SEl Y. A large stock of - . , A.I choice home grown trees to select from. Low prices for High Grade Trces. WM. flOHLER , Proprietor REFRACTIONIST R.L.Baumont , M. D. , Sixth & FeHxSt.Joseph Formerly eye and ear special- 1 . ist now limited practice to - { .j Eye Glasses